How in the hell is this game still so popular?
How in the hell is this game still so popular?
Other urls found in this thread:
a)free to play
c)easy to access + play
Free to Play
It's fun, has cool cosmetics and it's free. Why wouldn't it be?
1. It's free
2. It's the lowest common denominator, ripping off as many as it can to be as familiar and vapidly interesting as it can
3. Little children and retards are drawn to it because of streamers
Daily reminder that if you play F*rtnite you need to fucking re-evaluate the events leading up to you installing that piece of shit and turn whatever device you are using off
>has cool cosmetics
I will never understand why so many people want to spend actual real world money on something that is extremely superficial. Clothing that is a different color literally adds nothing to the game.
Sartorial pursuits is the ultimate human drive. What even are you if you can't understand that? (Hopefully not poor.)
I dunno I just bought the PvE game and I don't have to pay for anything in the battle royale game.
Because it is REDDIT: the video game (featuring 9gag!)
Damn, you sound outright enlightened.
Because it's a multiplayer game and people want to express themselves by using favorite character?
That nigga got all kinds of stinky puss. And probably some stinky ass.
Alright. I ask you guys, what the fuck is up with this shit and WHY do I see literal 9-year olds doing this in the supermarket aisles? What caused this mass neurosis? Am I getting old?
t. fortnite nigger
For you people who play it, tell me one thing. Wasn't the skin shit added later? As far as i remember you got a random character at the start of every match.
Remember the macarena or are you just pretending to be all grown up?
>Am I getting old?
t. 19 year old "I was born in the wrong generation" nigger
When you were 9 you never imitated something you liked in a video game, movie or tv show?
I personally think apex IS easily the best br of the First Wave
The only Shit Thing about IT IS the Character designs
No, parents or older brothers slapped me for cringe behavior.
Yeah but it wasn't like a neurotic tick that infested tiny children, literally every time I go outside and I see children somewhere, 2 times out of three they will be doing this shit. It's fucking creepy
You probably just don't remember since you were busy dancing yourself at the time.
american attention spans
Sorry can't relate, I didn't have autism and my parents actually bothered raising me .
You aren't cool for doing the floss in public.
No? You'd quote something at most
I'm so happy for you that you had parents who cared enough to beat you up for being a kid, but I can still assure you that you were pretty cringe as kids even still. That's just what kids are.
Are you having a stroke?
>You aren't cool for doing the floss in public.
Why do you assume this? Because you're enough of a cringelord to do it, you wouldn't just project that onto someone else for the sake of a dumb argument?
You can immediately tell the zoomers by how they don't know about self-correction AKA bullying because "boys will be boys" doesn't exist anymore. If someone acted like a cringey faggot, he got bullied by other kids until he stopped.
Because kids are hella cringe. Not cringe like you are being right now but their own brand of kid cringe.
>no CRINGE allowed
No doubt which is why I ask why are you playing a cringy kid's game then? (f*rtnite)
they couldn't have done that well of a job because you're wasting time arguing on a video game forum
I bought one battle pass ages ago and I'm still playing on this one, a one time payment for a continous stream of nice skins
I tried fortnite but I'm too old to learn something fundamentally new like the building is. It's not for me but that's a stupid reason to dislike something. Let alone be consumed by hate for it.
Everyone is equal at the start. You can't pay to get a good gun at the start of a match before you even drop. There are no faster gliders. No more effective harvester tools. The only change is cosmetics. They only thing you can pay for that will help you would be a costume that blends in with the island more I guess.
All that said, new season fucking sucks. There's next to nothing for the free challenges.
Because when it happens today bullies will pick on anyone they can for lunch money because "hudurr boys will be boys", then little zoom loads up his daddy's revolver when he learns the teachers won't do shit and if he fights back he gets in trouble.
What do you guys think the next genre explosion will be after Battle Royale dies down? We've already gone through arena shooters and assfaggots and so on and so forth, so what'll be the next big hit?
I see kids doing that all the time while their scooter bound parents are trying to knock down food from a higher shelf into their basket. God bless America.
I hate it for being the most overhyped pile of hot garbage there is. If you ignore the fact that I only know of literal retards who play it aside from zoomer streamers and grade schoolers, it is still an insult to the medium. Nothing about this game is an original idea, which as a statement brings nothing new to any discussion, but it's how brazenly this game is obviously just trendhopping and how alienated anyone who can't immediately tell this is. The artstyle, a no-risks-taken overwatch-ish cartoon fuckworld that is as inoffensive and milquetoast as possible, battle royale mode which was practically unheard of before pubg, building elements = minecraft. This is not even to mention how the game has shitloads of problems and having a fan of the game explain them away is like a hobo trying to explain why smoking crack is good for you. Just no thanks. And it doesn't help that the most memorable things in this fucking trainwreck are some cringy pop-culture references that would get immediately shot down anywhere else on this site as being reddit as fuck.
Ironic how telling yourself and others that you're all grown up is the most childish thing one can do.
Who did you try to reply to? Or are you braindead?
I'm scared it will be some gacha shit that is as shallow as a JRPG
>Fortnite dances
>Baby Shark
Why are today's kids into the stupidest shit?
Sure, I'm braindead and people are sheep. You're smart and got it all figured out. *pats*
>well you were probably into stupider shit when you were young!!!!!1111oneoneone
t. fortnite-loving retards
>It's bad because it's unoriginal!
Literal meme argument, if you look hard enough at any game you can say it's copying mechanics from other games.
Any game with a rocket launcher you can jump with is ripping off quake, any shooter with a upgrade point system is ripping off Fallout And Deus Ex, ect. Every game in existence will borrow ideas from other games due to something called inspiration.
What the fuck are you even saying? Your original reply is just some dumb snarky remark that has nothing to do with any of what I typed out. If you're going to claim the high ground you need to be able to fucking defend the game
You guys were. You fags probably "played" dumb shit like FF6 and FF7 and thought they were good games.
I thought that was the response you wanted after scientifically proving that Fortnite is a shit game and that your preference is rather an objective fact lost on the idiotic masses. Wasn't it, or did you just take offense with the snark?
Are there any cute barefoot girls in this game?
>Literal meme argument, if you look hard enough at any game you can say it's copying mechanics from other games.
>Any game with a rocket launcher you can jump with is ripping off quake, any shooter with a upgrade point system is ripping off Fallout And Deus Ex, ect. Every game in existence will borrow ideas from other games due to something called inspiration.
Because I was expecting this reply, I typed out this:
>Nothing about this game is an original idea, which as a statement brings nothing new to any discussion,
>but it's how brazenly this game is obviously just trendhopping and how alienated anyone who can't immediately tell this is
You mean to tell me that Fortnite, which is literally just riding the current trends all the way from having a dumb battle royale mode to having dumb cartoony inoffensive visuals to just having building mechanics and crafting in a way, can exist in a vacuum? Fortnite is the cynical businessman's soulless prototype of a successful video game. It's almost like it's just a merge of assets from pre-existing video games.
Not necessarily a scientific proof that it is a shit game but rather my perspective on why it is a shit game. Despite my troubles I have yet to see what makes it a good game other than just how it is slick at emulating and merging different ideas from video games that were popular at the time, and sprinkling in some popculture references
Learning how to build is the best part. And it used to be harder. Now there's a bunch of practice modes
It's familiar stuff done better. What's so hard to understand?
The Sun Strider skin. She wears flip flops
there are sandal skins
So the game that started the trend is trend hopping, good to know.
And the "fe cartoons aesthetics" was actually a really good fit for it, because it made other players easier to see. Getting killed by some full camo asshole sitting in a tree is complete bullshit and is treason why the bush is such a rare drop.
Not good enough. I will now take my leave, as for now Fortnite is not for me.
Fortnite is popular because it is a social media platform. When people get home from school/work and they want to hang out with their friends, they do it through Fortnite. It's just like WoW was back in the day, but 10x bigger.
I don't really understand why anyone would enjoy something that is wholly unoriginal just because it does the things it rips off from better. Guess it must be one of those games where you just need to turn the brain off. Not for me and I will keep boycotting this chinese-owned company
Well for one it runs at 60FPS on base consoles. Pretty unusual for a shooter
Then, has a creative mode where can you build your own maps
Then, your map can be put into the game if it's good enough
Also, no p2w MTs or lootboxes. All is cosmetic
Then, the building. Unique deep mechanic not found in any other shooter
Then, Floor Is Lava mode. Which might not be unique but probably is
>muh china
I see your infinite wisdom goes beyond gameplay. You do indeed have it all figured out and then some.
It's free and families are poor now.
>Pretty unusual for a shooter
lulwat. What multiplayer fps/tps doesn't run at 60fps on console?
It's a free virtual babysitter for parents that don't want to deal with their kids.
Runs on LITERALLY everything. The game on phones is not some lesser, uglier version, it's the same exact game as on pc or consoles, which brings me to point 2, fucking crossplay. You can be on ANY system and play it with anyone on any OTHER system. That's an enormous thing.
It also runs better than just about every other BR on the market. apex is getting better though. Apex also has 0 content to speak of though.
It's not that people are poor it's that you need to have PS Plus to play most other games
>started the trend is trend hopping
Idiot, did you even hear about PUBG? It was like a mad rush for all of the soulless corporations to include that in their very own online shooters.
Also if you have to excuse the inconsistent and obviously derivative artstyle with it making the game better to play, but it's fucking trash and derivative nonetheless. You could be playing as glowing hitboxes in a red-green contrasted untextured mesh if there was no other way to have an artstyle that allows the gameplay to be smooth. It just looks inconsistent in a really ugly, uncanny way. Like the guns, the soulless characters and the trees to the ground to the prop cars or houses all look like they were ripped from different universes. But fair enough
Just because it copies ideas from other games doesn't make it bad, especially when those ideas meld well together.
You can't throw your favorite foods in the same pot together and expect it to not taste like shit, but all the mechanics in fortnite interact so well with each other that it made it successful.
Like I said,the cartoon art style made it easier to see other players, but the shield mechanic and building made it easier to not get killed from a million miles away by a dude with a sniper. Same with bullet speed. Even the bush doesn't work everywhere. The harvesting made it easier to escape bad situations because you could knock down a wall to get away.
Sure it takes from other games, but it's not doing it willy nilly. It knows what works well together and what doesn't.
It literally is just a chinese-owned company. If you are comfortable giving money or even the time of your day to them it could be literally any other company and I'd probably not even care. But a company as cynical and soulless as epic that is literally trying to force itself by appealing to the widest possible audience, and buying hostage games to promote as exclusives for their pajeet coded mess of a launcher is worrying. I wouldn't support them even out of principle
hos is lol or dota still so popular?
PUBG runs at 30 and H1Z1 runs at a broken 40-50
You're a dumbass
This is one of the better arguments I've seen for this game, I think this in combination with how it is free and obviously knows it's audience is how it got so huge.
>it's fucking trash and derivative.
>It just looks inconsistent in a really ugly, uncanny way. Like the guns, the soulless characters and the trees to the ground to the prop cars or houses all look like they were ripped from different universes.
You're talking like the game uses a different art style for each prop. How is it inconsistent?
I don't even understand what it is anymore. Is it still just a battle royale?
You see all this crazy shit in the trailers and I don't comprehend how it fits with a BR game.
It' s just closeted fags playing with their little dress-up dolls.
Sure, but can you make excuses for epic bribing game devs for exclusivity on their barely-functional launcher? Or is "eat sleep fortnite repeat" just too good to give up, no matter the price?
Ok so two shooters run below 60fps whilst all the others run at 60fps.
So how is running at 60fps unusual?
Oh yea. I forgot that everything is destructible in Fortnite. Pretty unusual for a game too
40yo boomer here, don't know shit about this game other than it looks ugly as fuck.
But I'm curious if there are any other games that have Battle Royale with Building. The conceptual appeal of that, especially to kids, seems pretty fucking obvious to me.
You asked what shooters run below 60. I gave you two example of very popular games. I'm sure I could find more. 60FPS in shooters on consoles is the exception not the norm
Seethe more, Steam cuck
The characters look like low LOD sims or like they're side characters from some 3d animated movie. The cars look like they're from a cubistic painting, while the trees range from a 3d modeling course's tutorial tree to a simplistic type coniferous tree. Guns look like they're airsoft guns, they're not quite right but they definitely don't look like they belong. Everything is just in such a weird range, it's difficult to describe but it's just grating on the eyes.
>ebin launcher
>won't tell file size when downloading a game
>no record of time played
>sales never ever
But free games are neat.
Oh I'll seethe in my plethora of more features and functionality and not having the chinese botnet control my computer
You don't own those games to an even lesser extent than on any other launcher. EGS doesn't save those games to your account so if you uninstall those games for any reason, you can't reinstall them. You might as well just pirate.
I guess there isn't, but it's like one of those unholy things that you wouldn't really ever think of if it didn't already exist, like pineapples as a pizza topping
Ask Gabe for a tinfoil hat functionality. You clearly need it
I'll make sure to do that, but I bet I wouldn't get it on the "epic!" game store
I used to do the Ice barrage animation from runescape on random birds that flew by when I was younger, maybe the flossing zoomers aren't that bad after all
I know Tim Sweeney fucked you in the ass but you don't need to make up lies about the EGS
>if you uninstall those games for any reason you can't reinstall them
Maybe I'm just blind but I really don't know what you're on about.
At first I thought you were talking about how all the different skins were wildly different and had no real direction. You have one guy who's some sort of god of fire then next to him is a dude in a banana costume. But even then in the game's defense the timeline having a stroke is a plot point right now.
Pandering to normies and kids
It just is? Sometimes some things just get popular out of nowhere and there's no reason for it.
60fps on console is the norm for multiplayer shooters. You two examples are the only exceptions. I fail to see how that's unusual for a shooter.
maybe ur autistic
Those character models along with the things I mentioned. The artstyle is obviously just trying to be as inoffensive as possible while having no real art direction. Compare it with something like Overwatch, which sort of does the same chaotic thing where stuff that looks like it came from another planet is in the same frame, but it's also less inconsistent. I think the best analogy I could come up with would be late TF2 on a community map. There is/was an artstyle, but because everything is so customized and the map is just made without a care in the world for the original aesthetic it ends up looking like a fever dream. I don't know, maybe I'm spouting shit but I really don't like the look of the game
>I fail to see
Well ya cause you're a dumbass
whats so bad about playing dress up, I do it all the time in tekken even if theres not that many options to choose from
>2 shooters in the dozens and dozens of shooters available run below 60fps
>hur dur 60fps for a console shooter is unusual
You're an actual retard
No, that's a false narrative. You're just a dumbass
Every game I have played I have always had aesthetics as my end game. I.e build coolest looking character. This game does it for me.
>Well for one it runs at 60FPS on base consoles. Pretty unusual for a shooter
Running below 60FPS would be unusual for a shooter. You're a dumbass.
Epic is not owned by china you fucking huge faggot