What went so right?
What went so right?
Other urls found in this thread:
unironic soul
Vavra is smart guy with vision. But for years it was doomed project.
>game is shit
>it's okay though because they like tried really hard and stuff
>runt one hits you in the prologue
>You one hit runt with a feint and a head jab
pottery. I love this game
i kind of remember this game. dropped it when i couldn't climb stairs and go through doorways.
did they ever fix basic things like that?
>You play as an autist
>Theres no black people or strong women
Sounds perfect for the average Yea Forums faggot
How is Henry an autist, he's a pretty cool guy and a chad
No, if you were too stupid to figure out how to climb stairs, there's no fixing that.
This. This is a game for cumskin incels.
>can't turn off HUD without modding
Literally why i dropped it. I love everything else about it so much but to be staring at that awful shit the whole time... I couldn't bear it.
>No strong woman
>game is shit
>its redpilled to so Yea Forums will become reddit to defend it
i remember going to make some snaps and getting shotted thru the roof. refunded no questions asked.
unironically not giving a shit and sticking to the idea
>how is henry an autist
Why do leftists, African Americans and Yea Forums hate this game? And don't tell me the racist thing, there are thousands of games without black characters.
It was a solid 7.5/10 game and I enjoyed it.
>tfw you thought Hans Capon was going to be the token faggot character
>tfw he turns out to be based and a bro
This game is just /pol/tard trash and it sold horribly like anyone with two brain-cells would have predicted.
It's funny how /pol/tards and Yea Forums talk about the retarded get woke go broke myth, but when a game that's actually "based" comes it it sells like shit. It goes to show you how it's nothing but cope and lies from a bunch of people who can't stand the fact that the industry doesn't care about them. It's hilarious and I love it.
Trash game, garbage dev, garbage fans.
what /pol/tard trash?
How can anyone buy into this bullshit?
This game and you
how come?
see A game that makes a lack of Black people and women a selling point is cringe /pol/tard pandering.
this post translates to:
>i am too retarded to figure out the combat and i die to common bandits
get wrecked incel
>spend years to create a game
>imagination is the only limit - but only implement the most basic gameplay seen in a billion games before
>call it realistic despite not being so at all
>have some autists copy rl castles and forests into your game
>insult some sjws on twitter
>give game poor balancing, horrible pacing and unbelievable ludonarrative dissonances
that being enough to sell well says a lot about the market
how come history is /pol/ pandering
pls explain, I dont understand
It would be uncommon to find a black person in rural Bohemia which is the focus of the game. You probably could find some in bigger cities, especially in the merchants quarters and with the muslim trade caravans that have gone through bohemia regularly back then.
I'm a Pole myself and the earliest mentions of black people are from 1500's when the chroniclers mention that some magnates fancied having black butlers at their court. Note that these were servants and not slaves.
There is also nothing /pol/ about this game whatsoever, incels just latched onto it because hurrr no niggers
>Grounded medieval game
>Realistic combat, etc.
>Developer announces there's no blacks in his game for no reason
Seems like a cool game but what the fuck was he thinking? Could've just waited until after the game came out and people asked them about and they could just say historical accuracy instead of being the dev who made the THERE'S NO BLACKS IN MY GAME announcement
Because it isn't "History". All of their bullshit about Europe being some mythical white ethnostate and using that as a justification to strip their game of representation is the height of historical revisionism. People debunked the retarded dev and he still doubled down like a retard and embarrassed himself on twitter. He went on about "muh culture" like some retarded nationalists and used "realism" as a shield for his blatant bigotry. He just doesn't like black people that's why he didn't put them in the game. There are other area's the game isn't realistic but that's the one he decides MUST be ""Historically Accurate"". Weird thing to single out. And this whole argument of the game being a cultural symbol for "his people" is retarded because it implies that black people are somehow excluded from being apart of his culture, as if his country and it's history exclusively belongs to white people. You are playing dumb, this shit is blatant and gross.
>>Developer announces there's no blacks in his game for no reason
People were haranguing him on social media while he himself never touched on the point. After that it snowballed.
imagine seething this hard because someone you dislike made an amazing game
can't imagine how saw your little life has to be you nigger
can you provide some sources on that, because i dont believe you
>Would be uncommon
>still possible
>still no black people because muh history
They were there historically, they should have been in the game. Doesn't matter how "uncommon" it is, make it work.
>no reason
there were literally no blacks in medieval bohemia during the period that the game takes place in
Which part? The dev's twitter meltdown or Europe not being a white ethnostate? Both can be easily googled but I'll humor you.
both please
>there were literally no blacks in medieval bohemia during the period that the game takes place in
There were tons of black people in Europe retard, stop pushing this meme
>as if his country and it's history exclusively belongs to white people
it does though, sorry to burst your bubble faggot
proof on that claim?
>Amazing game
>shit combat
>sells like dogshit
cope harder
source on niggers living in XV century Bohemia?
Shut up nigger
>sells 2 million copies in a year
>"sells like dogshit"
man, has to be hard living as a seething mass of faggotry, my condolences you nigger
Its not only medieval bohemia the game takes place in bumfuck nowhere basically. There wouldn't have been niggers there.
Bascinets. They are the most aesthetically pleasing helmets.
Been playing it on PS4 and having a blast. I love how you can murder wayfarers and steal there stuff and turn it into Groschen. It's also cool to watch battles and wait so you can pick off the bodies. I also like the survival system in the game too.
People have been talking a lot about this game recently. Might start playing again and finish the achievements.
>finally bite the bullet and buy the game a few weeks back
>pretty comfy start but then cutscenes galore
>need to bury parents, almost get killed
>wake up at a baker, he wants money for saving me
>tells me to go get a ring, it's not there
>start a fistfight with the gravedigger
>back and forth until the sun goes down
>pull out my sword, he murders me in seconds
>sells 2 million copies in a year
>1.5million refunded
seems legit
Yea Forums doesn't hate the game, ignore unemployed discord tranny BS. As for the rest leftists don't play video games and blacks probably don't even know this game exists.
Just fuck off back to Resetera
not even gonna open those there chief
Did they added crossbows into the game? If not, when will they allow modding.
It sold very well and dilate.
>All of their bullshit about Europe being some mythical white ethnostate
>muh resetera boogeyman
>facts are invalid if they come from a source I don't like
Sequel fucking when?
>barely sells 150k sense it came out
>most people refunded it
Meanwhile "woke" games like MK11 sell like hotcakes. Seeth harded /pol/tard
That‘s LORD Capon to you, peasant.
Imagine seething this hard over being a nigger,
Find a scholarly source that there could have been sub Saharan blacks in rural bohemia during that time or fuck off. From what I've seen there is zero evidence there ever was a single black person there during that time.
It sold millions dumbass.
Not even gonna give you a (you)473632167
It's a fantastic game, only let down by some eurojank once in a while.
literally false, keep copeing
If "get woke go broke" was really true you wouldn't have to lie about "woke shit" selling poorly and you "based" shit selling well.
Everyone here loved it, we arent white and we can't buy It, but we are going to send a present (we play in cafes)
The contrarians, Lefties and fags here hate It and theyll try to derail the threads
They never came up with something, there seemed to be a point where they gave up trying to find evidence and went with "Yeah but what if a random black trader stayed at a random inn and knocked a woman up? That would be enough".
scholarly sources are used in those links. You'd see that if you read through them It's merely a culmination of multiple sources organized.
Nothing. The game was a riddled with game breaking bugs and poorly optimized. It was also as bland as it comes and no one gives a shit about polack history.
He's not really autistic, he's legit retarded. Motherfucker doesn't even know how to hold a sword and hit a piece of wood with it, someone has to teach him like the good little retard he is.
Scholarly sources mean they have to be peer reviewed.
Go back to retardera with your historical revisionism and gaslighting, you disingenuous cunt.
It's cool if you want to make a realistic historical game. You shouldn't include fucking alchemy and making potions in that case...
Lots and lots of free advertising from angry liberals.
Don't tell them to breed for fucks sake
wasn't the save system so bad they had to remake it?
/pol/tards are out in droves in this thread holy shit, I knew Yea Forums was bad but this is gross. People are unironically defending this garbage.
Sure thing.
In all honesty would've been impossible. Southern Africa was ultra isolated that time from a European perspective, euros had no interest in it and blacks had the Sahara in the way plus little interest in leaving.
>Alchemy and potions
Totally fine, I see nothing wrong
>Black people
It's so telling
They don't/won't, leftists are famous for being childless.
ur bad
You do not belong on this website.
>implying rightists aren't all incels
No women wants to date you garbage sacks. Even if left wingers don't have kids at least we get laid.
>muh secret club
It's /pol/tards like you who don't belong. I've been here longer than you election tourist
>at least we get laid.
You do not. Virgin.
>You shouldn't include fucking alchemy and making potions in that case...
Mixing chemicals to make potions isn't as fantastical as you might think.
>A tumblr dedicated to people of color in medieval europe
>4 pictures of art
Kys retard.
I bet you are expert of sword fighting, you always hit golden spot with bow and you are expert at horse riding.
No amount of redirecting to /pol/ will change that you're a nigger. My condolences.
You do not belong on this website.
>I've been here longer than you election tourist
You don't.
Only the white ones
It's really overblown
I just beat the game and after the first couple hours you always have enough save potions if you do any theving or alchemy
Are you okay nigger? Could you shut the fuck up and stop crying nigger?
True, I sometimes forget minorities are mostly on team left.
I dropped it after 2-3 days so I don't know about them remaking it, but it was some expensive as fuck(for early game at least) and pretty rare shnapps that you had to buy and was single use.
stop projecting lmao
I'm a modern city guy and if you give me a sword and ask me to hit a stick that you plant in the ground I'll hit it 10/10 times....
It exposed a long lost hidden truth of Europe: the invasion of the central asians which has been occurring for much longer than you know. Exposing Hungarians is the first step. Exposing Germans and Anglos is the next step.
I've never paid you rent so why am I still living inside your head?
You serious nigger? You comparing modern medecine to literally brewing magical potions? Here are some examples of the potions you brew in your "Historical" game.
>Other people will look up to you! Your Charisma is increased by 5 for ten minutes.
>A bitter herb liquer that will put strength in your blood, but also bewilders your eyes with strange visions. Your Strength and Warfare skill are increased by 5 for ten minutes.
>Increases Strength and invokes blood frenzy - during combat it will increase the damage for 50%
>Improves your hearing and lightens your step. Lockpicking, Pickpocketing and Stealth are increased by 5 for ten minutes.
You tell me that's not some magical shit right there. They're literally skyrim potions.
You just described most drugs.
Really? Give me examples of a drug that will make other people like me more. Or a drug that will instantly make me 50% stronger. Or a drug that will make me better at lockpicking and pickpocketing people. I'll even allow you to give examples of modern drugs, not just flowers brewed together.
Go ahead moron, I'll be waiting.
People in the medieval ages believed this shit. Henry just drinks placebo and flies into a murderous rage.
almost everything except for that fucking monastery mission, oh and fuck archery and lockpicking
Retardera, the post.
There were no niggers in medieval Bohemia maybe apart few sandniggers trading shit in capital cities like Prague.
>Give me examples of a drug that will make other people like me more.
>Or a drug that will instantly make me 50% stronger.
>Or a drug that will make me better at lockpicking and pickpocketing people
You're trying way to hard to find flaws in the game. Alchemy may have been bullshit, but it was still for all intents the precursor to what we know as Chemistry. Of fucking course people in the fucking Dark Ages would practice it.
Herbal medicine was a thing back then. The stat effects is just because it's an rpg game.
this is similar to what henry tried, the wood isn't secured to the ground. if your strike and angle is improper you get what henry got.
>You play as an autist
Czech Autism is a form of autism Yea Forums will never experience.
Trust me.
>Theres no black people or strong women
I dunno dude, Theresa kicked a Cuman pretty fucking hard and survived a village raid.
Also no black people makes sense because no smart black guy would go into Sigismund's favourite raiding territory unless they wanted to get skinned alive by Cumans along with all other Czechs and foreign traders.
See pic related you retard.
Dude. The fucking game is set in a fucking area of Bohemia that's in the middle of nowhere. It's not even near the Silk Road you imbecile. I am North African and I think you're a fucking retard and you don't speak for me you fucking imbecile.
Make a game about the cool shit that takes place in Africa, stop forcing in black people in countries and time periods that don't make sense. There is more likely to be a Black guy in Medieval France and Spain (Moors) then there are in
Besides Medieval Bohemia is a barely explored period in Vidya. And I wanted to see it. Whilst it would be cool to see Historical Pirate era North Africa or the wars with Kahina Dihya, but no one's gonna make that game because everyone is obsessed with sticking shit in places that don't make sense. I respect the KCD devs because they are making a game about their country and aren't afraid to talk about controversial topic about their country (e.g. the Habsburgs or the Hussites), whereas I have no respect for all the imbeciles on twitter and Yea Forums whining because instead of making a patriotic game about their home country they sit on their asses and expect their race to be forced in shit that doesn't belong. Fuck these people.
You imbecile. The pictures depicted in the Tumblr are depictions of the Biblical Queen of Sheba (who lived in Yemen) and Saint Maurice (who lived int he Roman era). Both of which are nowhere near Czechia or Bohemia
literally cocaine for all of those things. you should try it sometime virgin loser.
Just not my type of game.
>Queen of Sheba
>Lived in Yemen during the Biblical era
>Saint Maurice
>Lived in Ancient Rome in AD 287
>Somehow this is proof of there being black people in Medieval Czechia
Haha what?
Doesn't make other people like you. It just gives you the impression you're being liked.
Literally doesn't make you stronger. Dulls physical pain so you could technically take more damage without feeling it, but that's it.
Doesn't even remotely do those things.
I'm not trying to find flaws in the game, the game has much bigger flaws than alchemy. I'm pointing out that this whole thing about "muh historical accuracy" is dumb as fuck in a game with magical potions.
Herbal medicine is more along the lines of "this won't get infected so you won't lose your hand" vs "drink this and it will make you twice as strong".
Lmao what the fuck
>the wood isn't secured to the ground
The stick was literally stuck in ground tho.
It proves leftists know fuck all about other cultures.
based nigga defending slavs and reason.
I wish there was more people like you.
Literally wrong.
but not very well, an amateur wouldn't be able to pull that off very well especially an absolute beginner like henry
>game is a buggy boring mess
>but the dev is some /pol/ sperg so it's based!!!!!!
It was a twig FFS. I'd be able to snap it in half with another piece of wood let alone a sword.
snap yes, cut cleanly? i doubt it
The game doesn't have to be a 1 for 1 representation of reality for it to be historically authentic. Authenticity is what matters. Alchemy potions that give you stat boosts isn't jarring like having black people randomly in medieval Bohemia.
Definitely not the facial animations and voice acting unless their research showed that back in medieval times every czech had aspergers and they were trying to be realistic. Combat also sucks too once you get more than two enemies on screen which will happen 99.9% of the time
>You shouldn't include fucking alchemy and making potions in that case...
The game took actual historical Czech alchemy and exaggerated it to make it more fun for gameplay, same reason why you don't have to have an assistant put armor on you and walk around you. It's just to make the gameplay more fun. Plus Czech alchemy is a very big part of Czech folklore, so they included it in there as a nice little nod to all of the myths, hell they even have a perk based on the Prague Jewish Golem.
>historically authentic
>Authenticity is what matters
>Alchemy potions that give you stat boosts isn't jarring
>magical potions are more realistic than a black dude
Come on dude. The potions are just as bad.
>some screencap means he's not a /pol/ sperg
lol ok
It's unique and interesting, combat took some getting used to for me.
full mod support when ?
Lol I think niggers are more likely than brewing an alchemical potion that makes people like you more.
>unless every czech had aspergers and they were trying to be realistic
Watch a few Czech movies and you'll see that's actually the case.
Think of it like this. In red dead, you can chew tobacco to make your gunplay quicker. Is that realistic? Not really. But it's not jarring. It's authentic to the setting because you're a cowboy and you chew tobacco. Now imagine if at a gunstore you could just straight up buy an ar 15. That would be jarring given the old western setting.
>Hates the Germans
>Calls Hitler "that idiot with a moustache"
>Hides a message in the game referencing Operation Anthropoid and the brave Czechs that killed Heydrich
>Somehow a /pol/ sperg
Okay retard
>In red dead, you can chew tobacco to make your gunplay quicker
> It's authentic
>multiple people think a stupid thing is stupid
Thing is, RDR never claimed to be a historically accurate game. That's why no one cares that you can revive your horse when it dies and slow down time to aim.
>unless their research showed that back in medieval times every czech had aspergers and they were trying to be realistic
thats what we all still are m8
Rdr doesn't claim to be authentic tho. Poor argument
why are americans so obsessed with race? black people especially. If there is no black people in their entertainment they go crazy.
You just don't get it do you? It's about the gameplay. Just because a game strives for realism or historical authenticity doesn't mean it literally needs to be a simulation. A game having rpg mechanics doesn't mean they have to throw out everything that makes the setting authentic and consistent.
"Kingdom Come: Deliverance is now officially one year old, and despite its age, it seems as though the game’s sales are still doing relatively well. In a press release issued earlier today, developer Warhorse Studios announced that the game has now sold two million copies."
5 seconds in Google.
I'm the bottom one. I have better things to do than samefag a thread on Yea Forums, the worst board on Yea Forums.
So how would you handle the abstraction of RPG stats in the game then if alchemy potions are making you shit your pants?
There's an ocean between not going full simulation and making magic potions.
Thanks. It's also because I spent a lot of time in Czechia and learned about their history and was surprised at how unique it was. It's a shame it's not depicted as much and most Czech youngsters seem downright ashamed of it because "muh communist propaganda" Hence why I am glad to see games like KCD cover it.
Now I am just waiting for a game set in Barbary period North Africa and maybe a game set in the Anglo-Zulu war and I'd think I'd be rather satisfied in terms of historical games.
Wait actually I would be interested to see Battle of Grunwald depicted in vidya, that would be kino.
It literally takes looking at a map to realise "oh shit, Bohemia is actually quite far from any coastal area and seems like it's getting fucked by all directions, seems unlikely for an African trader to go there unless he wanted to be killed".
There is proof of black traders and Moors going to Southern Italy, France and Spain. But they wouldn't go any farther (for the most part, some did, but you'd need to find records for that, and seeing as the devs went as far as finding records of obscure nobles and most Czech historians and leftist journalists confirmed that in that specific period there wasn't a chance of there being black people, especially not in Rural Bohemia).
Still though, claiming the Queen of Sheba and Saint Maurice came and lived in Czechia is fucking offensive and false as hell. Those people are fucking retards absolutely to claim that, they are literally offending an entire country (Yemen) by claiming that.
Playing it now for the first time, it's pretty great. Hope to see more from these devs.
>game is good
>peple like it
I got no problem with the stats. Switch the potions to some more realistic shit like ointments to prevent infections and treat illness, like what it should be. That's what you would do if you want a historically accurate game.
>It's about the gameplay
if it's just about the gameplay, why are you so upset that some character models have non-white skin?
Based honest Czech autists
Having black people in the game is stupid for the same reason why having samurai or maori warriors or fucking space aliens in the game would be stupid. They don't belong in the setting. Having them there would be jarring.
>source: dude trust me
>They don't belong in the setting
neither do magic potions lad.
there were women in 15th century bohemia and in the game though, and the opposite is true for black people
I never got why they went after this game
Fucks sake when have the Czech ever colonized anything?
You're talking to 2 different people. I agree that having black people would be jarring... as jarring as say.... magical potions.
My point that I started with was that the whole "historically accurate" game shit was non-sense. The other user just latched on to my point with his own "include blacks in everything" thing.
>black people=magic potions
both are not present in the game.
Except magic potions clearly are.
the third one is straight up goblino
Alchemy isn't jarring to the setting. Black people would be. If I was playing an rpg set in ancient rome it wouldn't bug me if there was a mechanic where you could pray to a certain god and get a stat boost. Fine. But if every third character was asian that'd be really jarring to the setting.
all the american ones are goblins
>Alchemy isn't jarring to the setting
>Argues that black people should be in the game
>Proceeds to post /pol/ image of Afghans being more white than Americans
>As if being nonwhite is bad.
Wew lad. The hypocrisy here is staggering.
>Fucks sake when have the Czech ever colonized anything?
That's the funny thing.
They never did.
But SOMEHOW they are supposed to have the same white guilt shit as all the other colonist countries.
Why don't you read this post and cease your stupid argument about "muh magic potions" when most of these herbal medicine crap was exactly what Alchemy was about.
You're acting like the alchemy in game lets you shoot fireballs and levitate and shit. They're just drugs.
Man, imagine if someone made a game set in 14th century Mali, and a bunch of rightwingers demanded there were white people all over the place
I have to admit, I dont know what sites would be credible for this stuff but fucking tumblr & kotaku can take a piss hike into a ocean.
they are not magic. It's steroids.
It's a videogame so of course it's unrealistic, but it's not magic,
they won;t make you breathe fire out of your nose.
Gee...I dunno dude.
It's almost like you didn't read the thread.
>/pol/ image
ok so you're just bad at games, it's really easy to make money in this game and every other vendor sells schnapps. Also you can level alchemy to the point where you autobrew 3 potions at a time in an hour and then you have unlimited schnapps
>But SOMEHOW they are supposed to have the same white guilt shit as all the other colonist countries.
seriously this is some bullshit, same thing with Irish getting crap for their "supposed" privilege, when even the most basic knowledge of their history makes it pretty you did not want to be fucking Irish during the 18-19th century
>And don't tell me the racist thing, there are thousands of games without black characters.
Because dev didn't just made the game without niggers, he openly defied amerimutt religion of nigger worship and got away with it. Mutts attacked him for not catering to their nigger fetish, and he just told them to fuck off, and entire world witnessed that mutt can't do shit if you just tell him to fuck off when he comes over to preach nigger worship. Mutts are still mad, and still fear this game despite it hardly being anything relevant, just because of that.
...But it is?
The whole mutt meme is inherently racist because it argues that being nonwhite is inherently ugly whilst le ebin afghani people are superior whites.
Your argument falls apart because of that.
I pirated it, fuck that kike Vavra, said he didnt' like a movie simply because it got a physical release and his game didn't so he could maximize profit.
>mfw people are still talking about muh noblax in medieval europe
just holy shit wow. I pirated the game when it first came out and was riddled with bugs particularly the crime system. Is it all fixed and working now or what?
>...But it is?
no lad, it's not. /int/ was making amerigoblins long before /pol/ ever did.
They've been doing pretty consistent bug fixes.
>baiting this hard
Get a load of these faggots
>Get forced into Christianity after being Pagan
>Enjoy Christianity for a bit
>Try to get HRE throne, get fucked by Habsburgs
>Get fucked by Teutonic Knights and other Knight orders
>Try to reform Catholicism into something more reasonable
>Get fucked by Hussite Wars
>Get fucked by moderates who decide to make peace treaty
>Proceed to get fucked by Dracula's Hungarian Turk-sympathising Uncle
>Somehow manage to win.
>Become Protestant
>Get fucked by Catholics resulting in Thirty Years War
>Try to become independent of Empire and the Americans help you
>Get fucked by the English who hand you over to the Nazis
>English concoct a plot to save you
>Fail and get fucked and have several of your villages burn
>Turns out it was intentional failure lol
>Americans offer to make you join Marshall Plan and not get fucked by Soviets
>Get fucked by Soviets because other commies say you must join and the commie movement in your country says you must join
>Be free
>Get fucked by German and Russian Journalists controlling the media
>Get fucked by rest of the world that either doesn't know you or assumes you're white trash despite being filled with Slavs and Jews
Holy shit please be trolling
>smart black guy
brb, gonna go slaughter some Cuman scum
>/int/ was making amerigoblins long before /pol/ ever did
They were, but /pol/ appropriated it and changed it's meaning, not to mention you're posting it like a /pol/-tard would. Not like someone from /int/
How can you not see the mutt meme is a racist caricature? If your point is just that mixed race people are ugly or inferior then why do you care if there are no black people in KC?
nothing, its a bad game
>game is riddled with bugs to the point of being straight up broken
>fist fighting in the game is absolutely awful because they took a combat system based on attack directions and then removed the attack directions from it
>story and protagonist straight out of the cringiest japanese LNs
>braindead enemies; you can beat cumans at level 1 just by trotting slowly on a horse and firing at them with a bow as they follow directly behind you
theres more im probably forgetting because i havent touched this pile of shit since it came out
Reminds me of Poland
>being this retarded
Or american. Same thing, really.
What are some good resources on the subject?
>be a retarded peasant who only held a sword twice in his life
>start a fight with a guy whose job is killing people
>be surprised when he fucks you up
how can someone be so bad at video games
doesn't matter, you're white, that means you're exactly as guilty for all the wars and misery across the world as the English
Poland had a pretty nice thing going one with the Commonwealth, for a good couple centuries they were THE eastern european power
I purchased this on release and immediately refunded it because it ran like complete ass on my 1080 and was janky as all fuck.
Has any of that been addressed or is still a mess on PC? Been thinking about it every sale but don't want to take the dive if it's still broken as shit.
That's only because their issue is "give things to my people". The leftists who consider them allies are a fucking joke. Once "equality" stops meaning "You give things to me" then they will no longer desire it.
do you know what a gravedigger is?
also who can blame him for pulling out his sword when fistfighting in this game is completely broken garbage
>Yea Forums seethes at the best open world rpg made since morrowind
this place is full of tasteless faggots
I know what a gravedigger is and I know Executioner Hermann isn't one
he is. he digs the graves for the dead as well.
I played through it this past month because the complete edition with all the dlcs came out and I played at a comfortable 60fps with some light drops in towns at high settings on a 970
He's not a gravedigger, he's an executioner
which means he at the very least must be practiced enough with a sword to cleanly lob off a person's head in one swing
It's been patched several times, you can give it a try.
I think Executioner kind of tips you off that it isn’t his primary vocation.
It's been optimized somewhat but it still doesn't run that well. Some of the bugs were fixed but there are still some out there.
>which means he at the very least must be practiced enough with a sword to cleanly lob off a person's head in one swing
To be fair any butcher could do that, doesn't mean he has fighting experience.
truly brainlet post
neither of his jobs include fighting people
>Make a game about the cool shit that takes place in Africa
fucking this there's so much you can do with africa but anything actually exagerated and stereotypical will just be shouted down as racist
we need more witch doctors in vidya
he's physically strong, tall, lives by himself outside of the village and has at least some experience in using weapons
at that point of the game he has way more experience than you
at this point the people screeching about muh pol are ten times more likely to be retards than people actually form pol
the kickstarter campaign was misleading as fuck and they downright lied at one point but Yea Forums defends it because the devs called out sjw's on twitter
No, just cleaving spines in half with a good chop. Surely you, as an absolute amateur in swordplay, can beat this man with arms like tree trunks.
Blame american negros. They're the ones that keep bitching and moaning. Actual Africans don't give a rat's ass. They also love white people but that's a whole different story.
>muh STR build beats everything!
not to mention that he has a good amount of practical anatomical knowledge so he'd know where to hit a person to make him drop
What are you implying?
This is a retarded mindset.
I believe in order to get a good game set in Africa you need someone truly patriotic or studied in it's history to make it, like with KCD. Or have someone that appreciates it's finer details try to actually reprersent them. It's a giant. fucking. continent. There's so much material you can use.
Also Witch Doctor stuff would be kino, also stuff involving Haiti, I hate how the C2077 devs got hate for the fact they tried to actually represent Haiti, that shit was retarded.
I for one want to really see a game about Berbers
Fact: in real life, in a fight between 2 inexperienced combatants, the stronger, taller person wins 99% of the time
fact is in real life you don't fall through ladders or find yourself unable to walk up stairs because the physics are broken
The game has terrible performance and some things from the kickstarter like the final battle were cut, if anything it went wrong
>guilty for all the wars and misery
Blaming post-British problems on the British is absurd. Things were fine under us, but I suppose entrusting sub-100IQ retards to look after themselves and all we bequeathed to them is too much to ask.
Immersion and progression.
That’s about it, rest is kinda lame.
imagine a game about a berber tribe trying to survive in the middle ages that also involves some authentic mythology / religion or some shit
but alas this kind of shit is omething you would only see pre 2007 when we could still have video games that were meant to be fun and interesting like shadowman and akuji (eventhough admittedly akuji ran like shit)
>be gravedigger
>also chop peoples heads off
>spend my time alone in buck shit nowhere
>people dont like me
>make fun of me
>dream about beating the shit out of them
>practice swordfighting and scenarios in my head when ill make those peasants pay
>here comes autistic henry and wants to fight me
>ill fuck you up boy
>beating the shit out of him cuz i am fit as fuck bro, all those gains from digging holes and chopping heads
>he pulls out a sword
>oh fuck no kid
>parry and get behind him
>just like in my autsitic drawings
>nothing personal kid
you just made some autist live out his dream
Am I the only moralfag who didn't do that quest because Henry thought it was wrong?
There's a lot to go through. A few examples I can give are the Hussite War and Czechoslovak Legion books by Osprey (which in turn cite other books)
For general Czech history around the Hussite Medieval era, here:
>Francis Lützow- The Hussite Wars (1914)
>Jan Kláptště - The Czech Lands in Medieval Transformation
>Norman Housley- Religious Warfare in Europe, 1400-1536
>Thomas A. Fudge- Jerome of Prague and the Foundations of the Hussite Movement
>Prague: The Crown of Bohemia, 1347-1437
For most of the WWII era stuff, there's a few documentaries although I can't name them off the top of my head. There's a few good movies about it like Atentat though or hell any movie set in Operation Anthropoid. For the stuff like Matthias Cronquist conquering Bohemia with the Turk army I confess to having used Wikipedia to learn about that, lol.
There's a few MEGAs on /his/ where you can find the books I mentioned and more. Have fun.
This mentality is so tiring desu.
Fuck. That would be amazing. Especially with the tribes having to survive against all the Islamic Empires going up against them.
Or as I said earlier, something like the Barbary Pirates would be cool too
To be fair it might happen. There's the Aztec game that was made by a couple of devs quite recently that had accurate mythology and history with some cool DMC-like combat.
Also Shadowman was fucking amazing and it sucks the PS1 ports were garbage and made everyone hate the games.
Gotta love neets who’ve never touched a sword in their lives thinking they’d immediately be masters if one was handed to them in a life-or-death situation
I was talking about the scene where he can't cut a twig....
Hilarious, all that use of Christian art of the Ethiopian wise-man to prove blacks were all over Europe.
The funny thing is there WAS a sizable black population in the arab world around the middle ages that vanished because they were castrated slaves so they didn't leave a huge genetic footprint. Yet the white folks that treated chattle slaves as semi-human are the ones accused of conspiracy.
Gotta love all these retards that know nothing about historical alchemy and think it's some Full Metal Alchemist shit.
Prolly, but I want to replay the game as a goody two shoes without killing anyone or stealing anything if only to see how the game will respond during the Johanka pilgrimage quest
the cumans were white you american retards
>In East Slavic languages and Polish, they are known as the Polovtsy, derived from the Slavic root *polvъ "pale; light yellow; blonde".The western Cumans, or Polovtsy, were also called Sorochinetses by the Rus', – apparently derived from the Turkic sary chechle "yellow-haired".
>In Germanic languages, the Cumans were called Folban, Vallani or Valwe – all derivations of old Germanic words for "pale". In the German account by Adam of Bremen, and in Matthaios of Edessa, the Cumans were referred to as the "Blond Ones".
Best medieval RPG ever and best RPG of the last 10 years.
Game is nonsense wh*toid revisionist trash. The tricknology is real, look how they’ve stolen your history from you and brainwashed you to love them. You’re the sole controller and original Man, based and proud, stop letting them play you
Please don’t say the A word. Mesoamerican autist will show up and start giving lecture.
>Theres no black people
Slavs don't have any history with niggers and therefore hold no guilt or responsibilities towards them.
>or strong women
We call that "western men" here.
this has got to be bait
It’s essentially the same thing that you think cleanly cutting a barely standing stick that’s about an inch in diameter with a sword is something easy.
Hell, your mentality is actually a lot like Henry’s at the start of the game. He’s a decently fit young man that thinks he should be able to handle anything thrown at him, and the game goes really far to show how humbled he gets. The village drunk is a hard fight for him, he can’t cut a stick with a sword even though his father(? I don’t remember if he did it in the cutscene as well or not) and Radzig made it look so easy, and he gets one-shot by a bandit with far more experience than him and nearly dies.
I think it’s hilarious how mad people get about the prologue of this game, but that’s kind of the point. It’s a harsh dose of reality for the character AND the player, and you’re supposed to resolve to train and get better in order to conquer these challenges going forward, but people are too used to video games being easy power fantasies, so they just get mad and uninstall
Seems like you are. Falling for the retarded /pol/ propaganda of whites being one ethnicity. You're fucking dumb. Let me guess? African American? You faggots are traitors to the entirety of the African continent, not only do you act as though our history is purely rooted in America, but you ignore the cool tribes we have and the shit that we made, you proudly bow down to the Arab invaders that fucked us over and yet you have the audacity to call ME brainwashed?
How about you read up on our own history before you speak, imbecile.
>Falling for the ebin Africans are Europeans meme
>Not actually knowing what Africans truly built.
You people sicken me.
Gaschamber. Shoa soon kike
> but people are too used to video games being easy power fantasies, so they just get mad and uninstall
To be fair, that's part of the reason I adore the game so much
>Be me
>Start playing the game
>Expect the game to be like Mordhau or Chivalry
>"Oh boy I can't wait to be a badass warrior and start killing people as if I already know every fucking technique in the world, yay realism"
>Get to the Cuman chase
>Try to attack them with my sword
>Too slow and get blocked, fucked and killed slowly and painfully
>"Holy shit I love this game!"
And that's how I ended up with 400+ hours.
Most niggas don't give a shit
It's virtue signalling whities raising hell about it every time
Mesoamerican autist? Is he the same guy that keeps showing up in Dark Souls and Nordic Vidya threads? I legitimately thought that was multiple people and not just one guy. What the hell?
It's the opposite for me.
>get shit pushed in by the debtor tryna get daddy's cash
>have to stumble home to mummy for a bandage
uninstalled then and there
yes, czechs have stolen all your nigger history
I love this game.
I was so burned out on Skyrim, this was such a fresh breeze.
People in this thread are talking about potions and alchemy being unrealistic, BUT WHY IS NOBODY MENTIONING YOUR MAGICALLY TELEPORTING HORSE??????
I love how much of a spergfest any threads about this game inevitably becomes. Vavra truly is a blessing
>berbers are black
ebin meem
Loved the game but
>No crossbows
>Mounted combat is broken
>no proper support for polearms and other two handed weapons other than longswords
Some are. Some aren't. That's North Africa for ya.
any successful kickstarter game like this? that is not indie shit
Said nobody but yourself.
Berbers were always a tiny population compared to the hordes of thriving Caucasians flooding them for 10 000 years since Sahara closed off North Africa from Nigger Africa with the only exception being the Eastern route, which again had a tiny flow of black Africans compared to Asian and European tribes flooding it with DNA.
That's why the 3 biggest ethnicities in Ethiopia are Semite and East Africa is both genetically and linguistically alien compared to black Africa to the west and south.
you sound like a total fucking loser with these wacko comparisions. even if all your knowledge about drugs comes from movies how can you possible think that being coked out will help with stealthy tasks that require utter precision, patience and calm?
granted its white libs but there's definitely also a good portion of gibs monkeys that blame history for their current fuckups
Nothing. Alt-right douchbags just flocked to it to "own the ess-jay-dubyahs" & "icky games journalists"
>new ambitious game featuring a time where western civilizatoo was still racially homogenous that also has some bugs
>fucking trash alt right garbage
>lazy bethesda game with even less features than the last still running on the engine they used for morrowind, completely flooded with bugs
>fus rooh daaah xD!
end yourself
>imagine the world without blacks
I can, I live in it. The 3/4 of Europe which didn't colonize black Africa and has no history with blacks. Project western your white guilt elsewhere.
>Even slightly relevant during any period of Bohemias existance
>realistic armor
>immersive medieval world
>great music
>the fucking save mechanic before mod
>the weird fighting (close to being immersive cool but just not there)
>you basically finish Henry's story/motivation half way through the game
It is an interesting game that I want more of, some of my bitching can be fixed with mods, but it just doesn't cut it to be great. It's one of those games you maybe play once a year to get into the medieval mood (drink ale and have turkey leg/mutton while watching Robin Hood or Holy grail too much) and that's it.
It was more a joke about how crackheads are more likely to steal.
It didn't?
>the fucking save mechanic before mod
you know you can just use one of the save beds right?
There were black people in Bohemia at the time though.
Not in rural Bohemia in the middle of some castles that were getting raided by the whole HRE
does that matter? there were probably also some asian people right? maybe even something more exotic
the point is those people automatically assume that the absence of any of that is because of some racist bias eventhough the natural assumption of most people would be that there would be virtually no black people in bohemia, at least not enough to be relevant or to be worthy of inclusion
the only reason people complained is because they themselves have political motives where every game now has to somehow live up to a diversity quota when representation isn't the fucking point of entertainment
name 1
it's literally one guy. It's fucking hellish
almost everything has been fixed. they have done a really good job fixing bugs and listening to people who give reports. the next patch will include a bugfix for a weather problem I sent them on their email a few weeks ago. they actually get back to you.
If this game is so authentic then how come everyone speaks in English? CHECK MATE, ATHEISTS.
It’s one guy. If you say Aztec, Inca, Mayan or Mesoamerican in a thread, he will appear from the aether and infodump kajillion word blog posts about their culture. Should be safe in here because this is a comfy racism thread, not soulsborne or vidya settings.
Will Smith
>Give me examples of a drug that will make other people like me more
Alcohol increasing confidence
>Or a drug that will instantly make me 50% stronger
Some alcohol so you can actually throw a punch with no fucks
>Or a drug that will make me better at lockpicking and pickpocketing people
Some alcohol so you actually fucking do it instead of worrying about it going wrong and getting caught
It's fun until you get to the point where every time you have to go to another town you're worried about getting jumped by 5 guys and instantly dying with no chance to even run. Got about 10 hours in and went back to Mount and Blade. Might pick it back up in a week or two.
Not just Czechs, all you mutants. There is no other history other than the history of Man, and there are no other Men besides the original asiatic black men, sole controllers and rulers of the universe. You do know your history right? Genetically engineered and so culturally poisonous that just observing your “culture” caused the fall of man. After coming into contact with it, with ideas we had no concept of, like war and theft and rape, it caused such a shock we’re were brought low. Too bad we’ve been studying you since then, and like anything else, we’re now better at it. We must become super predators until your extinction spiral is finished. Inevitable anyway because of your pathetically weak seed.
How come there's no black people in Super Mario 64? Are you saying there's no black people in Mushroom Kingdom? Nintendo is racist.
Super Mario is officially a /pol/ game.
based and niggapilled
Ah yes, the ravings of a lunatic.
Chain Chomps, Bullet Bill
Martin Lawrence
>There were black people in Bohemia at the time though
>slavic people having any history with niggers
does it anger you that there is no white guilt from slavs you faggot?
>Only black people are chained to a stump or literally a bullet
How racist can Nintendo be?
Confidence doesn't mean people will like you, it just means you'll take more chances. It also doesn't make you stronger, it actually makes you weaker because it takes more time for your muscles to react to the signals. As for your last point, you're actually retarded if you think lockpicking or pickpocketing is easier while drunk, these are both things that require a lot precise movements, which alcohol fucks.
tl;dr you're a retard.
The Truth hurts, and your very makeup is too frail to handle it. Plus you have Devils and Sambos like this, happy with the status quo, scared to return to Mecca. Doing Yakubs work for him, helping his seed flourish. The seed of Israel, so named in your “bible”, the regime in charge of this fallen earth, that all wh*toids do homage too with false circumcision, even as far away as America do they cut the dicks of the slaves and try to plant fear in the black babys. We ain’t having it mutant.
I actually started doing the finger pointing gesture
I am Berber you fucking RETARD
guys it's obviously bait come the fuck on it's textbook we wuz
>bland, shallow game
>characters forced to seem alive
>broken gameplay
optimization is ass so it's an easy pass
No need for your guilt. You were born guilty from a Petri dish. Warlike animals. Bred for insurrection and slave labor on Patmos by a renegade in a time of decadence, much like today. It’s right in the name. Slav = Slave.
Super Mario 64 is in fictional world though. There were black people in Europe at the time so theres absolutely no reason for them to be in this game.
Pretty sure he's drawing from The Black Monk's intergalactic travel guide to earf
>devastatingly personally applicable- in perpetuity
>theres absolutely no reason for them to be in this game
Exactly. I don't get why Americans are mad about this. It's a game about our history. You want blacks maybe make a game about your own history. Maybe you can show us how nice you were to the black slaves and the natives back in the days.
Literally NEVER happened to me. The only two times I faced overwhelming forces in a random encounter, I just fled. The game explicitly advise you to flee in this case.
What does it hurt to put them in though? The backlash it received from leaving them out couldn't have been worth it.
Is the combat as bad as it looks?
I almost got got by a pack of peasants while wearing plate armor
they didnt care about defending or anything
they just whacked me with their pitchforks and axes
The vidya industry: the outrage over Mass Effect 3's ending is, frankly, embarassing. Gamers need to grow the fuck up and respect the artistic vision of the developers.
Also the vidya industry: Developer Daniel Vávra is mean and racist! He should put black people in his medieval Bohemia videogame to please us, despite his personal artistic vision of a historically accurate game. Historical accuracy should never get in the way of progressive ideals!
They could have put in dinosaurs in the game too. I mean why not? There could have been dinosaurs back then. Here let me make a tumblr about medieval dinosaurs real quick.
>What does it hurt to put them in though?
what does it hurt not to put them in though?
>The backlash it received from leaving them out couldn't have been worth it.
so developers should just cower and do whatever journos tell them to do?
>The vidya industry: the outrage over Mass Effect 3's ending is, frankly, embarassing.
Eh, Who cares about listening to the vidya industry? Vidya journalism is literally about marketing and protecting their image.
The ones complaining about it in this thread are all trolls. There was one tumblr white woman with a failed PhD who runs a tumblr blog on black people in European art who questioned this game. Then a few people ran with it on twitter.
All vidya journalism is the same faux outrage article machine with links to other articles of faux outrage as proof of the outrage. They say, people are offended by x but have no proof, aside from 4 people on twitter. Who cares.
This game sold alright. It wasn't as good as what Daniel promised it would be. People moved on. No one really cares.
EA probably called in some favors and that's why every journo was quick to make an article defending the game.
Sadly, poor czech devs can't afford that so instead they get negative publicity.
Daily reminder that this entire thread’s nonstop conversation and the media’s focus on the fact that there are no black people in it, is a false outrage created by austrohungarians and anglos who are mad over the depiction of the truth about the central asian invasion of Europe. They are very afraid of you finding out this truth and they will defend to the death this idea of an AustroHungarian identity within Europe (it basically never existed before 300BC and Celts/Slavs were the biggest population in central and northwestern Europe).
This is the real talking point of this game. And that’s why they inundate all of our ears of some phony outrage nonstop (there have been plenty of other games with no black people in it).
He's an Ameronigger.
What the fuck were you doing wearing a plate armor but no horse? You are literally a naked virgin walking around in the streets at night, waiting to get gang banged by a horde of dirty peasants.
>so developers should just cower and do whatever journos tell them to do?
The race of the characters hardly affects anything, so as a developer changing them around should be easy. I can see defending your artistic vision if they were demanding major story changes or characterization changes, but changing the skin color around is an almost nothing change and would've avoided a ton of backlash. The developer's autistic attachment to whiteness just pisses people off and for nothing.
dismounted, thought these peasants needed some teaching
but i was the one who was taught
I mean i still killed them, but still
it does affect immersion and the overall setting
>skin color
nigger its middle ages your skin color matters a lot
you should know this nigger
Because they are never satisfied.
After random black people, they would ask for gay couples, gay romances, a transvestite with purple hair, more muslims wandering around etc.
Don't give them an inch.
>Every single thread gets this wave of retards arguing about the game
>Every single thread has at least one German getting offended about Vavra's comments towards Germans
>Every thread has those people arguing ignore the actual facts and citations given by people who researched this shit and by native Czechs
You might be on to this. The fact that these retards aren't even taken aback by the fact that the radical left Czech media defended this game might be proof that this is an Austro-Hungarian conspiracy.
After all, it was the Habsburgs that stole the throne of Ottokar II so it's not unlikely.
What do you expect from the mod tools they will soon release ?
What mod would you want ?
lets not forget a joint Catholic/Protestant conspiracy to hide the fact that the Hussite's beliefs were in fact better than both of them combined
>lets not forget a joint Catholic/Protestant conspiracy to hide the fact that the Hussite's beliefs were in fact better than both of them combined
Pretty weird how Hussites are scrubbed off from history and the instant someone talks about it they try to find something controversial about them or about Czechs in general.
Hussites are a legitimate threat to the Catholics.
Nigger Hans Capon.
pretty much every single major catholic heresy prior to Luther was superior to his views
and yet it's that asshole who was around for the printing press
i took it further and didn't even learn to fight because it was dad's dying wish. I played the game like a comfy /out/ simulator and ran from trouble whenever it came for me. made a lot of money off of finding dead nobles in the road
Is that really some big secret? The history of the world is the history of western expansion and all the reverberations from it. This goes for central Asians pushing into Europe. Only room temp IQs don’t understand this.
Rework sword sharpening
Add 2H weapons
Remove/rework unblockable ripostes
>Hussite Armor (Hounskull Plate armor and regular low tier armor)
>Guns (Medieval Guns of the 1400s, not modern guns)
>Blacksmithing Mechanic
>Sword of Bruncvik Mod
>Lance of Longinus Mod
>Prague mod
>Teutonic Knight enemy mod (randomly encountered Teutonic Knights during fast travel).
>Better Sword Combat mod
Boring game
Dunno I skipped it because it's first person.
>hunting south of Sasau
>come across a cabin, bandits in full plate chase me
>after ten minutes of suffering through ripostes, kill one and loot him
>continue south, check map
>what the fuck is that walled area
>Vranik discovered, nope the fuck out of there via fast travel
>night, stumble upon an armored figure, is it a thief?
>a wandering knight challenges me to a duel
>whack him and win nice armor
Comfy as fuck.
What's it like to go back to this game after not playing it for years? Is there a good logging system to bring me up to speed or am I better off starting a new save?
>The race of the characters hardly affects anything
then why change it to begin with, also yes it does it's immersion breaking and irrelevant literally only hyper cucks care because they're upset if those poor poor blackies aren't shoved into everything and they act like that to appear virutous
the journal is good enough, if you don't remember the story after reading though it then i guess new game it is