Do the mods have something against metroid threads?

I have noticed how many of the metroid threads get archived after only a couple of hours, even if they stay on topic and have one or two posts a minute. I also noticed how many bait-threads there are in the catalogue, so I have to satisfy my paranoia here! Do the mods dislike metroid discussions or am I just imagining things?

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Mods primarily let Metroid threads autosage. After being here for 10+ years I've noticed the threads survive only during gaming droughts.

Fair enough. Gonna have to read up on autosaging, i guess. Thanks!

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It's when the thread gets pruned, such that posts which bump it don't get to restore it to the front page.

So what you end up with is an image dump of the same Metroid pics over and over.

metroid just really sucks


maybe it is because Metroid has never been super popular. there is a reason Nintendo ignores it for the most part.

If the same people are just posting text responses, it’s not going to bump the thread to the top.


I haven't played a Metroid game since AM2R was released. It was pretty damn good though. I'm telling myself I'll play Nintendo's remake at some point but since it's on 3DS I keep making up excuses.


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Not to be a nintendo shill, but why don't you have a 3ds? It has a pretty big, solid game library, you can pick em up cheap, and you can easily hack it for homebrew and piracy

>on the verge of being FZERO and Starfox tier buried
>uh metroids pretty popular guys!!!
>Samus, uggggh I love Samus in her zero suit!
>repeat for about a few hours but it’s only the same people since no new Metroid game outside the 3DS game have come out
>wonders why they autosage when no one really cares to reply after all the porn pics get posted
Oh and prime 4 being delayed/RE-fucking-started from scratch(nice Nintendo) isn’t helping your series case.

I took it as he has one but has been using Switch and hasn’t bothered picking the 3ds back up

I’d rather have prime 4 take longer and come out better due to Retro. Not like I’m spending every moment waiting for it like you

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I guess that hate nintendo games that are actually good games.
I've noticed the same thing with naruto game threads, even if they are totally on topic it's always a prune after a little while.
We really REALLY need a mod holocaust on Yea Forums

I have a 3DS, but back when I used it regularly I pirated games for it. Now it's been so long that I have forgotten everything about it and how the homebrew stuff worked. If I bought the game I would need to update my firmware and delete my pirated things and if I wanted to pirate it I would need to relearn everything and probably take a lengthy trip to /hbg/. Neither are very appealing which is why I have been putting off playing it.

They don’t get pruned, they just drift to the last page because it’s the same 5 people posting in the thread

I don't like politics.

I don't think it's fashionable or cool to mix video games and politics. I only study literature.

the problem is that most Metroid threads are plagued by a SJW that:
Falsely states that Yea Forums loves Other M
Claims that Zero Suit ruined the series
Wants no story at all
Prefers that Samus is a robot and never removes the suit, even in the ending

This is a big one. He’s been banned enough times I’m surprised mods haven’t just blocked his IP range

Man what is with metroidfans and their huge victim complex

shitposters will find ways to evade bans. Hell, the infamous FFXV fanboy has been caught ADMITTING to evading bands and yet mods can do nothing

>Man what is with metroidfans and their huge victim complex
Other M

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Haven’t seen XV-kun in a while now that you mention it

he's still around, just not as active:
(scroll down a bit)

Metroid belongs in you retarded fucking underage glowing niggerfaggot.

mods have something against videogames in general

what kinda question is that

Wait is KH kun the same as XV kun? There’s only a few severe spergs here but I still manage to mix them up

no, KH-kun is anyone who says anything bad about FFXV, no mater how legit the complaint its.

aka a boogeyman XV-kun made up.

Ah thank you for explaining. Similar to how AC tries to call people crazy for always thinking it’s him (with the same responses no less), or how he simultaneously thinks that Yea Forums is comprised of one other person