Skyrim Thread

Skyrim Thread

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Need mod suggestions. Doing a playthrough as an orc warrior female with a massive cock that kidnaps people and brings them to her player home before raping them within an inch of their life.
I'm going to be using ordinator perks and moonlight tales. Good player home mods like orc strongholds would be sweet as well. Using special edition too btw. Mods that make sexlab interesting instead of a tacky addition would be appreciated. Also anim packs would be highly appreciated for rape

Did this get rereleased again, so many Skyrim threads around the clock here?

user there are always Skyrim threads up.

What was your favorite dungeon OP? Mine is Bards Leap Redoubt

Hillgrund's Tomb

ow, my leg joint!

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breddy gud timing op im literally playing it right now on console

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It's pretty bad.

yeah how dare these bethesda shills make threads don't they know this is a smash board


>tfw consolefag
>tfw I'll never play the proper way on pc
Feels REALLY bad. I hate being a dumbdumb.

It's a game from 2011. If you have a fairly modern laptop, you should be able to run the non-SE version.

You can get mods on console with the SE, provided you have it on Bone or PS4.

Thoughts on how they handled vampirism in this game? Dawnguard making NPCs non-hostile to max stage vampires makes it seem OP. Also Vampire Lord with magicka amulet and ring is unstoppable.

Your toes are pretty

Talk to Captain Gjalund if you're looking to book passage.

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Vampires are supposed to be stealthy assassins in TES, not flying hulk monsters.

Due to blog-tier financial situations this still isn't possible for now. Maybe next year.
Thanks but that sounds gay as fuck.

Yeah it's basically werewolf plus.

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>side with vampire hunter
>vampire tagging along your quest
Stupid illusion of choice.

>convince her to cure her vampirism
>she still uses vampiric drain and infects me with AIDS
Thanks Todd

>no big tiddy Orc gf
Feels bad.

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What's the best mod manager to use nowadays? I'm still using Nexus Mod Manager but it's pretty shit. So I know that the big three right now are Mod Organizer 2, Mod Organizer 3 and Vortex. Which one is the best one?

Is Skyrim still the most dudebro game out there?

Most interesting and fun playstyle besides stealth archer?

Is there any mod similar to natural landscapes compilation for skyrim? The map has very few interesting locations.

I told you last night that Call of Duty still holds that crown.

I thought Skuldafn was pretty awesome.

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Call of Duty hasn't been popular for like 5 years, they've been trying to resurrect it with remakes and reboots.

*unique landscapes

Dudebros don't play Elder Scrolls.

PC or not, Skyrim is dumb anyway


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I like Labyrinthian.

Skyrim was babbys first RPG for every single dudebro and gurlgamer. It's as entry level as it gets, sorry to burst your bubble, zoomer. Your little zoomerbrains were probably thinking that you were playing something really deep and sophisticated all along.

I just really want to play Morrowind but don't want to ruin my experience by playing the Xbox version. Is it really THAT bad?


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nice legs I want to caress them

>Level up a bit too much doing too many speech/sneaking quests
>Enemies now one shot me

Fuck sake. This is my first playthrough and I kinda hate how clunky everything is.

Why does everything in Skyrim have this chromatic aberration sort of thing and how do I disable it?

Just turn the difficulty down

>want to a roll an elf character
>remember that there are still no decent male overhaul mods, and the few that are there are incompatible as fuck with anything else editing the body or face
>go back to roleplaying Khajiit or Human race for the umpteenth time
I swear to fuck, if Todd doesn't fix elves this time around, i am FUCKING DONE

Dunmer don't look too bad.

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I think Skyrim has the best use of Shields out of any game out there. Shield bashes create opportunities to attack and blocks work for most things. In most games shields are either block only with timed-parry that's overpowered or absolute shit and shouldn't be used at all.
Any other games that do Shields just as well as Skyrim?

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Kill Paarthunax

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Right is superior. No one wants to read pointless fluff text.

>mod organizer 3
user are you from the future? But seriously use MO2, it has instancing and is far better than NMS or Vortex and works more or less the same.

Why is she such a cunt?


imagine actually playing on a console

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>Paarthurnax has been peacefully meditating on the Throat of the World for thousands of years
>Even helps the Dragonborn kill Alduin
>We're supposed to believe that he'll suddenly lead a dragon uprising when people are more skilled at killing dragons than they've ever been since the Merethic era

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No one with smooth brain, more precisely.

Listen to my stories.

It's her job to kill dragons, and Paarthunax was a dragon general who likely killed millions before he decided to live a quiet life. I want to give him a chance to redeem himself, and him assisting us against Alduin is a nice step in that direction. She doesn't, and she simply wants to execute him for his past crimes. I guess who you side with just depends on if you think redemption is possible. If you do, here's a cool mod:

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Dead Cells has a great parry mechanic, but using the shields just to block is pretty bad with most of them.

what build are you running lads? im going mage with no armor and 1h enchanted weapons

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Her tits are so good you guys. I'm sorry I can't show them

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Imagine using mods in order to forgive skyrim dumbiness.

Base skyrim is just an afk-brain game, it's a fact.
And a mod can't change how the quest are designed. In order to work properly it would have to remake the whole game.

Is Dawnstar the comfiest place in Skyrim?

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No whiterun is


dawnstar and morthal are pretty comfy but i prefer the small unmarked comfiness in the wilderness to any of the cities.

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>started playing again
>didn't download a single mod
feels nice

Plus if he turns the dragonborn could put him down EZ.

No. My custom house on the border of whiterun and the pale is.

I know this has been stated to death but I'm still shocked at Charles Martinet being Paarthurnax. He's got such talent I wish he did more voice acting. Those Nintendo bucks must make it hard to diversify though. Can't blame him.

That was the best spot, man.
Comfy snow, great view, close to the city, plus who's gonna fuck with you when you live eight feet from a giant camp?

Its not an RPG. Thats why it became so popular.


just be like everyone else and level up everything while using everything you find

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The giants. But still.

something about playing it without mods is so nice

I don't understand how people can have hair like that in their games and not be driven insane by it being stiff as a board and clipping through everything.

Time for guard duty.

those cliffs behind.
Those trees.

Morrowind is now aging better than Skyrim, wtf.

It's acceptable for a low-tier offline MMO like skyrim.

This fucking son of a bitch, why wont he shutup


For me? It's of course Zora from Interesting NPCs.

user, if it was Morrowind you wouldn't be able to see as far as those trees thanks to view distance fogging.

skyrim /thread

It's her job to do as the dragonborn tells her, the fact she thinks she can bark orders at the one person she is sworn to serve is retarded.

What do you people recommend as the best ENB to use for Skyrim?

Any other immersive and simple games like skyrim?

Does it change my point?

This is some abstract shitposting.

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For me, it's Rudy with Obsidian weathers and ELFX.

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Yes, when your point is to whine about distant objects looking like shit and claiming Morrowind is better when distant objects barely even exist in Morrowind and certainly don't look better. Try vanilla Morrowind for once in your life. It looks like complete and utter shit.

There are mods to add hair physics. Most of the hairstyles are still supermodel shit though.

its the first image that pops up when you google skyrim, not that absurd that someone who wanted to discuss it would simply download it and reuse it whenever.

I squeezed out one final playthrough thanks to Legacy of the Dragonborn.


Nah, giants are cool, man.
Just tell your kids to stay the fuck away, maybe drop off some home cooking down there once in a while.
It'll be fine.

Distant objects dont exist in Skyrim neither, that's precisely why it's now insanely ugly. Morrowind on the other side has a fog, which is completely justified by the background. It may also be a technical trick, but it gives a better result.

I’m playing it on the switch and ran into this

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Did you do tblhe ritual already?

And it does it better than Skyrim, too.

Biased? No, go and fuck yourself.

Blackreach is the only answer

>not giving yourself limits based on the type of character you make
doing so leads to interesting situations in the game and can be far more enjoyable that just using everything

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I'm running the same pseudo battle mage I've done since Oblivion. Heavy Armor, One Sword, Illusion for Paralysis and stealthy shenanigans and Alchemy for better potion/poison making. It's way too easy to fall back on the Stealth Archer meme, and Two-Handed weapons are absolute trash in Skyrim even with Ordinator.

Im running an orc with 2h and heavy armor, and it's the smoothest run I had so far. Dragons are a little bit of a problem, but they're always cunts with any kind of melee

Skyrim sucks. It's the shittiest game in the Elder Scrolls series. It's a game where a couple of quests take place in a dungeon. It's not exactly perfect, though—it's not even particularly playable, and most of what it has going for it feels pretty mediocre. Even Oblivion looks much, much better. Skyrim looks great when it's played the way it was intended. It's actually a really fun and engaging game to play, but it's also one of the worst in the series.

When I started Skyrim, I already knew I wanted to play this game. Bethesda's next game should've had the same promise, as well; I've loved and played The Elder Scrolls series since they first released in the 1980s. I've been a fan since then, and that's the reason I started to obsess over this particular game with such ferocity and obsession. Even after I finally played Skyrim for the first time, though, I didn't like it enough to abandon my dream of playing Elder Scrolls on the console I own today.

I really wanted to play Skyrim. After all, I had fallen so deep in the world of Skyrim that I had the knowledge and ability to recreate a version of Skyrim's world from my own mind. I'd spent days crafting all-new armor, weapons, and armor sets, all of which are based on my character.

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You show me them boobies right now

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a hungry dark elf who plays dress-up as a dremora?


hey at least you're honest about how fucking shitty TES is.

the one with the draugr in it

1000h of autism

skyrim is only worth playing with loli mods installed, otherwise it's trash

Containers never despawn your items in Morrowind.
But what about items placed outside, on shelves or on the floor? Do they ever disappear? What about outside in the wild?

Pretty sure you can leave them on the ground and nothing would happen

Edoras,... home

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Is there a single game that has aged as poorly as Skyrim has? It's borderline unplayable because of how boring it is

Sell me into trying out Requiem. I would love a roleplay overhaul mod, but I would have to remove Ordinator, which is a dealbreaker.

What rape mods?

I don't think they de spawn but if you drop too many they end up in an overflow bag.
Found this out decorating a house in Morrowind.

Sexlab defeat

Need mod names

Literally just Bijin. Get Amorous Adventures with it too even if you don't use porn posing mods.

Stormcucks don't realize that they're controlled opposition by the Thalmor to undermine the Empire.

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>play morrowind
>minimize morrowind
>now it's as if the game is windowed, except it's in full screen but with the border and titlebar and everything
Why this? Also alt+enter doesn't seem to work. Any way to shift between windowed and full screen while playing?

Anyone else notice that whenever you equip magic in both hands that you run like a faggot?

are you playing big tiddy dunmer lady?

Skyrim belongs to the Nords.

Kill Delphine
I need that altmer as a follower....

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More Interesting Loot and Spell Research are two personal, obscure favorites of mine. They trigger a specific part of my lizard brain by adding a lot of rewarding, cool, and meaningful new loot to the game. You can skip Spell Research if you're not doing magic or don't want an autistic wizard simulator.

it can be

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Interesting NPCs adds a couple new, voiced followers.

Were is that user who posts notWoe?
t. Nord who wants to date her.

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friendly reminder to not use an ENB when you actually want to play the game, they can be more trouble than they're worth

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friendly reminder elfx - weathers is amazing and enbs are bloat

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I use Ultimate Immersion ENB and it's lightweight enough to not make me lose any fps, why do you say its bloat?

Is Inigo worth it? I've always wanted some FO4-esque companions in Skyrim since most of them are pretty bland and non-characters other than Serana

here you go.
It's actually one of the better companion mods I've played. Lots of stories and dialogue and such.

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weather mods are so good nowadays you gain very little by using an enb

assuming of course youre playing the game and not just erping with your anime character

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>started playing a new save over a week ago
>played every day since
>nowhere near complete on any quest line
>haven't even gone to windhelm or winterhold yet
>level 35
>losing interest already
what do

Stop playing.

It literally doesn't

Get some quest mods bitch

This. when playing on higher difficulty, you really have to be aware of what you are leveling/what your build is otherwise you end up grinding to avoid getting slaughtered, I always have deadly dragons on and several other power hindering mods because I like the punishing experience user is describing. I wish there was a good mod for enemies and loot not leveling with you that made exploration tougher and more rewarding at low levels, but I cant seem to find one that I like.

Ysgramor and his men claimed Skyrim for themselves. No other race can make claims to Skyrim but the Nords.

I don't play with mods for any game

Might is right.
Any group strong enough can claim it for themselves.

Then you're pretty retarded for even touching Skyrim

how do you roleplay her? surely not as a forge wife or harem member to the chief

whatever (You) say user.

The right is sold as a door hanger and people actually buy it no lie

At least download some unofficial patches, even if you hate mods.

>how do you roleplay her?
With my dick.

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>snowniggers steal land off the elves
>pack a shitty when the elves try to steal it back

i was genuinely curious..

I just broke my curse and deleted all my mods

Don't tempt me please

>special edition
user, I...

The elves started it by genociding the Atmorans, so Ysgramor cucked all the elves. No one living in present day Skyrim can claim ancestry to the elves, therefore Skyrim belongs to the Nords.

if soule isnt rehired for tes vi im going to shoot up the bethesda offices

t. time traveler from 2 years ago

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i listen to bethesda soundtracks outside of game, not in. they ruin immersion for me. plus combat music is fucking stupid.

>that ui
>that ui size

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back the fuck off, bitch

Lydia is based. Best waifu was with us the whole time, we just couldn't see...

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am I the only person who likes Falkreath? though Dawnstar is also comfy

How long is the story if I run through it? I've decided I'm actually going to play Skyrim for realsies.

>am I the only person
Mathematically unlikely.

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With fast travel, it's like 2-3 hours long. Especially if you don't waste your time talking with the thieves guild or mages college. Deagonborn DLC is the good part

Not long at all. Maybe a days worth of mashing through it. Gunna be pretty lackluster tho.

I guess I'll mix it in with some questing.

>it's like 2-3 hours long
are you also running at 5x speed so you can go to all the undiscovered locations quickly?

I mean, the main quest is pretty much just Bleak Falls > Hrothgar to Kynesgrove > piss skin embassy > the temple > dragon scroll in Blackreach > ending. I might have missed one dungeon in there but the main line is short as hell.


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>not having enb lights on objects
>not having actual wet reflections in rain instead of shitty glow effects

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which city do you intentionally leave for last no matter what?
hard mode: no markarth

for me it's windhelm

>Use carriages
>Use fast travel
>Btfo enemies quickly with archery/sword and board
Soeedruns for Skyrim are less than 30 minutes long dude

I mean, Markarth. Besides that though I usually end up doing Morthal last since there's not much there.

A speedrun is not indicative of someone's first time playthrough, plus they use glitches.


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Windhelm. There's nothing there, it's a pain in the ass to navigate, and it looks ugly.

The one with falmer in it.

windhelm is by far the best looking and comfiest city though
except for dunniggers turning it into a slum of course

>comfiest city
You called?

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riften is nice but it doesn't have the windhelm palace, especially the upstairs areas
comfiest place in the game right there

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just raise the water levels by a few feet around riften to flood out the lower level areas and it'll be perfect

still pales compared to oldrim, and there are mods to make it look as pretty as SE
the only benefit you get it a bit more stability

cool now show me your fps

Nah, Lydia is pretty based.

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And 2-3 hours is very different than 30 minutes. The main quest is short as fuck

It's only boring because I've played it for 800 hours

imagine actually thinking this hair doesnt look worse than vanilla

Anyone know a mod that shows follower hp bars besides EFF? I'm already using AFT and switching mid-save seems like an awful idea.

I use Obsidian Weathers

It doesn't. She looks like a proper Housecarl, with this look.

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I switched after like 30 hours and it was smooth sailing. Just be sure to dismiss your companion before uninstalling AFT.

what quest lines do you put off until you have nothing else to do? civil war, dark brotherhood, college, etc

What the fuck did you do to Lydia? Mods were a mistake.

Windhelm, I actually like Markath
DB because it's a piece of shit, I just kill them off, too.

Made her look like a woman.

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nice fetal alcohol syndrome brain you have there

Why are gross "gamergirlzz" incapable of putting sheets on their beds?

"Hygiene" motherfucker, do you speak it?

my uis sick tho

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Not him but my orcfu detector was triggered so here goes nothing: I roleplay mine as your traditional Dragonborn. A daughter of a smith and a Thalmor soldier, she was following in her mother's stead in a town named Helgen. The rest, everyone knows. She's a spellsword, fire mage.

What are some small mods you guys love?

I really dig the Infinite Black Star, makes it so you only need to fill it once and the soul never leaves.

wtf I love skyrim now

Any lorefags here? Exactly how strong is Alduin supposed to be? I was told that Skyrim Alduin and lore Alduin were two very different things.

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how the fuck can you stand actually playing with that much clutter and shit taking up your screen

>Murder cult around the corner

Seriously there is nowhere in Skyrim's cities that feel comfortable to settle down in. Markarth hurts especially as it's unique aesthetic is ruined on a city that has literally nothing good in it and everyones a cannibal or a cunt.

as strong as he needs to be

Imagine if we had gotten concept art Markarth.

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He's literally the world eater, in lore.
The reason he's Skyrim's villain is twofold.
1) It isn't time for this iteration of reality to end yet, so he isn't supposed to be there.
2) He wants to rule and be a dickass dragon, instead of doing his job and resetting the cycle.

When the current kalpa ends, Alduin gains a shitton of power in order to fulfill his role as the world eater.

That fuckin sucks!

If Bethesda ever made a Skyrim Alternate, I'd end up buying it again.

The only justification for how pussified he is might just be something to do with it not being the right time. That being said it's far more likely that it's just more bad Bethesda design.

Mah nigga.

And when building your house, the one near Falkreath is the only answer.

I hate Falkreath, I hope you know that.
Absolute shit city - I FUCKING HATE IT!

isn't there there a mod that expands the city a bit?

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The one with where you put the claw in the thing to open the door.

t. Sinding

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>Nothing to cover the mattress

And then the barbaric Americans wonder why the terrorists hate them.

Just jerked off to my character this afternoon.
Was good shit

the hearthfire home there is great, solitude in the background to remind you of civility, and the Ravencrones are based.

post pics

ty buddy

r8 my stealth archer

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Conj archer is more fun to me imo. much nicer aesthetic.
you look more like a bard.

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Absolute trash

God, I wish that was me.

what's wrong with it?
i think its pretty cool

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imagine thinking that is "too cluttered" for the size of the screenshot

what's going on in here?

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waiting for the skimpy orc muscle girls

I forgot how fast you level up early on in this games, feels like I just started and I'm already in the twenties.
It sucks because I wanted to use orcish amour for awhile but I progressed so fast that I'm already getting ebony.

Should have used Morrowloot

It's somewhat of a headcanon of mine that the Dremora are going through a emo phase due to being BTFO in the Oblivion Crisis.

Why is Markarth so fucked up?

>Demon shit going on in abandoned house, must kill priest to get out

>Cannibal cult lives there "bloodiest beef in the reach"

>Silver-shits are corrupt af

>Forsworn murdering ppl in the streets.

>Beds are literal stone.

just keep the orcish on. armor hardly matter until you break 35-40, and by then you should have the perks to compensate. min-maxing is for faggots.

how good does your rig need to be to run mods

>Why is Markarth so fucked up?
answered your own question user
>Beds are literal stone.

Friendly reminder using crafting loops can get your effective armor rating to cap with literally anything.

sure but thats also more effort than it's worth. it's style over substance in skyrim because there's so little substance it hardly matters.

Anyone try that Brotherhood of Old mod? How is it?

Are Bosmer the most fun race to play as with Imperious?

It's ran by a Thalmor apologist, for one. Skyrim belongs to the Nords.

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>playing without fast travel because I'm an autist
>all these trips to the throat of the world during the main quest

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there's a disturbing lack of porn for a Skyrim thread

He's pointing at his dick.

Yeah, I'd suck it - SO WHAT?
It ain't GAY.

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I was doing the same until I started Dawnguard and said fuck it


Bosmer archer who also uses necromancy to assist the fights

Is Arondil /ourguy/ or was he a meta-commentary on waifufags by Todd?
>bitches don't pay attention to him
>he gets bullied
>goes to a female only barrow and resurrects draugrfus
>kills 3DPD and makes them ghost cocksleeves

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>having UI elements visible when they aren't needed, like full HP bars or compass when you aren't looking at it
>having giant sizes for all ui elements
>not at least using the dot crosshair instead of the enormous vanilla one if you are going to play with it on
I honestly don't how anyone can stand playing with default ui sizes tb h

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I see no reason he can't be both.

put something over your mattress you disgusting tranny


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That's actually mad comfy. Is this something you tweaked yourself or is it a drag and drop I can get somewhere?

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skyhud + lyrae preset for resizing bars and everything
ihud for hiding compass and bars when they aren't needed
the date and time are from a matter of time, and the carryweight/gold are from widget mod but with the .swf replacers for it from customizable ui replacer
the apple on the right is just the hunger indicator from ineed
font is the default one that requiem installs, you can get it separately here

the only thing that requires actual fucking around is the date/time and widgets, but I can probably just upload a file with the configuration if you want

thanks user
and what about the graphics?

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>scroll through thread
>Bijin posting

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i know its not skyrim but its still nice

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I know you're baitposting, but still.

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But I'm not.

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Yes you are, I don't know if you want people to dislike Bijin as much as you do, or you simply want the easy (you)s on every skyrim thread to keep it alive, but the pattern is obvious.

that's FIFA, GTA V and Counter-Strike

>being influenced by /pol/ memes
we should really speak about /pol/brains instead.

here's the .swfs and config files, make sure you have FISS installed and then just load user settings from the AMOT/WM MCMs
if you're using a different font or resolution than me they'll probably be misaligned, but you can fuck around with them through the mcm



pic related is my list of textures and other graphical shit, for ENB I'm using combined with a tweaked version of this reshade preset

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No Flora Overhaul?

>/pol/ meme

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fuckin based. thanks user.

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I used to use it, but now I prefer cathedral landscapes for grass + cathedral plants/mushrooms + enhanced vanilla trees
imo it looks better and fits into the game more seamlessly, and the performance is a whole hell of a lot better for me than SFO


Finally got Serana's hood with hair mod to work properly. She's so pretty with it on, it makes me want to never go indoors so she never takes it off.

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Are you intimidated by beauty, user?

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WoW tier raid garbage ui why not just go play an mmo instead

you can hit the armor cap in orcish easily anyhow

yes, /pol/. The best lie is coated in truth - the burnt out brains of addicts are always used to make a claim about the dangers of something, just like with video games. If you're an addictive personality you're shit out of luck but most people can handle porn just fine.

Everyone always talks about how big and empty Skyrim is but I feel that it's too fucking small. I would prefer that it took literal hours to travel from one side of the map to the other on horseback. Each dungeon should also take hours to finish.

i trust you get namiras ring and eat all the kills you dont raise

Nice apple logo lmao your life

What's better for modding to death, SE or LE?

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Play Daggerfall. It's the only game in existence with that kind of scale.

Attached: Daggerfall2.webm (640x480, 2.94M)

>hours to travel one side to the other on horseback

The one with dwemer machines in it

I'd say SE at this point tbqh, you will have way way less issues with stability on big load orders and there isn't much of anything left that's not already converted to SE or can be converted with a minute or two of work

Whiterun guard is cute!

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>Challenges Skyrim's king to a duel
>Gets upset when the Empire doesn't acknowledge his legitimacy
>Thinks he can fight a two front war against the Empire and Thalmor
What the actual fuck was this guy's problem?

Attached: Ulfric_Jarl.png (600x1000, 1.03M)

I'm still mad that unarmed was replaced by "kitty has claws" bullshit.

lmao looks like an oblivion npc

Nord IQ

plus a lot of new mod development is finally moving over to SE now, particularly graphical stuff
a lot existing big projects like requiem and such haven't officially ported over to SE and moved development there yet, but unofficial conversions work fine and you can play pretty much everything on SE

>giving the entire hold an upskirt
What a SLUT!

Stopped reading there

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>using traditional nord techniques available to anyone who gives a real shit about them

Nords are the dumbest motherfuckers in Tamriel. Since Skyrim was from the POV of someone who lives there, the NPCs didn't seem that dunb, but if you want to see how Nords look like to others, play oblivion

C-can I lick your legs?

>Since Skyrim was from the POV of someone who lives there
No its not you're crossing the boarder from Cyrodil

Requiem is in the process of being moved to SE, right? Probably just wait to reinstall then.

>it's impossible to ever leave skyrim and then come back

If they're the dumbest, how come they never been slaved?

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They are planning to do an official port sometime a few versions down the road, but you can download a converted version or convert it yourself right now and it works fine on SE

t. requiem se player

my heart is fluttering

>I-I can handle it just fine! I'm special!
It's baked into your biology dude.

Nords using Thu'um for personal gain rather than worship of Kyne is a sin in Nord tradition.

greybeards are not the whole of nord tradition

Who would want Skyrim's pathetic """cities"""? (Apart from those crazy forsworn people who eat their own shit and live in huts)

Besides, they ARE slaves to the empire/thalmor.

Attached: Dawnstar_(Skyrim).png (1087x900, 2M)

Please respond

Tiber Septim must have missed that class too
>inb4 he wasn't a nord
Doesn't matter, nords think he was one

as good as the mods you want to run

>is not like anyone wants them, but the empire wants them
Make up your mind son.

Depends on what mods you want to run. The biggest issue with elder scrolls modding is the engine limitations, not your PC. I am playing modded oblivion rn and it crashes at times because of increased draw distance. The GPU usage never goes beyond 12% though

>shifting the goal posts
They are slaves to the empire/thalmor

First off, nice digits.
Second off, Greybeards and Dragonborn are the only ones who have used Thu'um in centuries, so using it was dishonest at best and cheating at worst. The irony about Ulfric's actions is that his whole goal was to send a message to the Empire that Skyrim would be stronger by returning to tradition by breaking Nordic tradition.

Tiber Septim and Ulfric aren't comparable and Tiber was most likely a Breton.

I always play as a Norn in Elder Scrolls games. In Skyrim I played as a Nord and sided with Empire. Ask me anything.


Not really.


what motivated you to choose one of the more boring races as your main?

Not him, but Nords are top three races, from a gameplay perspective. Only Breton and Altmer are better.

I always pick Nord. Is tradition for me in Elder Scrolls games. I picked Nord in Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim.

>play as an orc
>follower yells, "die orc filth!" when fighting bandit orcs
>while right next to you
based uthgerd not giving a fuck

Alright, cool

sex? yeah. Addiction? No. There are people who are addicted to sex, but again, that's the minority. But if you want your snake oil, be my guest. However you should ask yourself who's more ill, some dude enjoying his porn or the retarded autists that spam a single meme over and over and over again. You're just following the flock, which is actually baked into your biology since humans are social animals.




mods are asleep
post mountains

Attached: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2019.08.11 - (1920x1080, 636K)

Oldrim if you want sex mod, have more mod.
SE are more stable, many modder start to shift to SE.
Both are fine.

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Weird how we went a whole gen without an Elder Scrolls game.

see that mountain? you can climb that.

Skyrim SE is a current gen game.

>Time from Morrowind to Oblivion: 4 years
>Time from Oblivion to Skyrim: 5 years
>Time from Skyrim to current year: 8 years

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sexlab stuff pretty much all works fine on SE, idk about other mods that implement their own system like flower girls or thief though
only thing I miss is HDT for equipped items and shit, I'm fine with CBP for body physics but it doesn't cover DD items or anything else
I think there's some chinese HDT shit that you can get working in SE, but I have no idea how big of a pain in the ass it is to set up or convert old items to it

Piss off. Remasters don't count. You know exactly what I mean.

Forget using special efition with mods.
Especially adult mods. While special edition runs more stable, it still looks worse than vanilla with enb enabled due to missing/removed effects on se

It takes a long time to decide what content and mechanics to take out of your game. Give them a break.

Will probably be 2022 by the time next one comes out so 11 years

how can i travel back to 2016 like you

i hate how long games take to develop nowadays and most of the time they arent even that fucking good

The one with bandits

Granted they weren't busy with the FO franchise between Morrowind and Oblivion and weren't doing anything big between Oblivion and Skyrim as far as I recall.

Oblivion was better.

I literally give se a chance every half year and i see no progress.
In the end its on the enf user what kind of mods you use

I use a shitton and my most important dont work on se or modders gave up on conversion due to changes that make it almost unable work.

>Oldrim if you want sex mod
Any examples of things that're important enough to use LE over SE?

More like days.

Bethesda only started working on it last year. They weren't making the game during those 8 years.

What were they making?


They spent all that time on fallout shelter

This guy explained better than me

What are the odds we get a Valenwood/Elsweyr setting for VI?

Attached: Tamriel_map.gif (400x285, 54K)

Zero. Why would they put two provinces in one game?

Because the two combined are relatively the same size as skyrim?


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Because those are two of the smallest ones. Their combined landmass is around the same size as Skyrim and Cyrodiil. Plus, the contrast between forest and desert would be neat.

So Hammerfell is next game yes?

Guess how many years after Skyrim it will be set

The real question will be: What will they chose as the canon ending for the civil war and Paarthurnax?

Canon ending is that the civil war never ended


something something happened and outcome became irrelevant

It won't be referenced in such a way.

I want it to be in summerset isles because I want to visit an elven province in the hopes Bethesda would make it more high fantasy like morrowind but Bethesda would just make it generic as fuck and ruin the high elves.

There's rumors that Paarthurnax is going to be the protagonist of The Elder Scrolls VI: Skyrim 2.

>summerset isles
we already got that and it sucked piss off elf lover

>I want to visit an elven province
What about Valenwood? That would be peak comfy.

They are going to reference Skyrim in the title arent they? Normies don't know "elder scrolls". They just know Skyrim.

god I hope not
fuckin hate being around those prissy yellow cunts

ah the lioness and her cuck

I hate Wood Elves with all my heart.
When I see Wood Elves I just can't handle it.
When I first played Skyrim, I had to murder that Bosmer fuck at Riverwood and dump his body in the river.
I found his body in the river near the farms next to Whiterun.


reminder to fuck mjoll and make aerin watch

Is there a mod to make him jack off or put him in one of those dick cages?


the one with enemies in it

I used to be an adventurer like you
Until I took an arrow to the knee.


The word is "then" you fuckin' CUNT...!

You're about to take my foot to your ass

Wrong. The snow elves were a varietal of the Aldmer, descended from their bloodlines. As such, any of the current varieties of Mer can claim Skyrim as their own.

the mer can bite my fuckin balls

they were a separate branch though, not ancestors
taking the shit that your cousin has isn't really as strong a case as taking the shit your grandfather had

They'll have to pry your mother away from your crotch first, mongoloid.

The Aldmer were the original elves that colonized Tamriel, and became the various types of Mer (including the Altmer, who now inhabit the Summerset Isles).

yes, but the modern mer are not descended from the group of aldmer that became the falmer
by that logic you could say men have just as strong a claim to it as the mer, since they are both descended from the same ehlnofey before nirn fucked everything up

The Mer of Tamriel are fags.
The word "Mer" is a postfix on all (from my awareness) races of Mer.
You never call the Nords "Nordmen" or the Imperials "Imperialmen."
Now why is that?
Because Men are the dominant ones.

You're both cocksuckers.

dabbed on

were do you niggas get cunny mods

chinese crypto miner sites

Yes they are, nigga. The snow elves are descended from Aldmer who settled in Skyrim. There's a reason that each Altmer empire that arises out of the Summerset Isles calls itself the ALDMERI Dominion, instead of the ALTMERI Dominion. The Altmeri only have dejure claim to Summerset, but the Aldmeri (that is to say, all elves) have dejure claim to all of Tamriel due to being its original settlers. The only place where they have weak claims are Blackmarsh.

The problem with your ehlnofey example is that ehlnofey didn't follow distinct lines of genealogy the way mortals do - and the eventual split between the settled ehlnofey and the wandering ehlnofey was so prevalent so as to entirely sever them as the same type of being (as evidenced by the eventual physiological differences that would manifest in their descendants once Nirn stabilized). All the elves of Tamriel share unified heritage, and all three Aldmeri Dominions claim Tamriel because of that shared heritage.

>Silver-shits are corrupt af
>Forsworn murdering ppl in the streets.
those are related and you basically solve both unless you're a stormcuck (assuming you killed both remaining silver blood fags when the quest ended so retardedly
>Demon shit going on in abandoned house, must kill priest to get out
>Cannibal cult lives there "bloodiest beef in the reach"
The reachmen already worship some daedra as a part of their religious traditions, when you combine that with the bloodshed witnessed within living memory and the continuing guerrilla war it's not hard to see why such things flourish there

for one they're small provinces, and it'd give you a greater variety of landscape
>valenwoods forests and shit
>elsweyr a mix of deserts and jungle
for another thing if they actually want to continue the thalmor thing in the next TES (and how can they not honestly?)and don't want to revisit cyrodiil they'd be the logical battlegrounds between the empire and thalmor

Cute plushie

my guess will be they'll have one of those scenes like the shuttle ride in ME2 where they'll ask you about recent events and you can pick who won in the skyrim stuff, all it will change is some minor dialogue and maybe the clothing of some soldiers to have ulfric helping out what remains of the empire/nord legion soldiers fighting
Paarthurnax will never be heard from again

That's ironic since they are fighting AGAINST being cucked, while the Empire is like:
>"damn, nord dudes, just keep sucking this golden mer cock a little while longer - huh?"

>That's ironic since they are fighting AGAINST being cucked, while the Empire is like:
they're also led by a guy who was a literal cooperative thalmor asset who only stopped talking to them when he got cucked at markarth, and lets not forget he also thinks he's responsible for the imperial city falling to the thalmor
not to mention
>got captured by imperials like a retard
>thalmor were trying to get him released even before alduin ex machina
they're nothing more than useful rubes who got played by the scheming knife ears

>a nord

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Bretons think he was a Breton. Imperials think he was from Cyrodiil.

skyrim's good but morrowind is better

What's wrong with bijn?

I love that game but it reminds me of better times too much and the music is super emotional. Can't play it without my heart racing.

Heimskr says that he was a Nord.

Don't tell me you're a Morrowiener, user.
The game is old, and you like likely misremember what went on.

Replay it and begin to hate it.

Blown the fuck out.

Grow the fuck up, pussy.

I hope you know we hate you, user... like a lot.

I'm still mourning ATF

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I've never played Skyrim. Are there any essential first playthrough mods?

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Skyrim is 8 years old
That's pretty old in videogays time

They are still not the ancestors of modern mer though, any more than chimpanzees are the ancestors of modern humans. The Falmer were clearly a separate group for all practical purposes by the end of the Merethic Era. None of the other Aldmer groups came to their aid when Ysgramor starting fucking them up, and while there are plenty of sources talking about them retreating into the mountains/underground/joining with Auri-El at the Chantry, there is no mention at all of a significant amount of refugees leaving Skyrim and integrating into the other populations.

The Altmer can claim whatever they like of the old Aldmer territories in the absence of other groups, but it's a rather weak claim when they have no descent from any of the elves that lived in Skyrim, didn't make any effort to aid them when they were being genocided by men, and the only elven attempts to retake Skyrim were again by different elven groups that had long since diverged from the Altmer.

Always vanilla for your first time for any game.


But I'm allergic to vanilla.

I tried that once. It's just not worth it. The replay value goes down when you know you have to walk everywhere.

>skyrim is 8yo
>starfield is the next game
>we don't even know the release date
Are we like 5+ years away from a new tes game?

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Yes, it probably hasn't even entered production yet.

I honestly don't mind; I hate The Elder Scrolls series after what they did with Morrowind, the beginning of causalsation.

What a piece of fucking vagina muck.

are there mods that let me play as a futa elf that violates the soft feet of cute boys?


how do

very good

They can hook you up

Recommend me another game like Skyrim where i can just fuck around doing different quests and trying different builds while having a lot of "grinding" professions that can break the game?

Hopefully something that isn't from 1999 and below.

Sorry, dude, that's a secret.

Now: git the FUCK outta here!

Oblivion, you stupid fucking prick

Was thinking something that isn't from Bethesda, thanks for the input though

Ohh, god...

"With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created."

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Bethesda are unironically the only developers that make stuff like this. You could try Dragon's Dogma, I suppose.

Doesn't matter what he is, he's celebrated as a nord

10 years max
My guess is that it will be vague with no real winner or Thalmor attacked at the end, Ulfiric and Tulius both get the cross. Paarthurnax dying or living shouldn't really matter either way.

*by nords and nords only

take meds AND have sex

mind if I save this meme user?

No. Reccomend mods.

Kirkbride says otherwise.

>listening to a fry brain on plebbit
i shiggy diggy

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>Feeding makes vampires weaker
I always thought that was dumb.

They were even worse in Morrowind, I lost count of how many naked nords you find because they tried to muh dick a witch.

Doesn't Ethereal Elven Overhaul work pretty well?

>Markarth hurts especially as it's unique aesthetic is ruined on a city that has literally nothing good in it
There's the Temple of Dibella.

Yeah. There's a mod to fix it, though.

Literally zero, it's pretty much confirmed that we're getting Hammerfell (I hope High Rock too but I'm not getting my hopes up) because they tried to steal the copyright for the name Redfall but there was a book with the same name already.

>big tiddy dunmer lady
Is there any other kind of Dunmer lady?

More than a couple, actually.

You're missing out on a lot.

Can every single Nord trace their lineage back to him?

Attached: Ysgramor.png (600x1080, 787K)

is it safe to use setstage to bypass the mountaintop greybeard quest?

anybody have issues using console commads to bypass boring parts on replays?

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>anybody have issues using console commads to bypass boring parts on replays?
No because you can glitch through just about anything with a kettle and a horse

It's also a good example of why that kind of scale doesn't really make for a good game.


Attached: Daggerfall7.webm (640x480, 2.79M)

Because I typically have them naked and posed where such a thing doesn't matter.

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Based and Mjollpilled.

They're still not working on TES 6. They're making Starfield now.

>I found his body in the river near the farms next to Whiterun.
Doesn't the river flow away from there? How'd he end up there?

>doesnt the river flow from windhelm plains up into the mountains
not really

SkyUI and the unofficial patches.

Unfortunately, Bethesda really are the only ones who make games like Skyrim. It sucks.

Actually, now that he's dead, the cops don't need warrants to take all his stuff, so they're going to get all the evidence.

the archmage can somtimes summon those if a dragon is near the collage.

No. He brought the 500 companions, remember?

Who's your favorite Voice Actor in the series BESIDES Wes Johnson?

Laura Bailey. She's my favorite voice actor in anything she's in.

friendly reminder that stealing from imperials is morally justified

Attached: SkyrimSE 2019-08-11 09-03-31.jpg (1920x1080, 279K)

Patrick Stewart

Attached: Patrick Stewart Oblivion.jpg (1200x1447, 158K)

Most script based mods, like Enhanced Camera (there's a beta version for SE but it's buggy as hell, and doesn't work as well)
And most mods from These two guys: files files
Some of those mods have been ported by other modders, but the problem with SE is that Todd keeps "updating" it every few weeks/months to add more "creation club" mods, so it breaks most of the script mods which need to be updated by the modders everytime.
This is not an issue for Oldrim

Why was skyrim so obsessed with having every faction/country shown in previous games
get fucked up?
>mages guild shut down
>thieves guild on its last legs
>empire has gone to shit
>morrowind got fucked by red mountain
>dark brotherhood nearly wiped out

or you could just not update your game until everything you use is updated to the new version and you have a reason to do it

When TES 6 releases It's just going to be their Engine with Creation Kit, so you can make your own TES 6 :^)

They're all indistinguishable from each other

Because it's up to you to restore them to their former glory

alduin is a god in his own right. he was a massive part of the nordic pantheon and was worshiped even after the age of dragons.
hes desribed as being worshiped out of fear. simply praying for him not to end the world.
as far as anime style power levels go, hes able to traven between nirn and aetherius as he wishes. and theirs legends of him batlleing the other nordic gods, like shor at the beginning of time.
as for how powerfull he really is. he could likely bring about a ragnarok scale event on nirn if he was given the time to prepare

Attached: 754645456.png (2778x1158, 3.45M)

How the FUCK did the Dragonborn beat him, then?

getting swole

*sniff that

Attached: t.jpg (580x964, 48K)

post it

not really, you can jack up your cell/view distance via config, not sure if it breaks the game but im sure that can be figured out eventually.

Does this include the scent of rotting Draugr?

Aren't the mods on console extremely limited because you can't have the script extender?

what mod do you use to make stealing worthwhile? Stealing has always been a massive waste of time and I usually resort to making clothes and clutter valuable to at least make tripes worthwile

ES threads are always so comfy. Thanks, Yea Forumsros.

Attached: khajiitPepe.png (337x337, 7K)

way to make it uncomfy


Is there a way to make a ranger build not boring?

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by not being a boring person and enjoying video games


Attached: ScreenShot1.png (1024x768, 1.25M)

1. Install fortify destruction damage enchantment.
2. Make a no armor fully mage build. Use only clothing with enchantments.
3. Be a magical sniper. Install ordinator too

I don't think you know what "ranger" means.


i need anubis shota pack but its behind a paywall, can you guys share it?

Go to mod piracy discord