Games where you can assert your dominance over nature?

Games where you can assert your dominance over nature?

Attached: KESLA 25RH-II.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)


that's pretty cool

Rain World

I wanna learn how to operate it.

Attached: 1412952252106.jpg (191x234, 25K)

Breath of the Wild

i wish that was my job


From Dust
Far Cry 3
Tokyo Jungle

GOD I WOULD LOVE to kill liberals with this.

Attached: Operation - Fuck this planet in particular.jpg (400x800, 73K)

Dwarf Fortress.

Attached: 1519179476647.gif (252x320, 248K)

>humanoid mecha are good for construction and heavy labor
How will mecha even compete?

I would've said Stellaris but those Swedecuck devs literally ruined the terraforming and planetary management side of the game. I still can't believe how much they fucked up the game.

That is one fantastic piece of engineering.

How can lumberjacks even compete


my lumberjacks are augmented

Like this?

Attached: descarga.jpg (297x170, 7K)



Attached: 7qociqivq2a31.png (1920x1080, 3.72M)

There's one in that very webm.

The Leaders of the world sat around a secret table!
There was a threat to humankind they must defend against!
To fight against Godzillas they just simply not able!
Doom robots from the future could be met with no defence!
The leader of the Germans stood with a triumphant roar!
"I've got it, lets create a machine that is totally great!"
"A massive steel leviathan with blades covered in gore!"
Beelzebub himself will fear, the KESLA 25RH-II!

in what way? I haven't played in a while

I was wondering what the fuck happened with this game, I see it's now an Epic exclusive. I'm getting tired of pirating shit bros, why won't they let me pay for it with money on Steam instead.

god i wish that were my penis

too bad you never leave your basement huh

>why won't they let me pay for it with money on Steam instead.
they didn't want your money, they wanted epic's money. they said, "fuck you and fuck your money"

shit thread, Factorio is the one true answer

We're so fucked in 10 years ...

this poster glows in the dark

Man, i wish i could build a machine like that someday

age of empires, you can fell every tree, kill every animal, dig up every mineral, and plaster every spot of grass in the entire world.
especially in minecraft you are completely unable to.
no matter how much you dig and build, you will never ever be able to make any sort of meaningful mark on the infinite world.

That's really impressive. Too bad we can't plant new trees with the same efficiency.

squirrelfags seething

in age of wonders 3, dreadnoughts can shit all over nature - their big boy units clear forests when they move and earn gold out of it, and the dreadnought himself can also level up to do that, plus a bunch of other stuff that involves not giving a shit about nature

but that's about it

Good luck with 2 cops by every Walmart now.

automatic tree planters can work even faster.
the part that takes time is preparing the ground first, a problem which the deforester does not have.

Is that from jayce and the wheeled warriors?

That is painfull yet pleasant to watch

Hi guys, lolichad here
I just wanted to let everyone know I will NOT be honouring bans placed against me, since they were instituted by newfag janitors based on reports by newfags tourists.
I will continue loliposting unabated despite transexual conspiracies
Complaints can be directed to reddit

Attached: 4EF6E408-EF19-4947-878D-DE83E0E39474.png (650x1058, 674K)

tossing seeds on the ground is all it takes

you are keeping janny from getting his performance bonus i hope you know

Based as fuck

Literally removed planetary tile management altogether


kys pedo


imagine that thing but smaller and on your dick

British spelling
>newfags [sic] tourists
Improper pluralization indicating a poor grasp of the language and reinforcing the notion that the poster is stupid. All points in one direction: Canada.

So what do you want with this thread in particular you fucking leaf.

There are still heroes left in man.

>only one person said Factorio
there literally isn't a better answer. Plenty of games let you fuck up the environment, but how many of them also let you nuke environmentalists?

>nuke environmentalists
Isn't that a must-have feature in every respectable 4X?

Maybe people didn't say it because factorio for the most part is barren wasteland anyway.
You don't destroy any "beauty" even if the occasional forest looks mighty comfy

Eh you don't really get a visceral sense of dominance over nature in that game, it's just cutting down trees in a desert and killing weird bugs

what game

It's only Epic Store exclusive for a year (while it's early access)
Just wait a few more months and they will no doubt put it on Steam when their contract is up.

they're one of those devs who act like retards on twitter about it so I wouldn't be surprised if they don't

I never followed this whole thing. Why can't you just buy it from that other store? Does it cost more?

Endless Space 2

Attached: 1521703594480.jpg (1920x1080, 280K)

First answer should have been Spintires



No, the problem is just that Epic is bringing console exclusivity to PC through the way they're forcing themselves into the market. They pay a lump sum to developers to lock their games to the Epic Games Store for a while. It makes sense for a business perspective. Developers are guaranteed to make money from the game even if nobody buys it, and Epic gets more users for its store by forcing people who would rather play the game on Steam to do it on their store. The only problem is that both parties in this deal are basically saying "fuck the customers, they're dumb pieces of shit and they'll make this work anyway". Which is not wrong, mind you - that's capitalism. But they're not even being subtle.