>The Last of Us II is going to be another overrated movie game from Son-
The Last of Us II is going to be another overrated movie game from Son-
imagine being an impressionable woman seeing this scene and thinking she could actually kill a man in CCQ let one two at the same time lmao
the other is woman you blind fuck :DD
It's gonna be critically acclaimed by critics and users. It's gonna sell millions. It's gonna raise the bar again. And Yea Forums will be butthurt for another 10 years.
she would still be dead
Yup. The dude just waits til the woman is dead til he can"get back in" the fight.
Lame and shit. Next
>It's gonna lower the bar again.
>Yea Forums likes BAMHAM combat now
What happened?
she is trained from the kid to be ultimate knifer. few mindless hobos don't stand a chance. you should watch bumfights or something. unless it's illegal
Can't wait
Critics will praise it, most users will say it's okay to good with a small number highly praising it. Six months after release no one will care about it and looking back it will be just another "game that came out" and did nothing significant.
>long scripted kill scene while other enemy stands still immediately adjacent to you
The draw is the cinematics, right? Nobody actually thinks this is good gameplay, do they?
Bamham has more options, to be fair.
>That long drawn out animation that's inconsistent every attack because of realism
Looks nice but probably feels annoying to play. After the first couple hours you'll be begging for preset moves for Ellie when the cinematic attack the game picks for you ends up being too slow and costing you. Also, I hope there was a specific input for the stab attack and it wasn't just a random chance thing. I'm pretty sure that's the shiv item from TLoU1 but I haven't really played it.
Nothing in this webm is original or new. Combat sems to be a mix of cinematic qte like in the nu Lara games mixed with a "press y to counter a to dodge" arkham mechanic. Won't lie it looks fantastic but will play very similar to BAK at best; just like every other movie game from snoy.
I'm the biggest loser playstation lover there is and I can't even pretend to be excited about TLOU2
>male attacker wait 5 seconds for finisher animation to end before attacking
Yup. Next-gen gameplay, everyone. Reminds me about some assasins creed games, where when you fight a bunch of guys, only one attacks you, while the rest dances around and does nothing.
>tales a machete to the face
>keeps fighting like she didn't notice
OP you already know the hand-to-hand 'combat' is going to be the same rock paper scissors game as uncharted right? square to attack and triangle to counter. That's all that is right there
If you played as a straight white male you would be praising it as game of the year again.
You incels are pathetic
Looks fun. Can't wait.
Well it exactly looks like that. A typical console movie-game that almost plays itself.
Unsharted sucks ass too, bitch boy.
Nah its fun.
What's the actual input map here? Is each animation a different button? Do they do variable amounts of damage? Is it a combo system? Can you switch targets mid-combat? Is it all QTE based?
Sure as hell looks like another overrated movie game to me.
Better take it up with reddit then.
Can't wait to see her die in Joel's arms at the end.
No chance of that happening. Joel is 100% going to die though.
>It's gonna raise the bar again.
You mean lower the bar. TLoU showed that you don't have to make a good game to stand out in the gaming industry.
go back scummy
It was pretty solid. Did you play it?
What's wrong with impressionable girls being taught to resist their rapists instead of running away screaming and thus making it easier for rapists to get the bitch?
There's nothing as tasty as dumb femoid bitches who don't understand any basic physics but put their life in the hands of "empowering" digital brainwash instead.
The facial animation on these random npcs is really good.
Makes me wonder how much enemy variety there is actually going to be because doing this for dozens of characters would be a pain.
It's already been confirmed that she dies
I really hate this kind of combat in games. It makes me so sad that I'll download Jackie Chan Stuntmaster now
Can someone explain to me the plot of the first game? The "zombie virus" was a fungus wasn't it? It's not something you can take a vaccine to become immune to. What were they going to do with the thing extracted from the girl?
>guy on the right does nothing for the 3 seconds she takes to stab the chick
looks like scripted cinematic trash
>Resist their rapist
You sound like the brainwashed one, rape culture doesn't exist. If in the rare case a girl is being attacked the best thing they can do is try to run and get someones attention.
That's the thing probably nothing. It was stupid they were just gonna harvest her and try and do research after.
Just like the first one, right? You still seethe over TLoU and it's been five years.
Movie game indeed, I bet it plays like those zoomer Batman games where you mash buttons to see "cool shit happen", only now you only mash one button.
Nah, the best thing is to resist to make it easier for the rapist. Let the lambs deliver themselves.
>To what amounts to mashing one button
Ah yes, cuumbrain detected
Last of Us is shit
Uncharted is shit.
Enjoy your faggot movie game for casuals.
If you think this is actually gameplay, you're a smoothbrain amd are falling for their tricks a second time. This whole "demo" might as well be a cutscene. There is no way the AI will be anywhere close to this in the final game either. Even another dev called them out on this publicly, which almost never happens.
Remember those scripted as fuck demos of TLOU 1? Where they said that it wasn't scripted and that the AI is just that good? Or how they claimed that first revealed Uncharted 4 cinematic to be ingame graphics? Yeah, this'll be another one of those.
>muh I play REAL games
K bro
Basically they wanted to find out what made her immune. That meant essentially doing an autopsy on her to examine her brain and presumably her DNA and immune system, though I'm not sure if they had the technology or skill.
>meanwhile Yea Forums masturbates over Morrowind combat claiming "there's nothing wrong with it"
How much more contrarian can this place get?
Not him but I’ve beaten it a couple times and thought it was ok. Repeat playthroughs are such a bitch because of how much time is spent with you setting your controller down or just holding forward. An ok game that had a decent story and looks great, but completely undeserving of the praise it gets. It should be on zero top 100 lists.
But there is no way to transfer the immunity to other people since you can't really become immune to fungal infections. It just reeks of poor writing. Although I guess it makes a bit of sense since Joel dropped out of school at like age 15 so he probably never went to a single biology class in his life. That's really stretching it to justify the stupid actions of the characters though
I'd disagree it's very fun on repeat playthroughs and I wouldn't be surprised if it was on someone's 100.
Looks boring and unfun. Wow I click a button and wait 2 seconds to watch your super artistic and mo-capped animations. Wow thank you Sony Entertainment for this great movi- I mean game.
I guarantee that this game will either feel like dogshit to play or you barely won't be interacting with it at all.
All those realistic animations are going to basically force the devs to cut down on cancelling as much as possible, so either it's gonna be delay-city like Red Dead Redemption 2 or you're barely be doing anything.
I want a survival horror game where you're actually required to stealth entirely. I want the player to be able to do some predator type shit, but always defensively. Like rubbing mud all over yourself and crawling through underbrush and shit.
I mean humanity is on its last limbs so they gotta try whatever.
I remember back when we used to laugh at games that actually marketed themselves as "streamlined" and "fluid" because we knew they were buzzwords for casualized garbage.
Unfortunately zoomers grew up in such a world without knowing better so they unironically believe the philosophy that gameplay doesn't need depth it just needs to look cool and epic.
No one cares about animation quality if there is no gameplay to use it in.
>muh strong womyn
>all get BTFO by a limp-wristed tranny on hormone blockers in all female leagues
I disagree. Contrary to what people say on here, ND is actually VERY good at making their playable characters fun to control. Joel and Nathan Drake both control very fluidly and all their animations carry a lot of weight. In TLOU guns have significant punch to them and Joel's punches and melee attacks and brick smashes are a lot of fun to employ. The sound effects are also top notch. The problem is everything around them is shallow. Naughty Dog has the amazing ability to make genuinely engaging player movement and abilities and then do fuck all with it. That's why people loved the grapnel hook in Uncharted 4. It was an actual mechanic, but still underused and wasn't heavily explored. They're always right at the cusp of legitimate greatness.
imagine being an impressionable fat neckbeard thinking he could kill anyone in cqc after seeing this
>I wouldn't be surprised if it was on someone's 100.
Are you retarded? It’s on a ton of top 100 lists. It’s regularly in the top 10. I don’t get how you get any enjoyment out of fake gameplay and cutscenes after you’ve seen it multiple times but good for you I guess.
11/10 - IGN "We already wrote the test before the game's release"
this does actually look good. It looks really weighty while still being fluid.
still honestly kind of butthurt I never got a PS4/Pro, all the games look really enjoyable in retrospect.
You could just wait it out, the only reason why the infection kept spreading is because retards kept sneaking out of the quarantine zones. It takes about 20 years for an infected person to die (school gym big guy fused to the wall). Just stay put and then once most of them have died off just burn everything down and you're ready to start anew
Guess I should have said when not if christ sperg less. The shootings fun enough. Clicker sections were tough on harder difficulty and I enjoyed the story. Hating on people's games doesn't make you cool.
It doesn't look like it's scripted to me, there's the hud, damage direction indicators, and item pickup prompts during the action.
I like how the guy with the axe waits for the cutscene kill to end to keep attacking.
...I mean you kinda can't that's not how shit works man you need to move around for food.
>There is no way the AI will be anywhere close to this in the final game either.
Close to what? Walking at the player and attacking them? You're letting consolitis destroy your brain dude, there's nothing complex happening here.
Yes, we already know you snoy retards will eat whatever shit thay shat on your plate and claim it was great, no need to remind us.
Theres a big risk of infection from breathing in spores to be fair. Without the gas mask joel would've been dead a few times over.
i mean if a woman stabbed me in the neck with a knife id probably lose
I know I could, I have been training in MMA and competing for about 10 years. What about you resetranny?
I don't believe for a second that most guys here are just fat no lifers. Maybe the low iq resetrannys that have been infesting this place recently.
The government sent food to the quarantine zones, they had enough to survive. People who wanted more than that snuck out of the QZ and got themselves killed and became part of the problem
You'd still probably get murdered by a dude wielding a sledgehammer. We all know it's not real. Nothing is realistic about Joel killing people they way he does either.
>stabbed in the neck with a knife
>hrrnngh time to remember the basics of CQC
sounds like the guys on internet martial arts forum who talk about how they're going to use aikido to kill a man who robs them at gunpoint desu
western games are always animated so weird
Some people confuse realism with "I could see myself doing this in this fantasy scenario" i.e. self-identification. They just don't identify with a female protagonist and think that makes it any more or less realistic than a guy fighting giant fungus freaks.
>wait in breadline
No thanks bern
Oh come on, western games are shit but dont even try and act like ND of all studios cant animate. They're undisputed masters of presentation. It's the only thing that they do well every game.
I didn't hate the last of us. I just didnt think it was the greatest thing ever. i
I did have multiple people irl praise it almost word for word about how amaaazing oi is and best story in video games ever that emotionally moved them. Ultimately, though its a good game, it's not worthy of 10/10 masterpiece status.
Everyone in all female leagues is a professional, even the trangender person.
Not exactly the same as muh strong woman with basic combat training and enough strength to drive a knife into a chest, which she will absolutely do if some untrained idiot decides to come at her without a plan. A lot of the combat in that gameplay footage shows Ellie reading her opponents movements, dodging and choosing her strikes carefully, combined with your common op main character that can take a knife slash to the chest barely flinching like every player character ever in these third person shooters.
Motherfuckers here always try and turn everything into a bigger deal than it actually is. It's pathetic.
ND are masters of presentation which imo greatly elevates their games from being generic trash to something people remember. Theres nothing spectacular about uncharted or TLOU frome. game or story perspective but they try so fucking hard to make it look and sound amazing it sticks out for people.
>I'd rather die than have to wait 10 minutes for my tendies
Peak Ameriburger right there
This. Western games are not animated well, at all. There's no sense of movement or of grace. Compare it to Eastern, and particularly Japanese, animation, and the difference is as clear as night and day. Even in humorous situations the Japanese have an immaculate attention to detail and grace that is lacking in Western animation, where people move like robots.
True pioneers in flash over substance.
Any retard that shits on Batman probably can't even combo in that game properly
If it makes you anymore disappointed we do already have breadlines in the US.
So the guy on the right just sits and watches the protag knife his friend?
>implying those aren´t just combat locked animations and executions which you´ll have to witness hundreds of times.
>tiny lesbian cuts dude dressed in a trench coat with a knife
>he awkwardly slides back across the ground like a massive gust of wind blew him back
Retarded, utterly retarded.
Oh I am not defending their inability to make a game an actual game, but the games do stick out because of it. You cant find another studio that consistently pushes that side of things as much as ND. Every single thing about their production values is top notch. If they ever did put as much effort into the gameplay department they would be the best devs period, but they dont.
I miss when ND used to make good games.
Looks cool but it feels like more of a fake action scene than true gameplay.
The best way to resist a rapist (IF they're gonna go that way) is to kick them in the nuts and run while screaming, not to try and rumble with them toe-to-toe like you're GI Jane.
I'd recommend the same thing to a 5'2 110lb male going up against a 6'0 mugger
What was that guy doing for literally 5 seconds while that disgusting goblin murdered that woman for 5 seconds straight?
I really hope nobody actually buys this game and talks about it on here.
It's pretty much going to even ruin this board even more
Uncharted might be but not TloU, at least it has interesting combat with gore
>Another "game" from snoy
When its coming to netflix?
Reminder that no game triggers Nincels harder than TLOU. They can't comprehend that a video game can not only be fun, but also a 10/10 plot, amazing characters, explore mature themes and have state of the art realistic graphics.
Not even the developers think this garbage is fun.
It's an art. Art is depressing. Ok?
She was destroying dudes left and right in tlou too. Joel was choking niggas out like Batman nonstop as well. It's a super hero game
i thought bullshot was outlawed
The fact that a game with such shitty gameplay is considered good by many is depressing, well at least it was years ago. I've gotten used to modern games being trash.
>10/10 plot
If you're taking life lessons from video games you're already lost.
>Reminder that no game triggers Nincels harder than TLOU.
They don't even care about it.
So you believe Trump when he says videogames cause violence?
In feminists.
You belive in feminists?
Not sure what you mean.....they always use mocap with a lot of motion blur which ends up looking like a fake, stilted movie scene, especially at low framerates.
movie game
all that money into making the animations look fluid and it still looks awkward as fuck compared to dark souls
can't wait for this to be downgraded yet again just like the first game and have standard AI with some heavily scripted moments
imagine having a severely receding chin and developing severe insecurity for being ugly and rejected by women and thinking you're stronger than them with your noodle arms and sub 5'11 height and having no self awareness of the glistening, naked irony of your thoughts