Fellow Gamers, it’s not even a question anymore. We need to rise up now...

Fellow Gamers, it’s not even a question anymore. We need to rise up now. Minorities commit the most gun crimes yet who do they go after? The gamers who have nothing to their name except the life skills they’ve acquired through games. First they’ll take down the ads for games, then no one will know when new games comes out. When no one is looking, they’ll ban videogames for life. And that’s how videogames will die, not with a bang, but a wiper. That is, unless we, organize together and stop Walmart from their (let’s just say) “mistake” We outnumber them, we can do it, if we are willing to rise

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>thinking anyone actually gives a fuck about games

It's all just to distract the sheep from Epstein raping kids

That headline is deliberately misleading, games were not the only thing wallmart placed restrictions on

>Be american
>Get shot
>Ban video games
>Get shot again
>Blame terrorism and communists

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That's right. What better way to get back at them than with another Walmart shooting?
Gamers rise up.

Its a distraction from him ‘killing himself’ today

>gamers who have nothing to their name except the life skills they’ve acquired through games
Then why can't gamers do 10 pull-ups, raise kids or make dinner from scratch like normal men? What are these "life skills" you're talking about? There is something in video games that corrupts young men's brains.

>physical media
What is this? the 1800s?

I don't mind; now you people will finally do something about improving society, instead of constant escapism
You'll finally realise that pirating is and was the best thing one could do done

>implying minorities in murica commit the most gun crimes
>Walmart bans game displays and not guns
I sense a deeper issue here.

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Can't we just murder all the Jews? I'm sure of the whole world agrees we can kill them all without committing a crime

>CNN now declares white supremacist is worse than Muslim terrorism

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>be american
>buy gun at walmart
>shoot everyone with said gun

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You clearly played a violent video game beforehand.

We have this thread every day. I'm done with it.

>That is, unless we, organize together and stop Walmart from their (let’s just say) “mistake” We outnumber them, we can do it, if we are willing to rise
>Area51fags in charge of making infiltration tactics


I mean there are more white supremacist crimes in the US than muslim terrorist crimes in the US

eradicating whites is terrorism

Europe gets acid attacks and trucks of peace. Sweden has grenade attacks. South america has cartels operating in the open. Regular mass violence is a world wide problem, sadly.


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>ban terrorism and communism
>get shot again

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>Watch violent movie
>Nothing happens and feel happy

>Watch neighbour get shot
>Nothing happens and feel happy

>Watch a violent sport
>Nothing happens and feel happy

>Watch my wife get fucked by jammal
>Nothing happens and feel happy

>Buy a gun
>Nothing happens and feel happy

>Play a violent video game
>LIterally feel the need to start shooting and raping everyone in sight

The answer is pretty clear here

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>Minorities commit the most gun crimes yet who do they go after?
Fuck off with your false consciousness bitch, the enemy is the corporations


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I will rise up by going to the nearest Walmart and emptying their Mountain Dew stock by purchasing each individual one, to send them a message.

We mean business.

Nowhere near as frequent as in America though, outside of some Third World countries in perpetual civil wars.

>be american
>buy my games at walmart
>go to local walmart
>can't find any games
>ask a worker where the games are
>tells me they've been banned because of shooting
>tip the worker for helping me
>go to leave
>get shot
>everybody claps

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>Be European
>Ban guns
>Get shot anyway
>Let in millions of Africans and Muslims to virtue signal
>Get stabbed
>Get acid thrown in face
>Get run over by giant trucks
>"These Muslim fellows seem to hate you, maybe you should send them home."
>Shriek about racism
>Get blown up by suicide bomber
>Get raped repeatedly
>Call police for help
>Get arrested for racism and Islamophobia
>Get sliced up and served as kebab
>Get eaten and shit out by the same Muslims you tried to help

Anyone else read this on Ledger's voice?

That came out of nowhere. Got a chip on your shoulder, tankie retard?

I recently saw this meme as a gif with the truck of peace running it over, but I didn’t save it.

Wasn't that always the obvious case since you know... World War fucking 2?

>have evidence on every single hollywood/government pedophile
>get put on suicide watch 24/7
>somehow still manage to commit """""""""""""""""""suicide""""""""""""""""""

Oh yes I remember how an acid attack can kill 30+ people like a fully loaded machine gun, wait.... it doesn't, those 2 are not comparable and neither are to south america which itself is a shithole....

>a lot of mass shooters shower and/or bathe regularly
I thought society had moved past this retarded "blaming video games for violence" phase years ago.

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The time between incidents in Europe can be counted in years. In America, it's days.

Please note that not all Americans are retarded as this one. We do have a unique issue with gun culture here, but banning guns probably won't help much.

I win.

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>Vote clown president
>Expect other than clowns world.

America is several times the size of any police state European country. More murders are bound to happen from that alone.
We border the shithole Mexico, a country governed by criminals. Guns are getting in this country even if we ban them for good honest men

>be yuro
>ban guns
>act smug about it
>neighbor run over by ISIS member in a truck
>daughter knifed in the streets
>wife mutilated by having acid thrown in her face

wtf i was told people would suddenly become nice if we took guns away

>hourly threads about walmart
And I thought shit could get worse than the tiananmen square massacre online shop shilling.

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Why are boomers so quick to turn on video games, anyway? They never say the same shit about violent movies, or music which sometimes actively encourages violence

>Minorities commit the most gun crimes
/pol/ keeps telling me white people are a minority or something, so I guess you are saying white people are the ones committing the gun crimes?

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reported to the fbi desu

I don't give a fuck about vidoe games. Fuck vidya and fuck "gamers". I hope fortnite and other games are made illegal.
Read a book.

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>be an anglo
>bad things happens to you
God's in his Heaven, all's right with the world.

Mexico illegal weapons come mostly from your "first world" shithole tho, retarded creatura.

>America is several times the size of any police state European country. More murders are bound to happen from that alone.
Not even looking at Europe in its entirety will get you anything close to America. And we border Russia.

>or music which sometimes actively encourages violence
This is your brain on /pol/. Get fucked.

Crime rate is still a fraction of what it is in the US.
It's less likely to get attacked in a European ghetto than it is in a middle class American school