Is there any other game where the devs and competitive players so openly despise each other
Is there any other game where the devs and competitive players so openly despise each other
Smash, Pokemon, Overwatch, TF2, CS:GO
Christ I hate this fucking mantra shit, that clap emoji shit was less obnoxious. I don't know what the fuck the mech is in this context but I know I want it in every tournament forever now
What are they complaining about
Some fortnite mech that is disruptive to tournaments or some shit
They're complaining about a certain weapon being overpowered in a game where every weapon spawn is random.
Can you atleast give some context? A quick rundown, if you would?
>"""""professional"""""" players in a toddlers game
fucking finally
They're butthurt that Epic added some OP thing in a BATTUL ROYALE. I don't even play fordnide, but this is like the 3rd or 4th time I've heard of this happening:
>some sword
>some rolling-mech shit with guns on it
I guess that Fortnite
Fornite tournaments are stupid, I don't know how they are now but last time I heard about them they don't even score based on how the actual game works but on some arbitrary points system not reflected in the actual game at all.
fortnite im assuming. i dont play fortnite but i've seen the mech and it's actually kind of stupid that it's in their esports, it's literally a giant robot that shoots a shit ton of missiles and basically instagibs whoever they shoot at.
isn't there only one mech spawn and it's show on the map before you drop? your comparison is retarded
Fortnite gave everyone a fair fighting chance, not just turbo autists who can grind-train 18 hours a day, every day. It's like the Titans in Titanfall but even stronger, and there's no respawning given the game is a battle royale.
"competitive" fortnite is almost as cringe as "competitive" smash.
They want to remove the mechs from competitive titanfall
from what i've read of this competitive teams are angry because fornite's gameplay involved building walls fast to keep people from being able to shoot you, which was never intended, so this was designed as a hard counter to that. so this is something only competitive players would hate.
Considering the prize Pool ITS hardly a Joke
The Gameplay is a Joke, especially top30 in solo
i think there isn't a competitive scene that isn't a bunch of fags yelling at every change in the formula...this is the kind of person that destroyed rts as a genre
And now they're destroying every other genre
why would you comment on a game you don't know about or never played? Walls were always intended to shield, what would be the point of them? the problem is the devs add in special weapons like the mech for regular casual play but it rolls over into competitive.
competitive players are some of the whiniest faggots you will ever meet, they demand special treatment from devs at every turn and when they don't get it as you see here they cry like babies.
>Fortnite gave everyone a fair Fighting Chance
not really. having to rely on luck to give you guns you like and ammo for them is silly.
meanwhile in Quake every gun and powerup has it's own spot in which it spawns at certain intervals, and there's a shole metagame over picking those powerups a few seconds late to delay when it spawns to catch your opponent emptyhanded when they try to come grab it too early
As a trash fortnite player who can't build that well, I really like the mech, let's me have a little fun playing against pro players since there's no ELO system in fortnite.
It's not that hard to beat, is driven by two players who tend to screw one another over by self destructing and everyone has a chance to grab a mech. Also there are plenty of OP weapons in the game at any one time.
This is just autists complaining that the playing field is getting leveled. By all means get rid of the mech but introduce an ELO system for those of us with day jobs.
Same as that PUBG tournament where Forsen's team won because they placed high consistently while not winning a single game.
It also brought a lot of assmad from Shroud fans.
How the fuck is it fair when any noob in mech can easily stomp players with 1000+ hours in the game? How can anyone even master the game with such balance?
who the fuck wouldnt want a mech in their game
It is, because fortnite a casual party game
Its a kids game
I hate Fortnite since there's no fucking punishment for being caught out. Just fucking start spamming a tower so no one can headshot you.
because I'm bad at video games and people who are better at them than me should be punished
>Team Liquid
Sponsors Smash Melee's Hungrypuff. They have absolutely no right to complain about jank and bad balance.
anyone with 2 brain cells knows how to stop the mecha
I’ll be here enjoying Save the World l, thank you very much.
It is pretty casual but still. If 'pro' player lands on a fucking pistol and nothing else he still has a pretty good chance to kill some kids with a better loot.
I don't know what game you're playing but it really isn't that hard to kill mechas.
If you're on a hill you can destroy it quite easily with an AR because a natural barrier will provide distance and cover. You can also shoot the cockpit to kill the player controlling the guns which is the best way to deal with them. The mecha faces you when it's aiming the missiles and it gives you plenty of time to shoot the player. You can also avoid damage by using a jump pad right before missiles hit you to avoid damage and glide to finish off the player. If you're close to the mecha you can also enter the open seat and activate the self destruct.
Although I only play solo and since it takes two people to move a mech and shoot at the same time so they're not as powerful as they are in duo or squad mode
False around 7 mechs drop per round maybe more. They aren't overpowered either and any good player can deal with them easily. You can enter them and detonate them even if an enemy is inside them, you can shoot the enemy instead of the mech and kill them even faster. This is just "competitive" players proving themselves incapable of adaptive play and they hate that they can't just coast by anymore. A truly competitive and skillful player wouldn't cry at this but instead adapt and conquer.
That's 100% accurate.
People don't even know how to think this days, all they do is just buildspam until they ran out of resources. It's funny, because that mech is nothing but a huge target practice with a glowing "weak" spots.
I mean, you can take the whole mech with just a few aimed shots.
>imagine wasting 1000 hours of your life to get owned by a scrub
they aren't hard to take down, just self destruct them