P-please don't delete Mikan's thread!

p-please don't delete Mikan's thread!

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I want Mikan to break all of my bones so im always in need of her care

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Literally my dream

Goddamn, you’re making me want to play Island Mode again and hang out with her.

Were you faggots doing ERP shit or something?

That's a bit scary. Maybe I can hug mistress Mikan really hard until all those bad thoughts go away
No, jannies just hate Danganronpa

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No, just posting Mikan and talking about the game.

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I love to play Island/school mode after finishing all the free time events because it actually feels like a coherent story where you just hang out with the characters. I wish there was more stuff like that

I want to deny Mikan her punishment.

Whoa, that’s an interesting one

>Maybe I can hug mistress Mikan really hard until all those bad thoughts go away

You can't hug the crazy out of someone.

I want to cum inside Mikan's butt!

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You never know until you try

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Mikan loves any kind of attention, it doesn't really need to be a punishment. According to her free time event
Someone depending on her > Punishment > No attention
Despair Mikan could be another story, but she still seems to switch between hardcore masochist and sadist like Junko

what about sexual attention? it's hard to believe she doesn't get hit on all the time. a woman if that kind of personality probably is a huge whore who fucks anyone that asks

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It's canon that she's a slut. In DRV3 one of the girls has a machine that tells how many people you've been with and she points it at Mikan and is shocked at the number.

So who was the first one to get knocked up on Jabberwock following DR3?

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That's so mean. We know that she was forced to undress when she did something wrong and that the bullies did stuff like burn her body. It's almost confirmed that she was raped

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Who would be able to solve epsteins death?

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More like confirmed that she's a massive attention whore who will fuck literally anybody just to get attention.