>Cyberpunk 2077 will feature anti-gun, pro-multiculturalism and pro-queer propaganda
>Yea Forums will eat this shit because meme hollywood actor
Cyberpunk 2077 will feature anti-gun, pro-multiculturalism and pro-queer propaganda
You can't be pro-queer if you're anti-gun.
I won't. I've never been interested in this game.
>blaming zoomerist hypefag mentality and /pol/mutt Poland cocksucking on based Keanu
So which one are you OP? A zoomer, or a /pol/mutt (or both)?
It won't matter, Americans will never get to play video games again!
Punk??? Cyberpunk??? Being progressive and lefty? No way! Bros i thought it was about Harrison Ford in a trenchcoat!! WTF?
That white girls tits were fucking nice
Grow up.
Why do poltards care about the dumbest, most irrelevant shit? America is an absolute dumpster and it's not because of buttfucking
>A dystopian world has people lopping off their dicks and changing their bodies with tech
Man, remember when we used to laugh at the SJWs for projecting their beliefs into video games and getting mad when they didn't follow suit, while we sat back and didn't give a shit?
What the fuck happened?
no Yea Forums will eat this shit because it's one of the few big budget rpg experiences to come out in the near future and i like video games. vote with your wallet all the way to the no fun zone dude
because it's a dystopia you braindead retard
Grow up and Hydrate Zoomer
We're still like that. /pol/tards saw that and thought they would be in good company here though, not realising that we still don't give a shit about their retarded bullshit.
>Punk is left-wing
Hydro Thunder is a good game
i really don't care, im going to enjoy the game for what it is while you continue to cry about it
what do you think cyberpunk is as a genre?
No, Yea Forums will eat that shit up because it's an overhyped CD Projekt Red game.
>>Cyberpunk 2077 will feature anti-gun, pro-multiculturalism and pro-queer propaganda.
Did I miss out something or are pulling shit from your ass to do le epic bait?
after years of progresives ruin gameing, you nullbrains cant imagine game that game can present progresive valuses in negative dystopian way
do you really need to ask?
This. Cyberpunk has always been hypercritical of modern economic structure and conservative culture. The same with rage against the machine and ten thousand other cool and fun counterculture products.
Punk has always been a huge throbbing "FUCK YOU" to right wing stuff. Anybody who thinks otherwise has been drowning in cognitively dissonant doublethink.
I like cd project red and Poland.
>Yea Forums post making statement with no source
>Yea Forums will eat this shit because meme arrow means it's a quote
How is homosexuality and identity bullshit remotely political? Just because corrupt politicians use it to get retards to vote for them doesn't mean it's political, it's just a device of emotional manipulation and persuasion
Is there something to back up op y/n you retard?
When has punk ever not been left wing?
>The same with rage against the machine and ten thousand other cool and fun counterculture products.
Well but this is USA culture. Japan cyberpunk is conservative
Ramones, the people who invented punk culture. This was later hijacked by anglos
White males are faggots who are forced to eat up trannies, homos and niggers and ask for more. And you will not squeak in protest, or you will be fired from your job and left homeless in a camp full of mexican MS-13 gangsters who will use your anus as an ashtray.
t. black man
No it won't, dumbfuck.
Cope, revisionist tranny
Why is global warming a political issue? Why is abortion a political issue? Because those are the issues politicians talk about.