Monster Hunter Thread


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Right here
*unzips ls*

Post rathalos for they are cute

>it's an AT nergi cancels his roar animation into an instant full divebomb, ending the mission episode
literally what why and how is this possible

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i want a tesotra bf

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For me, it's Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, the best game with the most content.


shame its too easy


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Bring earplugs, now you can recover faster and superman his divebomb.

>with the most content.
And the biggest amount of literal filler in the franchise.

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I'm honestly thinking about it
it was completely glitchy, he roared for maybe half a second and then started winding up the full dive bomb while I was still in the initial stagger.

Who the fuck thought billions of gathering quests was a good idea? You can tell Capcom knew since MHW had barely any

No, he does that a lot to me.
For nergi I just run a full on defensive set and pray for the best because he always fucks me over in some retarded way.

Hunter Monster when.

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MHGU village has like 11 gathering keys IIRC, that's like 1 hour of game

Shill me on MH stories

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People give shit to a lt of MHW's decisions, but doing away with retarded collection quests, making them all fully optional and not needing to buy tools was an amazing idea.

Yeah, nevermind the amount you need to unlock ingredients.
Or the palico missions to unlock trades.
And the fact that missions don't stop existing just because they aren't key.

Too bad you need to gather upsurge materials to fill the canteen.

I still think they should make purple sharpness only able to be sharpened with whetfishes instead of the standard whetstone. It's a nice balance move and makes it more accurate to the previous MH games

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Have they fixed the pc version of World so you can actually play with your friends easily?

Oh no 3 hours total on a 1000 hour game what a pain

>Or the palico missions to unlock trades.
hold the fuck up, is this why I only have one? Why didn't this game or anybody tell me this?

Fuck I don't wanna do prowlers, its garbage

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I hope Iceborne brings back HH's peak aesthetics. Making fart noises with a dumb-looking horn isn't cool.

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>3 mandatory gathering quests in the entire game

Now that's an outright lie and you know it. Next thing you'll tell me Valor is balanced while shitting on mantles

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Far from the best game, but it does have a lot of shit to do.

user do you realize what you've done? Now he's gonna spam this thread with garbage

Not him but both are cancer and the fact that babies of opposing factions think their game breaking crutch is better than the other one's game breaking crutch is hilariously pathetic

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Shit it didn’t even cross my mind that it would be ‘him’ I was replying too. I’m sorry.

>do you realize what you've done?
Yes, he just forgot that saying something good about XX is outlawed

Everyone discusses all games fine, but vehement flamewar is not. There's a difference between discussion and MY GAME>YOUR GAME

*ahem* fuck Devil Joe

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Bazel i know it's you, you fucking faggot
Remember that you suck and nobody wants to watch your shitty WW2 VHS tapes

>Saying XX is good os instigating a flameware

>EX rustrazor does his walk forward attack
>90% of my health bar depleted
Who the fuck balanced this trash?

I am "him" and I will spare this thread of my wrath for now. Know this however, that I'll be at /vg/ instead to continue our war.

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welcome to GU
enjoy your gathering and prowler quests, they feel like they're most of the content

I'm pretty sure that's a bannable offense

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Nice try even so much as mentioning GU on the /vg/ thread will instigate bingposting more than on Yea Forums

It is. Calling out raid is a 30 day ban

>Unknown giant monster
>Unknown Vaal-like monster
>Everwyrm (could also be Fatalis)
Who's on your wishlist? Logical choices only given how lazy Capcom is with the roster

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>when its the biggest G-rank expansion in the series
either way, Fatalis and Zinogre are 100% in. They wanted to represent the entire series as much as possible

>Fatalis is back
>but not the other 2
How mad would you be?

Valstrax and Gore

Valfalk, to put Nerg in his place

I legitimately want Val but dont want to start some Val vs Nerg shitfling because of a certain someone. I just want to discuss inside job dragon

Gore Magala and co. would also be acceptable, Jet Dragon and the rest of the fated four(actually just Astalos the other 2 can suck a knob but they're a full package) would be nice

New leaks. Tigrex, Narga, and Barioth got confirmed subs or varients.

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>GreenShits shitting up my KT hunts.
Why is the minimum rank ONLY 50??

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He’ll lose to Nergigante too, like all low-mid tier Elders. Fatalis would remodel his shithole though.

Who gives a shit? this is Listfag's whole endgame, to completely ruin discussion about certain topics, by doing this you are letting him win
Also Valstrax would fuck up Nerg real good if not outright win

Any game similar to MH but actually good? I only play MH because my idiot friends won't learn real games

what's the lore on seregios cucking rathalos?

Nigrex hype
I'd prefer Molten but i'll take it either way

Always seen attacking Rathians, also there was an Azure Rathalos in a stalemate with a Seregios in a certain quest
He's pretty much the only monster that can be classified as Rathalos' rival, others either don't give a shit about Rathalos because of different enviroments(like Lagi) or are too superior to be rivals(Astalos)

>Green Narga
>when they gave base Narga everything the green one had

Seregios was pinned as Rathalos’ rival, and in some media you see him attack Rathian before Rathalos shows up to defend her. Rathalos’ whiteknighting les to the obvious meme cycle culminating in Seregios being Rathian’s bull and Rathalos being a cuck.

There's a white/red one you know

I don't read German, but based on what I see I think they all get Variants? What's the German for subs?

You do know that Kut Ku in canon cucks Los right?

We don't know if it's Green Narga tho, could be that Narga and Tigrex are the first monsters to get two subs or a sub AND variant

Ah yes, Nargacuga Blanco, how could i forget

Deviants are in.
calling it now.

It's just a meme

It just said that they get subs or variants, not specifically which. With all Green Nargacuga’s moves being added to ordinary Nargacuga it’s probably a variant.

>evil invader monster beats the shit out of the "queen"
>the "king" has to whiteknight her

Ruiner Nergigante is the first of the Deviants and AT will come back as Deviant MR monsters. Screencap this


Is there a list of prowler missions that lets you unlock stuff? I dont want to do all of them. GU btw

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After going through Toukiden 2 on both solo/multi modes and playing the closed beta of Dauntless, my conclusion is that you're just going to be disappointed and wishing you were actually playing Monster Hunter.

>monsters can cart and come back with fortify built in
>mfw it might actually happen

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That actually fits the requirement for a Deviant. is AT a beta for it?

The recent fights don't interest me because they just upped damage, but more importantly the weapons and armor are boring as fuck so I can't even try to style on the monsters
I've played 4U which was great and thinking of emulating 3U or some other old one, but the problem there is no online


>Phase 3 kicks in
>Ruiner Nerg stands on two legs
>"Slave to a broken order.... dare you look upon the truth?"

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Bloodbath is really Demon King Diablos with decades of carting hunters.

GE>Toukiden>Freedom Wars>Soul Sacrifice>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>dauntless
As far as MHlite goes MHO>Frontier unironically

>tfw no Ceanataur twinblades for EVER
bad feels

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Don't fucking do this to me, man

You forgot Legiana's Variant, Oroshi and Alatreon.

Ichihara directed Dark Arisen didn't he?

What is that nigga from, that looks rad

My guess is that Nargacuga and Tigrex are getting variants, considering the trophy leak implies variant hunting is a big part of the endgame and they already have most of the moves from their subs and rare subs worked into their moveset.

Interesting move though. It’ll be the first time in mainline that a monster gets a sub AND variant.

"What a base and trifling creature is man"

Nah that's Itsuno

.hack//G.U. series
The only games i played in my PS2 was literally G.U. trilogy>MHF2 and i never regretted the purchase

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Wonder what the Raths will get, they'll obviously get something

"Gee guys, how come Ryozo lets you have a sub AND a variant?"

so there's a high chance Iceborne's roster is close to 30 monsters. Wew lad they weren't kidding when they said it'll rival the main game

The metal Raths are enough

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>quadrupedal monster stands up

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I'm not sure what the deal is with Citra now, but I know two-man netplay is technically possible on some more obscure builds. Dunno if Cemu will have 3U netplay. Otherwise, MHFU is usually as far back as some are willing to go, it's still worth a play. Otherwise you can always try P3rd.

Post yfw Fatalis is in and he starts talking

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Damn straight
Honestly I keep coming back because aerial style is just too much fun

DD is Itsuno's baby all the way through

The real question is, who has a better theme: Bagel or Teostra?

>Fatalis as MH Grigori

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Plus they confirmed an update cycle like the base game, that'll come with a few more monsters probably and the usual hardmode event quests

how i wish they would do a fucking DD crossover event to promote the announcement of DD2

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Bazel's by fucking far

I do like that Teostra's theme isn't a 30 second loop anymore but it doesn't have the same punch it used to

Ain’t much to really shill
It was made to introduce a younger audience to Monster hunter by being a Pokémon clone.
The game is fairly easy despite that and some pacing issues it’s good just needs to be refined a bit.

I know i'm into this variant thing but don't get your hopes up too soon lads
It'll be disappointing if the other case happens, also didn't they say reworking a monster from scratch even if it is texture-wise is more timeconsuming no due to more detailed pixelwork?

That nigga's Azure Flame Kite, a zombie created from the model of the prequel's protagonist by the administrator of the VR world .hack//G.U. is set in, due to the administrator loving him as her knight in service

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>starts talking in MH language no matter what language you are set to

Do you have an order for the .hack series?

how the fuck do I beat AT Xeno
The whole fucking arena keeps exploding and I eat shit

Generations let’s you achieve purple sharpness with a regular whet stone
I’ve never used a whetfish

I've literally been dreaming of him in MHW
>mfw Crimson Fatalis is in
>Abandon all delusions of control
>ends up a better fight than the base game

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much easier than I anticipated

It’s possible that by giving some of Green and Lucent’s moves into base Narg that the variant will get the other moves (like invisibility) and they’ll basically combine the three older forms into two.

Gold and Silver, Baby.

5 monsters and 25 shitty no effort recolors

Since Tigrex is in, that means that we'll get Triplets arena quest back right?

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But they're rare species

Would love this as a crossover

EX whole gimmick is
1-2 hits kills for hunters in a 10 minute hunt.
Better not get hit

Gamescom so like 10 days or so

.hack quadrilogy (original series) this is the equivalent of MH1 in the series, EXTREMELY clunky and dated UI and battle system
IMOQ for short

.hack trilogy, a sequel from the above but is a soft reboot

Anything else is a shit game, but you can just play the picrelated recently remastered .hack//G.U. trilogy packaged as one game+more bits, called
>.hack//G.U. Last Recode
It's on Steam, PS4 and whatever else

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I meant just adding non-infinite whetstones that can sharpen to purple

>the hunters fall into the arena and this starts playing

They better give us a turf war or coop attack between these guys

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So just like every G-rank expansion, especially GU

HBG with shield, heat guard, and pierce ammo.

You can just ignore them

But I don't have shield jewel

Better than most G Ranks, which are just 2 monsters and 20 shitty no effort recolours

but don't they unlock trades or something?

Oh that makes sense

From the official Capcom Germany website, new variants confirmerd
>Also Tigrex, Nargacuga, Legiana, Barioth, Glavenus and other fan favorite return in modified versions.

Even if they mean subspecies instead of variants, we still have 3 new ones with confirmed more

Archived page

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I miss Apex guildquests

Palico quests unlock them, they are marked.

>Update # 3: Aggressive Subspecies

>In addition to a wealth of new monsters, Monster Hunter World: IceBorne confronts you with sub-species of known creatures. These are usually not only visually altered and significantly more aggressive, but also surprise with a variety of new movement patterns. The coral Pukei Pukei, for example, is now able to tap sources in the ground with its beak and squirt the water thus obtained in a concentrated beam at its adversaries. Or take the Viper Tobi-Kadachi. Instead of flashes of light, he now shoots spear-like venomous spikes. But that's not all. Also Tigrex, Nargacuga, Legiana, Barioth, Glavenus and other fan favorites return in modified versions.

>Also Tigrex, Nargacuga, Legiana, Barioth, Glavenus and other fan favorites return in modified versions.


for the love of christ
it better not be molten tigrex
the shittest monster ever made

Yeah but you can get 99% of stuff just playing normally
Outside some rare materials and slickaxes I wouldn’t bother.

But Daimon 2 was easier than 1.

Tigrex is a rare species tho, like metal Raths
A Tigrex (or Narga/barioth) variant would be something new

I know it's probably bullshit but didn't someone say Crimson chants an incantation when summoning meteors?

You understand that farming materials is about the most boring part of MH games and being able to automate stuff like honey is a good thing, right?

Are you sure they are not simply talking about those monsters returning?
Or is there another point which goes "Fan favorite monsters return"?

You saying Glavenus is getting a new variant on top of a new sub? Or is this just including Acidic?

Probably acidic is included here.
Or they make dual blades glav.

longsword glav
now with foresight slash

>LS Glav and DB Glav
pls no

The paragraph is about subspecies. From how it's written, it says more fan favorites will get variants, probably talking about Jho or Bazel. Also, how is legiana "returning"?

They could have meant variants and subs together, for some reason.
But even in that case, Tigrex, Barioth and Narga have none of them at the moment.

How the fuck do you do that
>Glavenus with a severed tail sword of another Glavenus in its mouth
>Mutated Glavenus with split tails
I thought Acidic looked pretty longsword-like

>Plus they confirmed an update cycle like the base game
A shorter one though.

Acidic is ls, he even
>unsheathes acid
>stabs you

>CB Glavenus

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Ruiner is a Nergigante that wasn't too much of a bitch to lose to literally every other elder dragon that wasn't already dying

Have they ever said it will be shorter?

BLUE Anjanath?
BLACK Paolumu?
GREEN Nargacuga?
BROWN Tigrex?
ORANGE Brachydios?

Nerdgasm, amirite lads? Absolutely stunning. What quality content will these creative devs think of next? A RED Nergigante, a YELLOW Kirin or perhaps a PURPLE Bazelgeuse? Holy epic based.

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>IG glavenus just flies around

>Magnet Spike Glavenus

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Getting SAED'd by Glavenus sounds terrifying

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Are you frackin serious

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Fuck off Listfag.

I came here to laugh at you.

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Just ignore him

>>Mutated Glavenus with split tails
That's what I want, the whole fight is the tails going crazy all over the place.

Next Thursday at the earliest, otherwise the 19th

Lmao, we're not even talking about subs, but VARIANTS.
At least pretend you played the other games

>TONFA glavenus

Yeah. They promised post release updates including monsters but said they weren't planning to keep it up as long as the base game's post release support. Which was over a year anyway. I think world's support went longer than intended too thanks to the two collaborations.

why did you reply to obvious bait?

What the fuck? That’s retarded and not even remotely true. Then there’d be no reason to use stones and you’d be forced to monotonously grind out a fuckton of retarded fish

Too lazy to take a fresh picture, so here's one I have lying around with him in it.

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Hopefully shorter in the sense that there'll be less wait between updates.

>Switch Axe F Glavenus

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What if monsters had guns?

You know that's not what they mean

This. It's an even baseder recolor series. Maybe they can add in a third recolor called TYPES and make even more hue shifts and call it content. Taste the rainbow.


Then they'd be gunsters.

Isn't that just Hellblade basically? He's only missing a shield.

If it's half an year but they actually release 6-7 proper monsters and more endgame event quests, for me it's fine

Here's your Glavenus variant bro

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I want a monster with a hunting horn tail that toots

the third recolor already exists and is called deviants tho
you really dont know a thing about monster hunter do you

This would unironically look sober for Frontier standards

There's a Hunting Horn Akantor in Frontier but it's too fuckhuge for a normal map

needs more spikes,AOE and oneshot attacks

Good thing the games easy enough to just buy the chef platter every time and never bother getting those mats

Thats Peco's spot

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So basically asspeco?

If any germanbros are here I recommend watching by our best boy Trant

then they can move on to the fourth. no rest until every monster has at least 25 basic color edits

You have a choice, you can either bring back a monster or a gameplay feature. Which do you pick?

>Aerial style or adept baby

Deviants are the fourth in mainline.

Fucking put in Lagi and Mizu or I will bomb the Capcom office

post female rathalos

and i don't mean rathian

I miss him...

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>You gotta break a certain number of parts to trigger KT fury mode
>Kulve taroth instantly gets released in area 2
?????? How do i trigger furry mode now?

Germanbro but no time to watch it, does it say something new?


No nothing new, but I found it funny.

Chammy better be in.

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>rathalos runs into anjanath
>they literally spend 2 whole minutes just roaring at each other
Stop it holy fuck this is why I don't go to metal concerts anymore

Note: Cutemeleos fell unconscious on his way to the New World

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I'm a worldbab
Has there ever been a spider or wasp monster?

No fucking contest

can't believe he fucking drowned in the sea

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Not sure if saying you're going out to dinner would be considered a raid.


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Where would you put him? An unique arena map or make him a siege hunt

Yeah, Nerscylla

Hey partner!

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Still no contest, you need to put a similar weight choices not a shit and good one
>metal rath equivalent of lagi since it's the only proper form that will need an arena

Spoiler: Chameleos eventually evolved into the Everwyrm.

And then


How shitty is the emulation of the 3DS MH games on PC?
Was looking to play one of them to kill time until Iceborne

I miss old Bow.

>It still gets powercrept by the hunters

Also Zenith Giaorugu does exist, you can refer to that.

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Brachydios better be on that dlc.

I bring back tonfas, beacuse MH really needs you being able to punch and kick animals to death yourself.

Pretty decent? They emulate at max fps at 1080.

He's already in, i don't know what you're worrying about.

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I beat the game, lads

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More snakes
Not just lizards like Lavi but full on serpents like Najarala

What's your favorite weapon? I love sword and shield
I wish I could get the hang of gunlance but I guess it's just not for me

MHW Bow is so different that the older style could just be made a separate weapon. Maybe CritDraw GS to an extent.

Pre-Extreme Tonfa is honestly a better execution of an aerial weapon than IG was too. Some amalgamation of its Earth/Heaven/Storm style movesets could actually fit into mainline fine, as long as it doesn't get the retarded airdash. EX evades might be silly but then Foresight Slash exists too.

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IG is still a really imaginative way of doing a bo staff gameplay.

Just do lance instead.

>ywn be so buttmad you badly regrow a broken horn

I don't know why they didn't split the bow in 2 weapons. Kinda like short and long bow in DD.

GS, simple as shit but never lets me down unless I'm fighting a retarded monster that's always in the air doing nothing.

I don't think making separate weapons for each play style would be a good idea. I'd rather see every weapon have multiple combos and a way to mix and match certain combos to fit your play style. For example the running hammer charge has always been terrible in every MH game, it would be cool to substitute that move with another to fit your play style. This would be a nightmare to balance so I know why this isn't in the game.

H-hey bros i'll get a variant too right?

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Nerscylla for a spider monster, closest thing to a wasp i can think of would be Seltas

Brachydios is confirmed dude

You don't need one, your AT version is cancer enough.

yeah, its called Gore and Shaggy, and by varient, I meant replacement

I dont see why not.
Just add 2 new moves, give him a paint job and call it a "New" monster.

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>pukei pukei

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Just take the AT version, add couple new moves, make it faster and you have a nice MR version.

why are you so triggered by recolors? it's been happening to this series for 10+ years.

I'm sure nobody would say no to this

>hunt for Spread Up has yielded Guard Up, Mind's Eye and 1 Attack Jewel
I just want to start using my glutton, man

If anything, judging by Tobi, Pao, Fulgur, and Pukei we're actually getting really well designed recolors. They'll probably be good enough that people will just wonder why the originals exist.

That makes me wonder if old monsters are getting new world subs and variants though. Tigrex and Narga were both given shit from their subs/variants as base moves.

I really hope Savage Deviljho can club hunters with other hunters by holding them in it's mouth

I would.

>hunt for spread has yielded 3 arty, two crit boost, two spread shot and the list goes on
I just wanna point and click man

>They'll probably be good enough that people will just wonder why the originals exist.
They absolutely are, the original version of the now shown subs are ALL fucking garbage(except Glavenus) and the subspecies are all a straight upgrade, not only in fight but even monster design

I just got a spread when all I want is charger.

It fills the niche of a staff like weapon alright somewhat, but I feel that the aerial component just feels really tacked on. Like sure, MH4 wanted to show off its verticality stuff, but it's just kind of there in an awkward spot.

That's a fair point. And that idea was what Frontier styles tried to do pre-Extreme, they quite literally just replaced a motion or two with another, for example the SnS got the core string replaced with rapier-style thrusts. Unfortunately this was often a case of one style being strictly better over the other, and we can see this over in Gen/GU as well although to a more blatant effect with more 'brick' styles that are just shitty for some weapons. Some very small changes could be up to skub sure, but in the end there'll very likely be using one over the other unless Capcom really tried making it to taste.

I think mainline is better to have both full movesets and set building trying to emphasize what you're going for, especially in the way of optimizing against different monsters.

That's because it really isn't an aerial weapon, the flying shit is just an added bonus

Tell that to the French.

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Still the most entertaining part of the weapon, ground IG is the definition of boring.

>ground IG is the definition of boring.
I don't know about you, but I like the spinning.

should i buy the game? got some extra money from tf2 crates, last time i played was the pirated version where the flash lizard froze the entire game each time it used its ability.

how much is iceborn gonna cost?

Flying is good for positioning and dodging, but there's really only one good attack in the air and it's basically for mounting damage. The dragoon jump getting added in IB auto paints, but it might be the best aerial going forward.

I think his idea is silly, but I also think they need to bring back the fish farm so you can get all kinds of fish in return for points. If they want to leave "great" fish to fishing only, I'm ok with that.

you're retarded

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There is absolutely nothing to the aerial moveset. You just flail it around wildly while going back and forth.

If in doubt, take a bite!

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>sos for lava quest
>surely it can't be that bad
>two carts
why are people so BAD

People were carting like hell for AT Jagras, Lavasioth can't be better

Fuck that I don’t need people slowing down my deco farm.

Lavasioth has more HP and his annoying lava armor gimmick, but he's got generally fewer high damage, big hitbox moves than greatest jagras, plus no tremors to surprise people going in blind.

Spider: Nercylla
Wasp: Vespoid Queen

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Fucking brachy would shit on him.

Depends on how they handle it. I'd prefer White Fatalis cause he's the only one with a good song.

That post ain't gonna age well since Brachy is in Iceborne

None of the "my monster would beat up Nerg" posts are going to age well.
They should just wait for MH6 when the new poster boy gets to be the best.
It is amazing though how the fated four got to shit all over previous flagships, but now that's suddenly only wrong when Nerg does it.

Pls be in Iceborne
Pls be in Iceborne
Pls be in Iceborne

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I just want Gore, but not Shaggy. He was an AoE mess

Both or riot.

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>It is amazing though how the fated four got to shit all over previous flagships, but now that's suddenly only wrong when Nerg does it.
Oh my God this so much

Can't have only one of them

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yeah true

I want to take a bite of autumn festival handler. Upbeat goths are my krptonite.

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>Chaotic Gore lives in constant physical and mental pain

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But brachy is in a higher tier than all of them? Tiggy too

Not for too long though.

Best monsters HAVE to be in, atleast as post launch updates

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Seems like every returning monster will come with a sub or variant, so there's a chance for a seregios sub or chaotic gore in case they are in.

>closest thing to a wasp i can think of would be Seltas
Vespoid Queen technically exists.

>Overdrive valstrax is real

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seregios bazel pinecone fusion when?

Why did they buff Lunastra so much? They should've just kept her out of the game and give the moveset to Teostra.

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Overdrive Valstrax is fucking gay
Give me Pixy Valstrax and he can do laser flybys

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>blast and bleeding from shrapnel

I think it’s nice that they dolled her up a bit instead of leaving her as Teo-lite.

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I started playing World recently and I've only fought her like 3 or 4 times but I almost always cart at the supernova because I don't understand its range.

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Capcom do not hire this man. This combination will make me want to blow my brains out.

It’s pretty big and if you aren’t prepared for it, it’s rough. Especially since the windup is so short compared to Teo. What you can do is flash her when she’s looking fully “charged” up, and that will force her to do it. If you keep it controlled yourself it’s easier to manage your distance better when it goes off. Also make sure you are drinking cool drinks so her natural aura doesn’t hurt you.

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Literally just run away or block it with walls.
Or knock her out of it with crystalburst
Or pop it early when you're prepared by flashing her

are you prepared for Bowgun Glavenus?

"Dolled up" is a gross understatement.

Don't worry. I've been hired by Capcom.
I designed the sub of Bazel. He's a stealth bomber that you have to sneak up on before he takes off. He's invisible in the air and you have to see the reflective shine.

You have to use dung like paintballs to disturb his stealth coating.
You have to break his two horns hidden under his scales on the back of his head to stop him from using stealth.
He also has a new bombing style. It creates a haze that does builds up paralysis and poison.
Then explodes igniting the haze itself.
Contact with the bombs causes bleeding.

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>finally a new trailer
>its not brachy, its a dodogama varient

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We also heard about how you guys complained Bazel doesn't have enough unique attacks.
He now does a low altitude fly by and fires four stinger scales straight at you, exploding as it passes by.
It also has a siege mode where it uses the stealth charging horns to rapid fire its scales while dug into the ground, defending itself by emitting the paralysis haze.

>there will never be a switch port of 3U even though it would be piss easy since there's already a WiiU port
>there will never be a 4U switch port
>you will never get to play 3U without buying a PiiU
>you will never get to play 4U in HD
>you will never get to play 4U without claw mode unless you buy a massive attatchment or rub a tiny nipple
Why is Capcom so convinced that old MH games aren't worth porting? They'd rather rehash a bunch of areas from old games and charge full price than just port the games themselves. I'd pay 60 bucks for a 3U & 4U double pack.

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because the ports have historically sold like shit. Even Switch's XX port barely scraped by in Japan. It only did well outside of Japan, and the numbers are pitiful compared to World.
Even Portable 3rd HD sold like shit in Japan.

>Why is Capcom so convinced that old MH games aren't worth porting? They'd rather rehash a bunch of areas from old games and charge full price than just port the games themselves. I'd pay 60 bucks for a 3U & 4U double pack.
Because old MH games in general are generally made redundant once a new generation rolls around.

Why waste money uprezzing and porting 3U and 4U when 80% of the fanbase will just compare its mechanics unfavorably to MHGU or World?


I just want a version of 3U HD that doesn’t run like ass. Tried playing the Wii U version again recently and god damn.

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It wouldn't cost any money, just upres it and make it digital only. The games are already fully translates, what could possibly cost them money?

>I just want a version of 3U HD that doesn’t run like ass. Tried playing the Wii U version again recently and god damn.
Explain what the issue is with 3U HD? I had similarly heard complaints about P3rd HD's performance so am curious.

Store costs
Data costs
Production, no matter how limited it is

Nigga don't pretend it'd be free.

The framerate was left uncapped so it runs wildly between 30-45 FPS. But what really makes it bad is that the frame pacing is fucking awful. Even in framerate priority mode in World where the FPS is similarly spastic it doesn’t come close to looking as jittery and jarring as 3U. It’s skipping constantly and in some areas like Deserted Island it’s borderline unplayable because it creates weird input delay.

I've been doing nothing but prowler quests for 3 hours and I want to kill myself. Why is there so much shit locked behind it?

I heard that you get the unlockables automatically by reaching HR 4 and beyond but I don't know if its real

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I tried to hop thunderbolt
and now I am fucking dead

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Also it unironically looks worse than Tri because it had zero anti-aliasing and lacks that soft bloom, and since it’s a 3DS upscale hack job it uses the much worse looking 3DS water and particle effects. So on top of awful performance it also manages to be less visually appealing than a Wii game.

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Adding some more fluff to the mix.

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fuck off nigger, as if we didn't have enough farming bullshit already

He tries his best.

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>Gore gets added in Iceborne
>it can molt into Shagaru mid-fight
>if you deal enough damage before the molting is complete, he gets stuck as Chaos Gore

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I think i know why sns feels like shit to use in world now. The monsters are biggers but your weapons arent, also why the fuck did they replace the forward slam with the retarded running attack that has 0 reach is beyond me.

>Have dragged Lavasioth from my least hunted monster into the triple digits
>Still hasn’t given me the one deco I’m still missing
I’m tired Bros. Maybe I’ll just find it in Iceborne.

enjoy grinding the t4 decos, gaijin :^)
seriously though the deco grind is probably going to be worse in iceborne

>Get excited
>Remember I have to wait 4 fucking months extra for release

Thanks so fucking much Capcom.

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I had decent luck with them overall I feel. Was trying to round off my collection before September because, at this point, I have more decorations than I’ll ever need for 1-3 slots minus the one.

Your punishment for ruining threads with begging and cheating.

What do PCfags beg for exactly?

How do I play online using pirate version?

>Missed the chance to get a Lagiacrus plush at your local videogame store™ because it was 45 dollars
Fucking hell

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Day and date release.

im not gonna waste my time on gacha weapons
killing AT Kulve 5 times was enough

Why don't we have insects? Crustaceans? Carnivorous plants? Mammals, for the most parts? Actual goddamn birds?

Too much work. Please look forward to them in MH6/World 2.

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if you read the quest info you can usually get an idea of if it'll unlock anything. the trading carts for Neko (means cat) are all available before you reach HR village and HR guild IIRC. you'll have to check a wiki if you want the specific quests though.

>carnivorous plant
Seeing mh's lush plantlife it's a miracle the guild hasn't stumbled upon a giant flytrap yet.

>Kulve taroth instantly gets released in area 2
unless they changed this you need to break 15 parts

don't you get all the prowler unlocks when progressing HR?

They had the fucking AUDACITY to want to know a specific date the expansion would be release on their console of choice and wishfully think that in the modern era of gaming that they would be release at the same time as the other consoles, can you fucking believe that shit? what a bunch of entitled assholes

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Good. They need to stop making everything about them. We spent eight months of them whining for world, only for them to shitpost constantly, brag about cheating, scream master race every which way, then spam discord tranny shit and have coordinated shitposters from those discords ruin /mhg/ and try to ruin Yea Forums threads too.

Well I haven't got any yet, I've been doing all the requests and I've only gotten cat upgrades from the prowler quests.

The monsters the fated four buttfucked were ALL shitters

hey you guys got a favourite monster to come outta mhw?

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This is why no one likes you fated four faggots. You prance around your mary sues and then whine about other monsters being good.

/mhg/ had a ps4 discord circle jerk long before the pc release came out and people grind for kulve weapons is fucking bullshit and you know it, people posting damage charts and damage cheats are just fishing for (you)s and you get baited by them like a fucking dumbass

Dodo and Bagel.

>Normal monster internal monologue:who the fuck is this hunter guy what does he want, damn I wish I was home eating aptonoths instead of dealing with this bullshit
>Chaotic Gore Magala internal monologue:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>it's just bait
Ah yes, the classic just pretending bro.

It's not their fault if Rathalos, tardrex and gay furry are all super jobbers

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Tobi, Odogaron, Bazel and Nerg

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Yes it's bait, I know you probably feel stupid knowing what you know now but that's ok it happens to the best of us

>every monster that beats Rathalos is a mary sue
Damn i remember when this term had an actual meaning

>fated four beats up all the flagships to show how super duper they are
>not mary sues

Nergijobber, Bazelgeuse and Kulve Taroth are kinda nice

It's always bait and falseflagging with you guys when you get caught being retarded.

It's not, being better than literal shit is just normal
Also why is it ok when Nergigante does it?

You sound like you'd fit in with /mhg/ with this autistic systemwar faggotry. Go back where you belong.

>they aren't my flagships
>therefore they are literally shit
Faggot Four confirmed


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Monster Hunter World: Iceborne? More like Monster Hunter World: Variantborne!

I like Xeno, wish he was more fun to fight.

new to the series?

Rathalos isn't known as THE cuck for no reason
Also Tigrex is a shitter, deal with it, nobody takes it seriously

Flying fluffy ball.

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>has a shitty fight
>has meh equipment with like 2 exceptions
>doesn't have a turf war with Nergishitter so you could at least get the sadisfaction of seeing him get bodied
Why does Vaal Hazak exist, nothing about this monster is good except the music

>finally got my first Artillery and Guard decoration today after farming lavasioth all day


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Holy shit my sides.

Complete pleb new to GU here. Just hit 8 star quests in Village and I realized Rath set with Narga LS isn't gonna cut it since they're LR gear. What should I farm? I'm Valor LS

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Longpig is on the menu tonight.

>good decos from worst monster, how poetic

Toukiden>GE IMO. Way less jank, better aesthetics,more satisfying combat and actual armor.

>killed Greatest Jagras for hours every day for as long as the event was available
>one (1) Ironwall deco

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Go play Vindictus/mabinogiheroes. It's nexontrash but no other game in the past decade has had a better combat system. Of course, it's grindyas shit but only in the end game, which i didn't really care about since i only ever played for the combat. there are 15 characters with 2 different weapons each (most of them) so that's 30 different ways to experience the amazing combat it has.
Know that it went through tons of noob friendly changes so if you feel the bosses from S1 and S2 are easy as fuck to solo that's probably why (lvl 1-70).

Besides mh i don't know any game with combat that comes close to it.

Toukiden is probably the closest to Monster Hunter you're going to get without going too nuts.

Which monsters would you fuck?

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LBG recover ammo is good.
Saved two lives today with the blitz support and didn't need to bother with wide-range or any other armor skills

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>play GU
>oh boy can't wait to play my favorite weapon CB
>do a guard point
>still transform to axe instead of going into block animation
What the fuck is this shit game

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that one

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>probably no Khezu

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fluffy t-rex

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when does this happen
literally only the raths got fucked and thats tradition

As a german:
It can be interpreted in two ways.
A: It's a bad worded and clickbait way of saying the monsters are different in Iceborne than in earlier games
B: they get "Variants". meaning any different form of the monster
it translates into "Tigrex, Nargacuga, Legiana, Barioth, Glavenus and other fan favourites return as changed variants."

Tigrex also got btfo but hey, he's Tigrex.

>maybe Gigginox

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>Missed the chance to get a Lagiacrus plush at your local videogame store™ because it was 45 dollars
To be fair, if you're still trying to collect plushes from that series, you often won't be able to do much better than $45 for most species.

I recently dropped $55 on a decently-sized Steve plush, and there's a lot worse out there.

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>Say you don't enjoy fighting any particular monster
>some dipshit "superfan" thinks you're complaining about difficulty and not just that the monster sucks dick to fight

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Literally who

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Soruce: My wishful thinking
the gameinformer fags said they saw a blind white cave monster, where VERY quick to deflect and say what they actually saw was viper tobi, capcom confirmed that kehzu isn't in
If not kehzu then who else could it be? (besides a new cave monster)

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Bazed and Gamapilled

Yeah, i know they're far more expensive nowadays but i didn't have the 45 bucks back then and I'm still mad about it.
Also the new series of plushes that Capcom made for Iceborne look like crap because of the eyes.

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i was talking about the image you retard

Based and whalepilled

This shit always aggravates me. Lavasioth is the perfect example of shit monster who is still easy to hunt.

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>Way less jank
What do you mean? I never played Toukiden, but did not find any "jank" in GE so far really.

>Yeah, i know they're far more expensive nowadays but i didn't have the 45 bucks back then and I'm still mad about it.
There's one from that series on eBay right now for $35 shipped from Japan if you have the money right now and still want it.

Personally I'd be okay with never seeing another first generation monster again. They're not hard, they're boring. Their mechanics have since been better refined in other monsters. I don't have the crippling brain parasite that all japanese people seem to have that makes Nostalgia the only emotion they're capable of processing.

I don't ever want to see another Rath ever again.

Not even memeing but why was Tri so fucking SOULFUL?

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Nice, thanks for the tip user!

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I really like Ceadeus and Goldbread. Shame we'll never see him again.

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Who's got the best roar
I gotta give it to Diablos and the SHREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Brachy's roar is second

Tri/3U has too many monsters locked in there. Why?

I know that I love Fulgur Anjanaths new roar a lot.

Tobi-Kadachi & Great Girros.

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Too soulful for modern titles in the series.

In the primal forest mhgu the are giant venus flytrap in the background on area 9

Legiana and B-52. I really love Legi's cause it's so majestic yet so fucking annoying. It's perfect.

Crit Draw GS is exactly as effective as it always was (they buffed Draw Attack damage to its old levels shortly after console launch) but True Charge is so goddamn strong

Garuga > Legiana > Nargacuga > Diablos > Great Jaggi > Barroth > everyone else

>Some amalgamation of its Earth/Heaven/Storm style movesets could actually fit into mainline fine
Not really. The Frontier playstyle just doesn't work with mainline monsters. Frontier monsters have big scary attacks but also don't move around that much and have massive downtime between attacks, so tonfas with their massive combos actually work, in mainline with tonfas you'd basically only get 2 hits in before you'd have to run or dodge

GU question, I need help fast. What blademaster set should I get for HR? If its bujabujabu again, please say so

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Come up with a new weapon
Hard mode: It's gotta have a gimmick.

Dual bowguns. The gimmick is constant rapid-fire in exchange for slow reload and high recoil that cannot be reduced. You get double status application, double the pow, double the stickies and so on

Gunlance without a shield and normal movement

mfw just carted 3 times to a fucking dodogama while helping some dude with the lavasioth/uragaan optional quest
i want to kill myself

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Elder dragons accumulate bioenergy throughout their lives, releasing it into the land upon death. Their energy then solidifies upon atmospheric contact. Seldomly, solid forms of elder bioenergy can be carved from body tissue, such as Lao Rubies and Daora Gems. Elder bioenergy can also be weaponized into dragon element, which is highly toxic to elder dragons and can even suppress their elemental powers.

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Why does Garuga's roar sound so mechanical anyway?

I just beat Rajang in high rank in GU.
Wow, what the fucking is wrong with him, I thought that Kecha and Rathalos were cancer enough to not stop moving.

Unironically magic with casting spells as ranged weapons

Gunhammer expanded into its own weapon type, where you have normal attack combos, but pressing the "shell" button the instant the attack connects with the monster causes an explosion inside the hammer that drives a piston to shoot out and slam the monster's face for extra KO damage. Like one of those pneumatic guns they use to kill cows.

Harpoon Lance: you can load different types of harpoon (serrated, barbed, bola etc.) that deal high part and KO damage when launched out of the gun, but after the harpoon is launched the weapon changes moves to be swung around like a large two handed club. it also has a long reload animation that takes consumable harpoons.

the front could also have a shield like how HBG does but it folds in after you fire it.

That's because garuga is a killing machine

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Basically the same as dual blades but more spinning and blunt damage
Spinning too much will make you dizzy

Because Garuga is the real equal dragon weapon

It's my dream to kick a 30-foot-tall lizard to death.

Full on combat suit, MH now behaves like a fighting game and it's all about stringing fast but precise combos.
All weapons have finishers and they vary from tree to tree.

It's actually not that far off from a real bird call.

>combat suit with LS

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You DO know the correct spacing with the GS to hit a true charge on a sleeping monster and not look like a complete fool in front of the other hunters, right?

use the great sword and start getting to work

I know the spacing to poke the barrels after the GS inevitably fucks up the TCS wakeup.

Yes but other people tend to place bombs poorly and it gets fucked up


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It's fun to dream user but this isn't healthy

I just measure it with a block on the monster's face then roll back.
Then I fuck up so for solo I don't even bother.

A transform weapon that switches between melee and ranged, balanced so that you need to be transitioning between them frequently. BB's Simon's Bowblade comes to mind, though that weapon favored the bow side a little too much due to its cheese potential.

Maybe have it generate ammo from melee hits?

I meant the combat suit being the weapon, otherwise it'd get too retarded for some weapons.

anyone got tips on how to get the coins for the binder mace? ive been trying to farm the arena quests but doing it solo is kinda hard.

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>the elusive elder dragon
who else could it be
furthermore if they brought back luna they might as well bring back the rest of the MHdos elder dragon gang

>who else could it be
Velkhana, that's the first time you see it.

Should just dump the BBI invaders (excluding death nigger) as halloween quest invaders.

Because Lunastra is literally a recolor of a monster already in World. Chameleos uses a unique skeleton and it's simply not worth the effort to add in an entire animation set that only works for one monster. I'm pretty sure every mon in World aside from Kirin shares its skeleton with at least one other.

If I remember correctly, Arena Quests were tuned for 2-hunter parties. Ask a friend if you have any.

I was thinking along the lines of something that rewards transitions rather than explicitly requiring them. For example, shots fired just after switching to ranged might have a minor piercing effect, while melee hits just after switching to melee have additional minor shockwaves with just a bit of range.

Don't have anything clear in mind, was just thinking about the class mechanics of an MMO I used to play that had a 2-characters-in-one gimmick.

Chameleosfags sounds about right.

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The obvious next weapon they're gonne add is an IG counterpart
all the other melee weps have a counterpart except for IG

I'm thinking it's gotta be something like an extending chain rod with high range like halfway between a melee and ranged weapon and you just swing it around and stuff
Alternatively I could see it being more like a whip kind of weapon but I thinkg it would be more like Ivy's whip from Soul Calibur rather than traditional Castlevania/Indiana Jones whip

Fatalis' roar
Blangongas opening roar is pretty cool too but all his subsequent noises are a bit shit.

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It's literally Velkhana. It's in the quest name for the quest to fight Velkahna in that event beta they did.

It honestly never occurred to me that each weapon type has a "sibling" until just now.

On that note, I feel like the thing they'd play off of for IG's counterpart is its high mobility or buff-gathering gameplay more than its bug-dart.

IG is paired with bow as a "shaft" weapon amusingly enough.

it's obvious if you played FU because in that game they grouped the weapons together that way in the blacksmith menu

>wanting unique monsters is unreasonable
I hate world

How the actual fuck am I supposed to fight Lunastra
I keep dying just trying to repel it.

Get better fire res
Panic Dive the nova like a madman

The first thing you wanna do is hit it until it dies.
The other thing you wanna keep in mind though, and this is a big one, is don't get hit.

Arena is a terrible place to fight her since you're in a tight circle. Get wind resistance if you want, it's the only bullshit you can negate.

Grab the finest weapon in your arsenal and hit her until she gets a headache from repeated hits by blunt instrument.

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stay out of blue fire patches
attack her hindlegs but be mindful of her tail
when she's been glowing strong for a while be prepared to fucking run away from her as soon as she lifts off the ground, you can make it out of nova range before dying pretty easily

You don't take burn damage while panic diving
Bring jerky to instantly restore all your red HP once it ends

The surface is rock paper scissors rpg where you predict hax the monsters by knowing about their tendencies from already having played monster hunter.

The meta is some deep PvP shit that eschews the rock paper scissors entirely.

Chameleos is on the Kushala skeleton like all the Elders introduced in Dos.
Stop being a faggot. If he's in then they won't spoil him because that would ruin his entire gimmick. If he's not in then it's because they couldn't figure out a way to consolidate scout flies and the lack of paintballs since the scoutflies ruin his gimmick.

Emulation on Cemu is buttery smooth


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Nice online you have there.

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This faggots hitboxes are ALL fucked up. Worst fight in the game. Fuck I'm so angry.

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t. got slammed

Well he shares a skeleton with Gore and Shaggy so it fts

I hate this ugly annoying cunt so fucking much

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>Magnet Spike Glavenus

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>"beats up all the flagships"
>tigrex gets thrown
>rathalos gets beatdown
>best monster zinogre goes toe to toe with mizutsune

Nice exageration.

you are a little baby, watch this

>implying we're not getting a nergigante with blast spikes and smacking a fully coated part will explode and delete your health bar

No shit Sherlock. I couldn't handle MHFU cause if that game had shitty hitboxes like Nergigante everywhere I just wouldn't play that trash.

Spend all that time modeling and animating a cool looking monster just to give it terrible hitboxes. Good job team!

Don't care about shitty design from previous games.

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I got a review copy, he's unironically in.


>don't use blankets
Steal away chump.

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Please post a time stamped pic or I’ll be forced to call you a faggot.

Ball and chain
Mid-range swinging melee combos that pick up speed the longer you go, or you can throw it for a long range high KO attack, but you either have to run and pick up the ball or sheath to reel it in which will take a few extra seconds

Sorry, NDA

BTW Zinogre is in. Steel Uragaan and Azure Barroth too.

no one likes fighting nerg

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Hunting Maracas. They're Dual Blades but deal blunt/KO damage. They also work like the Hunting Horn where you can shake them and they give you a small buff.

I do, he's fun

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>zinogre got deconfirmed
how could this happen bros...
it was all a ruse...

Is it true that Iceborn releases on PC in 2020? How Greedy or incompetent those chinks are?

>Dancing over a KO'd monster as they pathetically scramble to get up
I'm interested

I dunno m8 given how you're acting I'd say it's the right move

AT Nerg is unironically my favorite fight in World.
The base fight is a snore-fest tho


His dad is John Capcom

Dual Hammers
can clank them together to draw monster aggro

Posted this one before, but it’s for underwater if it ever returns. Basically it’s a trident with exhaust pipes in the prongs. It’s got a rev mechanic for new moves/higher damage like Red Queen from DMC. Revving generates a bunch of element/status energy around the trident. The real gimmick is that underwater, revving actually propels you like an underwater jet ski, making it the most mobile underwater weapon like how Insect Glaive is the de facto mounting/aerial weapon.

A revolver. The bullets are timed explosives, and only detonate a few seconds after hitting the monster. The damage of the base explosion is paltry, but it stacks multiplicatively if the bullets land close to each other, so the aim of the weapon is to be like a gunslinger and loose a whole bunch of shots in quick succession accurately on the same part of the monster for massive damage. Fills a niche the other ranged weapons don’t fill and rewards accuracy and quick shooting more than the others.

Wildcard pick but a ‘beastmaster’ weapon that combines the Hunting Hound weapon concept with some of World’s ecology shit like riding small monsters, and the V gameplay from DMC5. Basically a small monster companion with two modes; the first is mounted mode where you ride it and perform attacks that way, and the second is unmounted mode where you hop off it and command its attacks remotely. In unmounted mode, you can also try to charm a nearby small monster to join in the fight for you too, and if your Palico recruits a small monster as a Tailraider then it gets a buff.