TTYD thread

Ya'll ever done the prologue pit of 100 trials challenge? How far did ya get?

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No I'm not autistic. I did the normal one though. Killed Bonetail a turn before I would had died.

>prologue pit of 100 trials challenge
wat? I did pit of 100 many years ago no problem, but what is that supposed to mean? Doing it in the prologue? Can you even access it?

You can access it after you get the Paper Ability from Hooktail Castle.

I did it about ten years ago as a screaming autist and recorded it. It's still on YouTube.

>you get the Paper Ability from Hooktail Castle.
Yeah but that's chapter 1.

OP is a retard.

The community name back then was "Pre-Hooktail Pit Run". The only way to access during the Prologue is with Action Replay for moon jump. You can actually attempt it without any partners.

I remember doing it years ago, but I used the danger goombella strat and abused super guard, so maybe it didn't count

I love Parakarry!

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You can't beat it without using Superguard.

Peril Goombella is kinda cheesy, but it's still impressive. Good job, user.

>got to floor 95
>5 Elite Wizzerds show-up
I almost threw the controller across the room.
I eventually beat all the floors though.

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I'm too bad at superguards to ever do that. The breath is fucking bullshit.

I don't get it, you guys want a remake or something?

>'remake' of TTYD
A re-release is fine, but whoever wants a 'remake' completely baffle me. Why would anyone want a remake of a great game that hasn't aged a minute?

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Could use some more warp pipes to cut backtracking.

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so anons, did you smell her feet in chapter 1?

You can use glitches to reach the pit before the prologue ends.

Do you think we will ever see a new return to form game, or did Fire Emblem fill IS' desire to ever work on it again? Would you want another studio to pick it up?

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The real question is do they de-censor the Vivian plotline?

aren't some of bonetail's attacks unable to be superguarded? How do you survive them?

They won't because it's Nintendo.

It's only censored in burgerland so maybe they'll forget they censored it and give burgers the european english translation.

You need to get two pretty lucky badges before you enter the pit and the lucky day badge during the challenge.

i tried it, got up to the 40s and died to one of those pink bombs because i forgot you have to kill them in a specific way to avoid taking 20 damage.

viv was straight up trans in PAL regions? huh.

so you just have to hope the attacks that can't be guarded miss? Actually I guess you'll get enough levels to take a hit or two by the time you get to bonetail so maybe it isn't that bad

Wow, me too, user!

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I love Goombella!

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I cleared it in its entirely before Chapter 8 on my first attempt.
I got a lucky triple shine on the verge of death while fighting against Bonetail which carried me on long enough to take out the remaining third of his health

she's alright bow is better

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I remember when I ad gotten to Bonetail after spending an entire Saturday morning fighting my way out my mom decided I had to come with her grocery shopping to the nearest Walmart that was 30 minutes away. Had to leave the GC running for a good 4 hours before I got back and won the fight. Badge sure as shit wasn't worth it


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user no

I mean after you beat the hardest challenge in the game, no badge is going to be worth anything.

Isn't it mandatory?

This'll show you how to do it:
And yes, I know it's tool assisted, but I've performed these glitches and can confirm that they work. It's just really difficult.

The glitches start around 11:45

I've done it I just thought you had to complete it to progress the story

No, the pit of 100 trials is optional.

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