This is a good and a fun game.
Why don't you guys ever discuss it?
This is a good and a fun game.
Why don't you guys ever discuss it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because its actually shit
>westacuck shit
Because Deadfire is much better
Couldn't get into it, for a game thats writing is hot garbage they sure make you spend a lot of time meandering around talking to people.
have you considered that a game which came out a while ago to universal acclaim might not be discussed on an imageboard infamous of negativity and baseless, misguided criticisms?
I don't think Yea Forums can ever like something that other people did
Really though, it was one of the most solid RPG experiences I've ever had. I could replay this game endlessly
any games similar to this?
i'm playing a run with a friend so i don't want to go on another one solo at the same time
i tried pathfinder kingmaker but i didn't like the combat beeing "real-time"
misguided criticisms
this, the amount of times this board spams "muh writing is bad" but on;y ever uses examples from div 1 or jokes that weren't even bad is insane
just some salty kids
Because there's nothing TO discuss, its just a great game and that's that
It's old
It was great
Why was it good? Should I pirate it?
Pirate it.
the armor system completely ruined the game
act 2 was good. the rest of the game was pure shit and way worse than the first one
Pretty good game, people always just say the writing sucks but I have yet to see an actual quote of what is bad. Yea Forums hates anything that the general public will praise.
I've only ever criticisms about the armor system
It has been discussed to hell and back, by you. You are making a thread like every other day.
Haven't browsed Yea Forums in months, friendo.
>threading yourself
There is a turn based mod.
Gameplay good, story bad.
>people always just say the writing sucks but I have yet to see an actual quote of what is bad
You're kidding, right? This shit gets spammed nonstop.
Utterly obsessed
Also what is so bad about that, better than anything in PoE
>Someone asks for an example of bad writing, claiming they never saw an example
>I respond with the image that has been spammed nonstop in every Divinity thread
The absolute fucking state of you. And a Pillars of Eternity strawman, on top of it. Holy fucking yikes.
How's that bad writing lmao? The story is boring and uninspired but that's a terrible example
>better than anything in PoE
I hope you mean Path of Exile :^)))
I hate Larian's """comedy""".
It's never discussed here because Yea Forums has shit taste and can't appreciate one of the best games of the decade, and would rather discuss twitter e-celeb drama and post reddit frogs
Seek therapy
Well OP looks like you got your answer: basically because Yea Forums has shit taste and thinks it's cool to shit on good games. Good night
That's why you are alone and bitter
I'm not pastanigger. I just used his image as an example because you said that you've never seen an example of bad writing in Original Sin 2, which is a ridiculous statement to make if you played the game, and an even more ridiculous statement to make when pastanigger spams bad writing on every thread even remotely related to it
For the love of god get help
Larian can't write worth a shit.
because the gimmicky combat gets boring halfway through and the story isn't memorable.
Game is only fun for min maxers who want super epic ability combos with big numbers each turn.
It's mind-boggling that this *action* shit made it past beta. As well as the armor system. The way loot works. Etc. Just horrible design all around.
The only reason why this game gets so much acclaim is because it's the only RPG that is not complete dogshit released in the past decade that lets you fuck around in co-op.
we did like to death just waiting on the next one now
>played it for 3 hours
>got bored, uninstalled and haven't even touched it since
I have no idea why this game gets so much praise. There was nothing great about it. Even the music was sub-par since the former composer died.
oh I'm sorry did this line offend you?
I didn't really care much for the story, it was there but it didn't add much to the experience. My biggest complaint about the game is the absolutely gutted crafting system since you can get all of these materials and never use them. The first one crafted gear ended up being better then drops when you had the stuff
This, the objectively greatest game in the world could come out and this place would shit on it just to be contrarian edgelords
>I don't understand context
Except the writing is legitimately atrocious and the game had lots of issues when it released. Are you seriously trying to pretend Larian is even in the upper half of RPG writing, let alone among the best? Quit being delusional.
People that think DOS2 has good writing (or VO for that matter) hasn't seen quality in their entire lives.
>legitimately atrocious
That's how I can tell you are just talking out your ass, no idea why people like you always use these overexaggerated words but you simply do it
Armour system was good and fun as fuck. I hated it at the start and thought it almost ruined it, but now I can see how it helped gameplay by not being able to just stun lock an enemy in the distance before the fight even begins.
litterally forced myself to play it to level 20 then i just couldn;t take it anymore and quit, it's not bad but it's extremely boring
Even the devs flat out state they had huge problems with the narrative, that they got a lot of flak for the poor narrative of OS1 that they wanted to fix with 2, but they still feel that they didn't succeed.
The development of the narrative itself was also a trainwreck and their new hires were literal whos from the UK.
well, he is a noble, you retard
nigga stfu the writing is fine, it's a video game not a fucking movie or book. If the writing is what's killing it for you then stop playing video games, most video games have SHIT writing. And the issues at launch were fixed and the game was vastly improved since then.
The co-op is fantastic, and the game is actually a PC game that was ported to console, instead of a console game that was copy pasted as a port to PC, wich applies to 99% of multiplat modern games.
Because it's mostly just fun with friends and Yea Forums doesn't have friends.
I had such a blast with a friend though. I played with one friend and we both had custom characters and had one preset character NPC for story purposes follow each of us. I'll never really understand the complaints about the armor, because we never faced any issues with it and nearly 100%'d the game's side quests at about 120 hours. Finding crazy strategies to overcome groups of enemies was so fun. Also, I like Larian's silly writing.
All anyone did the first few months is shitpost the writing what are you talking about?
>All writing is bad, stop looking at it so granularly, just admit that all writing is awful so that we can safely ignore the fact my game has awful writing even by vidya standads
Like clockwork. Always with this cope.
If I'm gonna be playing a game where reading dialogue is a sizable part of it, I'm gonna prefer the ones that have the better dialogue, thank you very much. Faggot.
>most video games have SHIT writing
Like DOS2. For a game with so much focus on narrative and dialogue that's a huge problem since a lot of your time will be spent reading and engaging with the narrative.
there were plenty of threads about it when it first came out. now it's well-received to Yea Forumseddit has to pretend they hate it. go read the archive if you want
What is the best party makeup and why is it
>Fane (protag)
>Red Lizard
>Couldn't get into it
>aka I'm a brainlet with the attention span of a goldfish
And there it is folks, the real reason why this zoomer infested shithole doesn't ever discuss DOS2.
>Unironically saying "Zoomer"
Yeah, sounds like someone who'd think this game was good
lone wolf with a hired mercenary
It's good but has really some pretty big flaws. As everyone says, the armor system really limited options in terms of party composition and efficient gameplay.
The writing is all over the place, some parts are actually pretty good, other straight up cringe. That is what happens when you "upgrade" you writing team from one guy doing it all to that guy + 4 females with colored hair. Pacing is weird too.
It's honestly weird, there were sections where I didn't feel time passing and could play for 10 hours straight enjoying it, and others where I genuinely considered just quitting and not picking the game up again. I think it's due to all the inconsistencies I mentioned.
There is also too many lootable containers or things you can interact with that are utterly pointless, but just because some of these containers might have something good or my lucky charm proc, then out of the 80+ hours I put into this game probably more than 10 of them have been opening generic containers.
The origin stuff was nice however, even if you could tell they tried to overlap as much as possible, it's actually probably the single best aspect of the game at this point. I don't know if I prefered 1, because OS1 also had it's own flaws, but yeah. There that's my opinion on it.
Personally I think I will always prefer the older larian games, which to me had actually good writing. It was it's own style and definitely quite tongue-in-cheek but it wasn't cringey or inconsistant and the plot straight up more interesting.
ok, then don't play it, it's so fucking simple - the solution was right under our noses. PROBLEM SOLVED RETARDS
Way ahead of you, buddy. I don't finish every game I try out. This game was trash, so I didn't finish it. That doesn't mean I can't comment on it being trash if I see a thread about it.
>limited options in terms of party composition
I never understood this. Ive run all kinds of split damage builds and single type damage builds. Is everyone who says this retarded? On tactician btw.
>Yea Forumstards shit on a game
>Game is great
It's like reverse reviews, the more this place shitposts about it the better it is
So you agree that the writing and narrative is shit? Good.
I played through both PoE games and a lot of JRPGs, DoS2 structures itself like PoE in that you spend a ton of time talking but unlike PoE it just feels like pointless filler between the actual fights, which are ok but easily broken to the point it's not fun.
Game is actually great and I personally had a blast. I don't know why is everyone is only shitting on it's writing when NO GAME released today has decent writing. But I guess that's Yea Forums for you.
one dimensional good vs bad characters with no depth. Every random peasant is an archmage. Dumb equipment system dumb combat. It shits down the lore right infront of your feet and you ought to pick it up.
The graphics are trash and uninspired.
Save and reload is a requirment. Sassy dialog options are trying to hint to you what is goodthink and what is badthink. Intaking this game is literally brainwashing you to be a liberal.
It's a redditors idea of a good rpg.
The world is not organic things don't happen in your absence plotwise. You arrive at fort joy and some shitty deus ex machina kid is boasting how it successfully sneaked into and out of the fort twice
>Being even remotely positive on Pillars of Eternity
Oof, that's gonna get the Larianiggers into a boil
i don't like isometric view
Every single Western RPG of note released in the past 3 years has, at bare minimum, twice the writing quality of Original Sin 2
PoE series does a lot of things better than DOS2, but both are flawed series.
If you can't see this you're close-minded and biased.
rule of Yea Forums. if its good nobody talks about it beyond a general.
If anything its PoE fans that are constantly seething about larian.
The first post in this thread that brought PoE up was this one:
And none of them has better gamplay.
Maybe in this thread but youd be lying if you said this was the norm.
It was always this way.
did you read the efficient gameplay part too? Yes split could work on tactician, but it was genuinely really subpar to single damage type.
Anyway, what I meant about efficient gameplay is regarding chain reactions : the problem with the new system is that it made environmental or elemental interactions incredibly underwhelming or close to useless. In div 2 the most efficient thing you can do on a turn is fire up a spell or attack that deals a fuckton of damage.
In OS1, the most efficient thing you could do on a turn is setup an elemental reaction, or trigger that reaction if it was already setup. That was where you'd get the most insane damage and CC from. In OS2 I remember once stacking over 30 oils barrels on one of the ogres, putting poison near him and throwing a fireball, the fireball itself dealt more damage than the combined 30 barrels, and then the 15 ticks of burn he took walking to me did close to absolutely no damage whatsoever.
Point is in OS1 the most efficient thing was also the most creative, varied, interactive and fun thing. In OS2 the most efficient thing is incredibly straightforward and borring.
based effortposter
While we're at it, what were your thoughts on the Pillars games, assuming you played them?
>Game is actually great and I personally had a blast. I don't know why is everyone is only shitting on it's writing when NO GAME released today has decent writing. But I guess that's Yea Forums for you.
Even PoE2 has better writing and that's saying something.
Some of it was actually somewhat interesting, like the Man of Chimes quest.
Can the same be said of DOS2? No.
Cause it's a 5/10 game, the first one was way better.
>but it was genuinely really subpar to single damage type
Its totally fine i had no trouble at all. I havnt played OS1 but its hard to believe that no armor is better.
I dont like how the combat revolves around either stunlocking your enemies or being stunlocked by them.
It kills build variety and makes every fight feels the same
>we get PoE and deadfire instead of this on the Switch
I hate this
The only better thing about the first game was the dual dialogue decisions.
yeah it'd be great to play divinity at 25 fps 720p with a shitty controller
Holy fucking lucky Nintendies. Getting proper RPGs with writing that's kinda bad but at least not as horrible as Original Sin's and a decent combat system that isn't propped up with stupid gimmicks.
Most depressing part is that Larian will kill shit on the Baldurs Gate legacy with BG3.
Ending was mass effect level of unsatisfying shit. Game was great tho.
You think they're gonna do the *do action* bullshit again? No way that shit will happen, right? Do Larianiggers even want that?
literally every crpg ever, its always the same tactic, usually spam summons and buffs and start hte fight with aoe spells
>*do action*
Are you going to explain why this is even a bad thing in the first place?
Yes yes, the writing doesn't appeal to you, good thing there are books which focus on that instead of games which focus on GAMEPLAY. Games like PoE have decent writing but abysmal gameplay because all they can do is copy a formula from a game that is 20 years old.
The first one did tons of things better than the second one.
>better writing
>more memorable
>no respec on the go
>better persuasion system
>characters don't come back to life for no reason
>no shitty armor system
>better and more useful crafting
>better scaling
>no origin chars that make creating an OC pointless
Because that's lazy writing and ERP tier
>no respec on the go
You get one near the end of the game.
Best party make up is
>Sworn Fane
That's it. That's all you'll ever need
>>better persuasion system
>>no shitty armor system
>>better scaling
You're just taking a piss at this point.
Before we get into this dumbass argument, I just want you to answer a few questions
1) If Original Sin 2 had a new patch that changed the dialogue to be actually written stuff instead of *do action* bullshit, would you be mad?
2) Do you think that Baldur's Gate III is gonna have the *do action* bullshit?
3) If not, are you gonna be mad about that?
Put your money where your mouth is. If you're really gonna pretend that the *do action* stuff is defensible, I want you to die on that hill first. Don't defend a system exclusively because your favorite developers erroneously thought it was a good idea at the time.
I played DivOS II. I really liked most of it.
However it suffers from a few really major flaws that make it so while I appreciate the core mechanics of the game and how useful they are as design elements, the actual gameplay and progression is a huge letdown;
>The only big zone is the first and second level, everything gets progressively smaller and smaller after that.
>Once you learn a few basic mechanics, no fight is a challenge and you can faceroll through the whole game.
>The story is actually really fucking ass and it sees you spending a ton of time going down one path only to have the game just switch everything in the last act.
>There's no weight or merit in earning your party's support in the endgame, nothing you do during the game affects that and it's purely what choices you make in the final conversation, or whether you did their quest for them.
>The ending actively ignores literally everything you accomplish during the game up to and including actually ignoring the choices you made IN THE FINAL FIGHT.
>Nothing actually happens in the end, you just pick a dialogue choice and the game is over, on one of the least climactic notes ever.
>It suffers from the problem of not enough variety or option in building because you can buy or craft any skill right from the beginning and there's really nothing to change about your character as you level up other than adding more superfulous spells and skills on top of what you already use.
>Items, food, and potions are all functionally useless and only really serve to waste time. Like a lot of games (The Witcher and such) they're actually only there to make things either harder for you, or trivialize already trivial encounters.
I could go on but really this game just had so much potential and shit on all of it in the last 1/3, and I walked away with such a bad taste in my mouth. The ending was actually kind of insulting too.
>Yes yes, the writing doesn't appeal to you
So when people say that the writing in DOS2 is bad you backpedal and fall back on "well it's not for YOU"? Wow, talk about close-minded.
You then try and move goalposts by trying to shit on the PoE's gameplay for lacking originality when DOS2's gamplay is in no shape or form original.
Fucking christ. You're beyond delusional at this point.
>>Sworn Fane
really? Now that I think about it that's prob an interesting outcome considering the lore
I only played the first one, which I enjoyed but also thought had some pretty big flaws. What I liked most about PoE 1 was the world and the main antagonist. The writing and story is definitely much above D:OS1/2 but the combat is nowhere near as fun. I think it's one of those RPGs where if you really enjoy learning about a new setting you'll have a great time. One last thing to mention is the stat system which people will love or hate but basically it was done with roleplay in mind first and foremost, and doesn't follow the generic conventions. Without autisming for too long on the topic, it was done so that you could roll a high int barbarian if you wanted to roleplay that, and you would still be usefull in some form whilst acting all smart, which is something I personally enjoyed.
As I said, the problem is weither splitting damage or single damage are fine, it's that in OS2 you spend most of your turns on tactician directly inflicting high damage to enemies, in OS1 in tactician (ignoring dual wand speed builds) you spend most of your turn seting up and triggering massive chain reactions, as for both games it's the most efficient thing to do.
I prefer RTWP but I bought it on a whim for PS4 (on sale), playing it coop with my friend every other weekend, now I see the usefulness of turn-based, when using a controller. The performance is absolute ass though on a PS4 Slim when doing split screen. I wish I knew A) How good the game was before I bought it and B) that you can do split screen with controllers on PC, before I bought it.
>time warp on a delayed turn
>four fucking turns in a row
yeah, one man army straight up
>better writing
>more memorable
>no respec on the go
What's wrong with respec, exactly? It's not fun to have to restart a long RPG because it took 20+ hours to realize that your build is turning out shit.
>better persuasion system
I don't really remember how they differed between the games, please remind me.
>characters don't come back to life for no reason
What are you referring to?
>no shitty armor system
I don't understand the issue with the armor system. I played the game to the end and didn't have an issue with it.
>better and more useful crafting
I don't like crafting and don't really do it much so I can't comment, maybe it is worse in the sequel.
>better scaling
Same as persuasion system, I don't remember the difference.
>no origin chars that make creating an OC pointless
You can still play as an OC and have your friends or NPC companions be origin characters which is what I did. Options are good, not bad.
It has a terrible combat and character building system along with bad writing. The only thing going for it is multiplayer.
meant for
>PoE has abysmal gameplay
Spot the scrub
Oh also, yeah I guess I'll echo what everyone is saying about the armor/item system.
Even with added vendor stock, the idea of having to check every single vendor and item because they all had useless, horrible combinations of stats that did nothing wasn't very fun. I never really felt like I was getting upgrades in a major way. I think the only armor piece I ever felt like I was actively improving was the shields two of my party used because shield armor value scaled with level, and the more armor the shield had, the more damage it did on the shield throw skill.
Also once I figured out how to steal stuff, the game kind of became a complete joke because I would just go to every vendor, lead them away and steal all their best items and Resurrection scrolls, and then trade them a bunch of junk for all their gold, so I ended up with so much extra money and loot that I couldn't carry it all.
But why?
BG3 will expose Larian for the hacks they are, because now people can draw direct comparisons to a good game.
Because you're late to the party.
You couldve just explained your opinion instead of this autistic diatribe.
Great game until you realize that if suffers from the same gameplay trappings of every crpg I can think of. Once you find your go-to spell/ability combo, the game is over. You will fight every encounter in the exact same way. Here was my basic setup that carried me through tactician:
>two summoners summon spiders
>archer warps to high ground and pins enemy down
>melee unit warps to foe and stunlocks them for 3 consecutive turns
Every time. Without fail. In dragon age origins, I would kite enemies with my melee unit while my mages cast virulent corpse bomb on every enemy in sight. For the entire game.
Magic in general seems to be the claim to fame for these games, but I found the friendly fire of the various elements to be more of a detriment than anything. It’s neat to see the interactions of the elements until your blood pool gets zapped and shocks your characters. Entertaining the first few times; annoying at the 50 hour mark; frustrating at the 80th. I opted to shred physical armor almost every time, even for foes that are stacked with physical and low on magic armor, if only to avoid the frustrating status effects that accompany spells.
I don’t like the balancing in the game. The first act is well-paced and designed to accommodate limited move sets, but act two and onward have schizophrenic difficulty spikes that are almost always ameliorated by stealing the best shit vendors have to offer, and then abusing your busted ability combo that you will use throughout the rest of the game. Fine for a 15 hour romp, but tedious for the enormous game that DOS2 is. That tedium is ultimately what I will remember most about my experience with the game, and is the reason why I will never replay it. It is simply too long of a game to be sustained by its broken combat system, which is a flaw that almost any 40+ hour turn-based rpg suffers from.
I didn't move any goalpost, you're the only one focusing entirely on writing because that's the only thing you can whine about seeing how you conveniently ignore everything else, talk about delusional.
If you don't like it, fine. Personally I find the game to be very good, the story to be interesting and the gameplay adds to everything in the game, not to mention the co-op.
>DOS2's gamplay is in no shape or form original.
More original than literally *baldurs gate clone", the game
Didn't think this game was so controvertial here.
I personally enjoyed it OP but mainly for the roleplaying aspect and being able to create a character and immerse yourself in the world.
The freedom of being able to complete quests many different ways and the fact that they let you kill everyone even if it makes you fuck up quests is a statement of the dev's thoroughness.
It's a good game, maybe not the best of the genre but there's very few games that have had me finish a playhtrough only to re-start it and find out I missed out on like 40 different sidequests or secret places.
>What's wrong with respec, exactly?
It lets you reload the game and quickly respec for skill checks like persuasion, stealing etc
>What are you referring to?
Alexander gets resurrected like 3 times offscreen
>I don't understand the issue with the armor system
It's a lazy solution to instant CCs that adds new problems like area effects being less useful
>Same as persuasion system, I don't remember the difference
The second game has higher level equipment that outscales old one too soon even if its tier is worse
You expect to much from a 2015 mobile chip. But i don't know why you would think a game like that will run at 25fps.
DoS1 and 2 has worst stories than PoE and PoED? Because i want DoS2 because of how the game presents the combat system and the cool classes and skills effects. Just looks prettier. Also the skeletons
Also it's funny how enemy AI can't process what to do if you just go full Spartan and stand behind a doorway blocking their path. They can't see you, they can't move to you, and they can't really do anything to you because of the LoS system so as long as you can fall back to a hallway and block it, you can keep enemies at a distance and just destroy them with way, way overpowered ranged archer attacks (who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make archers scale their physical damage with Warfare, while also getting a massive percentage boost to total damage based on height AND distance?).
Plus you could just Tornado all the status effects and surfaces off the field before starting the fight. Also just teleporting enemies away and watching them have to work their way back fucked them over.
But nothing cheesed the game remotely close to just filling a chest with garbage up to it's max weight and then using teleport to drop it on enemies killing them instantly.
>I didn't move any goalpost, you're the only one focusing entirely on writing because that's the only thing you can whine about seeing how you conveniently ignore everything else, talk about delusional.
People said the writing was bad as one of the problems with the game (other problems already listed ITT). You sperged out and disagreed, went on about how "NO GAME released today has decent writing". When this idea was challenged you backpedaled and started talking about the gameplay instead, moving goalposts.
You commented on people saying the writing was bad and now you're upset that people call you out on the shit you initiated with your post at You're fucking retarded and delusional.
Too bad no one gives a shit. We're talking about how the writing is poor, especially when compared to the alternatives and past titles. You're trying to handwave it away as if it doesn't matter in a game where narrative and dialogue takes up a huge part of the game. This isn't fucking Doom or some shit, but a very long WRPG with dialogue trees and shit.
>More original
Yes wow, taking shit like babies first SRPG style gameplay sure is original. Just because you're ignorant as fuck doesn't make it "more original", idiot.
that last thing sounds awesome as fuck actually, reminds me of throwing random shit to kill things in Dungeon Master
It's entertaining once or twice but it's kind of stupid when realize it's just a one-trick method for beating every fight in the game and it's very boring.
it's busted.
>that one guy that transmutes terrain to always move around a puddle of lava and insta kill everything
As I thought. You're not willing to stand for *do shit* because you know it's garbage and you know Larian themselves are gonna admit what a big mistake it was.
>DoS1 and 2 has worst stories than PoE and PoED?
Without a doubt, yes.
Youre autistic as fuck user i dont know what to tell you. I dont even hold any of the opinions in your post.
Almost every CRPG is garbage because they try to cover up the impossible task of the imagination and custom content that leads to actual similarities with traditional tabletop roleplay (NWN series and DOS2 do however provide ways around this but not great).
But they also are a slave to their mechanics too, and these don't always translate well and are a plague on non-RPG videogames too.
CRPG fans are often vermin who don't appreciate RPG in its purest essence and would rather like an interactive children's adventure book. They don't care about gameplay, roleplay or even the aesthetic of the visual medium. They're vermin for both RPG and videogame fans.
DOS2, like some WRPGs and most JRPGs doesn't try to pretend to be a traditional RPG yet allows the player to actually roleplay by themselves or with friends with the 'bad' *action* dialogue that people with just a small drop of imagination can have fun with. It's a small step and not freeform like traditional tabletop RPGs, but sure beats some writer forcing you to play as a character they wrote word for word.
Also RPGcodex sucks ass lmao.
Divinity 1 is pretty good and Wasteland 2
>absyssmal writing is fine because it's about the RP!
You're basically also saying a shit DM is fine so long as you can make a char sheet and roll some dice.
Also videogames shouldn't try and mimic P&P because it's frankly impossible until AI can make and write games procedurally at a high quality. Videogames have to be scripted while P&P constantly breaks away from the DM's planned "script".
>but sure beats some writer forcing you to play as a character they wrote word for word.
One of the selling points are the origin characters, retard.
Your entire post is basically trying to excuse bad writing. Pathetic.
That was terrible writing and decent voice acting. I'll never understand why BG is held up to such a pedestal when it comes to writing. It reeks of Bioware's typically cheeky mediocrity and black and white storytelling. For contrast:
Dialogue and characters are fine. Plot is garbage.
Was a great moment and part of the game.
Basically, , I'm not gonna bother reading the rest of your post because you probably think Troika/Black Isle/Obsidian games are the best stories in videogames yet fucking Undertale utilises videogames as a storytelling medium better than they ever did. CRPG fans are insects.
The issue with choice in rpgs is twofold:
>the developers cannot account for every possibility, as doing so is literally impossible
>time and budget constraints
The second is the true issue, as it’s easy to give a handful of options that more or less satisfy major choices most players would consider. The problem is finding the time to create dialogue trees to accommodate all those choices, and then voice act them, and then craft separate encounters and scenarios that unfold depending on those actions. This is why EVERY rpg has only a handful of endings that will never account for every choice a player makes. It is beyond the scope of a computer game, which is precisely why d&d groups persist to this day. The freedom of true tabletop rpgs cannot be matched in a computer game.
This is why I never truly care for the oft-touted “freedom of choice” in many crpgs. The dialogue and writing are secondary to the gameplay, as I cannot get invested in a role that I cannot fully control. As seen in DOS2, the limited dialogue choices presented force you to play as someone who says things you might not want to say, yet you must choose the lesser evil regardless, else killing everyone is the only other option.
The precious Planescape, Baldur’s Gate, and Pillars of Eternity each suffer from the same issues. The only real determining factor for choosing which game to play should be based on gameplay preference. Leave the stories to books and tabletop rpgs.
>says something has terrible writing and only good voiceacting
>then proceeds to post the prime example of precisely that
Bravo. You made it clear you don't actually understand what good writing is and like a beacon signal that good VO dazzles your mind.
Legacy of Kain's dialogue is delightful even when read. It is certainly well written. Feel free to post your own examples.
Jesus, tone down the ad hominem. I have no intentions of arguing with you seeing how you take GAME PREFERENCES too personal. I'll just keep playing my games and you keep playing your PoE that you like so much.
Also, ToEE was, and still is, my favourite DnD game because of the gameplay, not the writing.
welcome to the church of st cuthbert
>It lets you reload the game and quickly respec for skill checks like persuasion, stealing etc
That's like savescumming. It's an abuse of a good feature. Just because there's losers who abuse it doesn't mean it's bad.
>Alexander gets resurrected like 3 times offscreen
I don't think there's ever no reason for any time that happens.
>It's a lazy solution to instant CCs that adds new problems like area effects being less useful
Area effects are still useful, you just can't rely on them solely anymore.
>The second game has higher level equipment that outscales old one too soon even if its tier is worse
I didn't notice but maybe you're right.
Good writing is not about big fancy word usage.
Really, in that SR2 scene what is actually happening there? It's a long-winded exposition and version of kain saying "you don't want to kill me, trust me bro" while glazing over details like why would it be so terrible if all vampires died out?
The SR games are actually pretty terribly written with inconsistencies, plot holes and tons of details just glazed over. It can get away with this because of people being dazzled by the big words, quality VO and dialogue being so few and far between. The gameplay being so poor that when these scenes happen your reaction is basically "oh god, finally" and makes you appriciate them more.
>I cannot get invested into a role I cannot fully control
I understand this, there is a massive difference how invested I feel from a typical CRPG protagonist and a character I make to play in a tabletop campaign with my friends.
But giving players choices and freedom is not entirely to make them feel invested, it's also a form of agency and interactivity.
If you think about japanese visual novels with choices or the interactive adventure books, the choices aren't there to make you feel invested or give you the illusions you have total freedom. It's simply to give you some degree of agency and interactivity as to what happens next, and that in itself can still be fun when it's well done.
So I disagree with you on this, I think that even if limited, well done choices or a fair amount of freedom and agency with good writing and dialogue can easily overcome mediocre gameplay. And before you tell me that in that case I should stick to adventure books and VNs, there is more to the videogame format as a medium than that. It's the very way it was built, the fact that there is an environement I can walk around in with objects and characters I can interact with in a visual space by directly control an avatar can feel a lot more immersive and fun than simple text prompts.
>falls back on logical fallacies when he can't even provide on-topic arguments
Good, close-minded and delusional people like you should fuck off the internet forever.
You sound like someone with literally no standards at all. Why should I trust your apparently worthless opinion on game quality when deciding how I want to spend my limited spare time?
there is no on-topic argument with you, you just demean others for what they like and then act all superior. Since you like PoE writing so much, do you like the gay fish?
Are you stupid?
Yeah OP asked why the game isn't discussed.
I don't talk about it because I didn't play it and I didn't play it because I avoid games where I have to sit through lots of really awful writing, and none of the descriptions of the gameplay were sufficiently compelling for me to bother. I have more games in my backlog than I can play in my lifetime so I'm not going to worry about skipping one.
Because you pretend your time is worth anything, hence why you're in this thread at all. Just get the game you uncivilized fuck.
Playing through DOS1 right now, but kinda bummed out after finding out about the gamebreaking bug that happens when you generate too much loot.
*boops your nose*
>most JRPGs doesn't try to pretend to be a traditional RPG yet allows the player to actually roleplay
I want zoomers to leave.
>no one changes their mind or try anything suggested in this thread
This thread has been 2.5 hours of your time wasted.
If only Baldur's gate wasn't a bore to play
>Really, in that SR2 scene what is actually happening there? It's a long-winded exposition and version of kain saying "you don't want to kill me, trust me bro" while glazing over details like why would it be so terrible if all vampires died out?
Kain reveals to Raziel that Nupraptor's madness tainted the Pillars the moment Ariel died rather than due to any action of Kain's, and that this moment was manufactured by a malevolent will. This plants the seeds of doubt in Raziel's mind that his quest for vengeance is as simple as it seems.
>The SR games are actually pretty terribly written with inconsistencies, plot holes and tons of details just glazed over
Any piece of fiction that features time travel inevitably has plot holes, and Legacy of Kain's don't impact the narrative as you play. It's "glazing over" the machinations of the various parties works in its favor. There's no real need to see exactly how Mortanius or the Elder God achieved their manipulations of fate. Seeing Kain battling the repercussions of their successes and struggling to outmaneuver them accomplishes just as much in a more succinct way.
This isn't underrail, a slightly noticed game gets drowned in shitposting.
The Red Prince claimed me. I'm his concubine (male) now.
You piece of shit. Don't you crave uncovering an entire map at walking pace only to discover the one event there along with a gem in a tree and some hobgoblins? Isn't that worth half an hour?
Don't forget to stop the game, place the party and cast the same spells every time you find a creep.
It's a great game m8 people don't discuss games here anymore is just summer faggots calling everything shit and being completely autistic
I agree, user. Good taste.
why are underrail threads all so god damn high quality honestly?
Everytime I click one it's like warping into another dimension with another board entirely
It's a solid game though it peaks at Act 2. Also the endings feels really unsatisfying.
>Don't forget to stop the game, place the party and cast the same spells every time you find a creep.
As opposed to FF9, where enemies aren't even visible but instead combat plays out as follows:
>take a few steps
>random encounter triggers
>10 second loading screen/transition animation
>intermittently wait 10 more seconds for characters to do anything becaise of atb bars needing to fill/slow animations
>select any number of abilities or spells....or just attack, since random encounters are piss easy and pose no threat
>even bosses don't provide any room for strategy, since they are arbitrarily immune to status ailment
>another 10 second victory dance animation once combat ends
And you think Baldur's Gate is somehow a chore to play while jerking of FF9?
How could you force yourself to play all the way to the end of the game, beat the game, and then not be able to take it anymore and quit? That's 4 full acts and every quest you played through. I'm kidding you're obviously lying and fucking retarded.
i liked act 2 and act 4
The only well-written games in th LoK series are Blood Omen 1 and Soul Reaver 1.
Evrything after that is retconned nonsense for the sole sake of milking more sequels.
>You piece of shit. Don't you crave uncovering an entire map at walking pace only to discover the one event there along with a gem in a tree and some hobgoblins? Isn't that worth half an hour?
Well, for starters, the image is about BG2, not BG1.
Secondly, even what you describe is more exciting than FF9. At least Baldur's Gate has enemies that are manually placed and handcrafted encounters, instead of just copy-pasting random encounters for the entire game.
Act 4 was built on the assumption that you went out of your way to grind every bit of XP up until that point.
To touch on your last point about interactivity, I feel the next evolution of tabletop rpgs will involve vr. When the day comes when you can simulate virtual environments in which these games like Vampire the Masquerade or Pathfinder or Cyberpunk 2020 take place in, blow them up to an mmo scale, and allow people to truly play whichever role they please - THAT will be when rpgs will be worthwhile again. For now, I’ve played enough games and read enough stories to not find games like DOS2 to offer much in terms of entertaining storytelling or role playing.
Are these crpgs better than games where you play as a camera that witnesses exchanges between characters occur without any player input? Yes, if only - as you said - to keep the player’s mind engaged through interaction. It’s popcorn. However, you know what keeps me invested more than any conversation or cutscene could? Gameplay. Exploration and combat, both of which most crpgs sacrifice in favor of hamfisted storytelling that corrals players into predefined paths. DOS2 has clumsy, unbalanced gameplay to accompany a story where player choice amounts to little when it comes to the endings. If interactivity was all that mattered in a game, every game would be Uncharted - a movie dotted with qtes to feign player involvement. I want more than interactivity just for the sake of it; I want meaning. Again, beyond the reach of modern game development, but possible in the future, and that’s what I’m excited for.
>he didn't do all the content
(not that guy)
>But giving players choices and freedom is not entirely to make them feel invested, it's also a form of agency and interactivity.
It's usually a bad illusion for me, and often makes me feel WAY less invested because the game is:
1. Forcing me to make decisions in unnatural conditions that doesn't feel anything like roleplaying.
2. Forcing me to figure out how to manipulate some underlying faction/reputation mechanic to have meaningful interaction with NPCs.
Almost always, there is no fun for me in trying to penetrate a disguised faction mechanic where each reply has some kind of modification to an NPC stat that will affect future interaction. Every time it happens it feels like I'm trying to out-think some writer/developer who thinks he's far more clever than he is. It's never about the roleplaying because none of the interactions are remotely organic or natural. With combat systems, at least the gameplay is fun and the modeled mechanics are clear and straightforward. Roleplaying to fill in the gaps of a combat sequence narrated by decisions and dice rolls is natural to me. Roleplaying multiple-choice dialog options with deterministic outcomes is not.
>So I disagree with you on this, I think that even if limited, well done choices or a fair amount of freedom and agency with good writing and dialogue can easily overcome mediocre gameplay.
The problem is that it IS gameplay. Interaction with NPCs, especially when there are choices to make and consequences to endure, is a part of the game. And when the gameplay amounts to nothing more than multiple-choice dialogs where you try to guess the specific consequences the writer planned for each option, this is very unrewarding to me.
>likes garbage games
what a surprise
shilling this hard for free
if your game was good enough you'd be able to sell it on its merits.
>he didn't role play
I played the game.
Shut up faggot you brought JRPG shit into this thread. FF9 is a shit game but not for any of the reasons in that retarded WRPG-fag image so just get the fuck out.
After 2, maybe 3, playthroughs you have seen most of what it has to offer. And with neither good player made modules, nor new content made from the developers, it becomes inert. Despite my misgivings with dlc culture in general, I would be willing to buy adequately priced extra campaigns.
>And you think Baldur's Gate is somehow a chore to play while jerking of FF9?
I think you have me confused for someone else, I never played any FF.
I want zoomers to stop posting that stupid image and pretending they've played either of those games.
no, he isn't
I hate to tell you this, but you don't like crpgs. Your approach to solving combat is reductive and disingenuous. It's honestly like you're ENDURING having to play the game. I've beaten this game on honor mode with friends, and beaten it with a variety of builds using completely different strategies; none of what you said is true. In fact, it's demonstrably false. On top of all that, the strategy you detailed for beating the entire game is laughably simple and inadequate. Anyone who has gotten to Arx can recall fights your killer strategy would backfire against.
because you're two years late
It is and we do but one bitter autist always shits up the thread.
yeah. act 2 was good
but you made me realize how shitty every else was with the dialogue options
i didnt do multiple playthroughs like i did with the original, but the way the dialogue options just sent you to combat also ruined the gane
i have never used quicksave as frequently i did in this pile of shit
I loved it my first couple times but I've never been able to get the energy to replay it since.
>Magic in general seems to be the claim to fame for these games, but I found the friendly fire of the various elements to be more of a detriment than anything.
>criticizes the gameplay for not being engaging enough
>complains about being unable to take into account a basic aspect like friendly fire
>you’re ENDURING having to play the game
What a perfect way to describe my experience. Thank you.
Also, hate to break it to you lad, but the game truly is that easy to break. The AI is not well designed. They will frequently target summons instead of the summoners, protecting your casters and allowing them to pelt the enemy with whatever spell you fancy - usually blood magic since it scales with warfare and does physical damage, which my party focused exclusively on. Most enemies do not resist stun, and melee classes come equipped with two long-distance stun attacks, so you can cheese almost enemy with stunlock since they don’t gain resistance to successive stuns - something better crpgs are programmed to counter. Even in Arx, where the health and armor of enemies spike, you can cheese enemies with no effort. The heavy chest strategy was already mentioned, but you can also shred magic armor and chuck a charm grenade to allow enemies to literally kill each other. Or teleport them out of reach and pelt them from a range. Insert more broken spells and strategies here.
I don’t enjoy crpgs, you’re right, but not out of bias against the genre. I feel like most crpgs don’t have competent combat engines to discourage the abuse of broken strategies. Was my rudimentary strategy efficient? No, but it worked well enough to carry me from start to finish on tactician. That’s not a brag - that’s something literally any person browsing this thread can accomplish with no effort. For extra cheese, pick lone wolf and role with two party members. 2 tanks are better than 4 squishies.
D:OS2 isn't even a crpg
I haven't gotten much to add because frankly I agree and you seem to have acknowledged my points fairly, I just wanted to say it could have an important impact, but it is essentially useless without meaning as you say and 's point is also pretty valid on that topic. Just to be clear I'll add that I am not defending D:OS2 as a good example of solid meaning interactivity/gameplay through choices or dialogues, it is definitely not the strong point of that game.
I think what both of you are essentially saying is that writing and choices in CRPGs are essentially pop corn at their best, or nuisances at worst, and that the meat and bones should be exploration, combat and whatnot (unless I completely misunderstood your respective points). I do kind of agree but I guess for me it can get to a point where the pop corn is so delicious I don't care too much about the rest. If I take VTM:B for example, frankly the combat is atrocious, the exploration isn't entirely bad but the game is for the most part linear in it's missions and the hubs are straightforward. What made it good to me is every NPC interaction, the quality of the writing on characters and plot. The agency on how to solve quests and problems help but it wasn't anything amazing if you compare it to immersive sims.
Game's a lot of fun but I'm not really sure how I feel critically on this game yet, even after 100 hours. Feels like such a disconnect between the first and second areas. Joy feels all about managing your limited low level party but after that nobody's really specialized they just do their own flavor of everything, and I'm honestly not sure which I prefer because while the variety is enjoyed you pretty much have to partake in it at risk of one or more party members becoming dead weight. Definitely glad for the respec mirror to not condemn you to that because the early levels with barely any skills available don't let it on at all.
I'm fine with the armor system but it feels like enemies (on classic anyway) just always have way more of it than you do, and while you have to hit a while at theirs they can blow through your magic armor with 1-2 fireballs and then expose you to whatever statuses they want, to the point that it feels you might as well take Glass Cannon because you're not avoiding the statuses anyway. More of a numbers thing than the concept itself.
Don't really get the writing complaints, it's either decent at best or an eyeroll at worst. Nothing I'd actually get angry about, don't even know what all the *action* shitting is about either. I do wish the narrator wasn't voiced, though.
>OP makes a thread asking why don't people discuss his game
>thread gets full of effort posting discussing not just the game but the entire genre and it's role within the medium rather than shit posting all over the place
did I wake up in an alternate reality or what
you must have hopped in from the front page then, to miss the shitflinging about PoE and bad writing above
I haven't participated in the other discussions happening itt, I have no side and I'm anonymous. Just correcting things because I like the game. Blood magic doesn't exist, you're talking about necromancy. Necromancy is weak and a poor option. Enemies do resist stun, it's called perseverance and walk it off. Most bosses regenerate 50% armor after recovering from stuns they passively reduce to the shortest duration possible. Melee (warfare) has battle stomp and battering ram, short range (but aoe) stuns. The best way to control enemies as melee is by weilding a weapon with knockdown and proccing it from whirlwind, blitz attack, onslaught, or other high damage, multi hit abilities. Battering ram is a mobility skill first. Battle stomp clears even cursed terrain melee otherwise can't deal with. You can't use charm grenades with your physical only build so you're speculating and have no idea how effective it is or isn't. The game has more tactical depth than you realize but you're incapable of enjoying it because of your lack of engagement with crpgs over what they really are- puzzle games. Each ability has a purpose and a use. You just found a round peg and a round hole and called it good.
get help
it's literally one guy
>big fancy word usage
You mean good prose?
>dazzled by the big words,
You mean good prose.
>168 results found
What the fuck is wrong with this guy? And where the fuck even is this part because I haven't seen it. Arx?
>I havnt played OS1
then shut the fuck up, retard, nobody cares about your groundless speculation
the nameless isle is not an act, retard
Why are you posting ToEE and ranting about the writing? Nobody's ever praised ToEE for its writing, child.
You ever planning on playing the second one? It's actually pretty good, memes aside.
>just correcting
Well then allow me to "just correct you" as well. Necromancy is insane and was my main physical damage dealer in a tactician run. grasping hands is absurd and so is corpse explosion, it's very easy to create tons of blood pools to either stand in with elemental affinity or to use grasping hands. My necromancer was hitting twice as hard as my physical ranger.
nothing to say about the rest, it's all fair just wanted to nitpick that one thing have a good day
It's on the interlude between act 3 and act 4
Yeah for sure. I was waiting for all the patches to roll in and get in the mood for a crpg, but it's definitely in my backlog along with the pathfinder one which I've heard enough good things about to give it a try as well.
Well, he's spent 2 years spamming every crpg thread trying to stoke some sort of obsidian-larian rivalry, failing to force his uncreative insults (larianiggers and obsidimorons or something), so whatever it is it sure as shit ain't mild.
I appreciate the corrections, and I want to point out your bit about using whirlwind with a knockdown weapon - something I discovered by accident in act 2 and utilized to great success until I found a weapon of a higher level. The level differences between weapons scales to an extreme extent as you progress through the game, to the point where a single level can confer a huge damage increase. The developers were aware of this discrepancy and imposed an accuracy penalty if you use weapons of a higher level than your own, but no such penalty exists for armor (or if one does, it’s not perceptible).
Even with a basic understanding of the game, someone with a few points of thievery can steal the best armor available and wear it with no issues. You can even sell a merchant’s goods to that same merchant from whom you stole them from. This cripples the value of currency and removes the challenge involved with outfitting your team. What’s stopping a player from investing into thievery on all four characters and stealing everything to completely diminish the worth of items, crafting, and loot in general? By offering freedom on this scale, you are throwing any semblance of balance out the door.
Open world games and games like DOS2 offer freedom at the expense of tight gameplay design. You’re free to do whatever you want, but when that’s the case and everyone becomes a superhero, and you don’t need to follow a quest through to completion to receive the reward when you can just steal it or kill the npc holding it hostage, slogging through the journey to see the end becomes just that: a slog. An investment of time. You know you can beat the game, it’s just a matter of when. I prefer uncertainty and challenge. I want to play something where victory is not guaranteed, which is why I agreed with someone who pointed out that I endured this game.
> it's very easy to create tons of blood pools to either stand in with elemental affinity or to use grasping hands.
or your can just use flesh sacrifice to get a 1 AP discount on necromancy, gain 1AP and also 10% damage bonus on everything.
The main negative is that you have to play an elf, and elves need to die.
>for a game thats writing is hot garbage
>complains about the writing
I finished a playthrough with my friend yesterday, it's a great game both solo and coop, we're starting a new game soon to try out other builds, albeit i think there's not that many build variety you can do and that's the biggest weakness of the game. At the final battle I surprised the fucker with a deathfog barrel i've been holding since act 2 just for that moment, he didn't see it coming
>Also, hate to break it to you lad, but the game truly is that easy to break
Nobody's arguing it's hard to break. People are saying that you picking the most boring option you can find and spamming it for 100 hours is on you. For fuck sake, this is the series where you could pick traits at level 1 that gave you infinite healing, or where one bottom-tier spell(web) trivialized the entire second installment. The games are ridiculously breakable. Nobody ever has, nor ever will, argue that point.
My point is this: with all the skills and items the games throws at you, yes you can experiment and try to treat each encounter as a puzzle. However, when a handful of items and skills are more powerful than the rest - either due to damage, crowd control, range, or versatility - I am going to use those more powerful options every time. I’d be a fool to cripple myself by imposing restrictions. A player should never have to deal with balancing due to developer negligence. This is why I detest games with “builds” where one build is objectively more powerful than the rest. You have options, but you don’t. I’d take a linear, more tightly-designed game over an open-ended mess that offers a taste of everything but does nothing well.
Or, even better, leveling any magic user past 6(iirc, maybe 8) made your entire party effectively immortal because elemental shields were busted.
I played a necromancer elf solo, and that's pretty much what I did. I would sometimes pre-cast blood rain for tough fights but usually just flesh sacrifice, adrenaline, apotheosis, demon thing and then bloodstorm, grasping hands, use the execution +2 ap for corpse explosions or infect, I would skip bloodstorm if I pre-casted bloodrain. I had 90+ crit chance and decent crit multi, I remember killing adramalik with his souls in a single turn solo doing that. I don't know how anyone can think necromancy is "weak"
Focus is on battles retard, which are extremely enjoyable
>Nobody's ever praised ToEE for its writing, child.
Writing that gets the fuck out of the way so that you can play the game is good writing for a videogame.
Nigger there is ALWAYS a thread up.