SEGA Unannounced AAA Title


So, SEGA's gonna reveal some AAA game at this year's Gamescom, what do you think is it going to be? A new IP? Maybe SEGA's trying to bring back one of their old IPs in a big way? Creative Assembly already confirmed it's not theirs.

Place your bets.

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shadow the hedgehog 2

Probably Yazkua 7 and a new Sonic, probably a Sonic Mania 2 and a new 3D sonic.


Sonic 06 remastered

AAA aren't the letter I think about when I see any Sonic games.
And Yakuza 7 has been announced already.


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>yfw new JSR
I know its not happening but let a nigga dream

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It's Creative Assembly's new Sci-Fi FPS game. Don't get your hopes up for a weeb game.

Sonic hasn't been AAA since Unleashed came out, and I doubt they'll start investing heavy money on it ever again.

3D sanic time bros

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Is smt5 seriously cancelled

Sega hates sonic and doesn't want to give it a budget, sonic forces graphics vs unleashed is proof enough.

I mean, they could be lying for a NDA or some shit, but this is what they had to say.

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It's already been confirmed that it's a new Total War.

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It will probably just be another 3D Sonic
For the Dreamcast 2

>Place your bets

I'd buy it

Could've been perfect, all they had to do was Photoshop station square over new donk

all i want is a new jet set radio and a new puyo that isn't fucking garbage
please, god

New sonic

Phantasy Star 5

It probably happening, I just hope it won't be as garbage as Future.

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>Triple AAA Games


OutRun 2020

sequel incoming lads

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It'd be great to see a Phantasy Star game with a cool story.


Yakuza's not an AAA game, dunno why people keep thinking that it is since it's not like it looks like one either

Imagine playing a new Outrun with VR support.

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Two Point Hospital was so disappointing. The level of redundancy was off the charts. There's like 50 hospitals and the only difference is the shape of the build and the disease-of-the-month. I have never seen such a low level of replay-ability in a game before.

Eh it's Yakuza 000777 333 222 Yakuza Turbo Yakuza Man of Yakuzas.
Coz Sega doesn't know anything else for shit.

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That and they announced the next Yakuza game already

I'm going to pirate it, I told them in their and Atlus' server that I am not willing to pay for digital and am only willing to pay for physical and specified that a download code is not a physical copy, they continue to release digital only on PC so I will continue to pirate their games with no remorse.

you are pants-on-head retarded

Yakuza is officially becoming the new Dark souls of ubiquitous cancer

Please, no. I like Adventure games. Please don't ruin them with modern Sonic Team. They will definitely fuck it up

Can the Total War games even be considered AAA?

For Yakuza to become the new Dark Souls it has to spawn a bunch of poorly made copy cats.

I’d unironically be extremely interested if it actually ran well.

Which one is Eternal Arcadia? 5 or 8?

Hopefully it’s a good Sonic game but I’d be better off betting on the lottery.

What's wrong with JSRF?


Mania 2 is basically guaranteed, so you're getting at least one in the near future. But yeah, the next Modern Sonic game will likely be the same old "mediocre bordering on bad at best" trash it's been for years now.

>It's been nearly a decade since the last good modern Sonic game

Sonic Adventure 3

Yeah, the next sonic game is going to be either another failed 'reinvention' like Lost World, or yet ANOTHER boost game that fails to understand what made that mechanic work in Unleashed.

persona 1 or 2 remake PLEASE!

Oh boy where do I even start?
>no scoring
>no timer
>no fucking cops
>except in lame braindead "boss" arenas with cops to tag while you're locked up; completely useless, boring and uninteresting
>automatic tagging
>AUTOMATING SPRINTING EVEN WHAT THE FUCK (oh yeah that's because there's no more bullets to avoid like in JSR)
>worse level design that somehow feel more linear and lifeless than it's predecessor, I swear to god there's less graphic details than on Dreamcast too. JSR's levels were open, JRSF is full of corridors
>worse game progression in general

JSR was an arcade action games where you had to skillfully or strategically avoid cops to finish the required tags. The difficulty came from the increasingly crazy police and military forces (and then the Rokakus) trying to stop a single kid from drawing on walls. It was fun and exhilarating. The zones finished with weird but still pretty fun boss against the gangs who tested your knowledge of the maps and mechanics required to find paint and catch them up with speed in order to defeat them.
JSRF is a fucking platformer collectathon. The cops aren't a threat in regards to the levels in general, and the entire difficulty comes from finding and reaching increasingly hard to reach tags point because that's the only way they found to make the game have SOME SORT of challenge. It doesn't work and it's boring. Somehow the boss fights are worse. Did you fucking see the Poison Jam fight? At least in JSR they could complete a full lap and trying to catch them required some skill. In JSRF they just RUN IN CIRCLES

This is the most disappointing sequel I ever experienced for myself.

>muh physical

get with the times grandpa

What? Not to mention Shin's already been announced for well over a year.

It's the space fps game that CA are making

Persona 6

my niggers

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They've already said it's not them

You darn youngin's and yer newfangled games and eye pees or whatevers. Sega are going to return to it's first and finest mascot, Alex Kidd.

Unless it's a new Samba De Amigo, Skies of Arcadia, or Nights, I don't give a fuck.

Dude, you didn't have to write down a fucking essay

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if they actually mean it then its 99% guaranteed to be a western game, either Relic or an Amplitude game
i wouldn't get my hopes up for a weeb game


if they announce an unannounced game, isnt that a paradox?


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skies of arcadia would be the best but I doubt it

Sonic isn't AAA, there's been no hints towards it on the social medias, and they prefer announcing Sonic stuff either at their own events or SXSW.

So it's not Sonic related.

Alien: Isolation 2?
New Outrun?
After Burner?
Crazy fucking Taxi with Bayonetta and Jeanne as guest characters?

Actually that isn't too far of a thought. JSR has gotten cult status and plenty of time has passed.

Its either that or another sequel to a franchise they have been working on every year.

>SEGA have a prime opportunity to bring us a game from their brilliant Japanese library

>loljk here’s total war or alien or whatever

better than "it sux lmoa"

>Sega hates Sonic meme.

Of course, its the only franchise they have that has stayed popular for twenty years spawning tons of other media like comics, cartoons, toys, and movies. Such a burden to them what with giving them a foothold in international markets and all.

Now explain why Sonic games are broken, soulless shit?

Maybe they will explain what happened to french bot!

Lmao you literally never played future and maybe watched a youtube video. Kill yourself

It's Sonic
>That's not AAA
OK, Yakuza
>That's not AAA
Total War?
>That's not AAA

Then name one AAA franchise Sega has.

Also I think Yakuza would have to form elitism of fans that blame players as not being skilled enough when they point out flaws in the gameplay.

It literally cannot be Yakuza. Shin was announced back in 2018 and that's confirmed the next Yakuza game. To add onto this this is a series that coasts by on a couple hundred thousand sales at best, it's not AAA by any stretch of the imagination.

How about Football Manager?

probably another shitty yakuza game or some rts autism shit for pc incels. segas flatlined this gen. my fingers are crossed for valkyria chronicles: modern warfare


Sonic Adventure remake set in the world of the hit new movie

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>Sega are going to return to it's first and finest mascot, Alex Kidd
>First mascot

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It's either Company of Heroes 3 or Amplitude Studios' new RPG. Those are the only games that would fit AAA criteria and make sense to be announced at Gamescom (and it can't be a CA gane since theyalreafy said it's not theirs).

Virtua Fighter 6

Does anyone else feel sorry for them? I recently came from Japan and Sega has a much MUCH larger presence over there, however I mean that like how Fischer Price has a large presence in the toy industry.

There are many Sega arcades in Tokyo and the first floor is all UFO catchers. You’d expect to maybe see Sonic, Yakuza or Daytona USA merch but they’re all selling Square-Enix, Nintendo, Bandai-Namco and Anime merchandise. Then there’s the arcade on the second floor and above. Not one Sega game apart from their arcade conversion of

The ground floor is fighting games and thought to see virtua fighter but nope, Tonnes of street fighter, Tekken, Gundam and a lot of other mecha fighting games. Sega is now a company that makes a profit selling other company’s IPs. It’s really depressing if you think about it.

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Persona 5 on PC.

>most likely
something from atlus
something alien related
a new jet set
some remake nobody wants
>fever dream
any other pre-dreamcast IPs

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Please be a proper AAA Sonic game. Ive been waiting since 2008 fucking hell

When they dropped out of the hardware game they went full harlot. That's business for you.

>Then name one AAA franchise Sega has.
They don't have one, SEGA has been making modest budget games for a while now, because everytime they dabble into it, that shit fails. Their last AAA game was Alien Isolation, how do I know it as AAA? It sold over two fuckng million units, and SEGA considered it weak sales.

it will never happen. nintendo scooped up a few artists and designers, and anyone else is stuck in hell making mario olympics games. and it has to be downgraded hard so the shitch can run it, meaning something even mightier than unleashed couldnt take full advantage of the xbox scarlett and ps5.

Let me have a little hope damnit

I find it really ironic how despite being 2/3 extremely mediocre, Sonic Unleashed is THE modern Sonic game that gets comparissons with all the new modern Sonics for the sole reason that the production values for it were through the roof and it shows on every pixel it has.

>downgraded hard so the shitch can run it
Reminds me that Forces was in a dismal state for the Switch right up until release when they got it to 30FPS.

i used to dream to until sega started working closer with nintendo. their shovelware consoles hold back the real consoles. and a theoretical unleashed 2 wouldnt have 2 versions like 360/ps3 and ps2/wii

sega doesn't make AAA anything

All I want if for them to really try again.

>"the whole development team is aiming to make Sonic Unleashed the best Sonic game ever, and that includes the Genesis-era titles! We hope that even people who haven't played Sonic games will feel 'Wow, Sonic is back!'" - Yoshihisa Hashimoto

its gonna be phantasy star

its not mediocre. its bleeding with soul, has challenging proper level design, and the post game is ridiculous. coming off the heels of 06 was no easy task but they did it and more.

and thats how it will be forever more because sonic sadly sells the most on nintendo. maybe one day nintendo will make a console stronger than the 360. should be just a few more generations until were at base xb1/ps4 levels

Shadow may cry.

just skip the shitch altogether then, it won't sell there anyway because it's not bing bing wahoo.

Hopefully new Shinning Force that's like EXA to compete with DQXI

nah thats the thing, the shitch and nintendo seem to have higher sonic sales than other consoles. sega is poor these days so its a necessary evil. we cant avoid it and games like forces are the standard template since its bite sized and small enough in scope to not have content problems on it. imagine adabat day, eggmanland, or spagonia on the shitch. the thing would melt in your hands, light on fire, and run out of battery in 5 minutes

The thing is that they can't try again because pretty much every talented motherfucker that worked on Sonic Unleashed jumped ship to the likes of Nintendo or Square Enix, hell, people who worked on Unleashed worked on Mario Odyssey. They're probably better off now than they were with SEGA, where they were relegated to making mediocre games and getting shit on by fans and critics alike.

Hopefully it's a new Phantasy Star Online, PSO2 is becoming 8 years old or so, it's about time.

not happening either. the west is finally getting pso2 next year

Reminder that Sega would have to be fucking nuts to announce a japanese title at Gamescom.

I said 2/3 mediocre, that's the werehog parts. Dont fucking tell me they're good or decent because they're not, it's fun for the first level or two out of sheere novelty because there were no beat'em up parts in Sonic before, but when you realize those are the majority of the game, which means trudge through 15~20 minute slow ass levels just to get to the really good parts is just insane.

The Werehog segments are repetitive, they overstays their welcome, and they slow the game down to a crawl.

Sonic Unleashed is a mediocre game with tons of soul, just like the Drakengard series

Literally nobody cares about the west in Japan. If you think this influences their decision in the slightest, then you don't know shit about Japan.

if they dont care then why would they announce the next phantasy star game at a western event?

A SMT5 that restarted development.

Screencap this.

If they're aiming for worldwide release, why not? Bandai Namco announced weeb games Jump Force and Tales of games on Microsoft's E3 conferences, and Sega sure as fuck has IPs more recognizeable in the west than fucking Tales of.


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Because fuck you that's why.

I'm sure SEGA still has and or can buy talent. Kishimoto has one good game to his name as director and it seems to have been a complete fluke, there's no reason for him to be heading games anymore.


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E3 is not gamescom dude

It's only the second/third biggest gaming event in the fucking world.

Alien Isolation 2

a Yakuza game where you watch the mob hitting you

My uncle works at Sega and he says they're making Alpha Protocol 2. It's set in Kamurocho

My wife's boyfriend's girlfriend's son's uncle works at Sega and he told me it was an open world Outrun game with the entire earth modeled and playable based on Google Earth data.

Oh baby, AAA Samba de Amigo

You're joking but SEGA removing Alpha Protocol from Steam is a good sign they don't want anything to do with the series anymore. Sequel never ever.

i-it's just because of music copyright, we'll get a sequel and probably a remaster of the original too one day.

Sega Super Stars Football

Crazy Taxi
Xbox One-PS4 and Epic Store release in November 2019, Switch, Steam and Stadia February 2020

it's not going to be yakuza, and the next game isn't even going to be called yakuza 7.


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sega was founded by the greediest type of a jew so fuck whatever they've become.

Wonder if we're ever getting news on the Valkyria Chronicles 3 remake any time soon or if it's been cancelled. It was teased 2.5 years ago now so it should be coming soon if it still exists.

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>AAA Crazy Taxi
If this happens, it will backfire immensely.

Not with Epic money in the middle if it were to happen and Timmy Boy wanted it. They're literally willing to pay the entire game's development costs and some more just to have it exclusive to their store.

Even if the game sold like shit, it'll all be profits for them.

I'm not talking financially but artistically. AAA has bad methods implied into it. Bye bye to arcade focus, for example.

Yeah, it makes sense now.


That's what they get for not fucking bothering with taking advantage of the PlayStation audience for Sonic exclusives after going third party via 6th gen. How on earth they couldn't get SA2 Battle to run on better hardware than the Dreamcast is pathetic.

Either a new Sonic game or a Playstation exclusive.