Streamer Server Watch Thread


Let's keep watch on which server is deemed to be unholy streamer server.
Post predictions.

Also do you think server which is picked by streamers should have one time free SERVER TRANSFER available? It would really suck to pick a server and after a day or two you find out Sodapoppin or Asmongold plays on it. You basically have to start over on another server and you just lost a whole day and your joy and experience is ruined. I wonder how many players would use free transfer from "streamer server". I wouldn't be surprised if the server was completely abandoned and only streamers with their twitch chat stayed there. Maybe blizzard could add extra information to server list

>Time Zone
Streamer Server

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Other urls found in this thread:

I am going to be hiding on the European RP-PVP realm. Where no streamer dare go in fear of the futa-dicking that awaits them.

Streamers can only be overcome by the sheer autism of RPers.

Sounds like a stream content for me pal.

>lose your joy
you don't lose joy if you've had it

god's work. be safe and well wishes to family and friends.

Why not just wait a day?

This is apparently Golemagg server discord and it looks like it will be full of Spaniards

What in the fuck is wrong with you people. This shit reads like you, the rest, are second class customers. What in the fuck.

>second class customers
If you're not a streamer/influencer then YES, you ARE second class customer in the eyes of the Blizzard.

Welcome to nuInternet, which has basically become an amplified, perverted reflection of RL.

How about we stop giving attention to these people?

Why so many rolling warrior, in all the polls everywhere it's the top choice

>all of those Horde
looks like I'm going Alliance

Yeah but you're a nobody, the thread is about streamers with an actual audience.

>you're nobody unlike my favorite streamer so your opinion doesn't matter !
commit suicide

Daily reminder that all streamers deserve death and that if you are an unironic twitchdrone, you too deserve death.

Because they are very good in pvp and are the class with the biggest damage potential and everyone thinks they will be the big bad warlord or dps raid machine.

>Only good raid tanks
>Very good in PVP
>The only class where all 3 specs are viable
Fuck warrgins.

newfags don't remember PALS FOR LIFE

Why are these threads on Yea Forums?
Not video games, fuck off.

not making a greif guild to destroy streamers Yea Forums has realy hit hard times

>Yeah but you're a nobody
Sounds like a European server for sure.

Can't wait for every server to be a "streamer" server.

this is only an american problem

>"haha guys cant go back to the good old times!!!"
>all these fucking streamer threads about the game
oh boy looks like you all were just zoomies pretending to be boomies

>post yfw americans are going to be cucked by streamers

Remember that Shazz is for Yea Forums. Start shilling Golemaggots on reddit and twitch so we get rid of plebs who can't handle high impact banter.

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>as he posts an epic reddit maymay

The worst thing to happen to video games is the Internet.

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Man, I played on laughing skull and those guys were cunts. Thank God I was an alliance cunt and at least didn't have to deal with them in pvp


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Hmmm I wonder where could Asmond and Soda roll... Whitemane sounds like weeb server because of waifu. But Soda is more of a trannie and as we all know true anime is right wing, so it must be Faerlina because it sounds like soda deepest fantasy to become a girl, and rest of the streamers will follow him.

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>This shit reads like you, the rest, are second class customers
That's because it's true. Streamers are the main reason Classic even exists, not us.

>streamer servers and shared language realms
>meanwhile russianchads get their own servers and no streamer trash is going to disrupt the immersion
The only downside is that those servers will probably die a lot faster.

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Take asmongold he exists because LFM, Transmog, 102413214 pets to collect. Basically nuWoW made him. Classic WoW is a huge risk for him.

Why does anyone care? WoW players are the only people I've ever seen actively making an effort to avoid streamers. What do they do to the server?

I’m looking to join a griefing guild when classic launches, I wanna make Asmon’s life miserable. Anyone know if people are building up guilds already for stream sniping?

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Ok so avoid Golemaggots, apes roll it, so streamers will go there along with spaniards

I will pay for a sub if a large group of players agree to dedicating their time to ruining it for streamers.

Can confirm this will happen, I know 2 guilds made to stream snipe Asmongold in classic

LITERALLY contributing to the issue, congrats NPCs.

I genuinely didn't realize people actually watch people play nuWoW, let alone it was this much of a problem. I know people watch top guilds when they mash their heads against the same boss a million times to get world firsts, but this Soda and Assmon guy seem to be single streamers. Do they just PvP all the time or what?

mdr tg

I guarantee that Mankirk is gonna be a total shitshow of a server regardless of what the streamers end up doing.

One big barrens chat