Are you buying the revision/new version lads?
Switch Lite
I have a hacked switch, why the fuck would I ever buy another one?
You may grow up and stop being a scumbag thief at some point.
>hacking a console is only good for piracy
Maybe you should do some growing up and educate yourself a little.
Nope I don't play it in handheld mode.
corporate cuck
>only kids steal things
Go outside sometime
I like the lite version a lot more, however the battery time on the revised version (switch v2 they're calling it) is fucking great.
Yeah but I'll wait for reviews before I get either
Meh I'll wait for docked only version. when and if it's $99 and hackable then i'll buy one.
i will buy the lite when they release a gameboy edition
Maybe down the mine. I sold my switch because there was simply nothing on it I wanted and I wanted to upgrade my guitar, which was nearly 2k, so I figured I could get some extra cash to help pay for it. I could see myself getting this towards the end of the switches life cycle, but I otherwise do not care for it or its baby games. Prime 4 is the only game down the road I want and that will probably release when the ps5 drops so I wont give a shit. This boomer has moved on from Nintendo
There are puzzles in zelda and mario involving motion controls. Are they foing to work with just the sticks now?
Nothing is ever going to be $99 ever again
Can't play on the tele so what's tge point? Normal switch has portable AND that.
They always worked with the sticks.
youre a scumbag thief
smaller, lighter, longer battery
itsa build for people who almost never use the dock, of which there are many (im not one of them).
At least this will push down the 2nd hand price of Switchs as portable players sell their originals to pick up the Lite instead
Let me guess, a little bit above minimum wage league player who comes by every once in a while to his favorite streamer to drop a fat dono followed by some poggers
Why do you reply to trolls? Low IQ?
Gonna get it but not yet.
just waitung for smt v
youre a low iq
What's the point of this shit even? I can get an used OG for the same price and get way more functionality out of it. Why didn't Nintendo make the docking optional atleast?
I'm probably going to get that model with the improved battery life soon since I've never had a Switch before, anything else I should get with it?
Is screen protection still an issue with the switch?
Maybe when the price drops. I don't have a Switch and don't care about docking.
>buy Switch lite with undetachable controllers
>the left joycon drifts
Hard nope for me
Personally I just get screen protectors just to make myself feel good
could be useless, idk did the same with my vita
Feel like another hardware revision is almost inevitable.
We are gonna get a New Switch like the N3DS. Im gonna wait a little since there arent enough exclusives for me to be interested.
I want to buy a switch but I'm holding out for a "pro" version; realistically is there any chance for it to ever come out?
Should i buy this or the old one?
If you're looking to carry it around I do suggest a case and a screen protector, though around the house should be fine unless you're a clumsy fuck. Try to mooch off of someone else's switch online family plan if you can, I didn't but I'd recommend it to others
same. waiting for a switch pro/new switch
Guess they're aiming for 3DS owners who only want a decent handheld, but even then it seems like a waste of money as you mentioned.
The only one worth getting seems to be that "pro" model that has better battery life and screen resolution.
The new revised Switch is now the best handheld because it has the best battery life by far. Lite is made redundant by Nintendo themselves before even launching.
Is the one you guys are referring to different than the improved battery model they're releasing this month?
Just wondering as I don't really follow switch news.
not him but technically it's already out
this isn't a ps4 thread
>console wars
Any chance for this model getting a bundle anytime soon, maybe by black friday?
I hate how pricey nintendo games are and I'd prefer getting another title with it.
And have worse performance because of thermal issues? No, thanks.
So you use that thing for a couple months and then the joycon shits itself and you're shit outta luck.
I'd recommend finding a used model you can hack.
The console still has gyro
Yes, there is a possibility of switch pro coming out next year, its gonna be the real upgrade.
They already announced a Dragon Quest Switch that's coming out in Japan. (In a few weeks iicr) However I think there'll be a bundle with something like Pokemon or Luigi's Mansion later this year.
Just get a glass screen protector like you do for your phone
It’s not that hard.
already have one, don't need another. Even if I didn't have I wouldn't buy the new over the old one. What you gonna do? Smash with those controls?
That’s not much of an upgrade
Just a soft revision.
>wasting 2k on a literal piece of wood with strings attached
Wow, you've matured so much Mr. Adult!
So we wait a couple of months if they haven't yet pulled the plug or announce the XL edition.
>new switch, now ever harder to to fix joycon drift
Kek no. Never gonna buy another nintenbro product in my life.
Does the new model with the improved battery life still have this problem? Not sure if they changed the controllers at all.
I was really tempted to, but here are my gripes:
-it it has no rumble, which is really odd. Rumble is such a cool feature and adds a lot.
- it seems to use the same sticks as normal joycons and so will be impacted by drift (and here you'll have to send in your whole unit to get it fixed which is a bummer).
-smaller screen than current switch is a bummer, couldve been same size as normal switch just with less bezel.
-battery is smaller than old switch and lasts about as current pre-revision switch.
I would've picked up the revised switch (i want it for mobile play only), but there's no red box yet anywhere in europe as far as i know.
>fixing anything
Keep dreaming
Not even a JRPG fag but that's a nice looking set, I wish they had something like the Smash/Splat bundle again (wii u I know).
In russia there is no regional prices via nintendo. pc/sony/xbox all have regional and it works good cause people stop pirating shit. Nintendo joycons here cost the same as usa (6000 rub, ie 91 dollars), which is ludicrous. Game prices are high too.
Most of the country makes 10-20k rub a month, and cities like spb/moscow are better off, but even there 40k rub a month is like a super decent job.
So pretty much the only people who can legally afford nintendo games here are richfags, hence why everyone here plays pc/xbox/ps4.
yes it does
once it gets hacked
and some better colors come out
This is the equivalent of the 2DS; except this one also has worst specs so it can't play some games
No, it literally has no games.
The reviewers took contollers apart, same crap material that covers joystic connectors/flakes and causes the issue as old. The only thing they changed there was move the antena to stop the desyncing to the exact same spot as all the modders did (which costs nothing).
Depends if there's any optimizations for handheld play. I'd be surprised if the short battery life isn't due to to some kind of clocking difference between it and the new Switch model. They seemingly both have the same chipset and battery but one lasts 3 hours longer on average? Sounds like there's something going on with the Lite we don't know yet. Either that or they went out of their way to commission a smaller capacity battery for it.
It has rumble, not HD rumble.
Damn that's a shame, does warranty at least cover this issue?
>nintendo makes a switchless version just to prevent hacking
>gets drift
>have to take whole system apart
yikes, I’ll stick to my hacked launch model
It's because of this:
old switch (full size) had a battery life X.
new revised (full size) switch has the exact same battery X, but due to new cpu it lasts 2x longer
Switch lite has new cpu (same as switch revision), BUT it has a much smaller battery than old/revised switch (which has same batter between the two), and hence due to small batter size it only lasts slightly more than the old switch. Pic related, switch lite.
Doesn't seem so, it just has no rumble period. The switch only has HD rumble.
Nah i am expecting an explicit upgrade. Better screen, battery, and/or better processing power.
Thank you for the explanation user, I had assumed they added in a both a better battery and a new CPU before.
Why did they make the battery smaller for the Switch Lite? Seems dumb with all that wasted space surrounding it (then again I'm a brainlet with tech so please forgive me).
I'm waiting for the Switch equivalent of the New 3DS XL.
It should be announced next year.
The normal switch is much larger than the switch lite, and so theres more space for a battery.
You can see in the image that the battery goes from top to bottom, and theres space bellow it, and also wide. (and to the side the joycon attaches).
Here the battery is flush agaisnt both top and bottom of case, and the joycon is flushed agaisnt the battery so there's no space anywhere.
If the switch lite had more screen space then they could have fit a bigger battery, but due to them making this portable focused and shrinking space, there is just literally no room.
Damn, the switch lite just seems like a bad choice all around when the regular switch is still pretty portable on its own and has a much better battery life/screen resolution.
What a shame since it has the coolest looking designs of the bunch.
The resolution is the same, actually due to the fact that switch lite has smaller screen it will look better than normal switch since more dense pixels.
Not gonna lie that hardware looks quite hazardous. Like carrying a bomb.
Wat. Literally all phones/tablets look like this.
>smaller screen than current switch
Text in some of the games is already microscopic, an even smaller screen will make it painful to try and read
Yeah a lot of games on switch weren't meant to be played in portable mode (or they didnt bother making adjustments to it).
But like, first party stuff like mario kart/mario maker/etc would be fine.
Whatever you say buddy. But look at how big that battery unit is. Have they never seen a laptop? I thought this was all figured out a long time ago.
>phones/ tablets
But the Switch is a home console with handheld capabilities.
Uh what? I dont play league or watch streamers. I'm a boomer, zoomer. Please reread my post. :)
>getting this triggered over someone buying a musical instrument
Lol the nintendo defense for are just literal toddlers. Believe it or not, something handmade that will last generations is going to cost a pretty penny. A cheap chink made device with drifting joycons is more of a poor purchase than a guitar that will last longer I'm alive. I've also played guitar since I was 12 (31 now). I'm sorry I'm offended you, little buddy.
This. Playing smash with anything more than a 1v1 or on a large stage is hell in portable mode.
They fucked up with the battery, I would've preferred to get switch lite due to its design but the battery of switch v2 is much better.
The battery life is better cause of CPU, but size wise its the same. Only way they could've done this on switch lite is if the switch lite was the exact same size as normal switch, but they were instead trying to make it truly "portable" only size wise.
Recommend me something to play, I feel empty after beating Odyssey and Botw.
is there gonna be a switch heavy?
Any info on a more powerful revision of normal switch?
I mostly play portable so lite is what i need but if there's a more powerful version coming around 2020 i'll wait for it.
DQ builders is comfy.
The friends of ringo ishikawa is comfy and cheap.
Just the revised edition with better battery life this month for now.
Dear user,
thank you for standing up for us in this thread. Every little bit counts. If people would just stop pirating games I might be able to afford 10 yachts a day instead of 9.
Yours truly:
some fat fuck ceo
Yes, with Metroid 5.
Xenoblade 2 and Octopath are both long games and Dragon Quest 11 is coming soon. They're obviously just shitty 3rd party games but they'll keep people busy.