Holy fuck user you've been playing for seven hours straight, take a fucking break!
Holy fuck user you've been playing for seven hours straight, take a fucking break!
what the fuck is that keyboard
7 hours is a long time for normies?
Seven hours is almost a third of the day. Imagine playing games for a third of your day. Don't tell me that's all you have.
Jokes on you, nowadays if I get to two hours I already start questioning my life choices.
Does anyone actually have the patience to play a game for that long? After an hour I just save the game and close it and pick it up later that day.
Haven't played anything today though.
Guess it's blin time.
Not him, but I play for 10-12 hours a day. Every waking moment.
Fuck you cat I do what I want
Actually I have only spent 1.5 hours out of the last 7 playing games, the rest is shitposting and procrastinating
>seven hours straight
H-how did you know?
What breed is it?
hush zoomie
reddit animal
I too wish to know
No you
>playing video games
are you fucking gay?
Go out and stop play video game is cool but since i don't have any friends or money ... video game is the only option LoL
Only if it's a very good game, I'd go up to 12, or like 6 if it's multiplayer and there's a constant supply of mind numbing substances.
I wish I could play for that long
that the corgi user
Nobody knows, he's a rescue
Blini kot.
Holy shit a talking animal
I liked that cat before the owner became an attention whore with it.
My friend has been sending me this picture a lot.
Which is why I see it a lot more often than it probably deserves.
Well. Nevertheless, we had a little so called arguement.
What emotion does this cat's face portray?
This is what my friend says. Quote.
Firstly, it shows his absolute superiority:
He has a plate of blins and smetana, and you don't.
Still, he is welcoming you to share the dinner with him.
Provided you accept all the formalities and realize his authority.
However, I think that there's more to it than it seems.
Maybe... his face portrays a request.
A request. Because even though those blins are so close yet they are so far.
Since, nobody would, most likely, let him taste it.
It's a complicated question.
What does this cat want to tell us? What kind of idea? Through this grimace?
I can't disagree that his face is quite expressive and charismatic.
Beautiful cat. Beautiful picture.
And it does have this... atmosphere of warmness... Feeling of home comfort.
Because everything here feels so alive.
See? Those blins. Freshly hot prepared blins.
And there's such a great cat.
This is the dream of any person.
Who of us wouldn't like to have a plate full of blins and a cat nearby?
I have neither. Which is why when I look at this picture, I'm quite satisfied.
I like this post
It's better with sound
But I've been browsing Yea Forums for 12 hours today
too bad his later videos did got as popular
I've seen lots of weird shapes for old PS/2 keyboards but I have never seen anything like this one
They're semi popular in offices, some sat they're more comfy
God, I wish I could be a neet.
ergonomic logitech keyboard.
I had one of those late 90s, so they've been around for a while
i've plaued like 10+ hours for years
I'm retired.
Wait a minute that isn't Yea Forums
Random shelter cat
God, I wish I was retired
What I'd give to be able to enjoy a game for 7 hours.
But the game requires at least that amount of time every day to not fall behind the level of other players...
People for whom that game is their life, like clan commanders and those who manage the highest score in that game, mod mountains or not.
you're a cat, you can't tell time
This is the most cute cat I know
Warning: Do not open
I did that for years when I was a teenager
I once pulled a 10 hour session. Never again.
Aren't those the radioactive fukushima cats who you're not meant to pet?
Sorry senpai but chinese commies wont kill themselves!
reddit post
I had no idea that cat reaction face was from here.
>from here
What the hell where is it's mom
Is it the famous toxoplasm breath?
I am typing this on that exact keyboard you posted right now. I wanted a bluetooth keyboard because I have a laptop plugged into my tv, and I sit way back in front of the television surfing youtube and shitposting on the chan. It came as a set with a logitech mouse, and it was cheap as shit, like $35 cheap.
Why do they do this shit. My cat runs to me to let, even walks infront of me almost making me trip. I let it for a few seconds and it starts biting me. Getting a cat was a mistake and I hate my family for making me take care of it.
Pet* > let
Go back. It’s caturday.
Just got done playing 6 hours of disgaea 5.
You can see russiachan on the background.
reddit user
stop telling me to take a break or I'll break your fucking spine
let's not do that today
If it's a single player experience that I really love, I'll gladly do it. I've been playing Ao no Kiseki recently, Trails games are such a beautiful slog.
user, give up. These reddit newfags don't even know what Caturday is.
>toxozombie thread
no. photographers and/or cameramen in general, while working on documentaries, are not allowed to tamper with natural animal activities in their habitats. this includes touching them, or interacting with them, which is why the japanese cameraman hardly moves or directly touches the kitten but allows him to chill. it's also because you don't want animals in nature to become too used to humans, as their scent might become skewed, leading to them becoming outcasts or due to poaching or whatever
Stop eating shit.
Heres what I do ok. I go MONTHS without playing games at all BUT when a single player game comes out and interests me for example Resident Evil 2 remake or Devil May Cry 5 then I sit down all day playing it until I beat it over 2-3 days of marathon sessions. Then it could be months before I play games again. Whats so bad about that?
thats dogs
Please stay away from me
If I had anything else going on in my life I wouldn't play games at all. I only play them because I have no friends or interests. I just go to work and come home and play games. I'm not that bothered if I die or not but I wont actively kill myself.
A1 quality bait
As stupid as it sounds, cat walking through your legs (without purring/lifting their tail/not exactly rubbing himself all over you) is a manipulative act, biting on you like in that gif only reassures the first point. You better train that cat or give it to someone who knows cats very well.
This behavior is kinda similar to dogs when they don't see you as the "leader of the pack" and are willing to act rude or even bite you over simple things like scratching their ear or touching their neck.
because theyre fuckign cunts, but theyre cute so you forgive them
but I like corgis and kots
Why do you think I'm here?
>get home from work
>cat doesn't come greet me, but instead plots an intercept course
>by the time I reach my bedroom door she's already in front of it laying on her back, expecting belly rubs
bro your chicken has autism
What is thy bidding, master.
Then you know where you must go.
Mustve been hard not to want to take that little kitter home
Would that really apply for a stray housecat? I mean that makes sense for wild animals out in the savanna or whatever, but you'd think cats would already be very used to humans, especially when they live in a populated neighborhood.
i think a lot of people might not realise that maybe their cats are quite so cuntish to them because they're bad owners
>Been playing hoi 4 nonstop for the last 17 hours
Is it bad or based? Playing as nationalist china btw.
What's wrong with liking them? It's not bound to reddit
what the hell are you fags playing that's so good you spend 7 hours?
Thanks kitty.
I'll drink some water while I'm at it
Fuck off kitty get off my desk
Thanks Morgana
Wrong, it's a microsoft natural ergonomic keyboard. I have two of them
my heart...