Just beat the first game, is this any good? I heard they pull that "all endings are canon" shit but I dont mind if it's good
Just beat the first game, is this any good...
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It's much worse. Most people hate it. I say give it a shot as long as you know it'll never live up to the original.
It has mostly favorable reviews according to the wikipedia though
You know the tutorial level from Deus Ex 1?
Right, take that, remove UNATCO, remove most of the middle except for a simple room, remove the docks and the bunker and it all. Add a bunch of fog to disguise draw distance and then split the level into 2 with loadtimes between them.
That's the scale of level in Invisible War. To say it suffers from being console-first is an understatement. The game is paper thin. It is a joke. It is an embarrassment to the franchise and doesn't even stand up to other console shooters.
It had nice endings though.
Skip to Human Revolution. IW is 'okay' but a total miscalculation.
It would have been a decent xbox or N64 game without the Deus Ex IP. If you go in with no expectations and can stomach console vidya from that timeframe you should be fine.
It can't be that bad
He's completely accurate. Remember, the original Xbox had 64MB of RAM - and this game engine is a piece of shit, it leaks memory so badly that they completely restart it on every map transition.
The game does some interesting things but there's a reason it's considered one of the biggest letdowns in gaming history by many. For me it was the game that really kicked of my most cynical period in regards to vidya. Honestly I still think we're better off today than in the early days of everything going multiplat
Does it have a new vision type mod at least?
It's unremarkable.
its not that bad. go into it expecting an extremely RPG-lite FPS and you'll have some fun
It's a good game, and worthy of being a sequel to the original.
That cover art looks like it was made for a trade paperback adaptation
It's a perfect example of how consolification can ruin a great series.
it's actually a decent game
Not only is it exactly that bad, that's the final level of the game described verbatim.
this, gameplay wise this game is poor - mostly because it was ported to PC from PS2 and XBOX which resulted in
The game does a hell of a lot right, but as others have pointed out it suffers from "consolefication" and so the open world is pretty bogged down with loading screens. That said, if you like the Deus Ex universe I think it's worth playing and I think it does a better job, in many ways, than HR or MD did in continuing that universe. I also think, contrary to many, that the biomod system in IW is a definite upgrade to the system in the first game.
The PS2 port of Deus Ex is actually more fatithful, lmao
IW was not on PS2. The original Deus Ex was ported to PS2, and if you can tolerate the shit controls + shit framerate + shit loading screens it's actually remarkably accurate to the original.
it's decent but easily the worst game in the series by a wide margin. I still enjoyed the atmosphere it provided and some of the dialogue is funny but the plot is pants on head retarded
Would possess the devs of a pretty great PC game to downgrade the sequel by prioritizing console?
More like publisher and most likely the answer is "money".
Better than HR and MD
It isn't a bad game by itself, but it is a disappointing sequel to the original Deus Ex.
IW being made in the first place proves that even PC games made plenty of money when sold physical only since Deux Ex obviously sold enough to warrant a sequel. I have several physical copies of each.
>It isn't a bad game by itself
I think the thread has done a good job outlining it's flaws, of which there are many and crippling ones, however I will give the game a few good points.
An AI based on a popstar, designed to let her reach her fans, is also used a police informant point and you can run missions for her. In fact, you can work for criminal elements, take them for everything they have then report them to the police.
Some of the biomods were good ideas, such as the ability to enslave robots.
The setting itself is pretty interesting, all the DX endings are canon which they manged to botch together with some success.
>Remember, the original Xbox had 64MB of RAM
bit of a silly thing to note when you consider the original game will run on a PC with 64 MB and it had bigger levels than 2
>An AI based on a popstar, designed to let her reach her fans, is also used a police informant point and you can run missions for her.
Gibson published Idoru in 1996 m8 this is nothing new
It's mainly good if you like early ragdoll physics, strength augments being OP since they're the only way to both buff melee and get more inventory space, the worst lategame enemy of the game negating almost any run that isn't heavy ordinance or stealth/avoidance, and the worst ending being the only one that is dependent on you knowing about it by consistently helping an NPC you might not have inclination to help or even find.
Good ideas marred by hardware restrictions. It's the only game where you can irradiate the head of both the UN and the Pope simultaneously while fighting off a military cult of Luddite Templars funded by Crusades gold who yell "Baphomet protect me" in combat. I'd say it's worth the $2 sale price for the novelty.
Play the ps2 port of the original some time and see how much it had to be downsized.
that is because they wanted better graphics in second game (which in turn required more RAM because IO bandwith was slow at that time) since graphics in the first game were already out of date. so they decided to cut levels instead
they should have to develop this game for PC in the first place and only then strip it of everything to port it to XBOX
The game was rushed for a Christmas release as it is, they didn't have time to make two different versions
It has a fun randomness and the story isn't bad, has a lot of options, more than the first game almost. great soundtrack, the ammo system and weapons kinda suck though. Make sure to pick female, she's not as annoying
yeah but the PS2 had 32 MB of RAM, so it makes sense that levels for that port had to be cut up
The PS2 port largely retained the level design, it just had lots and lots of loading screens.
It's probably cheap as fuck during sales, if you're not pirating it, so why not give it a try? Play the game and form your own opinion.
Yea Forums will tell you it's the worst game ever, but Yea Forums says the same about the second best game of any given year, so that opinion is worthless.
It's definitely worth playing through at least once, the levels are small and linear but the setting and atmosphere are stellar. Game is way underrated.
Which game platform was Idoru released on?
>is this any good?
FUCK NO. Absolutely amateurish UI. Main character is bland as fuck. LOADING SCREEN EVERYWHERE. Universal. Seriously, how the fuck can you use ammo on ALL weapons on one fucking weapon. HOW?
*Universal ammo.
>Seriously, how the fuck can you use ammo on ALL weapons on one fucking weapon.
Out of universe, it makes things simpler for the player with less inventory management. In universe, its because they're energy weapons. Its like having a portable battery with a USB port and you're able to charge a bunch of different gadgets because they all use a common standard, some using more or less power than the other, except your "gadgets" are instead guns.
Kindle and mobile.
In theory, I figured it was so you they could get rid of Deus Ex's old ammo system taking up inventory the new system couldn't manage and let the player change styles on the fly without micromanaging ammo and promoting packing a melee weapon as an emergency measure.
In practice, it meant anything that wasn't a Templar armored soldier got brained with a baton because I was an ammo whore and the sniper and mag rail took so much ammo even with the ammo saving mods that I couldn't rely on my pistol as a backup.
IW is unironically shit though, especially compared to DE.
basically that was yet another nail in its coffin
Out of universe, Deus Ex the first didn't have this retarded problem to begin with.
I liked Invisible War, but then again, I like these immersive sim games.
>it was so you they could get rid of Deus Ex's old ammo system taking up inventory
Doing what, now?
It's nowhere near as good as the first but I would suggest playing it. You can be contrarian and actually be right for once. It's good.
>my best friend on youtube said that it was bad
Kill yourself.
>old ammo system taking up inventory
more like large inventory which was making it impossible to manage it on consoles
By itself it's ok.
As a sequel to Deus Ex it sucks.
+Fun gameplay that lets you directly control robots
+Graphics are better than Human Revolution (after modding ofc), because the game is full of blue and purple colors instead of HR's piss-and-shit browns.
+Story is pretty good until the ending
+Can play as a girl
-VERY small levels literally made up of 3 corridors per level
-Long ass load times with a freeze before each load
-Lame and bugged ending
Overall I'd say it's better than Human Revolution
What the fuck are you talking about?
>readymade documentation of badness is invalid because it's on youtube
I hope you learn to love yourself some day.