SPV3 leak is back up and its staying up forever this time, as a reminder of what they did. thank masterz and jazz for this happening.
if you have problems with mega then use jdownloader or some shit like that.
previous thread
this has plenty of shit you can use in your own projects. recommend getting your own install of halo custom edition with the opensauce engine extensions.
apparently this trash has licensed code that was going to be used to sue nvidia. dont know what the fuck thats about but you can email the cunts if you want
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Halo CMT SPV3 Leaked Source
the nose knows
>SPV3 leak
who gives a shit?
I do
Can I get a quick rundown?
this shitcunt masterz1337 stole assets, and is generally known for being a piece of garbage to his team and others, firing them over political differences they didnt even bring up. he sits at the front of SPV3 taking credit for everything when it was many others who did the work for him. so fuck him, his shit stinks and his mod gets leaked.
>Hey, this is the guy that Masterz tried to dox when I was a minor. This was back in 2017. What happened is Masterz accused me of defending an "alt right nazi" who (((allegedly))) made threats to some Halo YouTubers (LNG? Don't know or care) girlfriend. In reality, I was calling him out on a tweet he made about the person getting cancer and an expensive healthcare bill (I'm T1 diabetic, not as bad as cancer obviously but I messaged him about it and he immediately started attacking me, which then followed with him posting a lot of the personal aspects of my condition in forum posts.) He threatened to dox me if I didn't stay silent about the situation, and he has my information to this day. A couple years later he suddenly starts ass kissing me over a mod I'm doing and then starts ebegging me for it, only to claim that everything I was working on was owned by him when I said no and tried to "revoke" my rights to the CMT tagset. There's more I can talk about like how he's trying to get police involved on some kid who made an edgy threat, and I'm more than happy to answer questions.
>that art direction
jesus christ its awful
Is SPV3 worth playing? Heard it's fun and good but that it has some big flaws
Imagine having each level that lasts 10-20 mins each doubled. The first half is pretty good, but it becomes too drawn out once you repeat levels.
Why is that squid-head naked?
its a bloated clusterfuck of bad gameplay and art direction.
Definition of quantity over quality
>retarded and highly inconsistent 'art style' with sharpness and contrast cranked up on every texture, and levels that are nearly pitch black for extended sections
>runs like ass until you turn off 20 or so post-processing effects they shoved in, then still might run like ass
>autistic weapon sandbox including incredibly out of place shit like gravity grenades and another, shittier needler
>a difficulty curve with many massive dips and spikes in just one mission
>absolutely raped the classic Lumoria campaign mod
>cringy datapad 'lore items' that might actually be worse than 343's shit
>bad re-use of lines from later games
>shitty original voice acting
Basically the only decent thing about the mod is the soundtrack.
god that book was good though
yeah that was written decently, should have said that when I posted
Ok, thanks guys. Might play a level or two, some of the weapons look fun and the arbiter's sword being an ability thing sounds kinda fun.
remember how the anniversary edition was a manifestation of the soulless meme? this is worse and with wonky mechanics from reach on top of it with extended levels that get boring.
I tried playing it, and the game looks a feels terrible. On 1 sens the mouse controlers felt terribly fast, and lowering dpi still felt shitty.
He's right though. The mod should have been better. It is way too overdone with too many weapons, it has armor abilities, and then its also too dark on some maps. Its good they made the appropriate levels dark and atmospheric but they went overboard. That is what the whole mod essentially is. Its very overdone on everything.
the spartan charge combined with sprint is also good, shame its all overshadowed by the massive amount of shit. hce is a good place to start learning game design, and the leak has some cool shit in it.
who the fuck cares? would unironically rather play halo 5 than this cringe shit.
then play. whats stopping you.
what a fucking disgrace. pic related is great, why cant they take notes from all of the great user made maps.
Because they're so far up their own asses that they refuse to use anything approaching the original Halo CE art style because it is old and therefore bad. So instead they try to force greater fidelity than the engine can handle, fail, end up with something barely 2005-ish in technical quality, but it looks even older because they had no real art direction to begin with so it's all inconsistent.
that sums it up perfectly
that Cortana they went with fucking baffles me. It's like she caught the downs or something.
They've unironically tried to defend this on their subreddit as being a technical limitation rather than an artistic fuckup. Original Cortana looks leagues better than this, even on lowest graphics.
I'm assuming masterz wanted her to look like Halo 4 Cortana because Halo 4 is his favorite game
halo 4 cortana did actually look better than everything
dont agree with that fuckin pic though. halo 3 cortana is ugly.
>1's hair
>2's hips
>3's boobs
>4's skin
>5's incredibly smug face
The ultimate Cortana.
>cheats disabled, kills you if you try to use them
>devs have no way of testing out changes fast because of this bullshit retarded scripting
>speedrunners are punished because fuck skilled players who want something new
Why do they feel the need to redesign her and Chief's armor every single game? Why not just stick to one design?
This. I'd rather wait for Reach and the MCC than to play this furfag crap.
It basically comes down to Microsoft forcing their exclusives to keep pushing the graphical boundaries of the hardware. Since that's easier said than done, that directive usually results in an aesthetic change rather than any objective improvement. Corporate overlords who probably don't even play the games can't tell the difference, so they're happy.
>spartan charge
Wait they've added those features in their version of CE? The game wasn't designed for that.
>The game wasn't designed for that.
You're right, and they're about as shitty feeling and buggy as you would expect.
This guy didn't learn from TB didn't he?
>saved it the first time around
>going out of your way to be a faggot this time
shut the fuck up OP, we got it already
now go find me a build of pimps at sea or kill yourself