Why are there no mermaids or ogres as playable mmo races?

Why are there no mermaids or ogres as playable mmo races?

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I'd sniff that fish

The fuck are you going to do with mermaids? craft an entirely exclusive world for them to live in?

not bipedal
been done

He probably means more like fish people like the one in OP's image or the Zora in Zelda. But, even with mermaids, a lot of works bypass the "no legs" thing by only giving them a tail when they're in the water, and having just scaly or finny legs otherwise.

Because mermaids can't go on land. Also, Ogres have been done.

That defeats the entire point of mermaids? Why would you have mermaids, and not let them be mermaids?
Just make generic lizard or dragon people, since it actually makes sense for them to be on land. And they have done that.

Fish people only make sense in ocean settings. And there just hasn't been any worthwhile fantasy MMOs focused on ocean settings.

>dragon quest 10 will never leave japan

>mermaids aren't allowed on land
Based Xenophobe

I thank you for the image, putting it in my collection. As a token of gratitude ill give you a sage.

It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to look cool. I would say a fish has a different aesthetic than a lizard, too.

It does need to make sense though, because races need lore and setting, the entire world is crafted around those races.

A mermaid world would have to be water related, sure you could have something like Atlantis rising from the deep, but their connection will still have to be water related in someway otherwise it just feels like random nonsense thrown in for no purpose.
Nobody who's job it is to spend months crafting the lore and the world is going to be okay with throwing fish people in "because it looks cool lol".

Who reads the lore or story of an MMO? People just play them to grind and make a nice character.

A lot of people read the lore, especially when it comes down to races.
They might not care a ton, but having consistent lore helps keep the world cohesive and gives you an atmosphere to enjoy.

A good example is WoW, look at the starting places for each race. Its great and shows off the differences of each race individually and how they come together as a group. A lot of the raids and territories are designed around the lore and because of the progression it keeps you interested.

The lore isn't just about reading the story quests, its about the entire design.

You guys should try out DQX!

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Why is mr. Satan pink?

Rare skin disease.

Perhaps for WoW, but for most MMOs, races are simply cosmetic beyond maybe a racial trait or race exclusive class. They'll have a shared main story line and everyone starts in the same place. What's the difference between the pseudo-furry race and the regular people in Dragon's Nest? Don't know, and I read most of the dialog when I was playing it since it was somewhat humorous.
This is true for most MMOs, since most MMOs are korean cash grabs. There's nothing stopping them from making some freaky land shark race except their own limited desire to do so.

>setting describes how merfolk can still live on land
>dnd or warcraft fucktard still screams about lore

I would if it was in english

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i want an big titty oni gf

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Is looking at porn better when you have other horny virgins to look at it with? Is that why you make these threads?

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Apparently this one has merfolk

Granted that overly confident tagline leads me to suspect the game is probably shit
It would be cool to see an entirely ocean based mmo

Post more fish girls

>It doesn't have to make sense, it just has

They could make them like the fish dudes in one piece for example

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Nah, its to make incels and roasties like you seethe

>go to the oni date spring
>no one wants to be with you

because fuck the UwU OwO fags

Make that big titty oni goddess gf.

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