This game is garbage. I can't believe people say Dark Souls 2 is the worst Souls game when this game exists

This game is garbage. I can't believe people say Dark Souls 2 is the worst Souls game when this game exists.

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Neither one is very good, but at least DaS2 had soul.

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I liked it.

this guy got it right

It's the only Souls game I finished only once. I didn't even buy the dlc.
They really killed the replay value and build variety with stupid shit like
>linear as fuck
>enemies are extremely fast and their attacks have insane tracking forcing you to kill them instead of running past them
>gimped sorcery and way focused on melee
>no way to get high tier gems/weapons/spells
>jumpscare/trap near every item (especially at the beginning)
>rehashed literally everything from the previous games

what is Sekiro supposed to represent here?

totally same dude
im disgusted that people payed 60 dollars for this shit, i mean like jumpscares?? you cant run away from enemies?? totally shit! worst game i ever played, dont even get me started about the fact that uhh you cant get op weapons early, who thought that was a good idea??

The DLC have horrible levels and enemy patrols/locations but the bosses are some of the best in the whole game except gravetender duo, that's just lazy and cheap cancer

I really liked the DLC levels
I get the feeling if the NPC was swapped with pic related nobody would've complained

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How come DaS2 contrarians always deflect critics to DaS3?

>enemies are extremely fast and their attacks have insane tracking forcing you to kill them instead of running past them
>jumpscare/trap near every item (especially at the beginning)
I mean, maybe your points would stand more if you didn't make them sound like a hissy fit after dying and complaining about having died. Also, what's that stuff about multiple health bars? Especially if you skipped the dlc.
>Horrible levels
How come? I found ringed city, golems stairwell aside, to be quite the glorious final area for the trilogy.
>except gravetender duo, that's just lazy and cheap cancer
If only you had ice columns you can abuse against their AI.

Because most of the criticism Dark Souls 2 receives cannot be countered so when 3 came out they could point the finger at it. Their posts are always the same, cue mandatory "M-muh powerstancing" answers.

why is bloodborne a nigger

You know what I mean, faggot. When there's an item, with 5 enemies hiding around waiting for you to pick it up to jump you. The "novelty" wears off pretty fast and it becomes annoying when you fucking do it 10 times just in the first area.

>you cant run away from enemies?
Being able to run past enemies is integral part of the Soulsekiroborne game design. It's what make those game so fun and easy to replay.

The enemies aren't hard to run past, you're just shit.

No, you didn't you deluded tranny.

>The boss fights are goo-
>The combat is goo-

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>what's that stuff about multiple health bars?
Haven't played the game in a long time but there are a lot of bosses with multiple phases/health bars. Hell the second boss in the game is one of them.

Cause sony

>Being able to run past enemies is integral part of the Soulsekiroborne game design. It's what make those game so fun and easy to replay.

I sincerely doubt this is true

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They both do it.
DaS2fags and DaS3fags are the main instigators in every fucking thread and have been for several years now. No reasoning and barely any discussion, just mindless shitflinging.
It's incredibly tiresome that threads about one of my favorite game franchises have devolved into this fucking mess.
Dark Souls 2 is a slapped-together wreck with bugs up the arse. It feels like shit to play and looks ugly as all hell.
Dark Souls 3 is a soulless husk that's a slog to play through.
We should leave it at that and wait until the kiddies in these threads grow up and learn to recognize flaws.
pic unrelated

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>Being able to run past enemies is integral part of the Soulsekiroborne game design
>It's what make those game so fun and easy to replay
Man, it's the first time I've ever heard anyone reference the braindead AI that allows the player to completely break any form of challenge by simply walking away as a positive and highlight of the series. Also
I seriously hope for you that this is high level shitposting and I've fallen for the bait because this is ridiculous.

I loved 3, finished it multiple times.
2 had weird hitboxes and bosses are just dudes in armor over and over again.
1 is classic and i can't dislike it.

Sekiro was nice, but not as cool as souls.

Bloodborne is so cool but it's not on pc, so it can go fuck a blender. I'm not buying a pissStation to play one game i like.

How do you know you like it, if you've never played it?

It's significantly harder than any other Soulsborne game.

It's. Do you think Soulsborne games would be fun to replay if you were forced to fight and kill every enemy you come across?

no joke ds3 is the only good souls game
i dont even get how people say "DS3 IS JUST ROLL ROLL ROLL DUDE LMAO"
when the only difference is ds1 enemies are so slow that is "roll....roll....roll..."

It's usually Ds2 fags going after Ds3 fags because of some inferiority complex, a "If I'm shit so are you" ordeal. Ds1 bullies are to blame at the end of the day, shitting on Ds2 relentlessly lead to the downfall of these threads. If Ds2/3 gamers would join forces and rise up they could easily overthrow the Ds1 fags but they're too stupid to join forces.

>Do you think Soulsborne games would be fun to replay if you were forced to fight and kill every enemy you come across?
Considering I kill every enemy and don't skip them unless I somehow managed to die at a boss, yeah, it's pretty subjective. I mean, power to you, play as you prefer, but don't go around saying that the games are designed around skipping enemies, that has more to do with From's ineptitude if you ask me.

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what a pathetic shit game

While I think it’s level layouts are the most simplistic of the three games, I think this one has the highest level of polish and aesthetics and is the least stressful and fun souls game. Combat is still the same clunky Souls combat but it’s slighly more sped up and things like hitboxes being tighter and movement being a bit faster helps make the game easier to bare. I think it’s the best one but I could see why people would like 1 and 2 over it.

Because almost everything DaS2 does wrong DaS3 does laods more. But it doesn't count cause it's kino Miyazaki fireshit again LOOK ITS SIEGWARD I REMEMBER HIM

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Dark Souls 3 did it worse.

It's a VIDEO GAME. They prioritized gameplay and environmental diversity over pandering to your autism.

Literally every Souls game has them.

Dark Souls 2 is the best Dark Souls PERIOD.
>least linear in the series
>most diverse environments in the series
>longest in the series
>most amount of weapons in the series
>most amount of armor and customization in the series
>biggest build variety in the series
>most amount of magic/miracles/hex/pyros
>best online mode in the series
>easiest to start a build in the series
>best girls in the series
>best and most SOULful covenants
>dual wielding and power stance
>offers rewards for fun challenges such as no death run
>NG+ has new enemies/items/events and some remixed bosses
>the only game in the series which doesn't force you to grind
>3 weapon slots in each hand
>4 ring slots
>reddit hates it

QOL improvements introduced by Dark Souls 2
>you can skip logos at startup (without mods)
>R3 to jump
>you can choose how many of the same item you want to consume at the same time
>weapon durability bar below weapon icon
>inventory items displayed in grids instead of list
>climb ladders faster and being able to let go of ladders
>roll through doors to open them faster
>can turn a specific area to NG+ mode (Bonfire Ascetic)
>can continue your playthrough after beating the last boss and can choose when to start NG+
>controller vibrates when summoned

>enemies are extremely fast and their attacks have insane tracking forcing you to kill them instead of running past them
Love that DaS2 got shit on endlessly for this but DaS3 didn't. Immediately had DaS2 flashbacks when I started DaS3 due to the insane fucking tracking and it blew my mind to see that no one brought it up after I started looking at discussion of the game after I beat it. Massive double standard.

Same thing with gank squads. Just in the first level in Dark Souls 3, I can remember 5 instances of "traps" with multiple enemies getting aggro'd at the same time.

wow you wrote all that?
what an sperg

>Massive double standard.
Are you implying there's a massive covert operation focused on shitting on dark 2 and praising everything else?
>Just in the first level in Dark Souls 3, I can remember 5 instances of "traps" with multiple enemies getting aggro'd at the same time.
I seriously hope you don't mean the corridor with 10 enemies that get all burned out at the same time by the dragon. There are no ganks in High Wall, only uncautious players aggroing too many enemies they can handle.

Game was worse bruh
Omni directional rolling but this did't apply to actual walking and running which only has 8 directional turning, making you move like a robot for the most part.
Sliding stagger
Worse physics in general.
Soul memory,
Paying for roll frames
Nice concepts but shit tier art direction for the most part but it was hard seieng as they painted over a shit foundation that was the original release.
No relevance to prior game and world really, just a new land with no point and some worthless wannabe copycats of the great lords. Main character was never even obligated to light the first flame or anything(He has no reason for anything he is doing come to think of it.), and that isn't even in this game, to boot, so the supposed called quandary that the Scholar (Who btw, lets is a worthless hypocrite, lets make clear.) hits him with. has no real weight behind it.


It's not really covert.

I can't believe you make these threads every day. But here we are.

>I can't believe people say Dark Souls 2 is the worst Souls game when this game exists.
I gaurantee you that if Yea Forums's favorite autistic e-celeb mad a """critique""" video on Dark Souls 3, it would have been Yea Forumseddit's worst Souls game.

>There are no ganks in High Wall
There are literally enemies that call gank squads and groups of roaming knights that can and will get pulled two at a time towards the end of it, not to mention random swarming teleporter dogs that glitch on top of you the second the camera isn't on them.

ps4 exclusive

Millwood Knights should have been in the second DLC as well It was Midir the one who destroyed their tree, right?

>There are literally enemies that call gank squads
Wow, you mean the enemy you are supposed to kill before they can call the enemies? You know, a game's mechanic? That's the fault of the player, not of the game. There are also only two of them in the entire level.
> groups of roaming knights that can and will get pulled two at a time towards the end of it
Are you seriously calling the two lothric knights (the sword and spear one) in front of Dancer's area a gank? Because every other enemy in that hallway can be killed individually.
>not to mention random swarming teleporter dogs that glitch on top of you the second the camera isn't on them
Teleporting dogs have nothing to do with ganks. They die in one hit, just kill them.

I hate being one of those "quotes everything you said and answers" dudes, but this is ridiculous. I agree with dark 3 problems, but saying there are ganks everywhere is ridiculous, especially when this is the best you can come up with.

Shit art direction? The game has the best art direction out of all of them. Or are you a Bloodborne fan who's mad his designs were used and it made your game less relevant?

Nah, both 2 and 3 are bad in their own unique way.

i liked all 3

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Again Ds2fags are focused on the wrong target, Ds1 was the original offender.

>Archers shoot you in the back at Torus demon
> tight hallway with a balder knight, shield spear hollow sandwiches you from behind
> 3 balder knights in a room, only 1 visible before you walk in
> Channeler shooting you while you fight the large knight
> Channeler has 500 hollow friends that are super buffed

Ds2/3 gamers need to rise up

He's talking about Ds2 retard

>Archers shoot you in the back at Torus demon
You must be pretty oblivious if you never saw the ladder. The very first thing I did was climb up it because I knew a boss would appear since I went through a fog gate.

You have to be oblivious to fall for %90 of souls traps, the point is Ds1 was riddled with this shit but you faggots are focused on Ds2/3 for some reason

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>Teleporting dogs have nothing to do with ganks. They die in one hit, just kill them.
Anyone that's going to be an apologist for DaS3's shitty BB dogs needs to be gassed.

Most things in DaS3 it's impressive the first time around but is just a chore after that. Worst offenders are the bosses. It's always fucking the bosses of the game, the MAIN ATTRACTION apparently because Dark Souls is SO HARD amirite. This is what ruined the whole thing and DS3 is the worst of it even if DS2 has seen the bulk of that kind of marketing.

No souls game got the bosses right.
>DS1: everything after Anor Londo can be face tanked with 20 estus and havel's
>DS2: lots of bosses are just bigger regular mobs, most are harmless and core game mechanics like agility is the actual enemy you're fighting against until your numbers are big enough
>DS3: every boss has multiple phases, "dude delayed attacks" is the pinnacle of difficulty to at least somewhat circumvent infinite rolling because it trivializes everything the game throws at you
Honestly after all of this I'm starting to think that DeS did the bosses right and it should've stayed that way. Can't really compare BB and Sekiro to that but I enjoyed bosses there a lot more than in Souls with rare exceptions.

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Why the fuck am I an apologist? Teleporting dogs are shit, I agree, but they have nothing to do with ganks, do you even realize what we were talking about? Is a group of 2-3 dogs attacking you a gank now?
The teleportation retardation (which is real, it's shit, and I acknowledge it) only appears when you try to run from them, this is why I said "just kill them".

Imagine to be such a seething contrarianngger that you have to shit talk the best game of the series because your outdated turd isn't the most popular anymore.

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>Honestly after all of this I'm starting to think that DeS did the bosses right



Circle circle circle r1r1 repeat, how people like this over DS1 or SotFS is baffling to me.

Demon's Souls is the best souls game.

No it's not and I say this as someone who's first Souls game was DeS.

But it's a fun video game

This but unironically. Especially the music.

>No it's not and I say this as someone who's first Souls game was DeS.

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the only issue with this game is that it doesn't have the wanderer set from ds 1/2 when copy-pasting arrmors between games for no reason is such a series wide staple

Serious question: What's the most optimal build to play through NG+2 and beyond in Dark Souls 2?

I'm still at NG+2 and the regular mobs deal a lot of damage, and most of the time I get two-shotted. Help?

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stunlock enemies with power stance maces w/ the stone ring.

make them poison element as well, power stance causes super fast buildup and poison damage is broken as fuck in this game

then L1 everyone to death

I'll do just that. But what about protection though? Go full Havels?


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>80% of the pic isn't included in the game

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>"Yeah I fucking love Dark Souls lore, it's my jam. How did you know?"

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>80% of the pic isn't included in the game
17 used
2 mostly used characters that were slightly edited
2 unused armor sets
3 landscapes 2 of which were probably used as inspiration for iron keep

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Every single thing they've done since DeS has been excellent. God I hate all of you.

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Realistically, nobody would have that much health or stamina by the time they fight what looks like NG Orphan. This player clearly did a crazy amount of grinding


It is. Best level design, most freedom, best atmosphere, best music, most creative bosses even if they're gimmicky, most soul. Although I still enjoy the rest, the Dark Souls games barely improved on it.

there are so many qol improvements missing from DeS that I cant honestly say that it's the best. the game feels incredibly clunky in 2019. take off the rose-tinted glasses

>spam circle
>get hit multiple times
What is that webm supposed to prove?