Should important NPCs stay protected in the next Fallout/Elder Scrolls?
Or would you rather just have children be immortal?
Should important NPCs stay protected in the next Fallout/Elder Scrolls?
no and no.
Morrowind's solution was perfectly fine.
Kids shouldn't be in the game if they're annoying enough to warrant killing them.
I think Morrowind did it right. Lets you kill anyone you want but you may risk the entire story because of it.
>Should important NPCs stay protected in the next Fallout/Elder Scrolls?
No, aside maybe from 1 NPC that is ESSENTIAL to finishing the game, like YesMan from New Vegas.
>Or would you rather just have children be immortal?
Its necessary for them to be able to sell the games.
Also, they weren't subtle about it. Just "suicide" despite how ridiculous and improbable it sound.
It's going to be cookie cutter anyway so it will not matter at all.
Horrible thread
Morrowind did it nicely. You can do whatever you want but don't be surprised if you break the story by killing everyone.
>npc suddenly dies because of other things happening in the world and you couldn't stop
>npc was vital to the story
Some of these systems are bullshit and proof of corruption. Some people really think corruption isn't real in some of these systems.
Even protected NPCs can be killed when you have the command console.
Not everyone is a console peasant, some people are on the PC version and playing the game with different rules than the rest of us.
He's not dead. He's a mossad agent in retirement.
I think the important NPCs in the next Fallout/Elder Scrolls shouldn't be able to commit suicide while they're under Suicide Watch.
Other than that it should be free reign, let players live with the consequences of their actions and if they're especially major ones then maybe give them a warning like in Morrowind did.
Although ideally the game would be able to adapt to character deaths so major plot lines don't just dead end. I understand that can be a complex and bug prone task for the quest designers so just having a way to beat it regardless (e.g. Morrowind's back path or NV's Yes Man ending) works too.
How is that caption unironically true. We will no longer get much needed dirt on the other pedos in power
The Morrowind solution was awful. 99.99999% of the time you're going to reload a save, so why waste my fucking time?
oooh FUCK I didn't even think about this. They did this with another important guy to prove something and once they got the proof they wheeled in the NPC and it completely UNsevered the timelime. I think it happened likea year or two ago.
>not just modding the games to remove the essential flags
I thought someone also made mods that made characters in cities/town immortal to guards/random mobs, but maybe I'm mistaken.
Relevant NPCs should run the fuck away when low on health or something to avoid being killed. Otherwise Morrowind does it best, but not with that stupid ass message.
If you want to be pedantic about it, Yesman isn't "essential" like some NPCs can be in 3 and children in both, since the respawning is explained in game by yesmen transferring to other securitron
Because I don't reload saves, that's gay as fuck. RPGs are about having your own unique adventure, and what makes those stories interesting often start as mistakes.
I mean we're talking about a big open world game with hundreds of quests and a dozen factions. There's always more shit to do. You'd have to massacre half the damn island to actually lock yourself out of the majority of the game's content, and if you're going that far then clearly the massacre is the point of your playthrough in the first place.
I like morrowind;'s way personally, the whole kneeling forever thing was kind of lame
They should probably just remove children anyway, it'd take a lot of work for bethesda to make them not just two kids with different clothes all over the map solely to give out the odd quest or so. I wouldn't really miss them that much.
No and no.
Just force the player to drop equipment when meeting bigwigs like kings.
Killing agents would not stop whatever political shitstorm is around, and if you slash through the castle and kill the political leader, you earned the right to derail the plot. But that would require Effort from developers, and most of stuff you'd need Elder Scrolls for would be tied to stuff outside your plane anyway.
>Not having multiple saves in an RPG
>Not having multiple saves in a fucking buggy Bethesda game
Immortal npcs are trash. Oops, you killed Vivec and have no backup save? You're a goddamn retard and deserve your doomed world.
Pic related screams "The zoomie playtesters were too retarded to figure out how to join the Dark Brotherhood."
I think npc shouldnt be protected no matter how relavent they are to the main quest. Unfortunately they use extreme measures to insure the important npc's.