*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Attached: cursed eye.png (122x191, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Technically only standing on the hole itself blocks your path. ;^)

Nothing personnel, kid

Attached: Tiny_Planet_Icon.png (32x32, 3K)

>drops trinket
>pick it up
>use animation frames to walk past it without touching it

>implying it isn't good

You shouldn't be getting hit in first place anyways shitter

Attached: 1562538604137.png (353x210, 111K)

it usually happens with curse of the blind where you get surpise buttsex picking it up

>open console
>remove cursed eye
nothin personell kid

Attached: .jpg (672x327, 48K)

Vanilla music > reshit

This. Go and stay go.

>tfw I have brimstone so it's not bad

Attached: 1563669866390.jpg (933x570, 67K)

>roguelite adds a bunch of new items in free updates
>they're all shit and make the game harder because now there's more trash to diceroll for

Sinus Infection seems shit at first but it fucking tears through Ultra Greed mate.

Dare you open the mystery box?

Attached: curse of the blind.jpg (1024x575, 106K)

>6 seconds in
Yolo that shit.

*blocks your path*

Attached: 051D9CE7-85DB-4546-BFC6-8EC529370E25.jpg (2048x1682, 138K)

who is that?

>play as Lost or Lilith
>Cursed Eye
Won ron. Based RNG!

*uses pokeflute*

>tfw you have a really good run going as Keeper
>tfw this shits on your run because you got curse of the blind and couldn't see what was on the pedestal

Attached: 1562904622547.jpg (600x563, 22K)

Curse of the blind is the worst curse. Prove me wrong.

Attached: 1544457793147.jpg (720x537, 39K)

It's soi milk!

>playing as Keeper
>pick up Dr. Fetus
>Pick up like 5 synergy items from bosses, treasure rooms and the store
>raping the game like it's nothing
>Curse of the Blind
>grab item without thinking
>My Reflection


great, it's early game, you will only have to struggle until first dmg up or tear effect upgrade, then it's op as fuck

>tfw Lachygraphy as Lilith with Car Battery and Cursed Eye

Attached: 29865312.jpg (500x500, 75K)

Curse of Darkness is worse
>lmao dude just sit closer to the screen and squint
fuck you edmund

I'm about to give up mega satan with keeper. Fuck this entire fucking character it's my last fucking mark too

Curse of Darkness is barely a curse. It's aesthetic as fuck and makes some floors look nice.

Attached: 1328428198596.jpg (488x363, 44K)

i bet you like cure of vaseline in the eyes too

Just get better eyes lmao. It's nowhere near as bad as Maze/Unknown/Blind/Lost

Finally, a thread where I can use this picture.

Attached: 1526502676522.png (600x814, 622K)

Don't give up, man. You just gotta reset until you get Swallowed Penny and some good items.

Blind is embracing the Random, lost is mild annoyance, maze is actually a blessing since it just combines two floors together, all curses that obscure your vision is retarded and gay

Breaking news, repentance update

Attached: Little horn update.webm (844x546, 2.99M)

Curse of the Labyrinth is what you mean.
Curse of the Maze on the other hand, is shitty as hell.

ah, yeah

Goddamn, Little Horn as an item looks fucking sick now.

Labyrinth is helpful in some circumstances. Maze is never helpful. Curse of the Maze is "oh, you've got 1 minute to kill mom and get to boss rush? Let me just teleport you to the previous room 6 times, wasting 40 of those 60 seconds".

Blind is the worst, though. Accidentally catching a bad case of the Cursed Eye/Tiny Planet/Sad Old Yid Milk/Curse of the Tower/Key Bum/Anti-Grav Tears/Eve's Mascara/Dead Onion/My Reflection is a run-ender. Even worse, you can't take Devil Deals since you could end up wasting your hearts on something shit like Brother Bobby/Sister Maggy/The Nail/Black Powder/Sacrificial Altar/etc.

I always take items blind, it's fun, i rarely ever get seriously fucked, but if i do it's another challange to put that fucked run back on track (may be use reroll rooms/items, get a crazy synergy, otherwise exploit the game to your advantage)

There's fuck all you can do if you get Tiny Planet. That item is fucked.

Items that are just detrimental as a whole and are worse than base tears?

It's actually a fucking blessing when you get My Reflection since it turns it into a fucking floppy tube.

Pretty much any item found in a challenge.
>My reflection
>Tiny Planet
>Bob's Brain
>Strange Attractor
>Technology 2
>3 Dollar Bill
>Rainbow Worm
>The tick
>Cursed Skull
>Cursed Eye
>Curse of the Tower

And if you're The Keeper:
>The Wafer
>Abaddon just kidding, if you don't pick this up whenever you play the Kipper, you're playing it wrong.

Only if you're Azazel.

Brimstone and technologies my nigga, the point about reroll items stil stands

I don't have the willpower to continue my runs

i'm sad i recognize who it is
it's Ashley from Warioware
this picture made me sick

D4 is a rare item and I only see dice rooms like once out of every 3 runs. If there isn't a dice room on the very floor I get Tiny Planet, I'm resetting immediately.

What else? Paste here

>tfw got an eve run where i got box of fiends and milk alongside fucking monstro's lung
>tfw shooting out monstro's lung every time i tap the fire button

Attached: 10293.gif (238x178, 634K)

i only reroll when my damage/efficiency is hilariously low and i struggle with rooms for minute, it feels like killing someone with a spoon

I just beat Backasswards (on my 3rd profile) because I got Libra/Sad Old Yid Milk/Tech X. Libra got deleted first, and I could fire Tech X as fast as I could tap the button. I still dealt fuck all damage, but I had a Brimstone laser made out of Tech X essentially


Attached: 1564803486788.gif (480x360, 1.92M)

>Literally just a Brimstone laser cutoff at the to the tip
Could have done the same 30 seconds in MS paint

>tfw Epiphora+Libra+Dead Eye+Money Equals Power

Attached: 86123874128347.png (480x480, 272K)

>still playing isaac long after afterbirth ruined the entire fucking game -- not that rebirth was that great to begin with
Unless you're playing the original Flash game, don't fucking bother.

Some of these still have an effect: all those HP+stat still give the stat, be it luck, shot speed or speed. Black Pony gives speed and upon use gives temporary invulnerability. Lazarus' Rags are great for the Lost, just like any other "respawn as someone else" items. Midas' Touch can help against Mom, I think. Even items that drop hearts on the ground can be useful if you're running with D20.

In one month at pax west we're going to be getting a livestream of the demo of repentance.

In that webm however, there are some notable things:
>as blank card will no longer double runes, it looks like they're adding a rune item to do it
>Magic skin is in, you can see the broken hearts
>the wretched has more effects and animation frames
>unknown icon on the map, possibly charging bum from four souls
>tear delay and range are calculated differently

>familiars orbiting your character instead of a conga line

You can tell someone is a pussy if they dont always take Ipecac

there is an item that does exactly this, little cherub baby

Today's daily have a few rooms i have not seen once in my 1,7k hours, like pic related

Attached: 20190810231643_1.jpg (1680x1050, 181K)

Rooms should be spawned based on psuedo random RNG, making rooms you haven't seen in a very long time or at all have a higher chance of spawning.

I still don't get why Little Horn is 'Science'!

yeah sure just break seeding entirely because nicalis wouldn't implement such a change properly without the community cleaning up their fucking mess
only change should be a general spawn rate of these rare rooms, nothing more

How is The End Is Nigh? It's one of the few edmund games I haven't checked out yet

Attached: 1522793926077.jpg (558x441, 20K)

it's daily, it's same for everyone

I don't think even the devs know, which is probably why it has been changed like that

Attached: Repentance_Edmund_Tweet_Big_Horn_Resprite.webm (428x278, 1.77M)

Hey dude, I saw you have a pretty shit run last time. This ones on me.

Attached: B12AB493-28B0-4BE7-B4C7-84BC5BECE6CF.png (1000x1000, 16K)

comparable to meat boy

>tfw pyromaniac+kamikaze+ipecac

Attached: albert.gif (498x372, 518K)

pst, i heard you like fun

Attached: Annotation 2019-08-10 233511.png (464x489, 7K)

>lump of coal+pop+rubber cement+cupid's arrow

Attached: 1826348712384.png (472x346, 327K)

Looks like this run is about to get zany!

>tfw you get bob's brain and nr.2 on same run

Attached: 1548883650690.png (750x642, 439K)

>When the official Anti-birth integration happens the fucking curse that triples the size of every room is going o be implemented
fuck you noo

>Seems shit at first

Antibirth was such a better expansion than the stuff the real devs came up with.

I feel like Nicalis should've actually done something there. Like, immediately hired them on in order to integrate it as a polished product or something.

Unless Maze fucks you into the boss

it seems like just another tear modifier that attaches to enemies sometimes at first but it fucking tears through bosses with HP scaling if you have triple/quad shot

That's what they're doing.

If you have enough damage to kill most trash mobs in one shot it might seem useless at first, but the first boss you fight against proves otherwise is what that user was trying to say I think.

>didn't get the DLC because I've heard it's not very good
>installed Antibirth instead
>it's pretty fun

Attached: 1412011124378.png (295x310, 11K)

Bruh. It's been literally years since Antibirth was released, for free.

>hire antibirth team to make their mod official and get paid for their hard work
>they get to work directly with edmund to fully realize their work and do things that were previously impossible due to not having the original source code
>bruh don't buy it, they already released it for free
don't be dumb on purpose

You're in luck user, antibirth is becoming official (and like twice the size)

That's neat, but I'd have to get the other DLC, wouldn't I?

Years after it has any relevance is the point, you sweaty mongoloid.

Anyone else just constantly reload the game until they get something good. All the DLCs have added so many useless items that it’s just fucking tiresome after a while.

I reload if the first item is complete shit, if it's not I get to the devil room in the next floor. If the first two floors didn't give anything good and the devil room is shit, I reload again.

casuls get out

>implying I want my run to take 50 minutes
Fuck off with that shit

Which runs should I do next, Yea Forums?
Have I got most of the good unlocks?

Attached: Binding-of-Isaac-Antibirth-01-HD.png (920x430, 228K)

Are you pretending?

youtu.be/26EwFVALj10 you fucking mong, this is old news

You could probably pirate it, but the prior dlc is getting reworked as well so it will be more worth it.
The main problem with the dlc is that the items added gradually destroyed what little balance was left in rebirth, and the content having poor sprites, bad animations and the new floors being practically reskins until recently didn't help.
Most of that aside from the balance and some questionable design decisions got ironed out over the years, and it's decent enough now.

Shit, that's the wrong image

Attached: unlocks.png (946x445, 187K)

Yeah I really wanted to play with your shitty bean items.

>no Abaddon
>no nail
>no Body, Mind or Soul

this gameplay is physically painful

I'd recommend just finishing all Azazel runs

I got Afterbirth, is it worth upgrading to plus? I remember when it first came out it was all fucky.

respawn items suck if you wanna get the losts unlocks, unless I remember it wrong

It'll be worth upgrading when Repentance comes.


a spiritual successor to super meat boy,it's alright, Edmund claims it's his best game yet, although i still think SMB is better

Dry bones is now a shit tier item

Are there any mods that make some of the shittier items more useful?

Attached: 1564585294688.png (797x448, 615K)

I'm sure you can easily find a mod that just removes them, which prompts the game to spawn something else.
Some of them aren't even fun in a so-bad-it's-funny sort of way. How can you possibly salvage that shit?

Isn't this useless?

Antibirth becoming official is a bad thing because it means you have to deal with shit like rag man and the stain again

How woudl you buff the Keeper?

Which is better, keyboard or controller?

Attached: 1559185930973.png (527x470, 207K)

Give him special shops for perks, allow him to buy devil deals with coins

Make everything in shops and black markets for free (no restock, items are just on the floor), make devil deals cost coins, and make him start off with money equals power and steam sale
also make nickels and dimes work like black hearts and bone hearts for him

>And Jacob's Ladder

Attached: dasitmane.jpg (501x483, 26K)

>Jacob's Ladder+Parasite+Compound Fracture+Cricket's Body+Haemolacria

Attached: 1239182391.jpg (469x357, 33K)

Attached: 1533923617858.png (240x262, 91K)

Cursed Eye is actually great with Black candle since it stop its teleporting effect.

Psst how's that blind curse going for you?

Attached: pp,550x550.u2.jpg (550x550, 27K)

>Tammy's Head+Car Battery+Jumper Cables+Piercing shots+9 Volt

>Tammy's head + Brimstone

>Start a pretty weak Eden
>get D4 in the first treasure room
>and again
>and again
>get conjoined
>still not happy with dmg, continue rerolling
>oh, that's a nice, OP combo, I guess I'll stop now
>1 floor down, I have completely different items
>accidentally rerolled myself into Missing No.
>oh, that's ok, this isn't so bad, I'll just build up another D4 charge and get rid of Missing No.
>cue chest, I get bouncing, splitting HOT IPECAC DEATH in every direction
>die 4 rooms in

Attached: pop-team-epic-anime-edition-pop-team-epic-intro-theme-limited-551133.1.jpg (640x640, 47K)

>Steam Sale + Steam Sale + Restock + Chaos
This was my greatest run
I even had shit like cursed eye, curse of the tower, and dead cat, but I still won

Attached: unknown[1].png (955x533, 487K)

Forgot to say, I had Marked + Ipecac on that last floor. I couldn't even stop shooting BOUNCING, SPLITTING IPECAC DEATH.

hybrid custom twin-stick control scheme
>analog movement
>analog mouse aim
>buttons along the stick/mouse where your fingers are for your other actions
if you have a trackball it works too but loltrackballs

>those damage numbers
>that health bar
fuck hush

>Sacrificial Dagger
>Car Battery
>Box of Friends
>9 Volt

Attached: 193741.gif (287x216, 914K)

>greed mode
>wooden nickel
>9 volt
gg I win

Attached: edmundmcmillinactualquote.jpg (1913x1078, 700K)

you cooked the steak too long ed, and slathering ketchup all over it doesn't make it any better

are you kidding... one of the best items in the game

bros I just got the game on switch but I also really don't feel like grinding all of the achievements again, are there any methods to import my 100% save file to the switch version?

I didnt buy it either. But now Im fucked because you cant just buy the expansion pack anymore. I gotta rebuy the whole game to get it

I reload immediately if:
I don't see an item room
There's a curse
It's the Cellar

but then your left with a useless charge shot

How? What's the use?


Is Afterbirth+ really as shitty as people say? I'm getting bored with vanilla Afterbirth.

not if you have piercing tears

Nah, it was shitty right after release, I reinstalled the game couple of months ago, and now, with all the booster packs, it's very playable. The forgotten is best boy

is there a mod to make hush NOT fucking scale?

>Curse of Darkness Mausoleum

Attached: 1459441126135.jpg (800x900, 193K)

brimstone is TOO rare
let me have fun again damn it

there's so many items now that almost anything good is too rare. Antibirth putting two items in its item rooms was a godsend

Stop taking 2 health devil deals that aren't brimstone and maybe you'll see it more often ya silly billy

>Antibirth putting two items in its item rooms was a godsend
Is that even going to be part of the official antibirth dlc?

give him greed's gullet as a starting item.

if you want to balance it, maybe make it an unlock for him (like the lost and holy mantle).

it's ridiculous because it's like the only item that Keeper has synergy with, but it's so rare you're never going to see it as him.

Your tears bounce off of walls if they miss an enemy.

heh nothing personnel :^)

Attached: Marked.png (282x322, 4K)

>curse of the maze
>get teleported to the same room 3 times in a row
more like curse of wasting my fucking time fuck this curse

all curses are just worthless wastes of time. same with pills

What is that icon to the L room on the map? I wonder if that indicates you've been in the room but there are still enemies in it.

Attached: actually lagged a modern computer.webm (478x320, 2.87M)

Afterbirth is an improvement in every way.