At what point did she gain feelings for Rex?
At what point did she gain feelings for Rex?
>treat him like absolute shit, she holds literally no respect for him and humilliates him with every opportunity that raises
>suddenly she likes him
>"omg rex i wuv you!, tell me u wuv me too!"
>"lol no"
japanese romances are weird but funny
Tagging along with someone on their journey to what you previously stated was a fairytale is absolutely a sign of growing respect.
Rex is cute
Nia is the last person you would probably want a blow job from.
Nia starte teasing even after she had no real reason to when she saw him gawking at the ship before they left Argentum.
Probably started getting a crush on him around the end of chapter 2/beginning of 3. Basically around the same time that she got over Jin.
Stupid minge cat deserved that cuckening.
who else was she supposed to fall for
there were no other worthwhile males in the party
there's exactly one worthwhile male in the party and it certainly isn't Rex
She took a leap of faith by going with him and abandoning her old life and friends. Turns out he was right about everything and an alright guy. That's really all you need to do to win over a girls heart, idk what's so difficult about that for you guys to realize....
The scene where she was expecting Jin to rescue her was pretty much it. Don’t expect Yea Forums to be able to understand a simple shounen story though
Is it Morag?
What about inklings?
Tora and the Chuuni are trash and you're trash.
No, that'd be you
okay, Rexfag
Idk user, I've been told I can suck a mean dick.
If you say so. Nia's still pretty high on the list though
I would say just about Chapter 2, when he rescued her. She thought it was Jin and she already had a crush on him for pulling the same stunt, but she also had other things that she liked about Rex even before that.
Bull. Someone wasn't paying attention. Nia respects Rex a lot, she just keeps herself at an emotional distance most of the time to protect herself. When it comes to talking about him to anyone else, she barely insults him, or says it in such a way that it is both a compliment and an insult.
Her disdain of his naivety is because she also wants to protect him from getting hurt, but then says she likes it. Also, you completely misunderstand her confession. She was already sure of his loving Pyra, she just didn't want there to be anymore secrets between them. She was tired of lying and put herself out there. Being rejected was what she wanted and was confused when he says "Yup". But his idiocy is the reason she likes him, so of course she wasn't upset.
OP here, thats my thoughts too I just want to see if anyone thinks otherwise.
did she have a crush on Jin?
Imagine what went through Nia's head when for a brief moment she thought he was also accepting of her feelings in that way.
not him but that's how I interpreted how she acted when I played the game
>What the fuck??
I imagine
>Holy shit did I win?
considering how she flipped her shit at Rex for (reasonably) not wanting to go get everyone killed fighting Jin again and how she sees his relationship with Pyra, she was probably a few seconds away from getting pissed at him not considering how Pyra felt or something
>another Japanese shounen story where the most bland, boring girl wins the romantic interest contest
It's not really a big point, but Nia really clutches onto things that make her feel safe and she just can't believe that Jin would order her death. It's all the markings of the obsessive girl that believes her man can do no wrong.
She was even really confused and trying to fight Pyra leaving Rex to her. She wasn't about to sacrifice Pyra for her own happiness and that's part of why I like Nia. She went from this scared girl, wanting desperately to belong somewhere, to seeing someone's relationship forming and trying to hold it together by any means possible, even at the expense of her own happiness. She could have just as easily taken Rex and fucked off after that point, content that she was fulfilling Pyra's wish of keeping him safe. But all she can think about is rescuing Pyra and getting her and Rex together. Best wingman, deserves her own happy end.
So what happens now since Klaus no longer exists?
nice small bulge
Isn't she implied to get with Rex in one of the endings? That's what I'd heard.
What if Pyra was actually wanting Nia and Rex together?
Nothing much. They have a continent to do whatever they want on. The housing and farming crisis is over, they have plenty of fertile land. All that matters now is that the nations don't fight each other again over stupid shit, but of course they will, even if it's hundreds of years from now when people have forgotten their history.
Kind of, not really. She just holds hands with the group in the NG+ ending screen. Either Pyra invites her over and she jumps in. Or she knocks Rex out of the group and holds hands with Pyra and Mythra. Can easily just be taken as "I'm always going to be your Blade too" instead of a romantic sense. I like to imagine though
>drawing of Nia pushing both Pyra and Mythra over the edge of the cliff when to hold hands with Rex by herself when?
never, because that's retarded
I'd sooner expect it from Azami. I'm almost shocked that we don't have more art of Azami trying to kill the other Blades for loving on Rex.
please her driver is Morag or Nia.
Nia makes the most sense for the fact that she has the best ether score to use cannons, but I just never felt like Nia's dialog fit the best. Rex or Morag fits better. Nia fits the best with Kora, if only just because of their dialog about her talking through the night.
But they don't have a creator anymore
Do you think Rex and Tora ever used the Hot Springs during the time there in the story after the girls or before.
Not like he did much other than watch in the first place. The evolution of the Blades and the Titans was managed by the Aegises, Klaus was just sitting there observing the data and getting really depressed.
The departure of the Conduit and the loss of one of the processors is a far bigger loss to Alrest than their creator dying, and even then the world was probably left in a state where those things aren't needed anymore.
I really hope we get a sequel, I want to see what the new land looks like detail.
I want to know what the hell is going to happen to Blades and Titans now that they've seemingly served their purpose and the Titans' food source is gone. And are Blades still going to continually evolve and eventually turn into Titans like before?
If we take the H2H there are truth, then they never got a chance because of shit going down.
Titans will probably just die out. The continent sized ones already converted their bodies to stone and you can see other large titans that were dead that actually formed the land. Eventually the fire will burn out of Blades and they will die too, unable to convert to Titans because all of the large Titans have died.
The land we see at the end is also unlikely to be the only land mass, there are probably way more, since not all Titans would have been able to make it to that spot.
So the ending Blades get is...the slow extinction of their species?
Unless a miracle happens and they evolve in a way that doesn't involve Titan reproduction and can instead mate with humanity as they are, producing humans with Blade features. Then, yeah. They are doomed. I wouldn't be surprised though if Klaus had a plan for that, he made the Blades to be humanities partner. I doubt that he would have just meant for them to die after getting humans the land they needed.
If we get a 2-2, then they might go into detail on that. The evolution of humanity, combination with technorganic beings. Takahashi loves that kind of shit.
>Klaus gave them the ability to reproduce as another part of his "Final Gift"
The first to make this monumental discovery is Zeke.
Does anyone know what the fuck that sound effect is that plays when Nia sees her wanted poster, its that kind of party popper sound I guess?
>Everyone thinks he just playing a joke when he says that Pandy is pregnant
>Until they actually see her. Poppi however is confused, because she never learned about reproduction, Masterpon never lets her read adult books that he keeps locked away
I would buy this.
Nigga das gay
>Brighid now wishes she could get impregnated by Lady Morag.
wtf i didn't know girls could be cuckolded too
Japanese women are a darker territory of typical women, it's very believable. -the were-chad
Considering all the time XB2 spends on Jin and Torna, showing how things are fucked up for blades and how flawed the whole system is, it's almost hilarious how much the ending focuses on improving things for humans and ignores whatever's going to happen to blades.
Literally since the beginning before he got killed she kinda liked him. Then she turns back on her organization to join him. But then she just becomes a fourth wheel and is annoying. But the most annoying thing are the dub fags. WELSH CAT
Shut the fuck up
It actually was a process distilled thorough the whole adventure. As it should be.
I think that is part of the reason why the final chapter did focus on Blades and Klaus realizing that they were just as much his children and not tools just to help humanity get back on their feet. Otherwise I can't imagine him granting Pyra and Mythra the ability to return. I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to impart a final instruction to the Aegis core, they should still be able to send evolution data to Blades and could maybe make them compatible.
It's there in almost every quest too. Towards the start you'll have her making fun of him for not knowing stuff, then as things go on, this becomes less common and she starts to just teach it and then you have bits where she's impressed with him, while at the same time squashing his ego.
>Otherwise I can't imagine him granting Pyra and Mythra the ability to return.
Klaus had nothing to do with that, he's long gone before they even had to destroy the World Tree. They came back because their core was undamaged, that's it.
It doesn't seem like Blades would mind becoming mortal, they don't seem to attached to their species in general.
I thought that was Richter?
Is this from the essay autist?
Best moment
That cannibal stray cat must be disposed off immediately.
Doesn't matter, she knew she couldn't have him. See that X on neck? Proof she left him to die and Mythra/Pyra saved his life.
Don't talk too hastily
what the fuck that can happen?
Falling is the most powerful force in all of Alrest.
Who fucking cares, she's never getting him
I wish the next game impliment environment to deepen the fighting mechanics
Not with that attitude
I want Rex to breed Nia
I hope XC3 doesnt give us another goddamn Melia situation.
how do people enjoy this trash?
literal qtes
Nia's feelings for him are horribly underdeveloped beforehand but the basic structure is still there.
She feels bad about how Jin+Malos fuck him over, gets saved by him twice anyway, sees him mature a bit on his journey, gets wrapped up in a grand scale adventure, watches him grow sympathy for problems similar to her own (e.g. the unfairness of Blade's current existence), and along the way makes friends with him and comes to admire his courage.
There absolutely should have been more moments where they had some emotional intimacy to build a greater connection (even h2h scenes could do it) and Nia needed more focus on reoressing her feelings to explain the huge outburst about it and why it held so much weight alongside her status as a Flesheater, but it does make sense. It just falls flat because the poor execution and sudden buildup of intensity make it hard to give a fuck about their potential as a couple and renders the heartbreak she feels unrelatable.
Personally I'd have included some more scenes of her talking about how rough FE have it with him privately, him encouraging her when she's at a lowpoint, and the two just sharing some time together eating or hanging out. Throw in even one scene on top of that with her pining at him while he fawns over Pyra and you're golden, it's suddenly way easier to be invested in her shot at confessing to him and how intense her outburst is feels more understandable.
I want them to properly explain what the fuck is ether actually because in Tantal they say that it's the cloud sea but if that's the case then how the hell is poppi producing nanobots, how were they using their powers in the space station, how can nanobots that rebuild stuff allow you to move faster than light and control elementary particles and if the cloud sea dissipated at the end then what the hell is going to happen with their powers.
>because in Tantal they say that it's the cloud sea
what? I don't remember that. doesn't Dromarch talk about some ether lifestream shit earlier in the game?
do you have a link to the scene?
Pretty sure Titans produce ether in their "bloodstream"
it was when the king shows the ether lines afte rthey fail at killing pyra
shit, I didn't realize that the NG+ title screen stays even after you start NG+ over again
fuck you Nia, I liked those screens much more than this shitty tree
Nia doesn't stand out particularly in the original. A lot of the character's popularity came from her personality in the dub, like Reyn in the previous game.
You misinterpreted it. Genbu eats cloud sea to be able to produce ether. All living beings produce it, not just Titans and Blades, though they produce much more of it then other forms of life. Everyone needs Ether to perform arts and you can use arts without being a Driver if you have the knowledge. It's a fundamental part of their world and some things can draw it out of you, or block it off from you.
That makes it sound more like the particles in the cloud sea are titan food, which is fucking weird as hell.
Why the frick is Genbu the only one that produces ether by eating the cloud sea that makes no sense, if they all do the same then it would be consistent and it would also make a lot of sense because the nanobots have the genetic info of everything in them and cores would be produced from that stuff if ether really was that.
Xenoblade 2 should have had ether be the same as Xenogears which was the energy that came leaking from the Zohar that was flooding the planet, it would be a cool reference and it would also be possible since there's also a "Zohar" in that game.
Original Nia is better than meme dub Nia.
I feel immediately bad for that cat
screencap this, Monolithsoft is make a remake of Xenoblade 2 that will actually have personnel working behind it and the story will be longer, the graphics and models will be improved, the special effects will be better, there will be 4 characters on screen because now it will be properly optimized and they will retcon some shit like adding 2 more towers to the scene where Earth blows up, following what they wrote in the siren model kit lore
QTEs are a fraction of the gameplay though.
I don't even own a Switch to play the game, but the doujins out there where Rex is with Pyra/Mythra/Nia/any combination of those make me genuinely happy.
Even the Japanese elude to her dub qualities in a lot of their art and fan works. It's just a noticeably better interpretation of the character. It's only "meme" if you're a Euro/American who hears a regional accent and can't break their mind away from "lol funi voice not sound like mine!".
So...Yea Forums would she still be beautiful if she did this?
Depends what's for breakfast.
looks like shit
>treat him like absolute shit, she holds literally no respect for him and humilliates him with every opportunity that raises
She warmed up to him before he even met pyra. Did you forget their talk on the boat while they were on a mission with Malos and Jin? She defected with him because she didn't agree with Jin and Malos' methods and goals from the start, she just wanted a place to belong.
>japanese romances are weird but funny
I prefer Japanese romances that are cute and funny.
>deserved that cuckening.
The bond between driver and blade is stronger than marriage. Rex could fuck every single one of his blades and Pyra/Mythra would be cool with it. If he fucked someone else's blades, tho, they'd probably get upset.
hash browns, eggs, bacon, banana nut muffin, chocolate chip pancakes.
>she eats all the eggs
mai waifu
Oooooo cute!
Can't wait to read this when I'm not so fucking tired.
I think she was interested in him starting during their little talk on the ship about Elysium, I think there was a certain spark of hope in Rex that she desperately needed in her life even if she thought it was the delusions of a stupid kid. The deal was sealed when he saved her despite her telling him to run. She always needed that and it's why she fell in with Torna, not because she really agreed with the kill God and end the world stuff (really, aside from Jin and Malos it seemed like the rest of them were mostly just in it to fuck with Indol and were getting kind of uncomfortable as they started to approach their goal, but were all driven on to accomplish it nonetheless to support each other), Jin saved her and was the only person to help her since driver dearest died.
>The bond between driver and blade is stronger than marriage.
Very much this and it's very cute
Why would he though? Pyra and Mythra are already perfect
The whole story. The problem is Rex was already in a love at first sight bullshit relationship with Pyra from the fucking start of the game so a slow brewing tsundere crush has no chance and just felt forced.
>Pyra/Mythra come back
Without an Aegis and the world tree they definitely would have died out but with the Aegis they could do some change to the life cycle
Pyra makes it so blades can have babies cause she wants a big family with Rexu~~
Pyra does it so Nia can have babies with Rex.
They're completely mediocre
That's your opinion and it's completely fine to think like that as long as you agree that you're also wrong.
crisis of infinite worlds game when with xenoblade 1,2,x and maybe xenosaga if they're cool?
Nia's feelings were handled really well, honestly. She was quite mature about it.
Make me want to buy and play this game. XB1 gave me such feels, i loved it immediately but XB2 looks so atrocious I can't get myself to get it. Is the combat deep enough to carry the game? Are the cuscenes skippable and largely pointless? And is the Torna game necessary? When Persona3 FES had the extra campaign it irked me with its laziness.
>Persona fag
lol kys
I think she always had a general fondness for him, but i believe it was cemented when he busted her out of the brig. If you think about it, she was partly responsible for him getting nothing personnel'ed and he still saved her despite being an incompetent driver.
>i loved it immediately but XB2 looks so atrocious I can't get myself to get it
You're already not in the right mindset
>Are the cuscenes skippable and largely pointless?
Yeah, playing a jRPG and skipping 50% of what makes a jRPG definitely isn't the right mindset.
Skip it.
Combat is the best in the series, cutscenes are skippable but i loved that shit. Torna is great and somehow the combat is even better but really padded out with mandatory sidequests.
this, welsh catgirls are just cuter
Delete this...
Probably after they rescued her from Mòrag.
If only the same could be said for Rex. She deserved better
This user gets it.
Shut up Pyra.
Stopping by this thread to say that I've never played this game, but I think both of her designs are top notch.
>never played XC2
Go and play Pyra's game user, it's good.
>pyra game
Things change since she only really hates him in chapter 1
By Chapter 2, they’re pretty amicable
You should play it user.
How much of the game revolves around Pyra and Mythra?
the game is literally all about them, so yeah
If I recall correctly Takahashi said it's a story about a boy meeting a girl so figures. Also that's the name of the last chapter.
While it's true, and the story revolve around them, I say it'd be unfair to say it's all about them. Nia gets her fair share of development, and has a fairly well balanced presence, even in the later parts of the game.
Surely C96 will have the Meleph doujins scanned
>tfw we'll never get those
But what if I want the game to be all about Pyra/Mythra, will I be disappointed?
Not at all.
More importantly what is Pyra and Mithra thinking?
>"Oh my..."
You don't have to worry, user
Was this by a drawfag from here? That's pretty good
who draw this?
>still not online
>treat him like absolute shit, she holds literally no respect for him and humilliates him with every opportunity that raises
Shit that never happened pass the trip on the Maelstrom at the very start of chapter 1 once Nia got to know Rex a little more: the post.
In all of Bionis and Mechonis, too
>Tfw Sword Driving Mechons off of the Mechonis Fields
Fucking hate this game and the protagonist. Typical generic shota MC with a boring, oblvious, happy-go-lucky personality. All of the other characters were okay but he ruins it. The humor was off as well. No grit.
Glory to the Welsh Cat.
He does love her though, and all you guys.
What? Rex is practically the most thougthful and down-to-Earth character in the party except for Morag. He's a diligent worker that's got a profitable blue collar job going with a great reputation at 15, earning enough to send money back home, and he only quits that life once
1. His home/workplace gets destroyed
2. He actually gets a shot at solving the world's real estate issue and slow extinction
Pyra and mythra should have died and left rex with Nia. It would have been better story telling wise
Sorry user, but killing two very marketable girls is a bad idea. Just look the Gunvolt series, the only thing people talk about it is how all the cute girls keep dying and how sick they are of it.
Nia’s stinker!
I want her stinker!!
>falls in love with generic redhead slut instead of the cute welsh kitty
Is rex the gayest protagonist ever?
>falls in love with the hot as fuck big titted girl instead of the ugly and unappealing catgirl
Sounds pretty straight to me
Are you sure this isn't just localization fuckery? They have completely changed character personalities many many times before
>pyra hotter than nia
Why does Takahashi always make the MC have girls jump on his dick? It happened in XB1 and then XB2 why is he such a hack at romances?
If you think that ugly cat is anywhere near as hot as this you're either blind or mentally ill
Pyra...would be ok with it, remember she was created to be the "perfect version of myself", so if Mythra actually gets stereotypically jealeus, Pyra would be thinking in threesomes.
Supposedly here but it's not on /i/ or the Yea Forums drawthread
>generic ass human
>adorable catgirl
Don't make me post more Viper, I'll do it
The localization actually tones down the gay shonen anime tropes significantly for most of it. It's why the comic-relief scenes appear so fucking weird and out of place.
>that ugly shit
>generic redhead with the personality of a potato
>OR adorable welsh kitty that would ask you to rub her belly and pet her head
Yes nigga, shes cute as hell, Rex is retarded
All I can think about is Pyra not even telling Rex or Nia. Just shoves Nia into the bedroom while Rex is showering and locks the door, before coming back in the sexiest outfit possible and tells the two about how threesomes can spice things up. Nia objecting because if she wanted to do that, she could have just invited Mythra, but Pyra fires back with Mythra being a prude and would never accept and also Pyra wanted to go down on Nia to get Rex excited and the thought of going down on her sister was a little too much for her
>Nia and Finch have a doujin
I hope some of these are just wholesome stuff. I just can't imagine cat and birb getting it on.
Awesome. I like the idea of Finch and Nia spending time together and that she probably fits best at Finch's driver story wise. But it's a shame that Morag is the best for her combat wise and I like the idea of her patience being tested with a birb with the memory of a gold fish.
>redhead slut
Did you even play the jap dub? She doesn't sound at all like that.
I honestly find Morag's a better fit for Finch than Nia, I figure Nia would get pretty irritated by Finch's birdbrain forgetfulness, while Morag could keep her calm and stoically remind Finch of what she was doing every time she gets amnesia. I also find Morag's calm, mindful demeanor contrasts better with Finch's extravagant wanderlust.
Yeah, but sometimes contrasts aren't always the point of driver and blade relationships. Sometimes they are very much alike and Nia getting annoyed with Finch's forgetfulness, but at the same time still too much of a caregiver to ever really punish her and just rolls with it and never leaves her to do anything important.
Why would you dress cute little Nia like female Hitler?
At the time icoo drew that nobody knew the new FE girl was an insane, genocider tyrant.
Suits Nia.
How about this? Just out of the internet.
This is probably the worst artist I've seen in recent memory
You want what amaze me? No one have done a fetish transformation on any of the blade turning into Titans.
You could just go an easy route and make them gigantic fat titan sized blobs.
I knew a girl that was the same with me. Once she had started getting all flirty with me, I begun to ignore her until she just faded out of my life.
You have to admit it fits her.
Is there a zanza's version of the "you dense motherfucker!" Pic?
Her stinker is entirely Rex's property.
short hair cozy pajama nia > long hair leotard nia
Please elaborate.
No part of nia stinks.
>You will never get to explore Brighid's hot and humid navel cave.
What's that supposed to represent?
Tora is for Poppi/Hana only
Kill la kill reference.
>guy cucks OG girl for new girl he meets halfway through the adventure
why do JRPG's do this? Tifa not Aerith you fuckheads.
Eh, to be fair Rex met Pyra not too long after he met Nia.
>implying he wasn't referring to ditching both of them for Mythra
I think they meant why it was in reply to
do you actually think fotm porn artists give enough of a shit about the lore to know that blades become titans?
umm yeah?
she's quite an attractive man
kill jester
Probably they focus on the aegis that's why.
She looks like a delinquent from anime
aegises aren't technically blades so they can't become titans by the normal rules in the first place.
Pyra is way too cute, I want to cuddle with her
>Thread literally up for 13 hours
Why does The Good Boy's Club do this?
I mean
all she has to do is barge in and join in
>being the fourth wheel
do you not realize the fantasy world they live in and nia can constantly heal rex's dick so they all can have sex all night?
Shut up Rex.
>implying Pyra would allow that
they're already on good terms and shes already willing to share with mythra
I dont think you know these characters well at all
True, however there's a point when one ought to draw a line.
Would you be willing to attempt to bond with a core crystal given the usual consequences seem to be death?
(Tora and family are comedic outliers)
Dude, they were an item even before Pyra showed up to be a third wheel.
Rex was just too fucking retarded to understand.
I'm not sure if people who fails to bond actually dies and either way why live in a world with core crystals if you're unable to bond with one.
Star from Star Vs was the literal queen of this meme for years until the season finale.
the threads and images it spawned were fucking amazing.
Is this what The Good Boy's Club has been reduced to?
Talking about cartoons?
Being on good terms and sharing the man aren't mutually exclusive, specially since Pyra and Mythra were split into two different beings in the end.
He's like 15 years old, he can already go all night.
What does this have to do with video games?