Is Tifa hwhite or Japanese?

Is Tifa hwhite or Japanese?

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Other urls found in this thread:

left: souless
right: seoul


They look like they fuck black guys

>Aerith’s beauty follows western aesthetics, while with Tifa they emphasized the cuteness of her face to follow eastern aesthetics.

They look like they fuck black guys

Im black and they look like id have a shot


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Nice, except right is seouless too.

I want japanese tifa to sit on face while white tifa sucks my dick

Of course, black people always shoot things

Would eat valentina's butthole given the chance

Annoying roastie with ugly tits

Tifa is attractive. That's what matters most.

She's Nibelheimian.

Tifa is White

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Tifa is Jewish

Tifa is supposed to look like Jennifer Connelly. Why they stopped doing so is beyond me.

Now she's all ching chong your order will bing bong here soon.

>Tifa is supposed to look like Jennifer Connelly.
according to whom

So long she's hot , does it really matter what fucking race she is?

Just this one user who's obsessed with his self made theory.

>with ugly tits
and a bra to make them even more pancakes

t. Kang

She's racemix

They look like they fuck dogs

they have both had black men cum inside of them

It's a guy who spams threads on Yea Forums and now, to no one's surprise, he's started doing the same on Yea Forums
He has a webm stash of child actors that he always dumps in threads on that board, don't be surprised if it starts showing up here too. I remember when the announcement for FF happened, I was pretty sure the faggot would start doing his shit on Yea Forums as well. Surprise surprise, here we are.

Neither she's not from Earth so she wouldn't be an Earth race

Why the fuk didn't you record it?

and it is a good thing

I guarantee the faggot's compiled a folder of images and webms of his waifu pedo ring recruiter whore specifically tailored to Yea Forums
If we had mods that would permaban people like that guy anytime one of their signature posts popped up this fucking site would actually be usable. But hey, keep screeching about pol.

Tifa like a bunch of other characters in the 1990's were based on her.

With anime characters unless the media in question comes out and tells you a characters race in a fantasy land its whatever you want it to be

according to whom

Why does she look like Asian in most of her screen time outside the original game despite the fact that no real life Asians don't look like that is common?

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>she's not from Earth

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I will only accept OMGcosplay as /ourTifaCosplayer/

For the love of God stop indulging that aspie. He's a pedophile who's ruined Yea Forums more than what anyone thought was possible. He's the last thing this board needs.

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Of course it is. More women should do it

forgot image

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Left one definitely has video.

she's fat

She's cute

Asian. Every iteration of her is asian. The first game she's a generic polygon character. Not sure what the debate is here.

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So was that clockwork tower game main character.

i guess AC looked good on DVD

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t. barret

That comparison actually makes sense. The Tifa one doesn't.

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>Brian Lockhart
At best she's mixed

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she's made to breed

>names and fictional settings meaning anything.

We're talking about appearance here. Look at Rinoa Heartily. Obviously a western name but she looks fully asian.

Attached: RinoaHeartilyFromFF8.jpg (1024x618, 96K)

>english name
>born in german town
>wears cowboy outfit
>7th heaven is literally called "texas cowboy bar"
white girl somewhere from the midwest

Kaho is my wife

Is she a horse girl

We're talking about the original here, not the retconned compilation stuff.

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I want the double heroines to double down on my dick

asians in the world of FF7 actually have asian names, like yuffie kisaragi, hojo, tseng etc.

>We're talking about appearance
An appearance determined by eastern developers modeling European women. What references do you think they have the most access to?

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Neither, look up mukokuseki. The idea is that drawn characters like this are racially ambiguous

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Big nothing statement here. Where does it say they were modeled after european women? Quite the contrary, ff7 iterations after the first game are stated to literally be modeled after Tifas jap VA.


this, her best version is the typical stylized final fantasy "race".
too bad they went for more realism in the remake, advent children was a mistake.

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Left looks like she'd be better to have with you in a fight, but right looks like the one you'd want to plow

Tifa wouldn't pose like that.

Tifa is a SLUT

You're confusing her with a certain slum drunk.

Shes from Niflheim. A small town not even on earth. There is no fucking asia or Japan. Why are you normalfags so stupid?

maybe a hapa or quapa

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it's called nibelheim
also there is literally an asian continent in that world



>bit of areola near the end

I wish Sony made internet browsers so we get filters with blinding light beams.

anything made after the original is non-canon to anyone who understands how Sacaguchi designed his games.

>look like Tifa
i don't think so senpai

just saying she aint pure white or pure asian, maybe a 30white-70asian split

to be fair everyone looks asian in ac, even barret

that's fanart.

This is official, Tifa is 100% asian, in every spin-off/movie she's been in she's been clearly asian.

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I thought she was being anally fucked. I was sad that she wasn't

>no asians look like this irl
>a final fantasy character...

If you haven't noticed, no JRPG character looks 100% human, they're made to look ultra stylized /prettier version of humans

>retcon looks nothing like the original
literally the same shit as fanart.

Doesn't matter if she was originally designed after jennifer connely or whatever, in every other iteration she's Asian, so she's canon Asian. get over it racist cunt.

She's asian in Advent children, Asian in Dissidia, asian in KH, Asian in FF7-Remake, Asian in FF7-Anime, Asian in Dirge of Cerberus, B-B-BUT SHE WAS A BRUNETTE POLYGON IN THE ORIGINAL!!!1 THERE FOR CANON SHE WHITE!!

imagine being this retarded.


between the remake outfit autism and this race autism and the hundreds of threads about both they keep spamming i think tifafags are officially the most obnoxious fanbase on Yea Forums

imagine thinking that retcons due to nomura wanting to fuck her voice actress are more important than the original game
only zoomers can be this retarded

>You are not allowed to love a character and to have standards

Damn white people look like THAT?

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damn white people look like THAT?

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Ban all gamers

tifa is a cutie

>Trying to fap to Valentina Nappi
>She starts sucking the dudes toes and tongue-fucking his asshole
Does having a girls suck/lick your feet feel good?

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Ugly nipples

I don't see the resemblance user

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>valentina looked her best in that particular scene
>nigger dick

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I listened to a podcast that had Valentina on it once. She said in her personal life she finds white men more attractive but when it comes to shooting scenes she prefers working with blacks since they actually get invested in the fucking and don't just go through the motions (apart from a few outliners she listed lick that meme dude with the uncut cock).

left: ugly as a horse
right: ugly as a japanese woman but hides half of her face behind bangs and beauty filter
They're both abominations.

She's fat b t w


Tifa is white and Yuffie is Asian.

Looks white to me.

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I want to fuck Kaho Shibuya and have ill-adjusted hafu-children with her

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>white tifa

Yes. Yes they do.

>white beta bucks, black alpha fucks
It checks out

It feels amazing and I love Valentina as well as most AV idols for it.

Mudsharks are disgusting; they could be the hottest woman ever but fucking blacks reduces them to a zero.

She's from Nifleheim.

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You're just gay

She's so cute, dammit

italians arent white

Why is valentina nappi cosplaying

>All these different kinds of Tifas
Holy fuuck, I want to take turns fucking them all with you guys

what's Tifa's BMI?

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Regardless of her race what's important is that she only fucks white guys.



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I think you're gay

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Are ya Chinese or Japanese

god dammit i want to fuck the ever loving shit out of momo's fat titties, and then shove my tongue into her butthole.

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She always seemed Latina to me.



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this is the one true answer, everything else is just rationalizing your cultural experience either as white or nonwhite and projecting it on her
that's literally the effect of mukokuseki when you see light skin or dark skinned characters. They don't have an ethnicity. Let it go

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>no asians look like that
She is clearly asian are you retarded?

Tifa's one of the rare fictional characters in a Japanese anime or game that you can't even make an argument that they're anything but Japanese ethnically. A lot of weebs will argue with you over a blond hair blue eyed character even though that combination (or red/blue red/green blonde/green) is pretty much designated to be the "foreigner" character usually from America or Europe (similarly white hair is a signal that they're somehow not human, demon, vampire, android, angel, etc).. Most other hair colors and eye colors don't signal anything. Just the red/blonde hair AND blue/green eyes (one or the other is meaningless, it's both that's supposed to point out that they're foreign), and white hair non human are common tropes.

Unnatural hair colors and eye colors mean nothing unless they distinctly have aliens or other supernatural humanoids like elves the elves might have pink and green hair more commonly than humans. But blue and purple are just analogues for black hair = Japanese most of the time.

tifa doesn't look asian without surgery. Her heads not slopped enough to pass as Asian. Her eyes are too big without there being contacts being used. Her nasal ridge also too pronounced.

Both of them are not white.

Asians only look like tifa AFTER the plastic surgery. You’ll never see a natural again that looks like that unless she’s hapa

Stay delusional nigger

>right: seoul
exquisite post, user

whichever has the biggest milkies

they both literally have fucked black guys multiple times though. left is valentina nappi and right is kaho shibuya

I admit, with a name like Tifa Lockhart I totally would have said she’s white, but her face in pretty much every appearance since the 2000’s makes her look Asian.

Why is the race of fictional characters such a point of concern for westerners?

It's really just insecure teenagers on Yea Forums for example try to make a thread about height or playing videogames outside and see how that goes.

This whole argument goes away when you realise japs have been white this whole time.

it doesn't mater

As expected of gorilla fuckers.

Valentina Nappi

left is superior and I have seen her take barrets cock


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Tifa is a babe, that's all that matters. Apparently some new Final Fantasy game or something has come out because there's been a ton of new Tifa 3D art recently.

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Not that one. Movie with the horse ride thing.

her design was influenced by Jennifer Connelly which makes her white

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god damn those milkers

What if she's an asian woman who was influenced by western models?

So are ya Chinese or Japanese?

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She was added to dissidia nt.

She's Tifa

good luck defining this

god taste tbhlad

at least it slowed down. after her remake reveal there was like always at least one tifa thread going for a solid couple of weeks

Who cares? She isn't real

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Well god bless, because damn the model looks good

a lot of people in Tifa threads aren't fans of her, case in point: your post

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I look like I'll curb stomp your subhuman skull against the pavement until your brains spill out.

Based Korea

It makes me laugh that some asian artist pulled up a picture of a bar in America, but couldn't read english so they just threw the letters together in the same order.

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hey bud you seem to have accidentally typed "w" one too many times. here let me help you out

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>She's from Nifleheim.
who can forget the extremely japanese looking town, with the extremely japanese name "Nifleheim."