Why does everyone want to take my video games away?

Why does everyone want to take my video games away?

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It's okay when it trolls the libtards epic style

i wanna pound anita's sweet phat armenian pussy so bad please.... i would pay anythinggg

She is also Jewish so your children will be Jewish too

Leftist rhethoric has actually censored videogames
Right rhetoric hasn't since they put green blood in mortal Kombat

If I call sarkesian a moron I'm a misogynistic terrorist
If I call Donald trump a moron I'm a hero

So no it's not the same

Attached: SVU_Intimidation_Game (1).jpg (400x249, 24K)

Based and, dare I say it, utterly redpilled.

I still haven't watched the actual episode, only a few snippets. I don't think I could survive the sheer amount of cringe in there.

This is a retarded image. Anita Sarkeesian is not equivalent to the president of the United States when it comes to power and influence over societal issues and legislation. This is another shit-tier conservacuck "BOTH SIDES BAD" false moral equivalency

>Video games desensitize you to violence

What did he mean by this?


The right has censored plenty of vidya in europe and australia
The left has censored plenty of vidya in europe and america

Its exactly the same


>Anita Sarkeesian is literally the president of the United States
Damn, I never knew....

that's not how religion works user

Don't worry guys, violent video games will get censored around the same time the wall is built.
So we are going to be able to, at the very least, enjoy Mount & Blade 2 before that happens.

jewish is also an ethnicity, or did you think the olive skin, brown eyes, short and fridgy body type, curly hair and long nose stereotypes came from nothing?

Don't be stupid. The person you replied to either doesn't care or is to Young to actually know anything about either side of the isle. Both are dumb. Left is just slightly better is some regard.

>still believing Anita said playing games make you sexist

>"playing video games aren't going to magically turn players into raging sexists"
kek always fun to see how memethinkers protect their narratives through ignorance


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Reminder that it was never about video games.

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by that logic muslim is also an ethnicity because the majority of them look the same

>Anita says video games don't turn you into a sexist
>Trump says video games make you violent
Well the distinction is clear now, right wingers are worse than left wingers

The fact that we're still questioning if violent video games cause mass shootings in 2019 is absurd. Boomers, the same ones who get their worldview from Fox News and vote for Trump, are dumb as shit. Trump is a massive fucking idiot and if you can't see that then you're no better than these literal boomers who want to restrict violent video games.

At least I am not the only one.

There's no equality here, Sarkeesian bases her views on just a general feeling and anti -gamer feminist rhetoric. The conservative concern on violence is at least reasonably well researched in the literature; though, the jury is still out on if it's bad or not. I don't think it will be a problem until we get realistic murder simulators in VR.

>comments and ratings disabled

>Left is just slightly better

>“These are quote-unquote video games, and they’re forced down our throats under the guise of protected speech,” says Bevin. “It’s garbage. It’s the same as pornography. They have desensitized people to the value of human life, to the dignity of women, to the dignity of human decency.”

They have been in most cases. Even when Hillary was against video game violence, it came from a place of ignorant conservativism.

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>he actually watched her videos


Anita's videos were just criticism about how games handled women, the point wasn't to take them away. Did Sargon really think that was the meaning of them lmao

It's almost like both puppets are being held up by the same guy...weird...

No, you are just retarded.

>the olive skin, brown eyes, short and fridgy body type, curly hair
>all of the above + long nose

It's pretty simple. Nothing new has been invented to become the scary new boogeyman for people to blame for everything

>(((same guy)))

Is Count Dankula aware of this?

>blaming the politicians when you should really be blaming the white incel shooters for doing it in the first place

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Lemme check

Ask /pol/. The exact same dipshit talking points that came up during GG are the same things /pol/tards like to spout about The Libs or Teh Browns or The Gays. This time, it just backfired on them epically.

>la creaturas

video game gore is so far from real gore it's not even funny lmao, no one will get numb from video-games

Is christian a race?

>true communism hasn't been tried yet
>no mass shooter has been truly white yet

Or maybe just maybe it is because white men have been completely alienated by todays atomized society that hates them for existing

Who gives a fuck? My kids could come out looking invisible as I long as I can keep pounding that sweet Anita pussy till the end of time.

It was removed because it was full of trolls and rape threats.

>Left is just slightly better is some regard.
tell that to snoycucks lmao
when has the right ever invaded, infested and corrupted a company from the inside?

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One has political power. The other is Trump.

What the fuck are you talking about tranny

Being white is so hard. I demand reparations for the abuses I've suffer just because I'm white!

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Are we supposed to get mad without knowing what we're getting mad about? Isn't that how the misinformation that discredited GG at it's inception spread?

>implying middle class whites don't still have the piss-easiest lives compared to minorities

Isn't it funny how it's ONLY left wing videos which have comments and rating disabled?

Nice strawman kike

did you just realise that /pol/ and sjws are two sides of the same autistic moralfag coin?

You do realize she's broke, right?

>Are we supposed to get mad without knowing what we're getting mad about?
Where do you think we are?

yes but at least with /pol/ you have free speech with SJWs you don't

>White persecution complex
There is nothing cringier than this. Nothing.

You spend too much time online. People only say those things online because of how easy whites have it in reality compared to everyone else.

Shh, jannies will ban everyone in the thread if they catch on that we're onto them.

lets say murica ban guns instead of attending mentally ill people
>shooting stop showing on the news
>new headlines are: muggings and stabbings
>murica proceeds to ban knives
>now people is beating each others with aluminium bats and any object they can find to inflict damage
>now you need a license to buy dinner knives
i see it now, murica just wants to be like the UK, how about you mutts instead re open mental facilites and enforce them?

No fucking shit. The centerpill is the truepill.


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>le pol and sjes are the same

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you know ashkenazi jews are a race, right?

>you should really be blaming the white incel shooters

>blacks killing other blacks doesn't count

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>banning video games is free speech

Trump doesnt want to take video games away

Both can go into the trash for all I care

Nice strawman

so you're saying Trump is worse than Anita then?

As a woman, I don’t care about violent video games, they can take them away.

I can't believe you got people replying to you claiming being jewish is purely religious. Yes retards, its an ethnicity too.

I'm the victim now

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That's because progressivism is a new religion of the west and SJWs are the new puritans
Both are based on dogma that can't be questioned


grow up incel

Because they did a lot of sick shit in those institutions and there's still people alive that remember the bonafide crimes against humanity that went on in those "hospitals" so it's career suicide for a politician to talk about reopening them.

Now, strange thing, there are facilities in place to care for the mentally ill who are low or no income. They're just in the middle of fucking nowhere and have weird names.

"Everything offends me and it must all be banned." -SJW

>Violent videogames get the ban

>Violent video games, portrayal of women, portrayal of religion and freedom of speech must all be banned

they are, and no amount of regurgitated strawman drawings will change that

>Implying knives are even a tenth as effective at killing people on mass as guns
There's a reason why the highest ever record for mass killing with knives is at like at 75 people, and even that was an extraordinary event well above the average.

Guns kill at least a dozen people on the average mass shooting.

>Europe or European-centrist countries
>Having a right-left dichotomy
Imagine thinking that parliamentary oversight vs fuedalism is the same as right and left in America






nintendo are the only ones making good games anyways, they can take fortnite if they want to

I like how this image, given the proper context of who made it and what message they're trying to send, is actually a perfect example of what the strawman's argument is. Its very existence proves the strawman correct.

Quite ironic considering /pol/tards start foaming when muh amendments are questioned.

>blacks killing youths
>video games not getting banned

>white incels killing people
>video games get banned

think before you post white incel

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WTF bros I thought based Trump was supposed to be our guy???

Now white people live under reverse Jim Crow. Now we are not the default. Have you seen how many minor characters in movies are not white anymore!

>it's ok only for niggers and wahmen to play victims

>how easy whites have it
Whites are literally the only reason the entire system hasn't collapsed, all other groups have negative economic impact

We are the only group that won't fight back physically, let alone leaving out house

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are you forgetting that it was because of conservatives that cartoons and games were constantly censored?
they hate pretty women, freedom of speech and anything fun as much as sjws
sjw and /pol/ are meaningless terms that both just mean "moralfagging normalshit"

America is literally the only country in the world with a gun problem. There are plenty of European countries with high gun ownership and negative gun deaths

>slippery slope logic
You do know why people are carrying out mass killings with guns more often with knives, right? 22 people wouldn't be dead in El Paso if the guy was using a knife let alone just a simple hunting rifle. You don't even have to ban all guns and here you are trying to protect knives from an imaginary scenario.

She's not ashkenazi, and even then that's just eastern european. Stop buying the propaganda, religions aren't races.

>implying anyone has said banning

>hurr /pol/ wants free speech
>no they don't
literally the same as sjws


>hurr durr everything I disagree with is strawman

Anyone can PLAY the victim, the only question is who's more believable? Is it gonna be suburban Michael, 19, $115k parental household income, who shoots up a school because he can't get a girlfriend?

>There are plenty of European countries with high gun ownership
Not even a fifth as high as United States gun ownership

are you saying knives are as hard to find as guns in the US? if you leave mentally ill people free on the streets you will always be in danger of passionate crimes happening

>hates them for existing
>crime and IQ stats circulating showing that the country would be better if it were only white
The problem is in your head.

>are you saying knives are as hard to find as guns in the US?
No, I'm saying guns are significantly easier to kill a mass of people. Killing more than 3 people with a knife in a mass-attack is insanely harder.

>implying middle class whites don't still have the piss-easiest lives compared to minorities
Only if they are female

being a male is a much harder existance than any female
Being a black female is easier than being a white male
If I could choose I would rank it this way
White female > Minority female > White male > Minority male

>freedom of speech
the conservatives are the ones calling out the sillicon valley censorship, not the SJWs
the SJWs LOVE censorship, puritans alike

Yeah I'd rather be in the UK and get acid thrown on my face

I just miss how the Internet was before everything turned into a political shitshow. From what I remember, it seems like people on the Internet weren't that interested in politics until around 2014 or 2015, then everyone went nuts.

They're the ones concerned the most with trigger warnings, threats, toxicity, sexism, and racism so no.

Both leftwing and rightwing have censored games. It's just that leftwing is more prevalent in society right now and prevalent in the media.

Yes if you call Sarkesian a moron the left calls that harassment, and if you call Trump a moron the left treats it as you speaking truth to power. Yes, that's an issue. If it's between Trump and Sarkesian, you might pick Trump, but maybe there will be a better option.

>Trump: "Video game violence & glorification must be stopped—it is creating monsters!"
>Also Trump: "We must stop the glorification of violence in our society. This includes the gruesome and grisly video games that are now commonplace. It is too easy today for troubled youth to surround themselves with a culture that celebrates violence. We must stop or substantially reduce this, and it has to begin immediately."

>Anita Sarkeesian: "Likewise, engaging with these games is not going to magically transform players into raging sexists. We typically don't have a "monkey see, monkey do" direct cause-and-effect relationship with the media we consume. Cultural influence works in much more subtle and complicated ways"

wtf i agree with anita now?

>I'm saying guns are significantly easier to kill a mass of people. Killing more than 3 people with a knife in a mass-attack is insanely harder
T. Retard who doesn't realize that killing a large group of people with any weapon is easy due to herd mentality

I can't wait to vote this asshole out of my state in November.

Is that why black females are probably the lowest earning group in the US?

go and read

after you're done you can come back and talk to me

If you go into a public bathroom and stab everyone who comes inside, how many people do you think you would get before getting caught

(hint, the bodies would start rotting before anyone caught on)

still, leaving those madjacks out will cause problems anyway, so why not attack the genesis of the problem instead of blaming guns?

White males have some rights but ALL responsibilities while women have more rights and almost no responsibilities

you're a tranny and you should 40% yourself

Both are right. But Donald and other conservatives is wrong to think that it's the fantasy violence itself that makes people violent. Rather, there is something intrinsic in video games, graphically violent or not, that turns young men into recruits for the GOP or worse. Those people in turn might become violent to further the political agenda the video games made them subscribe to.

Trump literally wants to get libel laws changed just because he doesn't want the press to censor him, and he literally said that he doesn't think mainstream media is "free speech"

>Being a black female is easier than being a white male

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Guns are easier to commit mass murder with. It's why we give weapons like the one used in the shooting to soldiers. What's funny is that bombs are more efficient at killing people but America hardly has bombings because they're controlled and not readily available. You can make them but it's more convenient to buy a gun. It's almost like convenience and control are factors.

>press to censor
I meant "criticize", not censor.

Anyone who wants to ban things should be killed

We should use authoritarianism to forever destroy authoritarianism
If you dont believe in freedom you get the bullet

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There were 40,000 gun related deaths in America last year and I don't know how many injuries. How many acid related deaths are there? How many injuries?

>generic NPC insult
>no rebuttal
Trumpfag admitting defeat, lmao

Blame the smuggling of interstate guns for that. We need stronger gun regulation.

Regardless, the right wing are attacking video games because they are beholden to the gun lobby and need a scapegoat. Walmart already bent over and the right wing thanked them by having another of their nuts walk in with full body armor and an assault rifle waving it around.

t. bedroom ancap

>passes legislations to make gorey shit not so easily accessible to underage zoomers

>BAN all of them!
>Video games are sexist, racist, misogynistic, offensive and violent

When did men become so whiny?

No, you were right the first time

this is normalfags entering the internet because of smartphones and tablets, literally all of this political garbage can be traced back to dumb phoneposters sitting on the bus or in class

>Slippery slope
Constant proof that all slopes are slippery but user continues to claim that this slope has friction


>tweets impotently


I hope you mean 'hold him accountable for his lies and not 'censor'
What trump wants to do is censor the press.
Either way, pushing that forward is the worst idea possible because people would use it to destroy the conservatively biased media.

Trump is a stupid zogpawn, but Anita is far worse in terms of general freedom

How many gun related deaths in Mexico and Brazil, both which have restrictive gun laws?

When did the SJWs call to ban something? In the Hatred threads people struggled to find anyone credible who wanted to ban it.

When they became emasculated and lost a sense of purpose

>negative gun deaths
so they shoot dead people who resuscitate?

>Ignores the part where Trump says video games are violent and causes mass shootings and white nationalism/mental illness

extremists are mentally ill and should be locked up

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>hey look, we're better than some gang crime controlled third world shitholes
Why don't you compare yourselves to western European countries sometime?

>What is sony
>What is feminism
>What is the metoo movement
get the fuck out newfag

because you never voted libertarian

even though lots of stupid people listen to either, only one of them has actual power.

Americans with their meme politics are the once distorting the political spectrum

>"playing video games aren't going to magically turn players into raging sexists"
But also 'media influences people and anything I say is sexist is sexist. These sexist tropes would be a problematic example for the people who play these games and thus they will know it's wrong and will think it's right because they see it so often. You should hire me as a consultant and give me money to tell you how to censor your games so as not to have problematic sexism in them.'

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>What about this places were it has been tried and doesn't work

Gun laws are the new communism confirmed

whites earned that

It might be the same shit from a different asshole, but I still love anal.

You chose right-authoritarians and left-authoritarians instead of taking the freedompill.

You poor summerfags

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Based Anita never said this. Honestly there is nothing much about her to be mad about. Her points are straightforward and pretty banal as far as "SJWism" goes.

you know you could just replace the sjw buzzwords with /Pol/ buzzwords in that and you'd get the same thing

The right doesn't exist in western europe

sjws have never said any of that, lard gargler

>jewishness isnt a race
actually it is, the reason jewishness is passed by the mother and not the farther is because of the X and Y chromosomes

A none jew with a none jewish X and Y, makes kids witha jewish girl X X
if they have a boy X Y (jewish X)
if they have a girl X X (one of the X = jewish)

whereas a jewish man will not always produce offspring with a jewish chromosome
For example if we have a (half) jewish man with a white X and a jewish Y and he has children with a white girl X X both white
If the child is a boy It will be X (white) Y(jewish)
If the child is a girl it will be X (white) X (white)

its 100% a race and jews are much more redpilled about race than most races since they know its only 100% guarenteed to be passed down if the mother is that race

you realize that you just argued for your own incarceration?

>implying this is a sincere effort of "the left" and not a big corporation trying not to get PR
the ones who actually care about better material conditions for the working class and the ones who pearl-clutch about "why we need more trans latinx woc in the meda" aren't the same people, even though the latter group thinks they are because they're retarded

>Private group saying certain games can't be streamed
>This equates to all games being banned

What are these games? I've never heard of any of them except Hatred.

There are a series of events, but "slippery slope" is a fallacy because you have to say why we should take action on X, outline your problems with X specifically. If you are noting trends and you don't like them, you still need to defend why you don't like every subject as it comes up, you can't just harp on what you see as the end result.

For example: Cute anime girls sexualized in video games I am fine with. Child porn I am not. But cute anime girls often look like children, so should we be allowed to sexualize them? That's just a slippery slope to normalizing sexualizing real children. Child beauty pagents normalize sexualization of children, should those be illegal? Is this all animes fault?

No, this is a dumb line of reasoning because we know what is wrong specifically and don't have to generalize the individual issues before we get to what we see as the end result.

*The right doesn't exist in US politics.
And no, neocon cuckoldry isn't rightwing, it's globohomo garbage

show that to /pol/ and they'll celebrate that degenerate pedo weebs are getting btfo

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>sail to new continent
>kill and displace natives
>exploit resources

You mean that false flag group created by the right wing to be controlled opposition and allow the oppressors to play the victim?

A serial killer using a knife will have a much higher score before getting caught than a spree killer with a gun.

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>unironically wanting a private group to take control of the government through clout
discord tranny

Whatever you say mutt

all the cope in response to this as people try to justify their racist hatred of whites lmao

Games don't make you sexist nor violent. Neither do movies, books or any other media. Your social environment and state of living does. Also mental state plays a huge role.

It's really not that hard to grasp, is it?

based af

Sony is misguided marketing which they will recover from.

Feminism is vague.

What did #metoo ban?

>Both leftwing and rightwing have censored games. It's just that leftwing is more prevalent in society right now and prevalent in the media.

Huh... That was my point user

When was the last time a game got censored because it was too violent? I honestly can't remember, they removed the bikini from mortal Kombat but God forbid if anyone wears a bikini

>Being any kind of female is easier than being any kind of male

>no argument whatsoever

RetardEra is such a joke


He said Anita.
Also I like how everyone is controlled opposition from the other side if they do embarrassing shit.

anita pee lol

Government should run the private sector /pol/ppet

The uk also has gun crime
the (((media))) just doesnt cover it for (((reasons)))

I personally know multiple people here that own guns, illegally of course

>When was the last time a game got censored because it was too violent?
Right now due to the shootings

Says the anti-white shill

That's not banning, that's a stream channel trying to stay soccer mom friendly. You can play those just fine.

Fucking christ, these people don't belong on this website.

Blah, I brainfarted, well you know what I mean, it's stupid that scorpion head can get ripped off, but Sonya tits are a big no no

you should see how hard they seethed when it came back online.

>I'm white and I'm suffering aaaaaah

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Well the right wing will claim anything is a false to cover up their own retardation. I.E. all the right wing terrorist attacks that have happened in the past week. And to help dilute actual false flag operations they commit.

not them, but that's because people have always been fighting back every time these retards want to ban something
go to retardera and see for yourself

Saying that you have a victim complex doesn't make me hate whites. I only hate Muslims

>can't stream problematic games but whores flashing their tits is fine
when did twitch become such a fucking joke?

>Mass shooting occurs
>Video games get pulled from stores before guns do

Honk honk

Surely only the right stoops to such tactics.

>When did men become so whiny?
when an entire generation were raised without dads

I'm glad you agree.

>I only hate Muslims

I know Resetera seems like the most important thing to unironic Yea Forumsermin but it's just a fringe website for fucks sake. They can want to ban games all they want (even if they probably don't) but they matter even less than we do.

Trump won't censor anything because he can't accomplish shit. Like really what the fuck has he accomplished.
Lefties actually do have the influence to censor games but they'll do the opposite of whatever Trump says so this may diminish censorship for a small period. If Trump spoke in support of games then I would be getting worried.

You are a joke.

Why is it that the left cant meme?

Dude just ignore him and it will go away ;)
You're just as bad as Drumpf being outraged about his opinion xD!
Enjoy this world you created

>stop being made about being erased from your culture goy

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It's not just about retardera, it's the SJWs as a whole

Really? What videogame has been changed because of that? Did they remove all the gun in Fortnite? Have they removed the white phosphorus from call of duty yet?

Yea Forums has never come up with them wanting to ban anything. Writing about something being "problematic" isn't a call to legal action, it's just saying "let's not support this". It's the same shit that happens here when it comes to SJW games and devs. Its marked as bad in our circle, but that's it.

Why does America always shit on my video game

>Well the right wing will claim anything is a false to cover up their own retardation
And antifa doesn't

[this is what right wingers actually believe]

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In that case why should anyone care about the white race when Europe has been fucked for nearly a decade now?

>le maymay

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Europe is an authoritarian shithole
No guns means a bunch of unelected beruocrats can tell their states what to do

Because here they are unregulated unlike TV, movies, and radio.

Well they are right, vidya should be banned

Did you honestly think the jew nose was a blessing from the chaos gods or somthing for converting?

>girls won't have sex with me this is white genocide!

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They are removing violent video games from stores just like how Twitch or the FGC is sjw for removing video games with sexual content from being played

Western Europe is basically finished, the East might survive if they don't get cucked like the rest

That pepe looks like it hopes for death every night

Truth hurts bro

Attached: Liberals on Crime Rates.jpg (564x767, 59K)

>live in a country an ocean away from homelands that was full of Indians
>import blacks
>take Mexican land citizens
>import for Mexicans
>import Chinese
>claim it as a white ethnostate
This is the dumbest shit ever.

>Yea Forums has never come up with them wanting to ban anything
every time people post that here, the jannies delete them after 5 replies
OAG has a sizable compilation of some of the SJW sins

>east europe
good joke, there's a reason why hitler put those shits on the same level as niggers

Why would you lie now? It only hurts your creditbility

Every fucking time that gets me

>Jizzbrain can only see the world through the lens of white knighting and hoping it gets them sex this time

Then why hasn't every other race shot up schools?

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is that le voldemort face??? that's my favourite maymaay!

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>retarded mutt LARPing as aryan

Why does it need to be justified? Did 1950s America have to justify lynching niggers after sundown?

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top right is litrally me

What's funny is that El Paso is one of the safest cities in America. This guy likely doubled the homicide rate in a day.

>5 homicides
Hispanics are amazing.

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Is she really this hot? Am I missing something?She looks pretty average Why does Yea Forums want to fuck her so bad?

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What culture exactly? Where are you from? What did your ancestors do as a profession? Why did they move to America? By culutre so you mean bitching about the minorities that were forced to come here and forced to stay?

Imagine being so stupid that you actually claim to hate Jews, defend capitalism, hate identity politics, yet base your entire existence on a Jewish created "race".

Attached: true white genocide.png (320x336, 90K)

And then that forced meme got killed with Gritty.
It was funny to see /pol/ try to co-opt it and fail.

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The point is you can't have mass shooting if mentally ills people cant have acss to weapons.
That is true for every country, except USA, so guess what the real cause of mass shooting is.

Attached: USA-tards deserve to die.jpg (1920x1203, 173K)

>spics and niggers aren't violent

>women should be forced to marry me
>otherwise it's white genocide!

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