Well done Agent, the funds have been wired to your account.
Well done Agent, the funds have been wired to your account
Other urls found in this thread:
The Clintons have a new assignment for you.
Why didn’t Trump protect his friend from the clintons?
Trump was a Democrat back then
Accident kill
Unnoticed kill
No non-target killed
>Alex Acosta, Secretary of Labour appointed by Trump, was the one to get Epstein and his co-conspirators off of federal charges a decade ago
>in the process he also made sure the 36 victims involved at the time were not given proper information or allowed input on the plea deal that let Epstein go, which is illegal
>William Barr, Attorney General appointed by Trump, is in charge of the federal prison in which Epstein was kept
>said prison, New York MCC, either allowed him to be murdered or commit suicide
>New York MCC has supposedly never had a successful suicide attempt before now
>Donald Barr, William's father, was headmaster at the Dalton School, a prestigious private school, and personally hired young Epstein to teach there despite him being a college drop-out
>Donald Trump previously recognized Epstein as a friend and noted that he has a similar taste in women
>Epstein reportedly recruited teenage girls from Mar-A-Lago to work for him
Because Trump is on the same team as the Clintons for this round
Here's the actual redpill for you: Epstein was just a front for the operation, probably by CIA or some other spooks, to blackmail any influential person they could get their hands on.
my hero
Welcome to Yea Forums, Yea Forums, 47.
This anonymous imageboard is well known for its extreme political influence, pedophile rings and the worldwide proliferation of "Shitposters" on internet.
But under its harmless front, the board is host to dangerous groups of video game posters threatening to scare of advertisers off using their lack of hygiene and social skills to take control of the board, that's why our client, Mr. Nagasaki, hired the ICA.
Your targets will be unfortunately anonymous until the end of the mission due to the nature of the board. Thankfully, our client provided us with an useful information: Your targets post number will end in "47"
I will leave you to prepare.
>Trump is on the same team as the Clintons for this round
They've always been on the same team. Politics are much like wrestling, everyone pretends to fight with each other in order to fool the public but in reality everything is staged and they're all friends behind closed doors.
Security camera evidence deleted.
I take two explosive ducks and some coins.
They're right, it's a sniper map instead
>Throws coin
>Throws coin
>Throws coin
>Drowns target in the toilet
I discovered that the explosive ducks deal less damage than the regular mines.
I was doing that elusive target where you have to destroy his car to attract him, and I used the duck, no matter how often I used them, the car would not blow up. I changed for the mine and it happened instantly.
THAT is user, leading shitposter on Yea Forums and current fugitive from an IP ban for cunnyposting.
Taking out his servers? What are you thinking 47...
are you sure that the car isn't just rigged to avoid fowl play?
Starting a bait thread? Well done 47. Now all you have to do is wait for user to come to you.
Based thread
The CX demo block is by far the strongest explosive in game.
>Huge brick of C4 does more damage than a rubberduck filled with gunpowder
No shit user
47, the tendies you prepared are now ready. user should leave his room to fetch them shortly.
Dont forget William Barrs father hired Epstein at his school despite Epstein having zero credentials at the time. All of these people go back 30-40 years
We received informations on the target 47.
The man have not seen another human being beside their mother in over 40 years and his favorite activity is disguising as a woman. Maybe you two have something in common afterall.
Guard: God, I wish the inmates would wear their pants properly, even behind bars they're still acting like gangsters.
Guard 2: Nah, their uniforms are just baggy. It's not like we're gonna give them belts.
Guard: Right. Must be annoying for them to see the security changing room just down the hall, there's a bunch of spare ones lying around.
Why? It seems like the perfect fit for the series, and there has never been a straight Prison level like the Riot from Splinter Cell Double Agent
belt garrotte unlock when?
they said the AI currently can't handle locked doors.
Whats going on in this thread?
Shit, 47, you've missed your mark. You're going to have to try a different approach, it seems the target is catching onto you.
I want a medieval fantasy Hitman mission for the sake of it.
>ranged weapons are replaced by crossbows and magic
>only melee weapons available are swords, dagger, fish and a wooden mallet
>poison and sleeping pills are potions
>target is a powerful wizard
>mission ends with 47 waking up in a drug den
Phew, thankfully I'm not the target haha.
The AI has the ability to run through locked doors an into restricted areas when panicked. This makes making a prison mission with the current AI impossible.
>Renaissance Fair mission
that would actually be pretty good
THAT is Anonymous. Full-time NEET, part-time alt right terrorist. Quit the resumé.
>tfw my post ends in 47
Well fuck.
A jail assasination mission would be kickass, from just being a guard to dressing up as an inmate and either making an accident like poisoning or just shanking, either yourself or setting up a conflict.
triple 47
Janitor:"Fucking damn it, I have to keep monitoring all these threads and marking them for you guys. I've had this one mod tell me I must have some vendetta for this guy."
Moderator:"Well, that's anonymous imageboards for you. Ever seen those specific times where a raid happens? Insane. So many posts and threads, I can barely keep up with it. Not to mention the odd loli thread."
Janitor:"Loli thread? I think that one user was quite a frequent poster in them, believe he made some threads himself. Man, I guess rangebanning doesn't even work anymore."
Moderator:"No, it certainly doesn't."
Hello. This is me, your mother. I have tendies for a mister Anonymous.
You're playing a dangerous game aren't you 47
>Start playing Hitman
>Played for hours just dicking the Paris fashion show, can't move on
what do you mean can't move on? just complete the story missions?
Sure, but we'll have to pat you down before you come through. Security measures.
Hmmm, it seems the current moderation team is having troubles with the increasing amount of child pornography threads on Yea Forums lately. This could prove to be useful in attracting the target.
There are still so many challenges left though
Hitman made me autistic
Bring it faget, I dare ya!
just get to mastery level 20 and move on to the next level. If you are so obsessed over Paris you will never make it out of Sapienza.
Lads, my Yea Forums is fucked and I can't load images, is this happening for anyone else or is this on my end.
fucking kek
I heard a suspicious noise in the middle of that crowded street. I'm going to check it out.
>If you are so obsessed over Paris you will never make it out of Sapienza.
I actually love that I have something to move forward to, this whole "Here's a fuckton of cool shit you can do, go nuts" has me hard
It's 47 messing with your internet to lure you out of your room
I'm the same way. Play it however you want.