WoW Classic Comfy Thread

Keep the seething and bitching in one of the obvious shitposting troll threads, and away from here.
ITT: Discuss races, classes, factions and goals.

Why yes, I do play a male night elf druid.
How could you tell?

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Other urls found in this thread:

generals can't be here, also your edits are always terrible

For me, it's female human warlock.

T. Seething XIVfag

Who else /EU Zandalar Tribe Horde chad/?

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Thanks doc

Human Male Paladin/Warrior on an RP server

I’m debating whether or not the role play potential is worth being a healer at 60.

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Based and knotpilled

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This ain't a general, just a thread for people who actually want to talk about the game.

So what happens on RP servers? I was aware of the memes, back in vanilla, but only played on a PvP server.

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RP is Normal + players acting like NPCs and making towns feel a little livelier + you may or may not be forced to name change if it's too inappropriate.
RPPVP is PvP + those + PvP wars between guilds, PvP RP events etc. Most people I know will play on RPPVP, seems by far the most fun.

Please tell me she has a large dick and an equally huge pair of balls.

*FREE name change, of course

Which mods should I use in classic? I'm at least going to modify my bars. I played without mods for the vanilla (from alpha) through the first 2 expansions. Now I want fucking mods.

Maybe if you are horde it could be fun, but the alliance will be full of night elf trannys and neckbeards "fucking" on every tavern you walk in.

and a free ban if you try to be a clever little shit making a 2nd, slightly subtler, troll name, like most do


Bartender is all I need desu

Pssh no. Faction pride is vastly overrated. The same awful people play both factions, or, if Alliance had trannies then Horde has 9 year olds.

>Why yes, I do play a male night elf druid.
>How could you tell?
Because you're the color of the night sky, you idiot.

Undead Mage

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that's racist you fucking bigot


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The same goes for xiv nobody wants to go the general because it's nothing but drama and screenshot fags, on Yea Forums there's always actual discussion same thing with wow but it's just the shitposters that detailing both of them, also jannies will begin to nuke wow classic threads after a week or so after the launch of classic like with every hyped up game

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Why are priests considered better healers at 60 than paladins? Paladin brings a huge amount of buffs and they have so many ways to recover mana from their busted talents that they can output so much healing it's insane.
I'm planning to play a priest and I just want to know the difference between a holy paladin and a holy priest.

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Aye. Fuck shitposting. I wish we could all just chill and talk about tits of all colors in peace.

Playing classic wow won’t make you a kid again

>Long time RPer
>Gonna make a guild dedicated to teaching all the newfags how to RP well just like someone took me under their wing when I was new.

Thank god. Being a braindead kid was the worst.

Hey cool. Got some general advice? I'm gonna roll on RPPVP and I might dabble with RP occasionally.

Priests can switch between single target healing and group healing easily and are great at both. Paladins are only great at single target healing.

owo i wanna join

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>Won't make you a kid again
>Won't have to stay at school until i get home at 4pm
>Won't have to go to the store and help buy groceries
>Won't be forced to do homework
>Won't have to play on a shitty computer with a broken keyboard and wifi that disconnects every 30 minutes
>Won't have to get off by 10pm
>Won't have to heal wailing caverns through tears as mom and dad yelled at each other downstairs
I'll take it

Male human rogue on whitemain. I cant wait to get to STV

>still playing a dead on arrival streamerbait game after Shadowbringers came out


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how many days/weeks until all the rose-tinted shitters realise vanilla was a shitty grindfest with poor class/skill/race/faction balance and quit? because thats when i want in.

>NA server names

>EU server names
>Mirage Raceway
>Pyrewood Village
>Hydraxian Waterlords

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Even my most hardcore BFA defending drones among friends are convinced that Classic is way more fun now after playing the stress test. The hype is insane.

I look forward to helping out new players with certain quests/elites/dungeons. I might even help some horde players out with an elite instead of killing them.

Beautiful, hugs and kisses tl you mate

>literally the most cuck combo in WoW

Nah, gnome mages exist

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>also jannies will begin to nuke wow classic threads after a week or so after the launch of classic like with every non-Nintendo game

leveling characters to 10 on the stress test is the most fun I've had playing WoW in months

Well whoever lands on his server is fucked

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memes are cool and all but actual cuck combo is night elf priest

In terms of lore male night elf druid is the worst :
Race just gave up all of their identity to become cheap whores for human, can't defend themselves against Orcs, STILL allow Horde into their druidic circle, even teaching them how to become druids since they are mega cucks.

Nah dude iM rollin ne priest for shadowmeld-mind control, its fuckong fantastic

>tfw can't even fucking enjoy classic because of mouthbreathing twitchniggers
>you think you do but you don't
They were right, I'm starting to hate it

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I dont see what the problem is having a holy pala is to do with rp? You can rp a dragon if you like, your class pretty much has very little to do with what you rp if you have some slight imagination.

mt spellinf is fuck dude im drunk sorry skåne akvavit makes people dumb itell you

Why is he waiting so long? At least the other streamers said they will know by Monday so people can avoid them

Did this nigger think he would "keep the shitposting away" just because he said so?

Redditors are truly delusional.

only works on shitters cause 1.12 meld breaks on cast.

>still didn't clear savages in XIV
Good luck with Vietnam. Best pvp zone

because he's a faggot who's too good to roll his character as soon as the name reservation starts

>absolutely nothing to do most days
>bored to alcoholism
>old school wowtard
>still no (0) hype for classic
God I wish I could get excited for this shit so I'd have something to do for a couple of months. I'll probably still play it though but I doubt I'll get as absorbed as I'd like.

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>still scrambling my mind for server
>BR's have coopted thalnos
>supposedly mexicans are trying to take faerlina
>dont want to end up on server that has multiple streamer cult of personalities that will fuck population balance
>might just go grobbulus even though RP is for fags and some of my names arent totally RP safe
Feels like im playing russian roullete with a 2 cartridge revolver between Herod(better ping probably streamfags) and grobbulus(have to deal with different kind of faggots)

>tfw eu chad

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I can't decide between a dwarf paladin, dwarf hunter, or human mage

Is there an addon for Classic already that is a guide through the whole game taking each quest step by step?
I want 100% completion, I'm in it purely for the story this time around.

Lost my dog yesterday, sorta tempted to play a Dwarf Hunter. Maybe thats unhealthy though.

This is not how you supposed to play classic since it was about journey and quest are pretty good

Yeah that's my thing, I want to read them and take my time with it but I don't want to waste time and be inefficient and miss quests I didn't know about because they were hidden in a rare drop from a level 8 defias mob, you know?
This isn't my first time so I'm not going to feel bad about using a guide addon.

Same, I don't have a consistent schedule this time around to raid so I'm just going to enjoy completing everything and making friends.

Where did you dog go?

i'm gonna be a griefer

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I'm not in a rush either like I was first time I played, I don't care if I fall behind. I'm just going to enjoy it.

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As someone who has never played WoW, is Hunter a good class to play in classic?

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Can someone please explain to me why no one wants to play with streamers? What is everyone afraid of?

when I was a kid I was a fucking idiot and sucked at vidya. This time I get to do it right

It's like going to a restaurant when a band and its groupies are there.

The art of RP is the art of writing, but from the perspective of a single character in a world collectively written by hundreds of authors. So your character will be a lot more popular and easy to use if you don't roll them as a silent protagonist, but a character that's capable of stirring shit and causing interesting situations to occur.
In all writing, the world is exclusively made of the details the writer chooses to mention. So it's important to be concise and focus on important details; but also RPers like impressive, flowery descriptions. You have to have a good mix of both.
Too brief:
>Gwenanastas flings a shadow bolt at you.
Too much detail:
>As his raging emerald orbs enflamed with the gaze of a maniacal killer, his long, straight silver hair flowing like a river of cruel malice in the otherwise comfortable breeze of the peaceful Elwynn woods. Gwenanastas raises his pallid, wrinkly hand to the sky as if clasping the sun in his fist and the unfathomable abyss of black darkness in his heart begins to coalesce in his hand in a pulsing mass of dark shadow aching with the power to destroy all life. In the moment before impact he thinks to the dilapitated picture of his respectable magician father hidden in the emerald locket he keeps in the left pocket of his blood red golden trimmed robes and wonders where it all went wrong. Bringing his clammy right hand down towards you he fires off a barrage of glistening black orbs screaming and whistling into the air between you and him.
Just right:
>Gwenanastas walks towards Anonymous like an old friend, "I honestly didn't think that someone like you would be the one to figure me out." He smiles cruelly, "Stand still while I erase the evidence." With that, Gwenanastas reaches into the sleeves of his robes quickly before unleashing a barrage of screaming black skulls towards you. If these skulls land they'll leave cold burning flames where they land. Gwenanastas then takes this time withdraw his burning scythe

Streamers play on most populate servers. Most populated servers are cancer in all MMOs because of obvious reasons. Unless you're fan of cancer

Yes but everyone will hate you
You will eventually cause a wipe or take someones weapon and there will be drama
You get a cool pet tho

I'll fuck your ass, Assumi.
decently sized poll

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PVE hunter is just too braindead

Whitemane is going to be the Reddit server. Watch out.

Talk me out of playing a Tauren hunter


>tfw rolling on Aussie servers

Whitememe and Memekrik are going to be the worst non-streamer servers I'm pretty sure. unless the BRnos rumors are true




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I ran out of room but notice how the third one exclusively contains details relevant to the other player while still being descriptive? In RP you always have to be considerate of the other player. You can't decide how they feel, you can't force them to do things or even force them to be affected by what you do.
Also (((triple parenthesis))) designates OOC speech, not jews and don't use information your character wouldn't know.


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Why no hype, sad tranny?

Its not the streamers themselves but the massive cancer following they have that will shit up the server/zone/population

Dead game
Dead genre

nice game you got there

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Oh fuck I'm sleepy and used "land" twice in the same sentence. Use different words every time but don't be a thesaurus. Also another thing I forgot to point out is that the third paragraph is composed entirely of action, while the second is almost entirely a description of a single action. Action is what matters, description is fluff.

Is there a BR server yet?

Because it's just an old game we all played then and most of us played semi-recently on private. What is there to be excited for? I need a life-surrogate game and this isn't it. Can't they just make retail not awful instead?

BR's have taken thalnos hostage

Absolutely based that young people are ruining this shit idea you retards never should have asked for.

What an asshole


>Why yes I play Horde on EU PvP Server, how could you tell?

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You should know retail is unfixable. Classic is, 100%, the most bang for your buck when it comes to MMOs. No other game is going to give you this many months or years of content.

>it's just an old game

No, it's a good game.

It's a good game but it's also a game I've played to death. Do you remember playing WoW when it was actually happening? People were shitting their pants at the idea of a whole fucking new continent, level 70 and all that shit. Of course we know what that eventually led to but at the time it was exciting. An MMO needs the future aspect as much, if not more, than the moment to moment shit.

If you've played it to death and you don't want to anymore then just fuck off out of these threads then?

Are you expected to roleplay on RP servers or are they just a shelter from the 12 year olds?

>Was going to go to Thalnos
>It's apparently going to be the BR containment server

It's not fair, there aren't any Central servers so Eastern with Chicago based servers are my best bet.

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>Won't have to heal wailing caverns through tears as mom and dad yelled at each other downstairs
This hit too close to home. We're going home bro...

Because I have an opinion and by typing in your browser you are willingly exposing yourself to it. Deal.

If you aren't obnoxious and stick to the district with the bank and the auction house you should be fine.
But there is no shelter from 12 year olds.
Also you should RP it's fun.

I'm only watching this debacle for the streamer drama. Seeing fags seethe when they somehow end up on a streamer server will be gold.

>hire good writers
>hire talented people to work on the core game
>allocate more resources to WoW
I just fixed retail.

>plays all age MMO
>still hates kids
You was kid back in 2006 who played MMO

Fot 90% of the game you're amazing, but you're complete trash in the last two raid tiers.


>sharing server/faction with taliesen

>tfw can’t decide between bloodsail buccaneer or grobbulus

I like goofing around and doing pvp but I don’t know if I always want to do pvp

>streamers rolling on grobbulus for teh epic luls

Also do we know how name reservation will work? Can I reserve one name on three separate servers or do I have three names on a single server?

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who is that?

You can make 3 characters per account.
What's complicated here?

a retail WoW shill/youtuber

For me it's Grobbulus

i don't mind streamers, ive played with plenty and they are pretty chill by themselves. it's the hordes off Attention starved fans that i don't want to play with

>let's just hire some people and they'll fix it

You have no idea how deeply flawed the modern game is. If you think it can be fixed without completely gutting the entire game, you're either incredibly naive or simply ignorant. It would take more resources, time and effort to fix the game than it would be to simply start over with classic.

undead rogue. yes I know I'm a literal meme. I want to play what I want sue me.

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I've been conditioned to expect the worst and would not be surprised if I was locked to one realm while reserving names, as stupid as that is.

Probably going on the RPPVP realm since non-English speakers will not be welcome
Who's with me?

Bloodsail Buccaneers if you want serious RP.
Grobbulus for fun.

I recommend putting your main on Grobbulus and having an alt on Bloodsail because you don't have to be max level to RP.

>want to play RP-PvP because unironically enjoy RP
>friends already decided they will all join the same guild, which is rolling on a normal PvP server
its not fucking fair

que times, layers, chat filled with twitch spam

which euro pvp servers will be the main place for my nordic brethren?

For me it's Troll Shadow Priest.

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for me its undead healpriest for pvp

Which one will you be?

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Noooo you need Shadow Weaving for the Warlocks invite me to the raid you can clear MC with 20 people you don't have to minmax for speed clears who cares about me wanding for 10 minutes straight because debuff limit and mana efficiency

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For me, it's female Night Elf holy priest.

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>r 10 minutes straight
there is not a single fight in MC that lasts even a third as long

I'm still thinking it over. Paladin or priest to heal. Or perhaps warlock. Or become one of the masses and roll warrior. I'm bad at making decisions.

Maybe with an optimal raid comp. Bring a bunch of S.Priests, Retadins, Enh/ele shammys, Oomkins and Ferals and see how long the fights last.

Yes, but only because most raids don't bring people living out their dreams of playing an unviable spec. Not more than a few who's tight with the leaders, that is.

Why do all classic fags treat anyome whos sceptical of Classic as either a troll or a retailfag. Are you seriously not allowed to point out that most people wont have the same enjoyable experience that they had years ago when they were kids? Like yeah cool youll play for a few weeks, but most people who arent complete nolifers will give up after that.

Sorry bro

oh right LOL

thanks doc

EU bros. What's your plan for release?
Sleep on Monday and wake up at midnight and play for a day solid or sleep a normal night but wake up at 4AM, miss the start but be refreshed and alert for the day?

How long until I get fired?

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>dwarf priest

the biggest yikes

dwarf is objectively the best race for pvp priest


OK, looking pretty nice in your beard and dress faggot

I'll probably roll a hunter, warlock or paladin so that I can just toggle autoattack and get back to work.

Imagine being so shit at pvp you need to play the "best" race even though you just look like a tryhard meme to everyone around you.

The only "skill" that exists in wow is knowing what shit is good and what isn't.

fuck lads, I wanna play Classic but I'm worried about how few servers there are for PvP, at least on the EU side
two fucking choices, and one of those servers will be dominated by the Spanish too, not to mention the possibility of an EU streamer fucking one realm also

should I just wait a month or so until there's more realms or something?

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>Spanish and APES rolling Golemagg
>eastern euros rolling Shazzrah
>the only big EU streamer/youtuber rolling Zandalar Tribe

Steam link android app + my country doesn't have mobile data caps. Shit works surprisingly well.

*sues* XDDDD updooted

Based informed user
Can you give me the skinny on Mirage Raceway?

Working shifts means I can play 6 days straight, whilst still funding my newfound love being a boomer. Now has never been a better time to play.

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>>the only big EU streamer/youtuber rolling Zandalar Tribe
no fucking way

sorry I don't care about PvE servers
I think one of the two is being taken over by Spanish as well but don't remember which one

Retailfags won.

What class would you recommend for someone who likes mmos like ragnarok and tibia, enjoys pvp and hates delivering bear asses for every quests
Better if it’s skilled based class

>Try our Vanila
>Want to be Thrall cause he was cool in WC3
>Pick up a two hander and go on adventures.
>Time for group content, can never find a healer so I end up being a make shift healer.
>Get suckered into being the regular healer at all times
>Two expansions later I demand Im no longer going to heal and want to be Thrall already dammit
>"Can't stand DPSing because I've been institutionalized by years of healing
>But its okay because Healers have some clout in the community
>Suddenly dungeon finder becomes a thing, healers are a dime a dozen and some dumbass heal slut meme catches on
>Retail WoW gets animation updates a resto shammy's animations are girly as fuck

Dont let this happen to you

None because most of the quest are some form of delivering bear asses and nothing in vanilla is all that complex class wise
More about knowing how to abuse shit like deadzones and having CD's

Paladin is literally an incomplete class. Healing at 60 consists of you spamming rank 1 flash of light over and over again. Priests have at least a little bit of variety in their spell choice.

Bros, help me out since my memory is a bit cloudy
I started playing wow when max released and played until cata, back then, inspired by hobbs I made a prot paladin
I remember dps having to give me time to get threat and running out of mana constantly
My question was is, how doable will prot be now that I’m not a regarded 16yo and will I be forced to heal at 60

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Probably Rogue. Contrary to popular belief retail wow has vastly more "collect 8 bear asses" "kill 12 bears" quests than classic. Lots of Classic quests are objective focused and expect you to kill mobs on the way, but Rogues can sneak past all that. This changes at high levels where they were running out of time and you have stuff like silithus where it's kill 15 bugs, kill 15 bugs, kill 15 bugs, but those quests are still in retail too lmao.

Your whole post sucks and you spell like a 15 year old.

Prot is doable but there'll be more people bitching about it now. Paladins heal in raids full stop but outside of raids nothing is forcing you to heal. The game isn't completely about raiding. People will want you for healing because nobody wants to heal because nobody appreciates healers, but you don't have to.
Your mother screams when I fuck her.

>replying too your own post

I see
My group of friends is excited about classic but there is this 1 guy who never played wow, refused to try it over other free old mmos but since he doesn’t want to be left out, he will try it with us
He will probably hate it but we are tying to make it less miserable for him

DPS and healers will still have to be careful since you have no taunt and you'll still be out of mana more often than not. You can tank dungeons well enough if you're group is accommodating but if you want to not heal in raids then you should play something else.

I’ll try to improve my writing skills so you don’t have an aneurism next time =)

This site is 18+

Please don’t tell the mods


So is the age of consent but that didn't stop your dad from raping an inbred retard like you into existence.

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>think Warcraft 2 and 3 paladins are badass
>want to play a heavily armored knight who protects his teammates from harm, fighting against the evil in the front lines
>end up a cuck in a dress standing in the back casting buffs every five minutes

I've never played a shaman but would it be fun? I'm thinking of orc shaman

paladins don't tank in vanilla
they just don't
you can in TBC
in fact you're an amazing AoE tank in TBC
but you're just crap in vanilla
just go warrior if you want to tank

Back in those days Totems were fully their own mechanic instead of just CDs and water shield meant you didn't have to deal with the eating down time that everyone else did.

How delusional do you have to be to still believe in wow classic after the mountains of evidence saying it's going to be shit?

I noticed they have an observer ward you can use for pvp also

The evidence says that there will be at least 10 million players playing classic. Seethe more xiv tranny

cope, tranny


I'm still stuck between Mage and Warlock. Mage has an easier time farming gold but my inner hipster wants to be the least popular but still in demand dps class.


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>im having fun
>no you cannot look at this piece of paper saying you cant

>Ask for a source on the mountains of evidence
>"ahaha you mean you don't know?"
>"Do your own homework"
>etc etc.



How is/was RP in classic?

Great for like six months, then every single faggot heard RP server is for """mature""" people and rolled there and killed them off, effectively turning them into normal server with one in every fifty people being a roleplayer.

>Have to carry your RP set around in your pack.
>No flying mount
>Probably a week or so with no RP addons until it gets patched in

On the upside you wont have any elves ruining the RP community.

You look pretty stupid saying you're having fun when it's not even out.

Yea, that's why there are so few servers

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You people don't even know. Your tiny, clouded uncomfy minds can't even comprehend the levels we're about to ascend to.

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That's only the first layer.

Whitemanechads what class are you rolling

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>2 EU PvP servers
>one will be owned by Brazilians, another by Spanish and one will have someone like Forsen on too

why is Blizzard so desperate for Classic to flop?

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because if classic thrives then that have to accept that retail is shit, and their hubris can't allow that


Why would Brazilians play on EU server lol?

Want to roll Human for my first character. Please help.

Rogue - too edgy
Warrior - too hard
Paladin - too supportive
Mage - too easy
Warlock - too lorebreaking
Priest - too feminine

>3 eastern pvp servers
>1 is already owned by BRs
>1 will be owned by streamers
>1 will be owned by asmongold

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just roll lock fag

>no Vancleef realm
>no Mograine realm
>no Hogger realm
EU got shafted

>cyka bylats get chromie realm

Thought you had to be on same network as your computer for Steam Link?

Darkshore, home...or at least it used to be, before Cataclysm fucked everything up.

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anyone got the smellmongold picture?

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>too hard

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The summit part pisses me off more than anything else


Mage is too easy? For raids sure, but their best leveling spec is AoE Frost, which is the hardest to master, right?

Who else is eyeing Herod?
Rumor has it that it will be streamer hq.
It's a shame because Thalnos will be BR and Faerlina will be Spanish dominated.

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>human lock

warrior is most likely the easiest class to play in classic wow
tough as shit to level, but to actually play? total babby tier

Warlocks in lore are always evil.

Janny nuked XIV thread.
But Classic is alive.
He's on our side bros

Paladins tank dungeons pretty well in classic assuming you dont mind downtime between pulls.

>three friends are wanting to roll RPPVP to try RP and to avoid streamers.

which one is worse bros?

Not enough servers to guard yourself from streamers. We have to accept that streamers and classic are two sides of the same coin.

>not dueling your warlock friend for curse of recklessness and rolling whatever race of priest you want
fucking zoomers

Seems to me spanish have better english than brmonkeys

BRs are apparently trying to be tolerable though
Made some posts about how their guild would blacklist the huehues

>warrior - too hard
Everyone has been reporting it's piss easy compared to private servers, mobs dodging way less, etc. You'll only get fucked up in wpvp.

I guess it really depends on what kind of BRs we get. I've grouped with some really good ones from Goldrinn who were courteous and asked if I spoke English, but anytime I see Azralon I know they are going to be shit.

I just wish they'd add in like 2-3 more PvP/PvE servers per Region just so we can definitely segregate some of this shit and so each server doesn't have 10 layers of 2k people.

Attached: 1558845972604.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

it's not even worth playing when layers are still live, is it?
if I'm levelling with one guy a certain day and the next he's gone forever, what's the point? no sense of community

I'm so lonely. I just want something to play while I drink and get high so I can chat and have fun with other people. Classic is this feel, but as Classic is not out yet, is there any other game for this?

I find I’m so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it’s the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it to launch day. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Great Sea is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.

It's worth playing to 60, even with layering
Because they're dropping layering when phase 2 drops and that's when all the ridiculous world pvp is going to happen and you probably want to be 60 for that shit

SCP: Secret Laboratory if you're willing to use voice coms

A bit sad that they ended up creating servers for different eu languages, I would have liked to play on a big eu server, but my friends wnat to play on "our" server.

I will be Human Mage and play with a friend who will be Nelf Hunter.

Attached: mage_wow.jpg (1920x1080, 402K)

>est servers are fucked not even a day after servers announced
fuck my life into pieces

>no Spanish servers
t-thanks Blizzard