ITT: post your favorite game mechanics
>game has a branching class system
ITT: post your favorite game mechanics
>game has a branching class system
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what the fuck is a whitesmith?
Or in RO's case a class that wacks things with a small pushcart
Somebody who makes decorative pieces rather than functional ones.
why would anyone play this faggot ass class?
What the hell is the point of Super Novice?
whites >>> blacks
Meme playthroughs I think. Getting one to 99 isn't easy.
how is professor a step up from sage?
He has tenure.
>you can work your entire life to end up as a clown
quite realistic
How is that an upgrade to blacksmith?
T. Faggot
dont underestimate clowns
what was that one class in RO that had a skill where you traded your eyesight for extra damage and people used hacks to remove the eyesight penalty?
Thats fucking gay, i like games where you can be whatever you want as long as you train the skill, like runescape
literally the worst type of system. everyone just picks the strongest skills or whatever is most efficient for making money and ignores 90% of the other skills.
Sklll trees, as long as youre not super limited in skill points.
>post your favorite game mechanics
player owned housing/construction/basebuilding
i'll play any game that lets me build my own house
That's not branching they all follow a direct linear path after the initial decision according to your pic
But there's two decisions. Base class then subclass.
I actually hate class systems like this as it means that some classes are inherently better than others with most of them being upgrades of the initial ones
Bleached smiths
Taekwon master, or was it called star gladiator i dont remember
i mean in a capitalistic sense it IS an upgrade to a merchand class. instead of having your customerbase be peasants who only buy what they need, you’re making shit for richfags who buy overpriced garbage simply because they can.
Having cast 0.
The "upgrades" are the same class, though. They can use the same skills, they just have a different name. They can't be inferior or superior because they are the fucking same.
Final Fantasy 5 has the best job system.
>having to go through sub-optimal classes just to get good skills
>Having to make difficult decisions is bad
You can beat the game with literally any combination of jobs if you don't suck, just because your autistic mind requires you to use the "sub-optimal" jobs to get the skills you want doesn't make it bad.
>archer turns into a bard/dancer
>Archers are Clowns
Truly the deepest lore.
I know it's off topic, but I really would like to see an action game where you can change your attacks by crouching to hit enemy's legs or weakpoints or by holding the jump button to attack enemies that jump at you or to hit high enemies or their heads.
Asheron's Call did this in 1999, but you didn't need to crouch/jump to do it. Some enemies were also weak in their back or on their sides.
technically fighting games are a subclass of action games
Yeah, something like this exist in nioh, but I think it would work well in a game like bloodborne where you have to react to enemy's attacks, find an opening and then quickly press the button to execute this special attack.