White Shantae

White Shantae

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Other urls found in this thread:

rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=shantae crap-man

Her hair is not blonde!

begone white shantae

I don't like it, but this is also worst design Shantae too.


monkey shantae

Attached: 740497_plagueofgripes_shantae-sketch-monkey.jpg (1400x1200, 596K)

Best Shantae

Attached: fwwJsDB.png (1024x473, 711K)

Isn't that just a bright light

I want to stick this on my cock holy fuck

Attached: 1378600109715.jpg (277x271, 18K)

its a shame she has no good games

A lot of people in the Middle East look like that.

nigga shantae

Attached: nigga shantae.jpg (1200x758, 33K)

Boy Shantae

Attached: shantae boys.png (1024x473, 682K)

I will now buy your game

Cultural DENIGGERZATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chocolate Shantae

Attached: 43c3a038d95d245630aeb772f76aadac.jpg (3000x2200, 736K)

Significantly improved.

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Now combine the two...


Attached: 1428472424193.jpg (3400x860, 586K)

How am I suppose to time my jump here?

Attached: Shantae_ Half-Genie Hero_20190803211103.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

Oh, user

Attached: 1496190352607.png (1024x472, 1.06M)

Martian Shantae

Attached: 1378363524463.png (797x1041, 218K)

is it bad i want to fuck the zombie? is it necrophilia?

Yes, yes


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Attached: 9d1fda43d85b28457605b72d37974fa8.jpg (1199x669, 116K)

>Shantae series has such great girls how does WF do it?!?!?!
>only ever posts Shantae


Attached: 1457913304661.png (1200x752, 404K)

shanate is futa


Attached: shinty.jpg (700x450, 95K)

fuck this got me hard

Attached: shantae6.jpg (1319x1935, 165K)

God she looks awful with that skin color
Now nessa, there's a design that works well with all skin colors.

sauce plz sir


rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=shantae crap-man

Attached: shantae5.png (2000x1396, 2.47M)

Attached: risky.png (933x1280, 1.32M)


i want to have drunken risky bareback sex with risky!

Attached: risky2.png (998x1350, 753K)

Can you imagine if a bunch of video game girls did a futa/dickgirl x female party and they came in pairs?
>Peach and Daisy
>Chun-li and Cammy
>2B and A2
>Bayonetta and Jeanne
>Marina and Pearl
>Kat and Raven
>Shantae and Risky Boots
>Fio and Eri
>Ivy and Taki
>Jill and Rebecca
Imagine a bunch of vidya girls on a sex party and some have dicks to fuck others haha

Attached: risky1.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

Attached: risky2.jpg (1920x1080, 410K)

Attached: risky3.jpg (1920x1080, 1.4M)

I knew this would probably be futa. I knew it deep down, but if there was a fleeting chance it was like that Shantae and Rotty doujin, I had to check.
But it was just futa.

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Attached: shantae4.png (1420x1168, 1.15M)

>Nice Ass

>they don't rewarded you with lewd stuff like this for speedrunning the game.

Attached: EA_jJgCU4AArDOI.png (1080x1080, 28K)

Why is that white woman appropriating middle eastern culture?

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Attached: shantae4.jpg (4096x2346, 785K)

She's still half genie, ya know.

Attached: shantae7.jpg (700x731, 89K)

Attached: shantaeklk.jpg (1280x960, 228K)

Why don't you appropriate this?
>unzips dick

Attached: 1560782336274.jpg (667x1000, 408K)


begone white shantae defender

Do as Shantae says!

Attached: 1522879109675.jpg (1906x5204, 2.03M)


no way thats not an edit but I laughed anyway

Attached: 1521731030271.jpg (1920x1080, 321K)

>not playing beach mode with the other costume

starts at 1:23

What if she gets preggy?


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lol wow nice

kill yourself

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No, I don't think I will

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delte this

Stop this makes me feel weird

loil shantae that kinda cute


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Loli Boots is better

Attached: 1406940327701.png (700x908, 164K)

Shantae is so cute

Attached: 717e17d9bf61522bbd266a87c7031cdf7014285d.png (2500x2000, 985K)

get some not trash art of her then


Mommy Shantae!

Attached: 1548085498099.png (600x500, 192K)

No no no don't shake your hips in front of the baby

Who's the father!


look at this whitewashing, this is ridiculous!

Attached: reallybozon.png (800x450, 488K)

>You're being fed this line about "you're gonna live forever"
>Someone will whip you
>Probably with their hair

Attached: 1480726348386.png (1130x900, 20K)

pettanko shantae*

all the girls in this series are sexpots, I love it. god bless WF

post more trap shantae


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post giga mermaid or ill commit the big gay

I'm not sorry

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Attached: 1481661997196.png (1200x750, 1.27M)

Thanks i hate it

Step the fuck up senpai

Attached: 1483745239754.png (900x563, 662K)

>The next Shantae game has Dances that let you transform into a white girl so you can go to the good Dennies without being stared at.

Vore me Mommy!

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Attached: Dennys2.jpg (600x333, 43K)

Attached: 0F0FF348-AF3C-431E-BDD8-2137CE30AFA5.jpg (1007x794, 128K)

Don't tempt fate

Attached: 1457914983091.webm (624x834, 1.29M)


>Shantae's house doesn't have a toilet
Does she just shit outside in the ocean?

Attached: 1564181743762.png (680x904, 645K)

pfft is that it

Attached: bigger.png (900x563, 5K)

Why was this coloured with a fill bucket

Attached: 1509230015761.png (750x750, 582K)

Genies don't poop, all their bodily waste is converted into pee

Shantae's father was into watersports. He died after her mother accidentally drowned him in a day's worth of magical genie urine.

I don't get it




-20 gang is objectively superior

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Shantae is too thin!

That’s how I wanna die

Okay user, just for you

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it's like you tried to prove me wrong for a post and then went back to square one

i'm willing to take that chance. being a pirate daddy seems based anyway.

literally me

based thots

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Trapify this

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she's not islamic tho. it's not set in the middle east.

Attached: 345820_screenshots_20160502134235_1.jpg (1366x768, 243K)

>Twitch can't do anything without a seven-second delay.

>B8 or not we now live in a time where people dont know about shoop da whoop

Attached: 345820_screenshots_20160502161042_1.jpg (1366x768, 210K)

bedroom eyes are top tier.

so desperate for a husband

Attached: 345820_screenshots_20160502202453_1.jpg (1366x768, 186K)

Remember when Sky didn't wear pants?

i only started with riskys revenge so i dunno lol

I'll marry you, Skye.

What is this, some Mighty Switch Force? If it's the same idea, then you want to jump right before the blocks change and be in the air when they do, so that you go through the blocks and land on the airship. A little tricky timing, but nothing too hard if you've completed MSF and MSF2.

Ironically the Half Genie Hero Kickstarter did have her a lighter shade of skin tone. Nearly everybody complained that it looked like she was being whitewashed and insisted on brown Shantae. The developers didn't even think that anybody cared and so went back to her being more brown in the actual game.

I regret clicking

Attached: 36-897.jpg (1163x259, 139K)

For me, it's Rotty


Attached: sun2.png (493x392, 164K)

Attached: ss+(2019-07-10+at+01.08.11).jpg (393x512, 67K)

Attached: ss+(2019-07-10+at+01.08.33).jpg (233x565, 47K)

Why the fuck is this zombie so lewd

Attached: ss+(2019-07-10+at+01.13.41).jpg (237x568, 46K)

Attached: ss+(2019-07-10+at+01.14.24).jpg (415x589, 76K)

Bucky fag drew snake girls once
I fapped to the snake girls he drew
Kill me

Attached: ss+(2019-07-10+at+01.14.36).jpg (233x568, 46K)

im getting to old for this shit

Attached: 1512497207198.jpg (295x315, 19K)

Attached: ss+(2019-07-10+at+01.14.46).jpg (403x576, 77K)

>mfw I'm a zoomer
>know what shoop da woop is
What do you say about that huh?

Attached: ola36yahCh1tprvgxo1_1486930860_cover.jpg (500x500, 50K)


the faces are obscured by jizz though

I think that's why he wants it

That's not against the rules

i don't think they make for good reaction images though

Attached: ss+(2019-08-10+at+09.42.47).jpg (316x428, 55K)

Funny ice cream :)
also Riskys face is funny enough in the cum pic

that wouldn't stop me from posting them. i just don't like them compared to the others.

Attached: ss+(2019-08-10+at+09.42.58).jpg (168x410, 30K)

Are all the girls in this series lesbians? The guys are all fucking idiots so they don't have a lot of options.

you can be a lesbian and still fuck guys lad.

Attached: PgsfZ9B.gif (640x360, 3.78M)

Disgusting. Purge it

Attached: 2018-02-01-image-4.jpg (1100x633, 243K)

jump and then press a, you don't start falling immediately after a jump so it's easy

You literally can't

Those motherfuckers cracked the code.

You rang?

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Literally just Curly

Attached: 1559638896617.png (495x800, 220K)

cursed image

Youre a historian

>ITT: Gamers

>cumbr4ins is censored now
Fuck mods

based mods doing the right thing

Hm dont think so, I use to watch a lot of videos on YouTube when I was super young and a lot of them had shoop da woop. Also watched a lot of TF2 gmod videos.


That's not ironic, that's the direct reason that poll existed.

fix her dumb genie ears

>still no actual news about 5

My only hope is that it's in Nintendo's Nindie Showcase they always do at PAX.

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i hate that everyone has forgotten how the middle east was before it was run over and ransacked by islam

It's ironic considering the thread topic.

meant for

now all we need is the suce and this thread will have been a success

what the fuck is his problem

Attached: 200-2003021_shantae-half-genie-bolo-clipart.png (373x580, 66K)

Thats kinda nasty if you've played the game


That is as much spoonfeeding as you're getting.

get sneeded


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Objectively worse and that's coming from a guy who would enjoy the reactions if they pulled something like this. There's some goldilocks zone bullshit with Shantae's skin hue, and I don't want it ever touched.

When this game comes up I still think about how the reaction would have been if the situation was the other way around (going from a darker shade to a lighter one). They'd never be able to get away with that.

And nothing of value was lost.

He really, really, really wants to fuck Risky. Or at least have her step on his face.
Which, I mean, can you blame him?

SHANTAE IS WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: shantae is white.png (1280x1536, 612K)

Hold Hands gamer

If you don't like Denny's you're a nigger faggot.

he's too much of a beta

>they confirmed that they ain’t gonna be at gamescom

Which is why I'm betting on PAX. SatPC had a demo there in Nintendo's booth IIRC, so if it's part of the Nindie thing then we might get some actual gameplay.

Attached: tumblr_oik58xU7481rcs9gvo6_1280.jpg (1280x1097, 260K)

Did you also watch Caturday videos?
People forget they existed