N64 was a miserable pile of shit

Fighting games were shit on the N64
>b-b-but Smash Brothers
Would be a 6/10 on a console with Tekken 3, and that god awful N64 controller was just not fit for fighters.

JRPGs were shit and nearly nonexistent on the N64
>b-b-but Paper Mario
Would be a 7/10 on a console with the FF trilogy, Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Breath of Fire 3 and 4, etc. Seriously, the amount of them is massive on PS1

SHMUPS were nonexistent on the N64
>B-b-but... uhm...

If there's one place the N64 actually crushes it, it's FPSes. PS1 is abysmal when it comes to them. The fact that one of the best FPSes is a bad version of the N64 version of TWINE, then you know you got problems. Hell, FPSes on N64 make Dreamcast FPSes kinda embarrassed, they're that good.

Attached: n64 lq.jpg (1064x681, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"Fighting games were shit on the N64"/

Guess I won't buy a Nintendo 64 then.

When will you fuck off? Haven’t you noticed that nobody cares?

idk, n64fags get defensive about their no-games paperweight every time op posts this thread. it seems like they care a lot.

Yeah, but the N64 is cute!!

>being a consolewarsfag
I had a PS1 and an N64. Both were good for different reasons. Stop being poor.

>N64 was a miserable pile of shit
And yet the two greatest games of all time are on it.

Attached: BotW.jpg (1000x4212, 2.13M)

N64 is an amerifat console

sorry, user, but kirby super star and link to the past were on the snes, not the n64.

You know a game is bad when it needs frogposting and special images to defend it.

LttP isn't even the best top down Zelda.

when will the dust settle?

Why do you keep posting this thread?

This, get the fuck out. If you didn't have both you missed out on one of the best generations of all time.

Attached: dik.png (343x458, 106K)

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"Fighting games were shit on the N64"/

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Not everyone was a rockefeller

Someone didn't have 3 friends and a couch

That's stupid. Couches just don't fall out of trees


But Zelda OOT though

Zelda The Ocarina of Cringe

I was a huge nintendo shill back then, and I bought it at release and while it had some rock solid games, it barely had any vs the playstation. Even back then it looked like a muddy mess and I was bitter I didnt get a ps1.

Just the fact it was the console with the following games

Killer instinct 2
Golden eye
Perfect dark
Majora's Mask
Wave racer
Mario 64
Donkey Kong 64
Cruisin USA
San Francisco rush
Mario kart
Diddy Kong racing

Makes it the greatest console of all time and you're a filthy rpg playing weeb. You're not a real gamer. You're just an autistic loser that's generally bad at video games so you stick to a genre that's basically a point and click adventure. You should be embarrassed of yourself.

>has to post "etc" three times to pretend like there's any more games on the system
>most of the games on the list are shit
the absolute state of n64fags.

My least favorite 5th gen console, but it did have Mischief Makers on it.

on-rail shooters invalidate the genre, and the n64 has the best of all time

Name some memestation 1 games that are generally considered goat games.

>protip: you can't.

Metal Gear Solid

Favorite 4th and 6th gen, go.

Lol PS1 had like one good, memorable game (MGS) and the rest were meme shit.

N64 had classic after classic.

>muh cutscenes
Dude stop. Mgs is awful.

Attached: 1564152058420.gif (250x187, 1.68M)

>fighting games
And nothing of value was lost

This is embarrassing. Both consoles were great, they are both worth playing, and this console war is stupid.



Also, Mario 64 was garbage

Tomb Raider?

Shit thread. Compared SNES and MEGADRIVE instead.

Not an argument.

final fantasy 7
final fantasy tactics
metal gear solid
chrono cross
gran turismo
tekken 3

>final fantasy 7
not exclusive even for its generation
>metal gear solid
not exclusive even for its generation
>tekken 3
not exclusive even for its generation

>Mostly weeb shit

Opinion discarded.



exclusively not on n64.

japan has always made the best games. cope.

Nah. Western games are better. The Japanese make some good games but it's about 80% trash that only weebs think are good.

I think people are less upset about paper thin criticisms levelled at the N64 and more about having to see OP open his asshole wide and say "here look at this" every other day

Attached: N64-LOT-DREAM-COLLECTION-ALL-296-NINTENDO-64-GAMES-Complete-US-Libraryapic.jpg (1600x1200, 586K)


>Western games are better.

>>metal gear solid
>not exclusive even for its generation

Says the guy with anime girl figurines in his room.

nope, but you definitely own capeshit funko pops.

>Paper Mario a 7/10 game

Attached: thatswhereyourewrong.png (1006x644, 326K)

N64 had the best versions of Glover and Space Station Silicon Valley
Also had Mischief Makers

>thinking PC back in the mid-1990s was anything like it is now
cringe and bluepilled

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It got a PC release during 5th gen

Japanese games=autism simulators

western games don't need to simulate, they're naturally autistic.

>3D platformers on PC in 96
That was even before the first 3dfx games dropped.

Zoomies can't even fathom what kind of clusterfuck 3D gaming was on PC in the mid-90s.

Gotta love that era when there was like 12 different GPU manufacturers all with their own 3D API.

>Make a mistake and buy a power vr instead of a voodoo because muh 1024x768 support
>Barely anything ever supports the chipset on release
>Have to keep reading game mags to know which games are supposed to get a power vr patch
>Then you have to look through the contents of magazine disks to see if games actually get the announced patch
One of the few things I don't miss about the golden age of pc gaming.

What a boring post OP, try harder when you post it again in a few hours.

>SHMUPS were nonexistent on the N64

Might be unpopular opinion, but I like Star Soldier and Knife Edge.

The last boss of Knife Edge in particular usually kicks my ass

Fuck n64

How about you try sucking dicks in a few hours

this thread AGAIN?

>games will never be sold physical only again
I hate this


Zelda fans should just kill themselves....they are the cringiest sad sacks. They literally sperg over a game that let's you play a faggot elf that has to stop the exact same villain once again


Why is there so much spam on Yea Forums lately? Every time come here, I see repeat threads.

Stop going on v

buttmad poorfag who couldn't afford a ninty sixty foe

Yeah that's why autistic people gravitate to anime and jrpgs. Nice try.

The n64 was shit. It had to be shit in order for us to be where we are today. Think about it. The n64 pioneered the way for fully 3d interatactive environments with 3d interactive objects/player models in games. It did this and allowed developers to have easy access to tools to fool around with it and experiment with it themselves. When you have easy access to new things like that, you are going to end up with a lot of unrefined ideas and concepts making it into games unrestrained. As time has gone on, everything has been refined. This is also why you don't see a lot of things like SHUMPS, JRPGS, or 2d fighting games on the n64, because those things had already been done on the SNES and sega consoles, and the current generation of developers at the time wanted to taste new things and get their hands we trying out shit.

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