Is this that SOUL thing everyone's talking about?
Attached: th.png (235x334, 76K)
You just posted SOULLESS. Pic related is true SOUL.
Attached: 1565219447693.png (192x192, 8K)
You'd be hard-pressed to find a piece of art as evocative yet mysterious as this Marisa
Attached: Th15Marisa.png (711x845, 297K)
Attached: 1559771738463.png (450x500, 354K)
these characters look like they all have downs
Imagine drawing this bad for 20 years
No that's just a shit drawing
God, original Touhou art is the worst I've ever seen. It's so bad my eyes want to vomit
Attached: 1505076410133.gif (242x227, 1024K)
I find the sheer crudeness to be charming.
Attached: cirno is a nigger.png (750x750, 302K)
the art really isnt bad though.
Attached: 1536319328588.jpg (900x1440, 419K)
Attached: 1561895264968.jpg (450x640, 47K)
Attached: 31241611.png (470x509, 260K)
Attached: hina sketch.png (600x600, 60K)
Attached: hina animated.gif (256x256, 820K)
Sunday night for burgers, early Monday for yuros
Attached: 1562845251868.png (375x287, 110K)
delete this shit right fucking now
Attached: fake marisa.jpg (575x658, 46K)
Attached: 1555693390812.jpg (400x596, 89K)
Attached: 1556316378755.jpg (480x640, 85K)
Attached: 1556316568536.jpg (1024x676, 314K)
Attached: 1556316637117.jpg (1600x1200, 692K)
They all have
I like to think that they just allucinate
Attached: 1556316764776.jpg (1920x1275, 827K)
Why did only Cirno get a tan in THAT game?
Attached: 1556498975980.gif (160x160, 21K)
Attached: 1556243215928.gif (824x897, 1.87M)
Here's your final and extra boss bro
Attached: 1565441717604.jpg (512x397, 74K)
Attached: 1552795935488.png (2076x1259, 505K)
Attached: marisa rise and fall.jpg (1200x1050, 260K)
Why can't his art stay consistent?
Attached: 1552413783520.png (990x482, 648K)
he forces various local kids to draw everything and passes it off as his own art
I think ZUN actually tries to come up with different art styles
>when there are regional and seasonal variants of a pokemon
Attached: 1557513461617.png (2480x1700, 746K)
>Imagine making games this bad for 20 years
You have to care for the important stuff, buddy
ZUN's art is peak SOUL.
Attached: 1556913031945.jpg (1000x1055, 231K)
He actually is on pen and paper
Attached: 1555788613638.jpg (2494x1200, 1.85M)
because his art is so crude, it opens up the door for doujin artists to make their own interpretations of the characters
How is this supposed to be any different than literally any other fanart made with the artist's own style?
TH7 Marisa is the most beautiful drawing Zun ever did
So it's not SOUL, it's CHARM.
ZUN's artwork isn't actually that bad. It's his coloring that's shit.
Attached: jappy_oku.png (2500x2500, 1.1M)
Why is Geno wearing a dress?
Why is marisa in chernobyl?
>Eating spaghetti with no napkin
How's she going to clean her face, Yea Forums?
Ah, the early days of Windows 99 paint programs
He only works in the games while drunk.
That's bad manners, user.
Excuse me, best girl passing through.
Attached: 275px-Th105Alice.png (275x275, 107K)
She doesn't have sleeves either.
She can use her skirt to clean herself up then.
Attached: shovel.png (1080x500, 173K)
Post more Shanghai
Attached: shanghai.jpg (640x480, 59K)
She will be nice and clean after I'm done making out with her
How are you sure she is wearing a skirt?
Finally, an opportunity to post one of my 140 marisa edits.
Attached: 1516796771444.png (429x331, 49K)
Attached: full gyate marisa.png (940x1100, 43K)
Which 2hu would you adopt?
For me it's little big Shimmy.
Attached: 1555605252316.png (1433x1013, 1.49M)
>Woah! He draws chickenscratch like us! He has soul!! Now I really want to buy his game!