The Great Debate

The Great Debate

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VIII all the way.

I prefer 8.

apples vs oranges

literally the worst protagonist up to that point

>Classic vs grindfest
Gee, I wonder

7>8>>>>>>I love 8, but it totally falls apart in the end. 7’s ending is just so fucking well done that it blows away 8. 8 has a better first disk for sure, but the memory loss and Ultimecia time compression nonsense just wasn’t very good.

VII is for brainlet normies, it's junk food. VIII is kino for intellects, it's a fine meal with wine.

there's no debate

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people that think 8 is good are almost as bad as the people that think ds2 isnt the best game in the series


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What a shitty opinion when protagonists like Cecil exists.

Both are garbage for various reasons but I guess I'd pick 8 just because it can be fun to break the combat

Great debate? What debate? VII is known as one of the GOATs and VIII gets shit on all the time. It's like saying there's a great between OOT and Skyward Sword.

does this game still run like garbage? I had a lot of fun but got really turned off when it ran like shit in huge battles even with settings down to nothing. Got a 2700x now and will try it again if this game got optimized over the years

The one with Aerith

That's because Squall dies

i'm retarded and posted in the wrong thread
that being said, 7 over 8

VII is better in almost every way meaningful way. VIII is honestly just dull.

7 is literally the ONLY good Final Fantasy game.

This and 6. The rest are optional and everything after 9 is garbage

Tactics Advance, nigga

7 is for plebians
8 is for aristocrats

7, there's no debate

8 was just worse in every aspect.

For me It's 8. I don't personally think 8 is better, and I did play it after 7 so it wasn't even my first FF. But you know what?
It's the most fucking memorable.
I was a shitty teenager when I played it but I can tell you that scene in space did things to me that no other videogame had ever done in the past, I remember the feeling of 8 so much more, everything is still more vivid, and it's not because I played it later since I pretty much played both games back to back.
I also find the soundtrack superior too but I mean both are godly so it barely matters.
Oh and ultimecia = rinoa

This. Both are great, but I have more memories of being a lame kid and playing 8.

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>didn't teach his GFs refine

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That's easy, IX

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I only really care about gameplay in final fantasy games. 5 and 10 are my favorite because of this. I played 7 and got horribly bored on the third disc. I've never played 8, is it worth it for the gameplay or no?

>The Great Debate
Nope, VIII is clearly, even considering it as a debate is contrarianism.

I literally fell asleep while playing 8 once.
I dont think any other game ever bored me that much

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ITT: Delusional VIIIfags

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This man knows what's up

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>spam draw
>equip to characters
>spam attack
Great game.

I played them both a while ago and I enjoyed FF7 almost all the way through but I dropped FF8 a little while after the orphanage part, yet i think more fondly of FF8.


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I've been replaying IX and man, this thing has issues, lots of issues
>game starts out well, albeit ham-fisted and cliche in a lot of places
>does a decent job of being engaging
>disc 2 starts out strong, although getting pretty tired of Garnet's 'I must help my mother and try to change her mind' bullshit
>get to the village of the scottish dwarves
>yeah, no, this shit is falling apart real fucking fast
>hey, here's a loli, she's also a summoner
>let's go to her house, here's a minigame where you can help her cook food for everyone
>wait, why did we come to this continent again? Brahne's weapons supply? Kuja? Innocent people dying? Ah, that can wait
>here's a giant tree because reasons
>okay, Kuja's here, now we can get back to the plot
>even though she extracted eidolons forcibly, sentenced her to death and committed genocide, Garnet still wants to try and save her mother
>yeah, you're fucking a retard bitch
>never putting her on the team again
>disc 3 finally rolls around
>what's that? Kuja's on the loose and he's got Bahamut under his command? Well golly gosh, this is just the perfect time for a card game tournament!
>who's this Garland? I thought Kuja was the big bad guy. They're only just introducing him now!?
>let's go get Kuja agai-oh fuck it's a trap
>okay, we'll do what he wants and hope he keeps his promise because that's what the bad guys always do
>game introduces another planet and completely new story threads out of the fucking blue
>eidolon extraction again because that's not getting old
>FINALLY get a fucking airship
>Ipsen's castle is a decent gimmick but it's been done better before
>chocobo hot & cold/frog catching get REAL fucking old REAL fucking fast
>okay, new planet now
>okay, finally time for Zidane to get some expos-oh shit, he was supposed to be the bad guy but decided to be good because that's not a worn trope at all
IX is the weakest of the PS1 FF's and you know it

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Dumb user
Smart user

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Are you here you retarded faggot?

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