Why does this machine trigger Yea Forums so much?

Why does this machine trigger Yea Forums so much?

Attached: ps4.jpg (530x298, 16K)

Cause its black

Built-in upboat button.

It's popular, but it's also not very good. The same is true of many video games Yea Forums doesn't like.

because of the sony logo on the front.

what is good then?

PC, I guess, but even that's just in relative terms.

i got pc and ps4 for now. bretty good combo desu

you gotta be kidding me

there is literally no machine that is shitpost more on than the N64

Attached: N64-Console-Set.jpg (3917x2108, 2.36M)

>commercial success
>critical success
Yea Forums hates these things. don't trust Yea Forums's opinion on anything ever, this place is full of contrarian babies who think egoraptor's zelda video is good.

Because there are many xbox retards here and they are jealous that playstation has many good exclusives.

The n64 hardware was held back by nintendo's autism.

>developers can write their own microcode
>nintendo fucking refuses to tell people how to use any of the tools to do it because they don't want to give third party games an advantage
>they eventually give in and all the games that do it are fucking mindblowing technical achievements relative to a 200 dollar console released in 1996

This has been and will always be the case with Nintendo. They hate being with the times, they're always behind in some aspect, and it's never a small aspect either.

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Gotta remember that Yamauchi deliberately made the N64 a hard platform for developers both to cull the herd and control them.

The success of Super Famicom in Japan turned him and Nintendo into assholes.

Because Sony has become fucking evil since it launched. Last gen they were the good guys.

you my nigga. sekiro for life

Nintendo was, is and will always be the Apple of Vidya

Because it a shitty console produced by a company that panders to trannies and loves censorship. Snoy also popularized the """cinematic experiences""" that are plaguing games nowadays.

>makes new things to make life easier through technological advancement
>creates unnecessary gimmicks no one wants or likes, continues to make them for future consoles, refuses to catch up with the market in hardware capabilities

The only games worth playing on it were also on PS3
Bonus they killed the PS3's online after people realized this.
Also no PSHome
And they crippled backwards compatibility something, admittedly they did over the course of the lifespan of the ps3, but still it's a utterly repugnant situation for them to kill it, when they already have working software emulators.
Additionally, this affected the Vita's PS1 games in America, indirectly, because those were also killed to try and push the Vita as a PSNow machine.

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yep, releasing a $999 monitor stand is very technological advanced

>Gotta remember that Yamauchi deliberately made the N64 a hard platform for developers both to cull the herd and control them.
outside of the microcode and cartridge size limits, citation needed

>uncharted 4
>uncharted lost legacy
>ratchet and clank
>infamous second son
>infamous first light
>the last guardian
>horizon zero dawn
>until dawn
>god of war
>days gone
>tearaway unfolded
>gravity rush
>gravity rush 2
fuck off ps3kiddie, but yes, it's sad the ps3 had a better exclusives library than the PS4.

Don't ever (You) me with the shit remake of Ratchet and Clank when the collection existed for the same price.

Just keep it to Yea Forums and no one would care.

Ratchet & Clank isn't even a good game compared to the original by itself. I was so disappointed by that remake.

Remake was good.

Attached: ratchet__clank_ps4_vs_ps2_a_grafika_tukreben_video_1.jpg (1920x1080, 292K)

Did you post the wrong machine or something? You're not even allowed to criticize that here on Sonygaf anyway

Nah, remake was trash. Only good thing about it was Gaspar and the Clank levels.

>Last gen they were the good guys.
>PSN hacking
>"Power if the CELL"
>Multiplats performing worse
>Japanese games down the shitter for an entire generation thanks to their garbage proprietary architecture
PS3 was the worst Sony system by a large margin and the sales reflect that. PS4 is such a major improvment it's not even comparable

Remake was fun and not trash.

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I disagree. If Insomniac make another Ratchet game, they should have better platforming and weapon design.

I wish it had more fun games, but almost everything is *also on PC

Attached: Fervrhtbythj.png (113x116, 21K)

>tfw people actually believed Yakuza 6 would be released on PC within a few months after the PS4 release

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