Amazing heavy metal music

>amazing heavy metal music
>great flashy/over the top combat
>colorful and creative characters
>legendary bosses
>having to refight those bosses
>campy story
>decently edgy
A better DMC game than 4 or 5

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>best game in the franchise has fuck all to do with Kojima/Big Boss/Snake
Only goes to show that gameplay is more important than muh cinematic narrative

>great flashy/over the top conmbat
>legendary bosses
>>having to refight those bosses
>refight literally 2 bosses. Dogs and tanks aren't bosses

>heavy metal

>heavy metal
I thought this was punk rock or something

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Good Story/Characters and Boss fights, but the level's are pretty boring, the combat just ain't as fun as a bayo dmc and the parry is just too op imo

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Nice bait

why is ng2 that low? Other than that I agree with this list

Automata has FAR better fundamentals than MGR

Swap god hand with bayonetta, then swap god hand with bayonetta 2 and your list is alright.

Which one is the most fun to master? NG1/2?

MGR was my favourite melee combat game until Sekiro was released, but it still holds a special place in my heart

What the fuck is the criteria on this? If it's gameplay and skill ceiling then 4 should be at least in God tier, and if it's style and presentation then MGR should be way higher.

I thought the music was terribly overproduced. Niggers can't even play it live without it sounding like absolute ass.

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Better than DMC for sure but still mediocre compared to other action games.

Action games (deep mechanics, skill intensive, fluid combat):
>Ninja Gaiden series
>Batman Arkham
>God of War

Button mashers (shallow gameplay, little variety, just turn your brain off and enjoy the zanyness):

Meme games (avoid at all costs, absolute garbage):
>God hand
>Wonderful 101

This is coming from someone who is an expert of the genre with hundreds of hours of experience

>all those shit games over NG2
Absolutely horrible taste

>i cant bELIEVEEE

As persona who loves it saying it’s better DMC game than 4 or 5 is autistic it’s its own thing
Bad taste user
>Batman game has better combat
Press Y to avoid ever taking damage

>meh combat in the main campaign and bad one in the dog dlc
>parrying breaks the main campaign
>monsoons weapon only has one or two moves
>sundowners weapon only has a few moves
>many swords with the same moveset
it's fun the first two playthroughs but Raidens levels and the dog ones get stale really quickly

this bait doesn't even deserve a (You)

>>great flashy/over the top combat
I thought the combat was garbage outside of the boss fights. Really wish this game had a Boss Rush mode so I didnt have to play through all the trash normal levels on replays

I have not seen so much unadulterated garbage taste in a single post in a long time.
user it might be time to just jump off the nearest tallest building and end your misery. I dont think there is any cure for you

I hope konami will die in an explosion, and the rights of MGR will be transferred to platinum

>Bad taste user
How is it bad taste, man? The incredibly cheesy lyrics are sung in voices that none of the vocalists have been able to replicate in live settings since because they're modified to hell and they're drowned in layers of blaring guitars and electronic noises to cover it up.

Why does video game music need to be performed live?

The point is that the music incredibly overdone, and that they can't play it live is what I'm using to exemplify my point. More over, why shouldn't videogame music be able to be performed live? Movie soundtacks are, and regardless of the medium, it is music all the same and the fact that it can't be performed outside of a studio and hours of editing to cover the band's lack of talent is shameful. A game deserves better.

It has been performed live. Learn to tell the difference between a lack of talent and shit-tier sound engineering. None of these game journo events have anyone there who understands audio tech.

Sounds like you didn't do any of the combat challenges or even play past the first five minutes. Bamham's combat is a really fun and unique take and it's both hard and satisfying to rack up a large combo. I mean yes, some other game technically have a higher skill ceiling, but 99.99% of players won't reach the skill ceiling of either so it's not really a big deal.


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