"Silent Hill HD Collection has Comic Sans, they destroyed Team Silent's game!"

>"Silent Hill HD Collection has Comic Sans, they destroyed Team Silent's game!"

>play 4
>see this

Attached: Silent Hill 4 Screenshot 2019.08.10 - (824x772, 985K)

The Silent Hill HD Collection was absolutely botched but it's still serviceable if you have no other way to play 2 and 3.

4 is an actually unfinished game though.

it's an orphanage. comic sans is exactly the kind of font places like that use.

LMAO no it's not.

You could tell right from the start SH4 wasn't up to the pedigree of the previous entries with that opening FMV and the stock scream sound effect as soon as you wake up.

formerly harry's

There's a reason why people say Silent Hill ended at 3.
4 wasn't even a Silent Hill game originally and what's released is very unfinished (it's literally half a game, second half is just the first half backwards).

Why is Comic San literally so ugly?

>SH 1-3
>play level and then immediatelly play it again with changes in enviroments
>its good
>SH 4
>play all levels and then play them again with changes in enviroments
>it is bad

>4 wasn't even a Silent Hill game originally
Not true

Fuck you it ain’t

Attached: 32C624B8-6FE4-420E-B11A-8D23C50CE7F0.jpg (620x505, 31K)

Ghost spawns are not changes.

I mean silent hill 4 is also full of shitty stock sound effects, the game is a mess

You responded to wrong person fuckwit.

>4 wasn't even a Silent Hill game originally
proven false a LONG time ago

Are you saying “no it’s not” to serviceable or botched?

My bad if you meant isn’t serviceable.

nice aspect ratio, retard

What was Ross' problem?

Attached: 26169781_1783487601662302_3063523871593074706_n.jpg (960x542, 63K)

I'm not him, I just felt like I had to call you a fuckwit because he clearly meant the "no it's not" to HD being serviceable, which it obviously is not because it's a fucking abomination.

I cropped the picture big boy

Attached: Silent Hill 4 Screenshot 2019.08.10 - (1920x1080, 1.81M)

I mean he made two statements, and Yea Forums argues over both of em. Regardless fuck the HD remake.

Looks good.
What's the problem here?

why would you post ecelebs in THIS specific thread?

Congratulations. You've realized the SH fanbase are pretentious faggots that are completely full of shit.

Being a Silent Hill fan is suffering.

Attached: fhsdhfcggj.png (206x209, 44K)

nobody argues that the hd collection is good unless they are trolling, it's factually incorrect.