Hi, I'm going to take over your country now. Don't try to resist or anything - if you fight back, people will die...

Hi, I'm going to take over your country now. Don't try to resist or anything - if you fight back, people will die. That would make you evil. You're not evil, are you?

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Why do RPGs do this?

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why are their so many blue lion fags on Yea Forums

Ever since it turned out that Edelgard doesn’t fuck you when you S-rank her and ended up being a power hungry bitch Blue Lions looked more appealing.

Can I please lick your feet and your red tights?

>literally impossible to not pick her

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how's the eye dimitri?

Wait, she's wearing shorts and not a skirt?

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thats what you get when you hire a fujo artist

3 houses is a new low for design

>Another fucking FE thread about Edgelord
Yes, she is dumb.
Yes, she is the worst lord.
Yes, Dimitri is the best.
There done, we can move on now.

no arguing with those legs

Skirts are terrible for combat

No contest best girl.

I wanted... to walk with you

Gee Edelgard, how come your mom lets you have TWO crests?

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Nah, I'll pass. I love brown girls, just not sheboons and poo

"I'm going to close my eyes, walk into your country and swing my axe back and forth, and if you get hit, it's your fault"
What did Edelgard mean by this?

How badly did the game get Treehoused?


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Blue Lions is has the best story so people talk about it the more. It also has a lot of exclusive information about Edelgard so you should play it to understand her better.

The Empire's actually good in this one though.

>Blue Lions is has the best story so people talk about it the more.
What did he mean by this? Blue Lions is the contrarian choice because people like the other routes better.

incels cant handle a strong and controversial female character

Fuck Adrestians, fuck the Black Eagles, and FUCK Edelgard.

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classism bad

>Empire nobles doing creat experiments
>Queen responsible for Duscur massacre
>always starting wars, when the Church told them to stop they started wars in countries not under Church jurisdiction instead

>Yes, Claude is the best.
there you go user fixed your typo Golden chads is the definition of a ragtag group of retards stumbling through existence extremely comfy

>The Empire's actually good in this one though.

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If that was true, people would like church better, because it's the ultimate fuck you to edelgard.

Fuck the other two houses. The Blue Lions is the true choice.


>blue lions is the contrarian choice
>church is the least popular route
What can't you understand? If Yea Forums was actually contrarian, people would like church the most because it makes edelgard truly seethe and lose all her support to the actual opposition.

Are you retarded?

Most of the conversations about route story is about how kino BL is. Its got the best character drama and has the most tight nit and relevant cast. GD is lore dumps and ancient evil awakening out of nowhere.

Its even the best edelfag route because you learn more about her past.

Still going through the main story, but I've heard that people's opinion of Edelgard depends on your route. I'm doing Black Eagles now and I can see why. There is context to why she did what she did and after the timeskip you can see her warm up a bit (I thinks she mentions she would be a cold leader if you weren't around so there is probably some of that). Will be interesting to see how everything plays out when picking the other sides if I can ever beat this game, fuck its long.

Her post-timeskip design sucks. The skirt she wore pre-timeskip was super sexy.

You are the one going about
>hurrr people only like BL because they are contrarians, contrarians I tell you!

As much as I love the Golden Deer house and Claude, his route could've used more work. That Flame Emperor reveal, seriously? I wish his route explored the slitherers more. They focus on them for 2 chapters at most. Everything before that is what you experience in the BL route, but slightly watered down.
Despite that, I have to say GD has some of the best cast in the game. Judith's pretty underrated too. I wish you could play as her.
Still better than Beagles route, I'll give it that. But I haven't done the church route yet.

Every faction leader becomes good if you join them and the rest becomes evil

yes i am evil
how did you know?

tfw in fire emblem heroes Sothis stats that she cant reveal her true from there. Who wants to bet that she only looks the way she does because she is at her weakest. And her adult form is an 11/10.

>source: my ass
No they don't

Golden Deer aren't evil in any route.

Not Golden Deers.
Not Blue lions in any route "but" Edelgard's, because defending yourself from an invasion is anything but evil.
Meanwhile she's consistently a villain in 3 routes.

>find students I want to recruit
>focus on the stats they want and shower them with gifts
>still not interested
>try to recruit some random I don't even want

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I did BL route first and my opinion of Edelgard warmed up in the last third of the game once Dimitri starts to reveal to you his past with her. The ending is legit tragic between them. She's crazy but you can understand why. GD is the only route that doesn't expand on the Edelgard/Dimitri relationship and I'd argue that's the central theme of the entire game.

Claude isn't evil, he's just dumb. Dimitri isn't evil either, just crazy. Rhea is the only one that goes crazy evil and only if you side with Edelgard.

Literally every mass tragedy in the game is a result of politics (usually imperial) and has nothing to do with crests but edelgard only cares about crests and thinks the world can just get along without crests

It's not fair, bros, why can`t we recruit the Gatekeeper

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How is Rhea evil when she sees Nemesis 2.0 right in front of her, Edelgard basically proves Rhea was right not to trust humans

She burns down innocent people. On Church route you literally have to purge the evil half of her out.

Dimitri is evil because he betrayed humanity. He chose to side with the crazy dragon and then had the gall to pull the moral high ground card.

Whatever helps you sleep at night Edelgard.

Her race is being threatened with genocide, again

What fantasy world are you living in

>how is Rhea evil
>Genocides an entire race for not worshipping mom
>In retaliation they kill your siblings
>Create the church and its teachings as one last fuck you to humanity
Wow humans are the real monsters.

The one complete with 22 chapters, cutscenes, and actual maps

Oh no no no

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I'm sure she sleeps just fine with sensei next to her.

>for not worshipping
Rhea doesn’t give a fuck about non-worshippers

do you think sensei masturbates while Ferdinand impregnates her haha

Is the implication that the dubstep wizards are modern humans?

The one where I can list off my reasons and the one where you can't?

BL has the best lord and best character arc with Dimitri. The cast is the most plot relevant pre and post timeskip and are actually relevant to the story instead of being there for the ride. Mercedes and the Death Knight, Felix and Rodrigue, Sylvain and Miklan, Annette and Gilbert, the majority of the cast having a personal connection to Duscur, ect. The cast feels more involved than the casts of the other two houses. How can you even argue against that? And people complain all the time about how poorly the Edelgard situation is dealt with in GD because Edelgard and Dimitri's stories are so intertwined that Claude feels like an outsider. That's why they gave him the Slitherers plot but they only show up right at the end. It would have been better if Claude was hunting them down from the start instead of getting a watered down version of Dimitri's story.


>think Petra is best girl
>think her pairing with Claude is so great that I want them to be together
>choose Lysithea instead to prevent her dying of CrestAIDS
>Claude for some reason chooses that dyke Leonie
>Petra is all alone

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>stare at Edelgard’s chest during tea time
>”Is something on your mind?”

She knows

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Her plan only worked in regards to what she wanted
Edelgard is a retard that only thought in the short term that's why she spent those 5 years doing fuck all until you showed up again, at least Dimitri had the excuse of being mentally broken and seeing everything he worked towards get destroyed
It's clear she didn't have a plan for after she abolishes the church and when she makes crest and noncrest users equal she really was just in it for herself and the minute she stops being emperor the successor is just gonna fuck everything up again
everyone is gonna get fucked in the long run because of her plans

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Who else here on their 3rd or 4th run?

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>she makes crest and noncrest users equal
yeah this is what concerns me and it's kind of lame her ending doesn't imply it but
the people who have crests are gonna be pissed and lead some sort of revolt or maybe the noncrest users will try to be the ones with the power and overthrow everyone else
and while we're at it what if the next leader hates everything she did and just fucks everything up again
Edel really is a selfish cunt


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rpg's tend to have you play from the perspective of the not-empire faction.

>*Blocks your path*

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equality won't last, so edelgard's plan is retarded. though no one will be born with crests, there will still be people born with high IQ, higher physical fitness potential, inheritances, etc. there will always be rulers and followers. all edelgard has done is send people back to the hunter gatherer phase of humanity. if she truly makes people free and equal, she will not be able to stop people born with leadership talent from rising to power. there will always be nobles and commoners.

>burning cities
That's Rhea or Edelgard. Dimitri only kills children and tortures people to death.

>yfw "shall we go rat hunting"

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Man, she is stacked. I bet she feels inferior around FemByleth

>let random girl who wants to kill her brother's murderer into the army
>not once does anyone ask who killed her brother
dimitri knew the whole time she wanted to kill him, right? I forgot

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Hi, I didn't follow the thread but I've seen this image in the front page and I liked it so I upscaled it

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said dragon is nowhere to be seen in dimitri's route retard

I'm on 4th, but I'm burnt out so I'm taking a break before I do BL.

welp time to fap starting off the weekend just right

Her ending handwaves the fact she just violently conquered two sovereign nations as the aggressor in the bloodiest war in a thousand years, while cooperating with a race of mengele molemen who perform horrific experiments on the populace, and used innocents to create crest beasts, and says no there will be no resentment even though you have people like dimitri’s son

Except rhea hands byleth her position. No matter what route you choose rhea never stays in power.

But they're good for my penis.

She wears a skirt if you make her a Lord.

Me. Saved BE for last, half so I didn't have to interact with Edelgard, half so I could knock out both routes easier. On chapter 9.
Have to say the writing must be good it can make me feel contempt for a character.
Also don't know why Hubert was such a cunt to Petra in their B support.

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Yeah I can see why she joined with the people that started wars since the beginning of time and the same people responsible for her having two crests. Yeah.


Edge Lard pls.