Bros, I think I'm in love

Bros, I think I'm in love....

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Mikan is perfect and should be protected at all costs

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There's nothing left to protect

>you couldn't protect her smile

I'm in love with her fat butt!

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Mikan has lovely legs

I love Nonko!

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What are you guys talking about, Izuru saves everyone. Even if she's fallen into despair, she's still woth protecting

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Is this from that Teaching Feeling guy?

I love my gorgeous wife!

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She's living a happy life with her friends at the island

This little nurse really does things to my heart.

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She's canonically fucked the most people in the entire series, and she's a fucking psychopath.

Mikan's only slightly based for killing off Ib0ki and Hiy*ko. Everything else about her is reddit-core, even her trial.

O thou of little hope
I bring a five

I don't care, incel

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I just finished chapter 3 and her mental breakdown at the end of the trial makes me hard as diamonds

"Is that really your proof? You could tell her body type under the hospital gown? Just from that video? Just from that camera angle? Just from that dimmed light?"

Her voice...My dick can't contain itself!

What do you want despair mikan to do to you?


> English dub

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Just remember user it wasn't her fault, don't judge Mikan for what she did in the case or in the trial

>She's canonically fucked the most people in the entire series

The Jap dub of DR is mediocre and the recording quality is really bad.

DR3, probably
I doubt she'd be fucking people as a Despair, that would make them happy instead, but who knows

Dumb cuck.

>The Jap dub of DR is mediocre
wew lad, how can one person have so much shit taste?

I mean someone fucked Junkos corpse right?
Might have been her.


Read me bed time stories in that voice
I agree. In fact I find it weird that most of the cast just believes her and says that that was her "true" personality, despite the fact that she was clearly spouting nonsense and the illness could easily explain why she kill Ibuki and Hiyoko. In fact, if the reason she killed was because of the disease, then monokuma would technically be the killer because he spread the disease and altered her mental state.

But ultimately I'm just spit balling, the game might reveal more in the later chapters.

From one of those extra modes in V3, Miu uses one of her inventions to see if Mikan is a virgin and blushes. Funny how everyone considers it canon, the mode is quite literally blatant fanservice.

I lost the picture but Miu's "hook-up counter" scans Mikan and Miu is in total shock

>the game might reveal more in the later chapters.
LOL no it doesnt

Yeah, first thing I did after beating the game was to replay this part.

>. Funny how everyone considers it canon, the mode is quite literally blatant fanservice.
Mikan has a huge amount of people who hate her and i don't get it

Will you creampie Mikan for me on our wedding night?

Probably because Ibuki is a favorite of a lot of people

Despair disease is the single most bullshit motive in the entire series.

Isn't fucking Junko's corpse just headcanon?
Episode 1 of Future where they show everyone as a Despair.

The dub is great though. Chiaki's voice alone makes it amazing.

I can't user. Sorry

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Based and despairpilled. That part was great
There are no subs for the jap version. Just dubtitles, and it's annoying to play games like that

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Sorta justified because Monokuma wanted more "dead" bodies and didn't care how he'd get them. Same reason for the motive in 2-4.

I thought we were friends wtf.

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Reminder you don't love Mikan if you don't love both her pre-despair and post-despair personality.

Yes but everyone was peak retard in 2-3.
like how hajime took it to heart what nagito meant despite being told multiple times he meant the opposite of what he's saying
Eh, even so it' still forcing it too much.

>cripples you so you’ll have to rely on her forever
Can someone point out what’s wrong with this? Isn’t being taken care of by a cute girl what you want?

Does anything special happen if I collect all the hidden sparkles/books in UDG or is it just for autistic completion?

kinda but its all a tv-show anyway so it doesnt matter

We don't even know if that would be just with hajime anyways.

If it's 100% sure she'll take care of me 24/7 for the rest of my life I don't see any problems with that.

It actually does if he doesn't know about all the ultimate despair stuff

Her pre-despair voice is nails on a chalkboard. The contrast in the post-despair voice is what makes her attractive.

If something happens to her, you won't be able to take care of her. Love is both taking and giving.

Can't wait to see what kind of shit they pull off in Death March Club.

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Her pre-despair voice is soothing and sweet, what the fuck are you saying?

I'm sorry but you don't love Mikan

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I can't believe that fag didn't go to town on her right then and there. What a garbage character he was.

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This art is appalling.