Who is the best character and why is it Bernie ?

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Not with her shit str growths.

bernie bernie bernie that's a name you should know
bernie bernie bernie she's the star of the show
she's more than you think she's got maximum stink
bernie bernie bernie's the one

But that’s not Lysithea?

Dumb firewood NEET

I like Dimitri the best with Dedue a close second.

Bernie more like Burnie lmao

She just is.

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She sucks

>he doesn't play FE to raise cute girls even if they suck dick gameplay wise
Basically an FE staple at this point.

I finally bought this game. I hope it's actually good and not just waifu bait.

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>H-hey user...
>I need to test a spell user, and I want to test it on a student rather than the professor
>I really want to become a mage instead so please help me
>W-what happened
>Why do you look exactly like me
>Um user..oh no I'm so s-sorry but it seems like I changed y-your appearance to look like me, in other words I accidentally transformed you
>I I am so sorry
>I'm so em-embarrassed

"Oh you think you are embarrassed?!"

>I'm so s-sorry that this isn't reversible but
>d-d-o you really have...
>Oh my y-you do
>Mind if I try something out?
>You are twitching when I do that heh heh
>D-do you like that
>I have learned alot of good ways to do this from all of my alone time
>Let's try going up a bit
>Gropes tits
>You really like that don't you?
>What about when I kiss them

>*A few days later*
>I need to show you something
>user I managed to get some shackles from the guards
>Y-y-you know what that means r-right?
>D-dont worry y-you will like it

>Don't make the game challenging

Just put her in swordmaster despite her bad sword aptitude and watch her rekt everything

>Someone other than me saved this greentext
Missing the S support achieved btw.

Bernie, Marianne and Lysithea are the only girls that need saving at all costs no matter the route.

Doing the black eagles post timeskip mission where you fight Claude at Derdriu. Is there any way to save Hilda? Or does she die no matter what?

Absolute fucking cringe. I fucking hate nu-fire emblem

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Oh shit my bad

Wouldn't it be funny if she transformed you lol we would all laugh at your embarrassment haha

Fucking this Dedue, Dimitri, and Sylvain are the best characters.

Yes, nu emblem is the worst, fucking subhumans, also does anyone else want to smell Lyn's farts? haha just asking. I want Ike to rail Soren's ass with his Ragnell no homo haha.

Yeah you can't save/recruit them, you can only choose to spare Claude

What the fuck are "pegasus blessings"? Is that code for shit?

Well that sucks. She was one of my best units when i did Blue Lions playthrough.


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More like BURNIE

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i recruited her on my Golden Deer playthrough and she was better than Claude for awhile

>Seteth seems like an annoying prick
>all of his supports are him helping helping various students work through their traumatic issues
I feel bad for doubting him

Seteth gradually became my favorite character

I love how his Leonie support is both of them bonding over fish autism.

does anyone else keep reading his name as seethe

>make first 2 chapters of post-timeskip really hard
>make middle 6 chapters of post-timeskip really easy and easy to 1-2 turn
>make last 2 chapters of post-timeskip really hard
weird difficulty curve

Max his and Flayn's support between them and you'll get to know something that you may have figured out, but were not sure of.

She touches herself at night

Best written characters in a fe game in a long time especially if you go in with low expectations, alois is a bro too but he had the worst growths out of everyone

I feel it's a tossup between him and Gilbert, I must say I didn't expect to like either of them as much as I did.

Chap 17 of black eagles is a hard casual filter for sure

What a coincidence, I also touch her at night,

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what is her disability?

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Saving from what? She doesn't even show up post timeskip if you don't recruit her.
Probably because she killed herself lmao

Its being too cute

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Seteth and flayn deserve to die

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PTSD, physical and psychological damage due to the torture her dad did to her.

I like Bernie

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Your sacrifice will be appreciated user.

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>make a useless character because I'm an epic Yea Forums memer

i need to protect that smile

i too like this slut but i like her more after the timeskip
her hair becomes so much better

Holy shit Bernie looks like THAT?

She's a burn victim


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>raise cute girls even if they suck dick
that's a bad thing?

Supported Burn my first run, who should I go for next?



best girl of cause

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oh lordy

Bern again, don't be unfaithful user.

It's like they made this character specifically for me

>Rhea's personal fucktoy
Nah mate.

What kind of twinning bdsm shit is this?

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Twinning bdsm, you answered your own question.

seems like someones F-list has gone rouge.

>uses a pacifist with anxiety issues as a human sacrifice in combat

imagine the things you could do to that corpse

>inplying im not fucking her too

>turn innocents into crest beasts to use in the war

>doesn't shoot
deserved it

>I have learned alot of good ways to do this from all of my alone time
this line was typed by ESL hands


Seems like something bernie would say.

i was thinking about going BL cause the game said Dimitri might have a dark side is this true?

Do you lose any student besides Flayn on Edel route?

He's a murderous maniac with severe anger issues.

sounds based looks like im going BL

But she isn't muh emblemfu, she's not even in this game.
She's not best girl either because you can't romance best girl.

Dimitri is pretty much Guts with a lance

So Lance Ike then?

Twinning BDSM
Nah I was just half awake and horny when writing that in the previous thread
I'm surprised someone saved it though

He is a very nice boy and all the girls love him.

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Why is everyone saying lysithea is op she's the glassiest cannon I've ever had the displeasure of keeping, half the time she gets deleted by anything melee range on hard so doing ferdinand paralogue was a nightmare. I never got Lorenz for the range, BE route, so i have her abusing soul sword as a meme savant and picking off single targeta but she still gets raped in enemy range or if there's ever a group cause I can't get her low enough health to abuse vantage.
Fuck even my rng fucked Bern who can't kill anything on her own is more reliable carrying against a mob than her scrawny underage ass.

You did good, you should write more user.

GD is the feel good good guy route
BL is the tragic feels route
BE is a split route where you can either go the """classic""" route or the evil route

Her artes are good and her personal ability helps, there are worse characters to use.

Who the fuck is retarded enough to let a glass cannon get hit?
Do you suck at this game? Are you a caveman brain horsefucker?

Thanks user I appreciate it! I'll write more when I get some ideas

Others actually know how to keep her out of danger. She is OP, especially with her personal skill that lets her master magic quickly. But so is basically every other mage in the game. Annette dealt just as much damage as her and even characters with subpar magic like Felix could use it well on certain units. Not to mention magic doesn't even fill your inventory.
Magic is just really strong in this game and Lysithea is the most minmaxed mage.

I'm not sure. I had her and Dorothea on my team last playthrough and Dorothea doing all the heavy lifting. 60+ damage double thorons for days while Lys was struggling to keep up.

Lys may have just had some really unlucky level ups though.

But that's not Dedue.

She has +2 range thanks to Thyrsus and enough magic growth to delete anything in one turn. She's made for player phase, which in this game is far more important than the enemy one.

Okay retard, fuck your shitty albino loli, keep sucking her clit cause this bitch is trash that needs carrying. I'm sticking with speed tanks

Well she doesn’t sacrifice Bernie in the route where Sensei gives her the dick. So I think we all know what the lesson here is

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>t. retard and horsefucker
Got it, enjoy your cavs peabrain.

Remire village was just asking for it

She also doesn't sacrifice her if you poach Bernie to your house.

>try to reach for edelgard’s hand
>get stabbed

>He made a squishy mage into a Melee unit.
>Not only that, but into one of the worst classes in the game
>This also means that he missed likely skimped out on faith and lost access to two of Lys's best spells.
Holy shit you are retarded.

Actually, no. Shes not that stacked

>most minmaxed mage
>can't use double fiendish blow
Smelly girls can never be the best mages

In a way it's good that the game is so easy. It means you don't have to min-max your team at all, so you can use whoever you genuinely like and want to get to know as characters.
When lunatic mode hits Bernie will be fired, but for now she's a fun mascot.

How fucking cool does Felix look as a mortal savant? He's MVP all day, every day.

Already finished off at A for faith and reason faggot, everyone already knows she only has mag and spd growth.
Trying to fix her shit range cause I'm not dealing with more grems than Dorothea.

I highly doubt lunatic will be hard enough to warrant super min-maxing but we’ll see

dude no his speed.....

Well it might take a bit more thought if nothing else. Tbh I'm enjoying messing around with everyone and doing whatever strikes my fancy.

I just hope they won't turn the game into a enemy phase shitfest.

His speed is still great. I just can't not give him seven swords and fluffy armor.

>Lys sucks!
>He says, ignoring warp's existence.
Haha holy shit you just keep digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole.

>reading comprehension
Okay retard

If lunatic doesn't, infernal will certainly do.

>Implying Rhea likes her
she even admits that Rhea is not even thinking of her, Rhea wants you to save her not her

Dimitri has actual personality

Mortal Savant looks like shit

You never once mention her warp utility, actually.
But whatever user, make her a sword meme and bitch when it doesn't work, I don't really care how awful you are at the game aside from the momentary laugh it provided.

I am legit not looking forward to lunatic, IS difficulties are always trash

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t.double retard

uh bros I could have sworn Hanneman kept his coat as a mage yet now he has to promoted to warlock to regain it, is this a bug of some sort?

>dude the growths... the 10% chance of less speed....
just get lucky bro

The amount of worldbuilding in 3H really is amazing. How long has it been since we got location based dialogue like this?

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after promoting him to cavalier my Lorenz has been sitting at 16 speed for 30 levels

I agree, I fucking love how much effort was put into the world/FĂ³dlan, especially compared to Fatesland. The little narration about the month in part 1 was great.

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DLC where we can join dubstep mole people possible?

Both last chapters for Black Eagles are rather hard. Especially if you focused on magic and didn't have flyers. 4 range golems immune to magic unless armor broken and falcon knights comming from left and right were pain.

Wait alois is shit? Fuck I wanted to use him in my lunatic playthrough

Not to mention the ground that reduces calvary to 1 move

Mortal Savant is bad for other reasons too.

The worst part is they don't even mention the third "save everyone" route in fates that shits all over the "choice" you had to make in the other two routes.

>make everyone into fliers
>game becomes piss easy
Why is ISIS so bad at game design

>make everyone into any class that isn't stat fucked or crippled
>why is the game ez?
guess its better to punish the player for making informed choices and push everyone back into staying novice classes on harder difficulties dlc day 1 patch

Based Dimitri slam dunking that slut

are they that bad because they don't have the mov of mounted units or the class abilities of stuff like swordmaster or warmaster

>cant do anything if theres a single ballista
good idea

>lvl 20
>10 str
So why shouldn't I just bench this useless bitch?

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You say this like they’ll actually hit them. Even then you just unmount at the end of the turn because they decided you should be able to remount at the start of a turn with no penalty.

Make her your dancer

>wife's uncle is a weird boomer named Bernie
>I literally cannot find this character attractive because any time I hear her name that's all I can think about
Suffering is pain, bros.

>Ends up a bad healer

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just bench her, you either get fucked by rng with this character or you don't

>Made her a swordmaster dancer with alert stance
>100 avo
>Hex blade to cripple armor units
The pegasus units are typically weak until they get lancefaire as a falcoknight. Stick with her and feed her a couple of energy drops for now.

>rng fucked ingrid
10 str isn't not salvageable so long as her spd and dex is unga levels

holy shit FE chads, we win again.

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yeah, unmounting should definitely have more penalties than it does. You should lose half your movement if you mount at the start of a turn or something.

>Remire Village
>Death Knight critkills Dmitri immediately
>Divine Pulse to make Sylvain defend

guess I'm skipping those items his buddies have lol, was there anything decent they carry or in the second chest?

>slog through 40 hours of this shit-tier persona-clone masquerading as a stragegy game
>the whole time I'm thinking 'just get to the time skip, after that it'll be normal fire emblem'
>get to the time skip

i haven't been so mad at a game in years. honestly. FUCK this shit game, and fuck everyone involved in making it.

Should I give my bro Raph Flayn or Lysithea?

>second chest?
A horse killer ironically. You're supposed to just give a chest key to your pegasus.


>Missing on 2 Crescent Scythes
Shit nigger, you missed the coolest weapons in the game.
They are not that good.

But in all seriousness they are just worse at their job than other classes. Dark Knights are better hybrids while a Sword Master with Levin Sword can do the same thing as it while focusing on building other skills.


>press skip month
>suddenly no monastery shit

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>not just warping people in and rescuing them out
shame flayn leaves in BE route. i was really enjoying feeling like Black Knight with how much my Edelgard got teleported around the battlefield.

Should just halve your speed and strength, for all the time you're dismounted

I think that's overkill, you want people to still use it to move through forests and shit with cavaliers. a -4 to Str, Spd, or Def would probably suffice.

Ingrid did have one, annoyingly. Guess you're supposed to beeline before the party-crew turn up?

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I agree completely. fuck the monastary for being how gay it is. 99% of the time you only run to a specific quest item glowing on the floor and spend having to hold down b button while turning the camera to speed talk with everyone just to make the gay speech bubbles go away. Fuck that gay owl, fuck the ugly dogs, fuck anna for not letting me buy master crests from the prep screen, fuck the gardening since half the time I never get any food to fucking feed my stupid fucking student, fuck the gay doors for loading in stuck closed and having to spin around for it to magically open, fuck NA for censoring the sauna, fuck the tournament for being ez cause its not exciting, fuck the gay travelers who don't park their adjutants right infront of the me, etc etc..

really just removing the ability to dismount after you move would go a long way to fixing it.

i've been raising my support levels for the dialogues, but how do they help in terms of gameplay again?
do the chars get boosts for deploying together or just standing next to each other?

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Oh no it’s retarded

>fuck NA for censoring the sauna
I haven't heard about this, what sauna?

They are basically Better Steel Lances. For Free.
I actually used them a lot.

Just got to NG+ after finishing BL, prolly gonna run BE route because I want to get it out of the way and it's short. What bonuses are the most worthwhile to pick up with renown?

You need your warp and rescues to try and save the villagers far in the back. I don't remember if there is a reward based on how many you save.

Do cavaliers even have a harder time moving through forests? 6 mov with a penaty of 2 is the exact same as 4 mov with a penalty of 1.

There's a fence between you and the deathknight. You can even use canto to get out of his archer's range.

Is the best way to grind supports between other students the adjutant system? Can't have my boys dying virgins.

>post timeskip petra
Holy fuck when did she get so hot

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It's up the stairs right beside where your quarters are.

Once you get D professor level, use renown to boost it to A. You can also boost up any of your old skills if you feel they are lacking.

my holy knights move 2 through forest or 3 if they dismount, don't know how the math works out on that.

Pretty sure you just have to save half of them for the reward.

I can handle Skullomania when he stands still on his own and I don't have just Dmitri, Ingrid and Sylvain on that wing of the map. Would have been easier if you got more than 2 turns to prepare for him

None of my pairings worked out in the end. I even had Claude to endulge in faggotry with Lorenz, when he was supposed to dick-cure Lysithia. What did i do wrong?

they grant +5/7/10 hit and avoid when a support partner is within striking range of an enemy

That's a good point, D is so easy to get it would be a waste of renown. Would supports be worth it to pick up? I think not since it's easy to just stuff their faces with food but idk.

Read the support menu, dumb aquaposter

I didn't have that much trouble rescuing everyone, but i had 3 uses of Warp (Lynhardt 2, Lysithea 1) and two rescues on flayn.

Wouldn’t having high professor level that early make the game super easy

Get her to equip Nosferatu if you are retarded enough to put her into range of melee.

Flayn makes the Manuela Paralogue so easy, god damn

Best way is to only get a single A rank for the pairs you want. Support and restart for your support completion in the main menu.

>run BE route because I want to get it out of the way and it's short
Lolwut? BE is the best route by a mile if you side with the church

Get max rank in teaching then boost whatever skills you need for poaching students.

C rank support is easy, so you can use renown to bump up to B for anyone you need to recruit. On the second playthrough, you might still be spending a lot of renown on the statues so you won't be buying much.

It just lets you tutor all the students equally. Byleth still struggles to reach master classes.

Do you have to save after doing the supports?
Doing Edel's first, then GD, then Church. Really don't want to do her route but I do wanna see all the content in the game.

Shame about the lack of maps to show it all off

I have read here that it's based on with whom you make A rank first. It's obviously not that. Well whatever, game finished, waiting for Lunatic now.

Tbh I just like the characters in BE more than the other houses
They are all fantastic

>Doing Edel's first, then GD, then Church. Really don't want to do her route but I do wanna see all the content in the game.
No that user, but that's what I'm doing. I just reached the third month post timeskip with the deer and am a bit disappointed that all 3 story missions have been the same locations as lions so far.

In their file, look at 'favoured personnel'. Number 1 is their ending partner

How the FUCK did they fit this 10000 hr game into 11GB?????? I'm fucking stunned at how much content there is, and the fact that its all completely voiced, surely all the audio files are 11GB by themselves
what is this nip magic

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>want to make flayn a pegasus/falcon knight
>she'll lose out on her magic
bros why can't i have both... at least some healing..
does ingrid at least make a decent pegasus knight?

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>t. Game Freak

>people living in peace
>some bratty god invades from space
>"worship me"
>people are scared so they worship her
>after some time they yearn for freedom
>fight for freedom
>the goddess defeats them and force all the people underground
>"the rest of you worship me, or else..."
>after hundreds of years you are told that goddess dindu nuffin and actually the underground dwellers are the bad guys
>underground dwellers use their humanity and develop technology
>meanwhile people above ground still live in medieval times because improvement is forbidden by the children of the goddess, all you need is pray goyim
Fuck magic, fuck green hairs.

>does ingrid at least make a decent pegasus knight?
Amazing once she hits falco knight. High res and speed to delete mages and can even do a magic attack with frozen lance.

>does the pegasus knight make a decent pegasus knight
nah make her a fortress knight

where is this?

>wanted to believe all the edeltard hate was just fags overreacting
>she kills my fucking dad

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She is super good and never takes damage against mages, but I found a light breeze will kill her if they can touche her with her godlike speed. But even one or two attacks lategame and she's doneso.

i did this and it was a fucking mistake
flayn gets murder death killed by everything
if you're playing on hard dont make the same mistake i did

literally doesnt tho

What is even the intended career path for a falcoknight?

Was emailed to me.

pegasus knight > str+spd growth class > falcon knight

Yeah she just happened to be working with the murderer at the time, giving them resources and intel, totally not her fault tho

Any society that weaponizes dubstep must be evil.

Olympic Javelin

brigand > pegasus > falcon

Almost every class should start with brigand or mage. It gets easier on NG+ when you can just buy brigand masteries the second time around.

N-no you don't understand, officer, I didn't shoot that man, I just gave the killer the keys to his home and a gun...

Share the wallpaper

>The Brigand exam maymay is actually the most optimal physical class route.
We did it /feg/...

Get the fuck in here wallpaper chads. Who you showing yours off to?

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Jeralt kind of had it coming. he went back to work for the woman who probably murdered his wife.

That charred corpse?

What the fuck do I do with Ignatz? Bow knight? His strength is so shit

But they are Blue Chads, not Nigger Eagles, they picked the canon and most based route.

Does GD route have cannons? mite b cool

Game of the year? Definitley the best Fire Emeblem I've ever played
This is the first time I legitimately gave a shit about the story in a FE game
Also nearly cried at the Jeralt bit

Best girl.

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>He goes to work for a crazy woman so that you can start to form normal relationships
Based, father of the year.

Bench juice, or dancer

Mage is equally bad. You might be best off going assassin and hoping the skill activates off his dex.

help I'm fucking drowning in paralogues the sword of the creator is never going to get repaired

blandest girl you mean
literally zero personality

Bow knight won't fix his strenght, honestly I just used him as a debuffer so my good units could kill easier.

I made him an assassin and he's surprisingly ok

Just keep him as an assassin, then he'll double everything.

She's just an Otome MC

How many have you played. Your father always dies, it's amazing that it takes as long as it does.

Not true, she's a scalding racist.

Guess I'll shove him in assassin for now. I thought one my first playthrough he'd just been cucked by growths because I got him fairly late but on this golden deer run his stats are still dogshit. Is he legit the worst unit? He seems to get luck and not much else

Not cannons, just Dubstep powered orbital bombardment

Where are you? It auto-repairs at certain points. Also I don't even know what you use it on because I barely had to use mine when Byleth blew up everyone with almost any sword.

Sylvain's nagging wife personality

When does Leonie's B rank become available? I'd like to get her to offer to join my house before any shenanigans.

Yes, my wife is pretty great.

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Every game since Awakening
This one is miles above in quality

In January

Some of them you can't get B until after the skips like Caspar so get grinding those stats and pray.

Monsters and ranged smacks. I'm at the end of the first year on month 11 and each month pops up like fucking 4 more paralogues that all end on 2/22 so I've been spamming battle every week but the first in a month.

Racist is a personality

Well no fuck it's the best one you've played you've only played trash.

Mine went dark mage > assassin and at lvl 27 he has
>22 str
>18 mag
>28 dex
>27 spd

After Jeralt does the thing

I think mine got really lucky because I have 36 speed on him and its not even endgame.

After the mission on December.

Pretty much

i am playing on hard.
i wasn't planning to use her at the frontlines, would that help? i have other tanks and offensive units for that. she'd be like tertiary support against mages.. but then again that's probably not a great usecase if she's so squishy.
i guess i'll go for gremory then (although i'm already going for gremory with lysithea).

i'm actually trying to make the mc a pegasus knight as well, which is a huge pain. if i use ingrid on top of that i'll probably be covered in terms of pegasus knights.

also is this a good idea?
>cyril as a wyvern lord

Put him on a horse so you can abuse his rallies. Also decent for any kind of utility gambit.

Not until after Jeralt reveals himself as Thales and turns Lysithea into a crest beast

>also is this a good idea?
>cyril as a wyvern lord
Any route with Cyril also has Seteth who is better.

>cyril as a wyvern lord
Yes yes and triple yes

>cyril as a wyvern lord
That's pretty much the only way to make Cyril useful, but he will still be outclassed by Seteth anyway.

just make flayn a dancer if you really want to use her, she is perfect for the role.





C (Cunt tier)

>How many have you played. Your father always dies
Eliwood survives in FE6.

>Annette that low
>Shamir and Mercedes that high
Try again.

Screw that, I don't want to have a famiy with a crest cancer dwarf

Shamir is top tier, shit taste my lad


>can't give him any gifts, no supports
Ah yes this character will be sticking around surely.

>ugly dyke with no personality
>top tier
Standards must have lowered in recent years if that shit is top tier.

I'll just leave this here...


fuck off retard

God Fates was so fucking bad. It's the only Fire Emblem i've played that I couldn't be bothered to finish.
I haven't started 3H yet but i'm glad to be hearing so many good things about it.

he fucks off after you save lycia from itself, he might as well have died for all the relevance he had afterword

user your magic dragon God jizz cures her crest aids

D (Dumpster tier)

Same, Fates just didnt interest me at all
This one is fucking amazing, night and day comparison

They'll probably make one anyway, so what's the point.

i heard that's a even class. how do i get it? or does it appear later? i'm ~lv13 right now

Man, Ferdinand really grew on me. Post-Timeskip he is a fucking Chad.

I kinda feel bad now for shitting on 3H so much during its first trailers because of the art and presentation

>Sword and Shield is going to be 18 GB despite having not even half of the content of 3H

pretty funny honestly

I chuckled

It's a one time event that lets a single unit get a dancer certification. The character just needs 8 charm going into it.

i heard that's a event class. how do i get it? or does it appear later? i'm ~lv13 right now

Month 11 lets you choose who you want to be a dancer, they gotta have above 13 charm for max rewards but you can give them free training to raise it by 5.

i think its 13 charm requirement
my dorothea had like 24 by that point anyway

nigga what the fuck are you doin

>18 GB
What a shit game. My optimism for the game has just died. Along with the HANGRY Pokemon being announced.

December ingame, you get a quest to speak to Rhea and enter a student into the Swan competition for the ball. Enter Flayn and she'll become a dancer

They probably took 15 of those gigs rendering the pokegirls of the generation.

>i think its 13 charm requirement
You get 5 charm for free. Only a few characters like Lindhart need additional stat boosts from tea/consumables to reach the threshold.

>bricked 3rd best char in the game

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there's no actual size yet but look at the 3DS games and tell me SS won't be massively oversized


but enough about lysithea

Ingrids best class is pegasus/falco knight, makes for an excellent dodge tank

Is it that they're father/daughter? That's established in a paralogue. Or are they both dragons?

>just make flayn a dancer if you really want to use her, she is perfect for the role.
Stop this meme, making mages dancers is a bad idea, make someone with high speed and okay defense a dancer.

Why do you want a dancer anyway

Post your Ingrids.

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Dancers let other units move again.

Yes, I'm aware.
Just doesn't seem very useful outside of maybe getting to make a long-range mage or archer fire twice

>I'm fucking stunned at how much content there is
People haven't realized it yet but the majority of that 150+ hours of content is completely recycled. Every route pre-timeskip is almost exactly the same barring some unique house leader dialogue and some generic pre-chapter commentary from your chosen house. A lot of the time characters say the exact same thing another character did in a previous route even if their personalities should be wildly different.

>doesn't seem that useful outside of making one of my most powerful units get two turns
Be thankful this entry takes no actual strategy, brainlet.

Moving any unit you want twice is very useful, just imagine what your best unit can do and then imagine it doing that twice per turn, that's why a dancer is so good.

Can someone get me Bernie's height?

Tbh I'm still salty it wasn't real incest
I'd have at least respected them for going there

Lys has a personality.
It's a shitty one but still

There's Azura if you really want incest, but it doesn't magically make the game any better.

That's half of it, user.
Just get the support before it gets spoiled.

Bernie is Best girl
>PTSD from family abusing her makes her a greatful girl who is a shut in
>Scared of everyone else so is never gonna leave you for anyone
>Never leaves her room so as long as you foster this you can bang whoever behind her back and she'll never know
>She folds easy on everything that doesn't involve going outside so you could pressure her into being your sex puppet who lets you do whatever
>cooks, cleans and makes clothes
>easy to please, always trying to please and appease.
>She's also a God Tier archer.

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>This is your average Berniefag

>you can bang whoever behind her back and she'll never know
Why would you do that when you have Bernie?

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nope you subhuman sjw blue fags kill yourself

I still can't get over how bad this game looks in screenshots
It's not so bad in motion but ffs the arrow is just right in her hand and the bowstring is going right through her arm

>Can't recruit Cornelia
I want to suffocate between those tiddies GODDAMN

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But the GD are the most sjw route, and I say that as a GDchad.

Fuck I love these types of girls. Why are they so top tier bros?

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Audio files are really small. Also the game looks like a PS2 game.

Does this thing actually have an additional effect with Crest of Cethleann?
It's too good to waste on Flayn otherwise.

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>Some battalion units just straight up are missing their animations
3H is good but damn is it an ugly game.

Does Ingrid work well as a mage -> Holy/Dark Knight/Dancer?
Her magic and strength growths are the same.


>You need your warp and rescues to try and save the villagers far in the back.
I just used Stride to fly all across the map and have Ingrid delete the enemies instead.

Mixed units are a meme, don't bother.

these are the only two girls that matter. prove me wrong.

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If it's incest you want, fucking Rhea is definitely incestuous on some level. And it's not that pussy sibling shit most nip media focuses on

I don't argue with subhumans.

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>He doesn't want a Holy Knight Wife

would you brave the mess?

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Reminder that the characters that really want to fuck Byleth the most are Lysithea, Flayn, Manuela and Shamir, their endings with Byleth involve lots of sex and lots of children.
Anonymous Wed 24 Jul 2019 16:06:04 No.471552772 ViewReport

Physic is the only good white magic she gets and her mag growth is so low it won't have that much range compared to other white mages. Holy knight is a garbage class for Ingrid.

That's why you build her as dodge tank. Stack as much avo as you can and tanking won't be much of a problem. At least not mages or sword users.

Exiling Bernie's dad!

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Petra a shit.
Ingrid is top tier though.

The best girls are:

Honorable mention to Dorothea

Virgin Brigid Bride!

How is it possible for a man to have this much shit taste?

every user that likes Ingrid and Catherine is a brother

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At what point exactly does the time skip happen?
Also what should I do before it besides recruiting units I want?
Currently in White Heron Cup month.

She doesnt you brainlet

Never have I ever read some garbage like this

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Chapter 12.

Nintendo and many jap devs are still compressing their game sizes, western devs have mostly forgotten or choose not to.

who is this? im still turbo early in the game but i havent met her yet. when do i see her / what faction is she?

Rhea is my mommy daughter dragon wife!

>Never leaves her room so as long as you foster this you can bang whoever behind her back and she'll never know

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>Timeskip Mercedes loses her anime mom hair


she is one of the knights of the church, she is this tan tomboy who is very devoted to Rhea but you can fix her obsesion with your dick, she is also one of the most broken units

>training by the holy archbishop
>elegant swordmanship

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Bernie! Not me, us!

Sometimes you just have to cave a sinner's skull in with your bare hands, user.

Didn't you see the shit Seiros pulled in the opening? Makes perfect sense.

she is well versed in the art of beating the living shit out of people, like when she fucking kicked Nemesis in the face

Only if it's your daughter

Even if the timeskip was hamfisted it certainly improved the setting leaps and bounds, and having it move to the chess piece map display was a cool touch.

what if it is my dick?

My Alois is one of my strongest units. It's just typical random FE shit.

Gilbert and Seteth were two of my biggest surprises.

Timeskip Mercedes is superior.

>Brown straight tomboy
>But she has some of the shittiest supports with you in the game


>tfw i realize Mercedes had thick eyebrows

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>Dimitri is Guts
>Edelgard is Griffith
>Byleth is Skeleton Knight

>Caring about strength

Mine has insane dex and speed and literally 100% avoid rate if she waits. She hits like a pussy but it doesn't matter.

her supports start shit and then it gets better and better, her S support is one of the best, i like how she goes from being dumbfounded of you to literally forgetting about Rhea and wanting you to breed her in the spot

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Once she gets enough magic you can give her a thunder weapon anyway.

Is there more to Bernie than just being a filthy NEET who doesn't bathe and who writes shitty fanfics? I kind of want to like her but I can't right now.

yes no_________________________

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That seems to be a theme in this game, Leonie's C and B are pretty bad but her A is very sweet and her S is great.

She's also a botany nerd who like carnivorous plants. And her dad abused the shit out of her.

She's just a fusion of Lute and Neimi.

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>he doesn't know

I wasn't expecting to like her story so much.

How is that even physically possible? Bitch's uterus must be dried up

>Dimitri x Catherine
>Dimitri has to eat his pride and begs Catherine to return to konoha
>Cassandra x Byleth
>She is looking for every excuse in the book so that she can stay with you, and undersells herself when you say you want to marry her

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>not keeper her as a dancer

She's only like 35-40, there must be a few left

Haven't played 3H yet.
How easy is it to amass a flyer army?

You can make everyone a flier if you want.

can i attempt to aim for a class when i only have 2 out of 3 requirements?
how does it work if i fail? can i just try again until i pass? getting raph to learn riding will be tough.

Not that user but-
T-thanks Nintendo.

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>enemies keep attacking my byleth
>i dont even want them to hes just a fucking magnet
>his speed is so high he one hits them after with the double strike
>dude is becoming fucking raid boss tier
>hes level 6 while everybody else relevant to me is 2-3

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Bernie is just no good.

Depending on how far off you are you'll see a success %.
You can't even take the test if it's under 30%. Your chance to pass/fail is set at the start of the week, so you can't reset until you pass. But you can reset once to save the item and wait until the next week to try again.

Can I stick Byleth on a horse? I always make the MU a Paladin or Dark Knight.

>flyer army
Fuck that shit.
I'm making a Chad War Master Army.

you can be everything, just start building the horse stat so that you can jump to cav as soon as you want

I regret nothing.

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why not just use the sword you get from Marianne paralogue?

Awesome. I'm planning on getting 3H after I finish FE12.

>not wanting to blitzkrieg your enemies with the fury of heaven falling upon them
>not wanting to be able to control the battlefield with perfect mobility
>not wanting to have nothing to fear but well-placed archers

>being a lucklet
She's godlike

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>not wanting to have nothing to fear but well-placed archers
you can dismount in this game so that you can give the middle finger to archers

How many units am i generally looking at for most fights in the game? I don't know how many characters to really focus in on.

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No no, she's just dead. The fire comes after the deed is done.

Lore-wise, it makes sense for her to be able to wield it. bearing the crest of Charon. She even gets the extra combat art like Catherine does. Is it viable? No. Are there better options? Yes. But it's still nice to see.

Lindhart would greatly appreciate it, recruit him

The only real restricted classes is the unique ones for the lords, and Dancer (you only get one, but you can make anyone except Byleth a dancer)

youre missing one but im assuming youre not far enough to get it yet

you mean that class

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3H has the best class system, everyone can be a flier. You can have a punch flier, bow flier, etc...
Also there's a Triangle Attack combat power which only works when enemy is surrounded by 3 fliers.

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>Stay silent
How the fuck do I choose these? I never guessed the right one.

More like Burnie lmao

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>You can have a punch flier,
isn't that only available when dismounting?

File Name ruins the joke

Bernshit being treated like she deserves

When are we getting more Bernie twinning?

I mean, Byleth is a lord as far as the FE definition goes

what is your favorite animation in the game? i seen Byleth do a punch and very savage sword slash in tandem and i dont know how to replicate it, also Astra is pretty neat and that special skill of Dimitri is pretty cool


Because Bernie would've won

Holy shit it always fucking makes me laugh how Edeltards try to say that she didn't kill your dad.
Please, consider the following.

>Spends an entire year deceiving you
>Spends several months with the murderer Monika (Kronya), with half the monastary constantly talking about how they're having secretive chats
>LITERALLY right after Jeralt dies, she begins making plants to invade the holy tomb to steal crest stones, and starts the war the moment afterward
>Even when your father dies she's the one character who offers you no sympathy and tells you to "g-g-get over it already..."

But no. All of the above is nullified because this girl that's been lying to you for an entire fucking year told you "Uh, wasn't me!".

Imagine being a waifufag. Imagine it.

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what do i do with shamir after getting her in terms of classes? she's already a sharpshooter. just go for the bow knight?

>what is your favorite animation in the game?
Ingrid's victory pose on pegasus

Pre timeskip bern is a cute spaz but future bern is pure wife material

and people wonder why Byleth shows no hesitation when killing her

There is no better way to display your superiority over others than defeating them using your bare hands

>my duty is your DEATH

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Consider the following:
>Edelgard is Griffith with tits.
>Some people view tits as the ultimate motivator.
>Some people unironically believe Griffith did nothing wrong.
>Thus, Edelfags are the union of those two groups.

same, i'm at a point where I just move Byleth in the middle of everything with a Levin sword and watch as all the AI run towards him dying one after the other

How the fuck do I get Pegasus Knight (Ingrid in my case) through Advanced classes?
She doesn't have Axe to go Wyvern Rider or Riding to go Paladin.
She could probably pass Falcon Knight now if it wasn't gated with level 30.

Just keep her as a Peg, Pegasus Knight is an advanced class disguised as an intermediate one.

Just wait it out, you can skips tiers

typical supernigger

She's really missing on the Advanced class stat bonuses though.

she will get them when she turns into a pegasus, also pegasus riders are broken as fuck in this game due to stance

You can promote her to paladin or something for the strenght and just stick to Pegasus, it has better growth bonuses than most advanced classes anyway.

Oh, and she also mastered Pegasus already.
Guess I'll try Cavalier for now, maybe that'll unlock Paladin

I made mine a swordmaster since she needed the sword ranks for falcon knight anyway. I missed having the flying utility but she ended up killing everything afterwards so it worked out.

>Swordmaster Ingrid
>Need C swords for falcon knight
>Goes for a class that requires B/B+ to even attempt the test

Wait this game has Triangle Attack?

this is horrifying

Combat art you earn for mastering pegasus knight and can be used with any weapon. You usually don't have 3 fliers in the same space very often.

Yes and it's still bad.

Put her on a horse and give her a magic bow.

Pegasus Knight Mastery combat art

Doesn't need 3 pegasi to pull off either, just one with the art and 2 friends

Won't this leave your people with their skills horrible underleveled? I feel like combat gives almost no skill experience, which then means that you can't get new classes and your growths will be fucked up.

Girls like that tend to be nymphomaniacs and have low self esteem. I speak from experience. Avoid them.

It wasn't really that hard to max out swords, lances and flying. This was before I knew how good battalions were though so she was admittedly pretty light on authority.

Go Brigand instead for DB.

>Manuella and Sylvain achieved support level B
They didn't even fucking talk to each other.
This is worse than Felix's supports

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>Sylvain has tons of cute interactions with lots of girls
>He can only romance a handful


I love that, most bitches have no interest in settling down with a manwhore

Felix has the best supports in the entire game.

wait, can you fight battles and then go to the monastary in the same day? since i can fight two battles now i was wondering how that worked.

after spending your first point you just get the option of ending the day or doing another battle, you can't go back to the calendar menu.

Lysithea is RUDE

Just don't bait with him then. Or buy a training sword for him, but it's probably too late for that too. Now you can only try your luck with an iron axe or some other heavy weapon to not have him double. Early game Byleth is a fucking monster.

For me it was Lorenz, almost as much magic as lysi but with the bonus of being a bulky boy.

Bernie has a decent rack after the skip. Not big, but something you can definitely grope on.

Stat bonuses only elevate a character's stats to the class's base stats. This mostly happens with Def and res since some units never get any of that, so if they get some when they unlock classes. I doubt Ingrid would get many bonuses.

but hector does

>BL route
>second battle of Gronder
>Claude goes full retard and decides to a beeline for my army for some reason EVEN THOUGH HE SAID THERE'S NO REAL REASON FOR US TO BE FIGHTING
>He gets a 30% hit crit off on Byleth
>Lysithea nukes Byleth for 70+ damage
>Raphael hits for 29 x2 because lolGauntlets
>everyone on Edgetard's side goes down like chumps in comparison
Why didn't we just team up, bros?

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We know Marianne.

GD was really scary that chapter. Raphael wasn't even much of a problem, because he doesn't have much movement and a mage can take him out easily. But fucking Leonie though. And Claude threatening my entire army with his super bow. I just yolo warped Byleth next to him, took out all the good swords and attacked him with the one that's most likely to kill him. Luckily the only things surrounding Byleth were two beasts.

>tfw managed to recruit all the chicks from every other house and the knights/teachers
Enjoy, my Blue Lion Chads. Take your pick from the bevy of women I've laid at your feet.

>And also Ignatz
Oh. Hey. What's up, man.

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The same thing happens in GD route, it's stupid but at least Dimitri had a reason to sperg out.

Ike has a personality, dude.
That personality is "asshole."

Also fuck. I just killed Edgelord and realized I forgot to grab the chest with Ashe. I hope nothing important was in there

That's pre-time skip Bernie though.

Why do people like Bernie so much? I found her really annoying pre timeskip but she is growing on me now, still not in the top tier though.


This wouldn't be happening if it was made for PC. PC games tend to only clip hair unless it's made by Bioware tier devs.

The only way I'd ever tolerate that would be if it was hard as fuck to accomplish

Cute hikki.

Cute hikki with tragic backstory. All you need

She's fluffy and she needs to be cuddled and feel safe from the outside world

Yea Forumsirgins actually think a girl like her would give them the time of day lmao

>Recruit a few girls to your house
>Realize you wouldn't use the rest anyway
>It's also probably a lot more interesting to meet them on the battlefield
>Recruit teachers for intermediate seals
>They sit in the seminars, taking up slots that your main troop is missing out on
I have learned and will only recruit the bare minimum from now on. And trying to work your way around several killing machines on Gronder was actually more interesting than expected.

Are there only 3 chest keys in chapter 14? If so what are the items?

Has someone compiled images of all the dancers yet?

One of the back chests has a really powerful sword. That's all I can remember.

They all look the same, just with different colors.

No one has even compiled images of all the in game base models yet.

I just like girls who eat a lot

But how will I know if it suits them

BL is the "classic" route, the only thing out of the ordinary is that the final boss isn't a big bad dragon.


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cute hikki. i'm playing GD and i don't even plan on recruiting her but i still find her pretty likeable. makes me look forward to the other routes.

>he doesn't check the map, count the chests, go to the shop and buy enough keys
It's easier than ever

You guys didn't tell me Edelgard gets a Devil Trigger

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Ch 14 is the reunion level for GD/BL with no prep phase. Church route may also have it.


I meant NEET

Does anybody actually ever make thief classes? It seems like the game showers you with too many keys to ever make a thief useful.

>He thinks she wouldnt

Ive dated plenty of girls way out of my league because they were shy/social autists that happened to get pretty only later in life and therefore didnt grow up receiving all the attention, now granted, the relationships didnt last more than a year tops because the girl would get excessively dependent, clingy and was an emotional trainwreck but in the end i kissed and fugged pretty girls so it all works out

>wholesome good boy
>gigachad body
>37 def without even factoring in battalion and shield bonus
>hasn't suffered physical damage in 3 chapters
>gave him a brave axe to turn him into a blender enemies charge into
>about to obliterate Shamir's pussy

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It's useful for the second and third death knight encounter if you don't have a plan to beat him.

Some enemies on the timeskip maps have stuff like master seals as well but it's hard to actually remember to steal from them.

Thiefs main thing is to steal stuff. You can steal dark seals or secondary equipment really well.

>You can steal dark seals or secondary equipment really well.
Secondary equipment? That includes all the boss staves and shields? I just assumed they counted as weapons since they're equipped.

Ch 14 doesn't let you prep retard

axe wyvern claude >>>>>>>

>Plan to recruit Bernie, Lysethia, and Caspar in the January/February pre-timeskip
>Jeralt fucking dies and with it half the teachers/knights fuck off from the Monastery taking their faculty training with them
Fuck me in the ass. Would it be possible to powerlevel for a B-Support at this point in the game or am I just fucked on getting them?

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No but your wife let's you prep lmao

>about to obliterate Shamir's pussy
Guess you don't like him that much if you're giving him the worst available

Just wish he wasn't so dumb, such obvious bait for barafags
But damn imagine what it's like to cuddle that

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Fuck, I just made Flayn a Dancer and didn't realize it's a sword class.
Even Levin Sword requires grinding her rank

>Hungry girl
>Only because her family's territory is absolutely shitty and got hit by a famine to make it worse
>Hates expensive and lavished things
>Only cause her father showered her in expensive gifts and good food to make her happy while he lived on scraps himself
>Pressured into marrying into a high standing noble house
>Because her family has poor standing despite being nobles cause they were a split group from an enemy faction long time ago and got scraps as a "reward"
>Had a fiance through an an arranged marriage that she looked up to and admired
>Fiance dies like a dog, she elevates him to more of an ideal she worships and her knight admiration turns into an autistic obsession where she now spaghettis when it comes to anything that isn't about knights
>Her dream is to become a knight
>So that she can become a loyal, submissive and subservient knight to a master
Yeah she's pretty great.

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It isn't a sword class. It's a jack-of-all-trades class that just happens to have a good sword passive. The combat art is bad at dealing damage as well, just use it for the evade.

my roster already has 13 characters. should i still go for more? i don't need any but i think missing some of those interactions would be sad.
GD seems to be a bit more popular amongst the non students characters.

The final battle lets you bring 12 characters and 3 adjutants. Adjutant benefits aren't huge so you don't need a full roster. If you're on deers, they'll give you Seteth for free.

Should you always have a dancer?

You should have a dedicated dancer, but they don't need to be deployed in every fight.

user that got a shitty Ingrid a few days ago, just entered time-skip on my second one and holy shit now i see shes actually a god. What the dick

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is it true love that i think she still looks stunning as fuck in the timeskip?

Attached: Woahmama.jpg (200x230, 7K)

She is stunning

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no you are the sjw moral fag i won stay mad loser no one likes your blu shit fagg side but the twitter loser i have crushed you sjw subhuman autist

Dancer/Swordmaster Ingrid is a fun build. I'm going to try it on Petra for the church route.

>that support with Catherine
>you know Cath you and i are not so different, we would do anything for our master
>except dying
>i take it back you and i have nothing in common
Ingrid is quite crazy and sweet girl

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>late 30's
user I think you dramatically overestimate the age at which Japan thinks women are used up.
Manuela is probably late 20's at the start of the game if not 25 on the dot for "cake" status.

the game displays ages, Catherine for example is 32 in the timeskip and is still younger than Manuela