Why the fuck aren't you hype?

Why the fuck aren't you hype?
We're going home

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because asmongold

>Why the fuck aren't you hype?

Streamers are supposedly all rolling on the same server. But Asmon doesn't need those fucking yes men leeching off him so he may just decide to troll everyone and ruin the one RP-PVP server we got.

this was 30 mins ago

>rolls RP
>mass bans of his autistic fans as they're incapable of staying in character and spam Twitch shit

>Ah Zandaler Tribe

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Ahhh...shard 6....Asmon layer....home..

That would be ridiculously shitty. Even for that faggot. It doesn’t get much less roleplay than a hopping horde of retards dancing around yelling “invite 2 azmon layer!” I would think blizzard would step in at that point.

Because this recent retarded tactic Blizzard has adopted of letting influencers play weeks in advance dulls hype.
Literally same shit happened with the new Hearthstone expac.

For me, it’s grobbulus.

>one of the pvp servers is being taken over my BRs
>one of the pvp servers is being taken over by streamers
>one of the pvp servers is being taken over by asmongold
I knew it was too good to be true

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There’s 4 threads up that all will reach bump limit and the game is weeks away.


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>stepping in when literally the only person retarded enough to go back to paying a sub for classic are asmonshitters

To all the people who don’t want to see twitch memes in chat
To all the people who want everyone to speak English
To all the people looking forward to wow classic because you want to immerse yourself in a bright spot of your past, I have news for you all.

you are role players


We're not going home, user.

>BfA ui with all the old vanilla menus changed to a soulless modern version
>Retail graphics, cataclysm water, high foliage that changes all the zones
>No addon limit, which means advanced addons we didn't see back then
>Autoloot, and many other qol changes
>Streamer culture
>Real id integration
>Layer hopping to farm resources, or to avoid world pvp and competing for mobs. No server culture.
Enjoy your nu-wow. This isn't the vanilla we wanted.

The fact that there is an rppvp server at all is because of blizzard stepping in after public outcry. They’ve been pretty attentive for classic which is a change for blizzard.

Yes i am hyped™ as well fellow agen- i mean enthusiastic player

No it's just really annoying to have to deal with 14 year olds who don't get enough attention from their friends and family play the game strictly for someone else's sake

I've never played WoW. I want to give it a try, but I have a feeling that I'm just going to end up pissing off spergs who expect me to know every aspect of the game already.

It all seems very alienating for new players.

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Just like every WoW Classic thread, amiright?

Dwarf or +5 swords/maces and 10% rep?

Isn't water graphics a setting you can change back to the original?

Realistically he will roll on the same server as the other streamers, because of the potential cross-content they can produce.

Because it's still over 2 weeks away.

Classic wow was literally created to be a casual newbie friendly mmo compared to others at the time. As long as you aren’t braindead (ie you understand basic mmo concepts like the role trinity) you’ll be fine. Trust me there will be far worse shitters than you and the spergs will have already rushed through all the fucking content in the game by the time you start progressing.

Interesting how everyone’s pissed at asmon for being a coy little bitch about his server choice (rightfully so) but nobody is talking about how sodapoppin is not planning on announcing his server until a couple months into the game for the sake of having a “real wow experience” first, making him a veritable landmine to whoever accidentally chose the same server as him.

>Wotlk kids literally make lines to kill mobs on beta instead of being chads
Lmao, community is nothing like vanilla and instead we got nostr shitters
So why even bother

These guys are kidding themselves if they think people wont figure out where they are day 1.

salt mines are full today

I don’t know why you think you’ll piss anyone off for being a newb. Most people are happy to help

I think Soda way of handling this shit is pretty much based.

EU bros. What's your plan for release?
Sleep on Monday and wake up at midnight and play for a day solid or sleep a normal night but wake up at 4AM, miss the start but be refreshed and alert for the day?

Based, I bet asmon will say your name now.

Why are you guys so obsessed with streamer for?

Going for Grobbulus.

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They gave Chromie to russians, that's not fair bros!

Too bad isn't it?

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Because if you're unlucky enough to get on a streamer server, you will understand why people hate them. When I was playing WoW I was on Darkspear when Alinity was playing WoW, and it's fucking miserable. Her and her band of 50 beta orbiters following her wherever she went spamming twitch emotes when she was in Dalaran was fucking annoying, not to mention have mercy if you were on the opposite faction when she was in your zone with her 50 white knights defending her.

eternal asspain

Well, i'm technically EU(Russia) and probably will roll on EU(not sure yet), so:
>release at 5 am local time
>used to wake up at 9-10 am
>will have comfy lag-free start for full day without hurting my health at all

Because I have a job

I went there, though.

I spent the absolute worst years of my life there.
Why the fuck would I want to go back?

Nice you will definitely get a shoutout now. But dont forget to donate $100 anyways just for being so awesome.

The mining nodes in Mulgore are mine, you hear?

>paying a sub for a single player game

infantalized basedboi

I'm leaning towards getting a good night's sleep but an early start, I often wake early so it won't affect my cycle much and I think by then people will be crashing and or not awake yet so it might be a good time to clear out the starter zone. I think midnight and then daytime will be busier than 4AM

too out there for streamers friendo, no shoutout for you.


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>5 pvp servers on launch
>Layering is worse
>50,000 people on a single AH
>Dynamic respawns
>More streamers than servers
>Game still has queues even with layering

You'll be bored in a few weeks

>want to level my profession as i quest
>mfw trying to find mining nodes at launch

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>2 eu pvp servers
>2 to 3k players per layer
>100+ layers
>capitals completely empty

Don’t worry user, you can just switch layers to find fresh nodes :^)

>want to play priest
>trying to craft a wand at launch

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Any tips on rolling Tauren Druid? Do I level as feral, and then switch to resto for healing at 60 if I want to raid? Never played it in retail.

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Literally just disenchant shit from tailoring, are you braindead?

Being ahead of curve is very important if you want to early level mining.
Getting even past copper is a lot, if you will manage to get fast past tin you literally set for easy leveling till end.

Just don't. Druid is shit. Both in retail and classic.

Why? I hear a lot of people like them.

It won't make me feel the same way I felt in 2004
There's no going back to those days

What shit?
Am I going to craft linen clothing using linen that doesn't exist yet or buy it with silver that doesn't exist yet?

Linen drops from like, every mob in the game. You will get tons of it just from killing stuff.

Leveling as feral is the only way to level a druid. Overall though druids are a mixed bag, at 60 you will heal. PvE druids are the most fucking boring class in the game, but for PvP, my god they're one of the most fun.

You can spam moonfire and steal mobs even if you don't need them

>tfw finished the story
>the story was actually good
>tfw don't resub

feels good, I'd even continue playing if SMN wasn't such a shitty class right now, I really had to force myself to play this shit because it's my only leveled class.


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Still not decided on whether to go PvP or RP-PvP. I never played on a RP server before, only PvP.

I'm just gonna play it by ear the first few days, almost certainly gonna be rocky the first few days so no point trying to make solid plans for that. Week 2 though... Think I'll be taking a week off and settle in for some nice long sessions.

Whitemane is for whites ONLY.

Roll good class instead. Droods are bad at everything (even healing) and exsist only to buff mark/innervate/thorns, debuff ff/is and combat res dead people.

level as balance, its OP

It only drops from humanoids and the spawns are contested as fuck because the game just fucking launched.
And you need fucking 60 pieces to craft a wand.
And you need to farm that shit without a wand.

Hmm that's a bit disheartening. I figured with innervate and combat rez, dots and a lot of different ranks of healing touch it would be fun. Or would resto shaman be better?

I don't really want to go priest.

for people rolling on Grobby


>you can never go home
>it will never be the same

druids are the most played class in retail actually, for good reason

>/1 WTB linen 25c each


druid is hybrid class which means it ends up doing everything, but usually not as good as someone else. This makes them versatile and great for leveling, but bad in raids/dungeons. It's not unplayable either though, so go for it if you really want to.

Yeah they do because they feel needed since the only useful healer class in mythic +10 and higher is resto druid. Guardian? Has always been shit, there has always been better tanks. Feral? Bitch please, better roll rogue. Balance? Enjoy your 5-6 skill rotation and looking like a fucking fat owl. If you want healing pick priest.

Honestly, play what you want. People have been fucking around with vanilla for so long that they've found ways to make feral viable at 60 now, whereas back in 2005 feral in raids was a big no-no.

Where the fuck am I getting that kind of money from holy fuck.

Fuck off, 2 heal druids are fine enough, also free class gear with no contest at all.

Feral Druids are strong levelers because they can open with spells, then benefit from mana regen during combat. Use Cat for single target damage. Bear is useful when fighting 2 or more mobs since you can multidot with Moonfire, then take hits all day.




How DOES money enter the economy anyway? Vendor trash and quest rewards?

Pick a better class to farm for wand, craft it then play priest.

People are going to overtake me and I'll be stuck with the shitters fighting over spawns in fargodeep mine fuck how hard is that to understand?

>rolling lore rape

Enjoy your shattered immersion.

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Money leaves the economy through auction taxes and vendor purchases, ie, it doesn't leave enough unfortunately.

You will never get any top loot which real calsses want

Residence within WoW has ended, FF XIV is my home now.

Fucking weeb has enter the thread. Go play your shit.

I remember running with ferals back in 2005, when I was playing my hunter. Maybe 1-2 at least, I think we had one dps cat and one cat with tank gear who switched to bear for swipetank and emergency pickup if a MT died. Or we just didn't have enough warriors, idk, but I remember 1-2 druids in the melee pile.

Then again we never progressed beyond AQ40

Your problems are everyone else's too. I don't care about people overtaking me, I'm staying right the fuck in Elwynn until I reach 50 Blacksmithing.

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Minmaxers everywhere lol
Enjoy your toxic shitfest

Well, there is no paladins in horde, so it will be easier to get healer gear kinda.
At least you always can be dick and force guild to share some loot since you're literally one and only druid.

isn't it also lore rape for anybody to be a warlock and not get pummeled by everybody in a 3 mile radius

Ok listen up boys, here are the only classes that are useful in classic:
mage, rogue, warrior, priest

Pick only 1 from these 4. The rest classes doesn't matter because they are shit.

Want to buy loot run speed clear of raids you will never see on your meme shit spec for 10k gold?

Not if you're undead.

dismiss your demon in cities and you're just an edgy mage

i am hype af

What server are we going boys

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Except druids are easily replacable since gear doesnt affect their (unexsisting) performance. Best drood is one which puts ff on every mob and never lets thorns to fall off.

cause ive played it and enjoyed it once in my life already. Its like a gf from your past now, sure it was awesome and she gave good head but would i wanna go back?? No so it lives on in my memories were it cant be tainted. by the stain of time.

sullon zek gang report

The one where asmongold is.

If your going horde druid be sure to join raid groups early

How early?

Gonna miss three first days but plans are to roll on rp-pvp and have a comfy time leveling a dwarf.

so unless i do the same and literally no life it like i was is still in highschool i wont be at the same pace as every other classic loser and i just dont have the time or the energy for this typa shit.

Server 2 Asmongold, layer 5

feral tank is actually better than warrior for some bosses, when avoidance isn't a factor and pure HP is better.

IIRC patchwerk was one such fight, then again that's a really easy boss so whatever.

All I know is that they are great for trashmob tanking, just pulling as many dudes as possible and keeping infinite aggro with swipespam. Then AOE the shit out of everything.

Everyone else will realize that to. We've been fed shit like buying lvls for too long there is no going back.

Sadly this.
Autists losing their mind over some 3% dps increase in already math passed raid, just for some speedrun timing.

Never played WoW so why should I care?

layer 5 wtf?

He said on twitter basically the only reason they arent announcing is for name reservation

I am so fucking hyped. I am gonna start fapping to beastess again.

[Spoiler]I am alliance[/Spoiler]

Nobody cares about avoidance or hp. Threat is everything.

prot pala does that the best, but you need gear that returns dmg+engineering.

the meme engineering shield recipe that drops from MC is surprisingly strong on prot palas, you could solo farm stratholme/scholomance mobs if you had some other pieces like it +bombs.

Why are you posting in this thread?
Are you interested?

If they had TBC and Wrath servers I might consider it

u shouldnt move on

Forgot Pic

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there is a reason why i left my moms basement

Thalnos = BR server
stream server is undetermined but it is NOT Thalnos or Fairbanks
Grobbulus is probably safe.

Anything else?

Thats what hybrids actually believe

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who gives a fuck theres no new content ever let the spergs sperg out on what little they get

>fun server numbers have anything to do with real vanilla

minmaxers only matter for world firsts but who the fuck cares about getting "world firsts" in the re-release of a 15 year old game?

Correct, in retail vanilla rets would do even less than .3% dps

>We're going home
Shill pickup line basically.

its hilarious that asmon has 2 braindead paladin friends that are dead set on going ret.

Sounds like they would have lots of fun gearing


>watch it user

You should count overall raid dps, not single person one.
1-5 fun builds will not ruin anything. It's just autistm and not allowing any fun because 30+ players are tryhard autists.

>just carry my useless ass whaaaa
How about no. I would also rather clear raids with 30 people to have more loot per person than take 1 useless shitter. Not like I need any reason anyway coz I despise useless leechers like you.

Yep, thats tryhard autist.
>I have no fun, so no one will get fun

If by fun you mean "dragging everyone around me down and being universally hated behind my back" then no. I have no fun and advise others not to have it. Strongly.

another one of those people who think individual dps is all that matters, kek'd

kill yourself wowfags

Too bad personal dps happen to eclipse utility since utility can be provided by healers and any non-healing hybrid utility is a net dps loss.

streamers meme server
huehuehue claimed it
>Faer something
SA claimed it and Soda said he might play on it instead of stream server

NA east players got fucked

>paying subscription
*laughs on eso*


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girls and sjw trannies killed my guild so I lost all hype I had for this game

>Grobbulus is probably safe.
>Literally everyone and their mom are rolling on grobb
>The ONLY RP-PVP realm so everyone will be on it.
>High chance of some streamer trolling it.

>avoid playing with streamer
>25+ streamers
>5 PvP servers
Good fucking luck.

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In lore most warlocks just hide amongst the other mages. If asked just say youre a fire mage.

it's literally a game for boomers that you can play drunk and high because you have to grind so much that your character literally becomes extension of you. Vanilla does not require skill, it requires only grind.


dwarf obviously

is he going to stop streaming for months? how can this fuckers just stop earning money that long because muh ethics?

He's already a millionaire and is a WoW purist, so I get what he's doing

without running oom every pool? how

how is this possibru
there are no belves



Damn this looks bad, can't Blizzard do anything right?

The technology just isn't ready yet for Classic

its hilarious that his 2 paladin friends want to have fun playing a game, i know

>4 us pvp servers
>1 claimed by streamers
>1 claimed by brazilians
>1 claimed by greater spanish speaking community
wtf this isnt home at all

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best server coming through

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Agreed, this is absolute trash

this makes my peepee the big peepee

>tfw too scared to talk on mic because of voice dysphoria

why does voice training have to be so hard?

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Have a friend flying in from Chicago and we are going to take adderal, smoke a bunch of weed and grind to get ahead of the pack.

>smoke weed
>get ahead
Good luck with that.

here, take your (you) and fuck off

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I can deal with the BRs tbqh

MMOs are supposed to be a grindfest, if time commitment doesn't matter what's the point?

if you're looking for skill-based game then mmorpgs are a terrible genre. absolute worst.

The thing me and my bros love seeing the most are scrubs that are new to the game, new blood is always, always fun to play with. Don't hesitate to join.

what does that mean

I'd rather deal with the streamer and their faggot fanboys over BR

t. guy who couldn't even make challenger

The BRs are going to be massively outnumbered by everyone else playing on the server. There aren't that many of them and they'll at least be split between Alliance and Horde.

The streamers and their fanboys will definitely outnumber everyone else, and they're going to completely fuck up the faction balance on the server.

Who here just waiting a couple days to see how the drama unfolds before subbing and picking a server then?

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>streamer followers that the majority won't hit 60 outnumber an entire nation

Yeah doubt. Also the streamers are pretty evenly split on fractions. Asmon will probably have more cancer with him though.

You're underestimating their autism user

A lot will get far enough

what the fuck

They still won't outnumber BRs. You're delusional if you think so. Look up BRsong.

look up guides. idk what to tell you in terms of what to do, but please don't consult Yea Forums on anything wow related. They will suck the fun out entirely. Druid's are one of the most fun classes