What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Your time machine.
I guarantee you half of the PC version reviews are bitching about how bad performance was until the optimization patches, which were very late
what a bizarre thread
I thought it was pretty good aside from gacha shit and leshen, I'd keep on playing if there was more content, probably will put the same amount of hours or more into Iceborne
>gacha shit
what the fuck are you talking about?
i don't understand what the fuck you people see in this bullshit game anyway, you just hack at a monster for eons to get some shitty loot to craft gear to hack at another monster for ages again
that wouldn't be that much of a problem if you had a decent amount of skills you could use, but you can do like 3 different attacks per class, how the hell doesn't that get boring in 5 minutes?
that all could be forgiven if the game was even slightly hard which it just isn't, the AI fucking sucks donkey dick and since there's no PvP the skillcap is just stupidly low
it runs like ass
thats almost every negative review
Nice pic of the dlc page and not the game you disingenuous retard
The PC port is really bad other than that the game is kino
Because capcumguzzlers have never played a game requiring skill, and this shit like this and DMC 3 are amazing
>you just hack at a monster for eons
It's called monster hunter... you hunt giant monsters. That's it. If you don't get it you never will.
People cant run it
trainers ruin pc port.
KT? don't know what that stands for.
Skinner’s box endless treadmill
this is the worst monster hunter... why bros why...
OP is a faggot
>fast loads
t. fomer ps4 player with 700+hrs logged
It runs like shit on PC even after all the updates.
this. speclets don't like when they have to play on minimum
There's this monster that's a pain in the ass to hunt because it has 3 phases and you can kill it off during phase 3, it's basically a scripted fight and your goal is to break the monster's horns and as a reward you get RANDOM WEAPONS and also you have to do the fight about 2-3 times for it to drop the weapons unless you got a really good fucking team that's turbo autistic and can get it to drop the horns in pursuit level 1
the pirated base game runs great besides the game freezing when that lizard uses its photography attack.
That being said should i buy the game now? got some free money from tf2 crates.
solid 60fps even with an old 1060, wtf?
>pc is always behind console for updates and still aren't on the same schedule
literally the only thing wrong with the pc version
Did they fix the online co-op?
I heard the servers were fucked on release and never got around to double-dipping because of it.
If you have anything AMD it runs like absolute shit
oh Kulve-Tirath. that's not "gacha shit" though. that's just standard RNG loot.
then why are you asking about the game? you clearly don't play it
What do you think gacha is lmao
lol it runs well on my old ass r9 270x
*with Volumetric Rendering turned off
*with Dynamic Resolution
Anyone else have zero hopes for Iceborne?
The worst three monsters in the entire franchise are
in that order. Surprise! It's the last three monsters Capcom released!
A. I played world at launch before Kulve was added, and wasn't familiar with KT as an abbreviation for him
B. that's the stupidest question i've ever seen, if someone didn't play a game they'd have more reason to ask questions about it, not less. like maybe they're interested in it or something you fucktard.
It's basically just that though, you repeat the same process over and over for hundreds of times to get what you want, just like in gacha shit. Either way it's a terrible fucking system and it shouldn't be in this game.
>If you have anything AMD
blame yourself
gacha is spending money for RNG loot. You'd be retarded to call Dragon Quest "gacha shit" just because enemies have randomized item drops for example.
kill yourself tranny
holy shit you cannot be serious
>dynamic resolution
If a game needs this to reach 60 fps then it runs like shit
Because it's fun.
i just ugaa bugaa Lunastra with meta charge blade build and she always fucking kill me at least once everytime
good now that i think about it i need to farm this shit monster more if i will try to made her other weapons FUCK
leshen would be good if they removed the rooting move while playing solo
u mad bro?
So gacha has existed since the NES days? Faggot.
no but you seem pretty touchy about being called out as a redditor and tranny
dead serious. words have fucking meanings and i'm sick of you zoomers using any word you've learned incorrectly just because you like the connotations it adds.
you don't need to try so hard to fit in here. you can just admit you got btfo or just walk away.
>Words have meanings
That's fucking hilarious holy shit
pic related it's you right now
>w-w-w-whats a gacha
>w-w-w-whats KT
>i'm a monster hunter vet you know *dilates*
Is Ancient Leshen hard?
>40fps in Astera and Ancient Forest
>60fps in everywhere else
I compared it to gacha instead of RNG loot because it fits better. RNG loot is completely random (Diablo, Borderlands), while gacha shit is getting a high rarity or powerful item, weapon, card or whatever the fuck from a pool of fixed items that have a certain chance to drop.
I really want to like World but I hate how visually uninteresting it is, the weapons and armor feel so absurdly bland compared to rest of the franchise.
>Too much of a bitch to directly respond
Lad, just admit you were wrong and move on with your life.
lmao what a retard, shut the fuck up already
No I run it in 1440p 75hz with 1600x rx vega 56
Remember to savour the seethingness of Nintendoteratards. This is the only game that manages to BTFO a fanbase so hard that they would go as far as to create multiple Discord tranny groups to organize shitpostings against this game on regular basis. Loving every laugh.
>asks a stupid question
>gets btfo for it
>responds with nothing but ad hominem
yeah, u mad.
>People actually take the internet this seriously
Of course it’s Nintendofags.
>>asks a stupid question
what's KT? whats gacha?
>>gets btfo for it
yeah you did
>>responds with nothing but ad hominem
i dont even know what that means but you're still a mad reddit tranny LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
nintendofags do this for every game that skips the switch, not just mhw.
I mean the game's good and it sold really fucking well on PC, so nothing went wrong on a surface level. But MonHun team fucking suck at optimization and they somehow haven't optimized it properly a year after it's realease on Steam.
This is why Iceborne's come come out in fucking 2020 on PC, because they fucking suck at optimization. I've never seen a team of very talented developers be so fucking incompetent at the same time, Jesus Christ, that's what we get from a team working on PS2-esque hardware for a decade having to jump to machines over 20 times more powerful than the hardware they were used to.
I really hope that if Capcom get them to make a sequel instead of pumping expansions, have them switch to RE engine, or at least hire actually experienced MT Framework programmers from Division 1 to optimize that shit for them.
Games super casual which is the reason it sold well this time(Even though certain people wont admit it, you know who) soloing a tempered monster or behemoth is super easy. The limited time events are fucking garbage. the lobby system is so fucking shit in comparison to other MH games and the decoration grind is fucking completely stupid as fuck. Master Rank will probably be like High Rank in every other MH game because high rank in Worlds feels like low rank really.
I know. They always shitpost and try to derail DMC5, Sekiro, and RE2Make threads, and they even falseflag as fanboys of one of these games and then try to rile up the other games' fanbases by purposely shitting on the games.
Monster hunter world
Console vs PC
+ Have Horizon Aloy zero dawn skin and Sakura and Ryu skin.
+ Gets content 3 months early
+/- No cheating but also no modding
- Long ass load times up to several minutes wasted on loading screens just to get to a hunt
- Sub 30 fps on most systems Even the Ps4 pro barely manages to stay at 30 fps.
- Have to pay for online
- Ugly filters and motion blur you cannot disable]
+ Fast load times even on Regular spinning disc HDD its faster than PS4 on SSD especially fast on PC SSD.
+ Free Online
+ Better performance
+ Ugly filters and motion blur can be disabled
+ Can use mouse aiming for Bow-guns.
+/- Can use mods such as to make any armor Layered armor or customize your characters appearance for free or straight up move remix mods that make Almost Variant Subspecies tier monsters unfortunately this makes t easy to cheat although cheaters usually stop plying after first few weeks considering this is not a PVP game.
+/- Game is badly optimized but even still it runs at 45 fps on a mid range PC during heavy graphical load while such instances drop the fps on consoles in to sub 20 fps.
- Content is behind the consoles by 3 months.
- Lacks some crossover costumes mentioned above
Anyone else wants to contribute?
There’s nothing wrong with Behemoth.
This. Excremoth on the other hand...
MHW is inherently fucked from the start.
>still spamming this every MH thread
Didn’t they expose the autist that made that image and that copypasta?
They didn't buff sword and shield.
>Using SnS
Lmao, the best you can do with that is be a healslut
childhood is playing S&S
adulthood is playing CB in sword and shield mode most of the time, taking advantage of guard points and only using the axe for AED and SAED
based listchad
this is also why p5 suddenly became the worst game ever and started getting daily hate threads right after switchfags didn't get the port they begged for.
PC is still fucked after all this time. They just dont care.
Broken on release, all content patches are delayed 6 months for no reason
I still have an FX-8350 that's bottlenecking my GTX 1060, yet this game runs smooth as fuck. Seethe more.
Is iceborne going to be scuffed for PC again or will they be having concurrent patches?
Played it on PS4 but kinda want to switch to PC unless itll be shit again.
they said it would be the same to trick people into preordering but then quickly backpedaled to admit it would still be behind
I was forced to pirate it because it is digital only on PC, fuck paying for digital
Try out Frontier or GU, they both address your complaints somewhat.
based boomer idiot
You fucking idiot. I’ve got over 200 hours in MHW but for a minute I didn’t know what “KT” stood for either. You fucking zoomers are so lazy you can’t just type out Kulve Tarroth?
Are there any good mods stuck in Patreon hell?
Or are all the worthwhile ones just on Nexus?
I don't care if this is bait, this is just fucking straight up offensive. PvP misses the entire point of the game and anyone who actually thinks this should play something else. Literally invading my fucking video games.
What's Kulve Tarroth? Are you zoomers so lazy you can't even spell Kulve Taroth correctly?
Well there's your problem
Fuck off. Behemoth and Kulve are both shitty because they were designed to be fought with a team and goddammit I just wanna hunt solo like in the old games but I also really like those monsters armor so I have to fucking dig a mic out of my closet and find a random party just to hunt this HP sponge of a fucking tank and there’s nothing fun about this shit at all.
They have less attacks than World though.
That was fixed long time ago
Whoopty doo I put one extra letter do you even have a real argument? It’s not like I fight that LIMITED TIME ONLY EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL RNG EBIN SEIGE ACT NOW OR ITS GONE FORVER cunt anyway
>Zoomers seething because they can't spell
Carebears always get triggered by the very notion of pvp existing in any format.
>tfw upgraded my graphics card and even after tweaks it still runs with a bunch of drops and looks like ass
>shitting on dmc3
Ah a contrarian!
Go back
Everybody knows Sony threw millions at capcom to make a Monster Hunter West
>delay the game on PC by I don't even remember, over half a year
>release it barebones while console versions have had several updates
>don't even include full size textures that consoles have, take EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS to include them in a separate downloadable pack
>overall one of the worst optimized ports of its caliber
>game in general is typical japanese jank that feels like it's designed to waste as much of your time as possible
>I couldn't beat Great Jageras.
Everyone can beat Great Jagras. He's by far the easiest of the first big monsters.
I have 500 hours in the game, that doesn't mean I can't recognize its flaws. The last one accounts for most of my playtime.
>anjanath snipes you from behind a wall and while looking the other direction
lets be fair here, it's still very jank
I ask this for MonHun, EDF, Dynasty Warriors, and most JRPGs. But there's tons of people who likes these games, so it's obviously just a difference in taste.
thread didn't turn out the way you wanted, isn't that right OP?
you're gonna hate Ancient Leshen
why would you even fight ancient leshen?
Because it's a fucking horrible fight, like every fight added since release
ive never heard a single person on mic ever
The performance is absolutely shit for no reason.
You can't pre-order Iceborne on PC. Those comments about wanting to fast-track PC are no doubt post-Iceborne as its development was already well under way at the time.
except that's not how Kulve Taroth siege works, it comes back regularly and during the whole length of a seasonal event, like for instance right now the siege is available until August 29th, none of the event quests or crossover quests are "do it now or its gone forever" in MHW
This thread reeks of nintendo kiddies
>people provide legitimate criticism of the game
even the JP exclusive Azure Star armor set is playable in US now so that guy has no fuckn clue what he's on about.
Just make the quests last forever, this is forced bullshit
my buddy is playing on a fuckin 2600k and 970. He gets decent frames with medium settings.
Cope nintendie
>blatant bait OP
not him, but you and everyone ITT fell for dumb ass bait
One is a lively hub with only 4 people
One is a ghost town that hold 16 people, all whom you'll never chat with
Which would you stay in?
It's just really bland. I could put up with the drawn-out repetitive gameplay if there was a story or some interesting characters. It's generic and completely lacking in soul.
God I'm so fucking sick of the soul meme. It doesn't even mean anything
EDF is just good old fashioned slaughter and there are many strategies for combat. Part of the appeal there comes from the scale.
Monhun is just a very pretty J-ARPG slog.
Behemoth is the best fight in the game and should be how they handle all of the forced-multiplayer hunts, prove me wrong.
Seriously though its so much more fun than shit like Kulve Taroth. After 4-5 full runs of that shit I wanted to blow my brains out, such a boring fight. Haven't done Leshen yet.
t. GEfag
So what exactly is SOUL, you ask?
SOUL is defined by:
A unique charm to its characters, environments and music, that conveyed a magical sense of adventure and achievement.
A weighty combat system that required careful positioning and knowledge of your foes, which felt good to play and rewarded skillful players.
Monster designs that were unique and colorful, but still believable as creatures living in the respective ecosystem you fought them in, with movesets that were punishing, but fair.
A large variety of weapons and armors that looked cool as fuck, could be discerned on a hunter at a glance, and told a story about the materials it was made from.
A sense of camaraderie and companionship with strangers, bonding over a common goal and having fun.
In short, all things World sorely lacks.
there's no real reason to make them last forever in case you want to replay them, since a good part of these events quests give you a specific item that is required to craft a weapon/armor/layered armor so you'll just complete these 4 or 5 times to get enough of one specific item (100% drop rate before anyone starts nitpicking), crafted the desired item and never do them again, like for instance the Wyvern Ignition Impact GS
Hey reddit, fuck off with your idiotic memes
never played that mh but it looks hella comfy not gonna lie
So what if someone starts playing after the event ends? Or someone takes a break during the event and comes back when it's over?
You're fucking retarded, there's literally no reason not to just leave the events up
It's awful
The PC mod that adds all the vendors and useful NPCs to the multiplayer hub area of the town is 100% necessary imo, should be like that by default. Going around that empty singleplayer town in a multiplayer game is lame as hell.
never said it looked fun
MHW is honestly the best feeling game in the entire series (that I've played obviously) but I prefer the comfy aesthetic of some of the older games over the more realistic approach of world
and yet less than half of all players actually finished the game, let alone post game
Gen and Gen U try to take the soul from some of the other games with the villages, but instead just turn every single one into a soulless husk. Honestly World feels like it has more soul in it then Gen/U does.
Oh so its actually difficult :^)
Is there any performance mods to run the game better? Would it be possible to download the pirated version of mh and replace my legit exe with my legit one?
I honestly feel like this game is highly bogged down due to denuvo.
That can be said for pretty much every MH game, user.
Does that somehow remove the number of sales Capcom has in its pocket or something? Because if not I don't see your point.
iceborne content requires you to finish the base game
Are you saying Iceborne will flop? cause the last time someone "predicted" sales it was WAY off. Are you trying again?
Comedy treasure we must preserve.
Then in that case event quests will be on a weekly rotation so that a bunch of them are available in a specific time period. Seasonal events are just here to get a free meal that grants +50 before each quest, make all event quests available 24/7 for the duration of the event (usually 2-3 weeks), and get some new layered armor and fireworks. Any player dedicated enough will probably stumble upon these sooner or later. And if you're not willing to boot your just to see if the event quest you wanna farm is up, Capcom makes this information publicly available for all platforms here game.capcom.com
I seriously doubt you even played the game if you don't know that
>Hundreds of hours
>u must have no time because u dared criticise capcom >:((
that grants +50 HP before each quest*
>I seriously doubt you even played the game if you don't know that
Look at this thread and tell me that again. It's a goddamn bait thread
Bring an ice insect glaive and just attack her wings in the air, makes the fight a bit less of a pain
They were right, MHW sold only three million in Japan.
says who?
source? any sales fig link?
That's not that abnormal at all. It might actually be better than average. Even the very first braindead easy achievement is rarely over 90% achievement rate, and I've seen it go as low as 70%. I think ending achievements are usually around 30-40%.
>source: my ass
also, how is 3 million a flop in japan?
>no proof of "hundreds of hours"
>can't even search "mhw event quests" to inform himself on how they work
1/10, the bait is too obvious, you don't even deserve the (You)
so where's the sales figure? in other words
>Actually defending retarded capcom decisions
Holy shit capcumguzzlers are delusional
Just ignore this thread, there's an actual MH thread up
>look at my greentext leak about the company's internal strife, trust me I know a guy who sucked off itagaki under his desk, it's anarchy in there
>the japs HATE it, stop liking it!
I don't understand this shitposting mindset. Do you think you'll make the game less fun for me if you make me believe it wasn't commercially successful?
It's a shitpost thread, just report and ignore
46% is actually pretty fucking good for as long as it takes.
Did you know MHW is Capcom's best selling game ever? Better than any SF or RE
....kulve taroth....the only boss with RNG and doing like 2 runs to increase your chances of getting "good weapons" and half the "good weapons" are garbage anyway.
>RNG loot is completely random (Diablo, Borderlands),
This is false
Borderlands has fixed loot tables for enemies.
>Badly optimized
I have 144 fps on the maximum settings at 1080p with barely any drops to performance.