Has videogame music finally surpassed the quality of film scores?
It seems that videogame music is just getting better and better
Has videogame music finally surpassed the quality of film scores?
It seems that videogame music is just getting better and better
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Keep trying you fucking nerd
if anyone listened to these songs outside of knowing its a videogame soundtrack they'd shun you for playing it on the radio.
She doesn't even know what that is.
Your average film score? Yes. Good film scores? No.
>first link is Persona
Automatic shit taste waifufag
>tfw I was a nerdy faggot teen boi obsessed with vidya
>smash brothers symphony score came out
>rush to buy that shit
>dad is into classic music
>tfw finally pops and I will agree on music
>pop that shit into the car stereo
>the symphony starts blaring with super smash bros main theme with a 50 piece orchestra
>tfw i am getting shivers and looking at pops hoping he feels the same
>"turn this video game shit off, user"
>tfw my big moment was shit on
>tfw I am just a video game faggot in the end
>tfw pops knows this and is ashamed of me
She has a black bf
You forgot to attach the image of you hand
Every video game soundtrack I’ve obtained over the years from my limited editions. Finally bought a CD player and have them playing in them background. It’s quite comfy
What the fuck is this taste?
Burn in Hell normalfag. She literally has no idea what’s in her hands. She probably googled “popular electronic devices” and saw that and bought one with her roastiebux and FUCKYOUFUCK YOUCK FUCKYOU GODDAMN IT YIU DONT BELONG HERE YOI MOTHERRUCKER
Yeah, but film scores are also shit. The fact that so many people suck Hanz Zimmer's dick when all he does is rip off other composers is proof of that.
This post fucking hurts.
should have bought the skyrim sound track instead faggot
>Danganronpa 2
Did any of the other games get official soundtracks? If not then that's a fucking travesty. 2's is the worst.
P5's ost is by the most part an incredibly repetitive garbage.
Pictionary for the fucking NES had better music than that shit.
I hope you're on some layer of irony because this post is embarrassing
videogame music has gotten a lot worse in recent years.
>no waist or hips
Yeah, nah.
>buying music
>buying VIDEOGAME music
Based dad for shitting on your tastes
yeah, back in the early 90's
>Work for a school that I work with my friends at
>there’s a chick there that is obsessed with marvel films
>writes her own fanfiction
>listens to the films score(like the ost not even the licensed songs)
>bring my ps3
>playing persona arena and jojo ASB with friends when ever we don’t have work to do
>looks at it
>tells us to turn it down while having her music blairing
Film fags need to die
>sitting on Yea Forums
>not knowing sountrack came with SSB special addition on gamecube
hello newfriend
Usually only Japanese games get soundtracks. Or maybe I just tend to more japanese LE’s, i dunno.
Shit taste post stuff you listen to
well it has to be when the game is padded to 80+ hours.
>he deleted it
He's not wrong, though. Too bad the vidya and anime music he posted was trite, like someone sang a melody and then filled the rest in with typical bach style music and instrumentation that sounded right. I took those shortcuts in music classes all the time
Out of vidya osts?
Ar Tonelico soundtracs or Monaca works alone anally rape Persona osts so hard it's not even funny.
your dad doesnt like orchestras? sounds about right he raised a shit kid.
this made me buy ffxiv
Why post Persona 5 when it has the weakest soundtrack out of all of the Persona games?
I have a little titty but nice ass gf. I think in the end I prefer a nice ass, but man, all I do is jerk off to big titty porn now. If the girl doesnt have milkers, I dont want to watch it. Grass is greener, etc.
More like quality of film scores plummeted since John Williams went senile, and the age of capeshit requires OST as soulless and generic as the movies themselves.
But yeah technically games>movies nowadays.
Happened in the 90s, possibly even in the 80s
It's repetitive shit with no structure meant to be played on an infinite loop. No amount of dressing up or arranging is going to change that. Classicalfags are usually classicalfags because they appreciate the music, not just because they like the instruments.
post more rhodes
>Has videogame music finally surpassed the quality of film scores?
Already happened during the fifth generation of consoles.
Does anyone listen to film scores outside of the movie? I didn't think so, don't give me licensed garbage either. Original compositions only.
it is absolutely repetitive but I wouldn't call it garbage
Wow you posted the one good song from P3 nice work
You should be shot out on the street
No u
western ones just get digital downloads, sometimes even low quality MP3s that the devs took from a torrent of ripped audio from the game files
>all of this shit music that doesn't even come close to being good on its own merit
Wake me up when a fucking video game song comes close to the work of Ennio Morricone.
It surpassed film scores quality long ago. The thing about vidya music is that it's a lot more important to make a good game than film score is to make a good movie.
You will spend a LOT more time on average listening to vidya music in a single game than you would in a movie, since a movie is usually just a hour or two long and games can go into hundreds of hours.
It's a little bit similar to japanese visual novels, which all are known to have a pretty high quality on average when it comes to soundtracks. It's because you're gonna spend a lot more time listening to that music than you would watching a movie (and also because having only still images and text, the sound has a greater gap to fill compared to a medium with motion video or gameplay).
>expecting passable taste from people who listen to video game music outside of when they're playing video games
even undertale has a more gripping soundtrack and ennio's meme music
>dem 4 Senran soundtracks
Best taste.
im gonna ask the real question here and ask sauce
Yea Forums always letting down on the important stuff
Sounds like your dad is just an asshole and would shit on whatever you liked simply for the fact you like it
>only us enlightened 4channers know what a video game console is
Yikes, have sex.
>spending money on smash brothers music orchestral covers
Your dad is right to be ashamed of you
holy fucking shit you are why I don't want to have children
Sophie Mudd
What is it about videogame music that gives it away when you share it to normies?
obviously chip tunes aside, I've never met a normie who wouldn't say, oh that sounds like from a videogame.