Are any of you guys actually NEETS? How did you get NEETBUX and how have you not killed yourself?

Are any of you guys actually NEETS? How did you get NEETBUX and how have you not killed yourself?

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I don't get NEETBUX I just live with my parents. How do you get them?

I left school at 15 because my mom made me lie to doctors and sign up for disability. Been getting NEETBUX since 17 and got a call yesterday and was told I am getting a brand new 2 bedroom house to share with my brother from social housing. I will get help with all the bills and shit too from the government.

I'm a 25 year old virgin, who lost all his friends when he left school, became a shut in for 7 years and wanted to kill myself a lot. But this year has been fantastic, I go out for walks and stuff more, I joined the gym at the start of the year and dropped from 225 lbs to 175 lbs. I have been on holiday, I had an online thing going for a while with a 10/10 looking Dutch girl but she ended up being bat shit insane, and I dont really care about my virginity anymore and I have embraced the NEET life and find it pretty good sometimes.

My disability for those interested is reynauds phenomenon in my hands and it could develop into rheumatoid arthritis when I get older, I get chill blaines every now and then and my hands hurt if I try washing dishes or stuff like that for too long, and they are also always discoloured but not really that bad.

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I don't, that is why I asked.

Jesus that sounds rough, I actually feel bad for an user on this shithole site.

>Boohoo my hands hurt a little I deserve to never work a day in my life and live like a king
I have a full blown autoimmune disease that leaves me with constant full body pain and on a whole cocktail of medication, but I still hold down a decent job and pay my way. How do you fucking live with yourself?

NEET for 9 years here.
My parents have an appartment that I rent to people and have those money to myself.
I wonder every day how can they love me so much that they don't just throw me out on the street.
Feel like shit about it every day, too.
Thinking about suicide almost every day for the last 9 years.

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Don't feel bad for me.

Where did I complain about my disability and say I deserve to live like a king? Get some reading comprehension you dumb fuck. I didn't ask to have this life, my mother forced me down this path, now if I tried to get a job I would have to pay back all the welfare for the last 8 years and god knows what else. All I said is I have accepted my path and got used to it. Get fucked wagie.

just get some part time minimum wage job to make them happy user. would be better if you get into some comfy programming shit too.

Just work like 10 hours a week at a gas station or something. Things like games are more fun and something to look forward fo after a day of work. Feels good to finish a shift and know that you just made $80.

Gotta start somewhere. If you really hate a entry level job just quit and try something else in the future.

Seething, jealous wagie. See how they lash out when someone happens to have a more independent life than their own? This guy answered a question and this guy just jumps to conclusions about his life. I dont respect neets but I sure as hell don't blame them. Dont hate the player user

based chill NEET. I don't think I could ever live your lifestlye, but you seem like a pretty chill dude. Sorry about the hands thing, that stinks. Keep on keepin' on.

Since high school ended been looking after my grandma. I live in her house, claim her pension and disabilitybux. Then I claim my own neetbux.

Thanks user, have a good one yourself.

NEET for 2 years here, actively trying to get a job though. Been trying to get an entry level position in the IT field, turns out it’s not as easy as I thought I guess.

Been NEET for 10 years and never once thought about suicide. Stop being a pussy and help out around the house.

I rarely go out but I have a game design company and trick local governments into paying me for mobile trash.
I live with my parents so I have basically no expenses.
I go to my office two or three times per week.

With all the time you guys got you can learn to draw hentai and make 5,000 dollars a month on Patreon.

Or you could be a streamer and whore yourself out.

can you get $ for severe depression? i figure they dont care and wouldnt give me anything.

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what country do you live in?

Ireland, why?

I get govt bux for caring for my demented gramps, he will wander off barefoot at 3am if someone isn’t keeping watch on him 24/7, so I play vidya all day while making sure he doesn’t go somewhere. With my elder care bux I got myself a 2006 Honda cbr600rr, so that motivates me to keep going because that thing is a load of fun, only thing that make makes me happy anymore is going for a ride.

just wondering

been govt bux neet for 13 years

Rheumatoid arthritis sucks dick. Better work on those muscles and strech those tendons.

I will in about 3 months but i'm sure as hell not talking about it here.
Plus every place is different
Also, where I live it's better to just get a full time minimum wage job

>people ITT still living with their moms when they can live in OPs head rent free

Telling people to kill themselves, you should do the whole community a favor and just do it yourself

God I would love to be a NEET. Work is bullshit and most people work their whole lives to one day retire so imagine getting to do it early

most human diseases can be alleviated with proper diet. i suggest getting off anything gluten based, meaning anything with flour in it

Good job on the self-improvement, keep it up. Sucks about the hand pains, but it sounds like you're doing pretty well despite it.

Thank you very much user, I will keep it up. Hope you are doing well too.

I'm 22 in a similar situation except stuck with my mother since the government here refuses to give me my own place because my disablity is autism

If it didn't go to me, it would just go to some immigrant