zelda, donuts and beer?
Zelda, donuts and beer?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm gonna get something from dunkin donuts you all want anything?
Sounds comf
No thanks, I'm not morbidly obese
i'd kill for an iced latte right now
Heineken is barely beer.
Are all those donuts for you OP?
Yeah get me a glazed donut but stick your penis in it and fill it with your piss
Medium iced cold brew with cream only. Thanks user
>sugar and beer
Shut up, nigger.
I get mocked in Germany for drinking Heineken
IT IS indeed barely Beer but for people Like me WHO dont Like the taste ITS good
how fat are you piggy?
>inb4 fatfuck
Sounds good to me.
My arm looks like that and I'm 21 stones.
weak wrist genetics
Sentient stone hivemind?
You seem like the type of guy who's dick I'd suck.
Why the fuck are you drinking it if you don't like the taste?
minecraft, timbits and iced cap
Ass, aids and hiv?
>Obon just started here in Japan
>1 week paid vacation
>Forza 4 just cracked
>FFXIV is running a play for free week
I haven't felt this excited about vidya in years
I can eat like this too and I'm a skelly. The thing is I eat irregularly. I'll gorge myself one or two days out of the week, but the rest of the week I undereat because I'm cheap and hate fast food.
Eating 6 Krispy Kream donuts in one sitting doesn't mean you're fat, it just means you're unhealthy.
Also this.
i must feel good i must feel good i must feel good
no bad thought no bad feel no bad words
colorful candies and bing bing
laugh laugh laugh
does your mouse have hole technology?
He's clearly an emuCHAD, though
Aye les boys. I'm going pour un Timmy's run. Vous voulez de quoi?
let us see and let me ask why you have your own dick pic on your computer? i find it weird but what's even weirder is your wrist that looks like an animated skeleton arm. what's your bmi? you're clearly malnourished of some sort
Heineken is ok, isnt it dutch beer? Donuts suck ass though. Never could stand the combinations of super sweer and super greasy.
I've got a picture of my dick because i enjoy posting it online and reading the reaction whether it be good or bad.
BMI is 19.2.
Coffee with 2 cums in it
Un capput avec creme et une coupe de beigne creme boston.
What nationality are you? and better deliver that dick pic before this thread 404s
>BMI is 19.2.
Manlet or just bad arm genetics? Let's all solve this mystery together, bros.
Michael, is that you?
is this what a manchild think actual adults do?
flip, now that i think about it i know someone who browses Yea Forums who knows my PC setup. Let me think about it.
I'm 181cm
This shit is so bizarre. What is wrong with people who think like thus
Real adults play 18 holes of golf then play with your mothers 3 holes in the clubhouse. You little gayboy.
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".
Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.
I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
[x] Btfo
[ ] Not btfo
German beer isn't better than Heineken desu
>I'm 181cm
You've got small arms for someone who's like 63kg. Far from being full skelly mode.
>donuts and beer
What the fuck kind of combination is that?
>he knows people irl that browse Yea Forums
what? how? just post it i doubt he'd care
this plus you eat donuts too
This is what destroying your one and only body looks like.
>donuts and beer
ok i guess
I'm cutting so just meat, chicken and vegetables for me, but thanks anyway bro
wish i had the money to afford that and consoles
>posting nsfw content on a christian board
ya dun goofed
eh I'll take my vacation
we should ban circumcision
>Krispy Kreme
If I was going to indulge in donuts I’d go Publix or a local place. I don’t like the glaze at KK. Their donuts are cloyingly sweet.
>Their donuts are cloyingly sweet.
That's true
>posting actual vidya
>All these people commenting on how skinny OP is
Fuck off, I've been trying to gain weight for years, I make myself eat a lot more than I want to and more often than I feel like I need; I spend most of my time sitting too. I do work out a bit though. And no, I'm healthy. It's just genetics, my whole family is slim.
Also, how do people eat while playing? Aren't you disgusted by how oily and sticky your hands get from all the food?
God that sound so hawt
1.. maybe 2 max if I'm binging and with coffee which leads me into my next point..
Fuck no, what's wrong with you
What a shit thread
>Trying to improve yourself
Lmao I hope you guys don't actually do this baka
How dare
Can all of the fat anons in this thread pls upload a pic of their belly thanks.
if you're old enough to drink beer you're old enough to play grownup games faggot.
>Aren't you disgusted by how oily and sticky your hands get from all the food
I eat my food with a fork you fucking heathen.
I also don't eat trash.
What are some grownup games user?
>grownup games
You are a faggot.
This comment is always funny coming from someone who sits on Yea Forums every day refreshing a content slot machine. When was the last time you read a book
Unless you have hyperthyroidism (consider going to the doctor), I guarantee you aren't eating enough.
Until I was literally 24, I told myself it was just fast metabolism and genetics screwing me over. At this point in my life, I decided to finally try my absolute hardest to gain weight so I didn't feel so bad about my tiny body. I ate 3200 calories and 1.5g protein/lb of body weight a day constantly, tracked every single thing that went into my body. If I wasn't sure what I got out of a meal, e.g. eating at a local diner with no nutrition info, then I just didn't count that meal and ate something in its place to make sure I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was eating at least 3200 calories.
I gained a pound a week (more or less). Did that for six months and ended up roughly 20 pounds heavier. I've seen people put on even more weight in that time frame.
You can put on the weight, you just need to actually try. Nothing short of a legitimate medical condition like hyperthyroidism could possibly prevent you from gaining weight, I guarantee it. Just eat more, and make sure you lift at least 3 times a week so it doesn't all go to your stomach.
One cream filled and one jelly filled please :) Oh! And a hot coffee, black as well
I need to start tracking how much I eat, thanks for the advice. How do I count the calories though?Also, did you just write it down somewhere for all of this or did you use some sort of app?
Do you eat just as much (3200 per day) to not lose the weight? I suppose you had to make yourself eat a lot more than you wanted to, but does it get better along the way?
>Impotent fags can't attack you over your game machine choice
>Latch onto literally anything else because they're so mad
Not sure why you'd want to see that, user. But okay, just this once.
>health nut
Your cooking must taste terrible
>Your cooking must taste terrible
Fatty cope
Cringe sugar.
That's a cute belly.
Youre on Yea Forums and are complaining about someone playing video games?
Go fetch, stick
>Loads body up with sugar
>Organs lined with fat
>Diabetes imminent
>Thinks dunkin doesn't taste like processed plastic assholes
>Insulting somebody else's taste
It tastes like living past 50, you should try it
MyFitnessPal is really useful. It has a built in barcode scanner which makes it way faster to add up ingredients in homecooked meals. Takes a lot of the tedium/timesink out of tracking calories, which used to be my big problem in college.
To maintain your goal weight once you get it, most people just need to eat at their TDEE aka their maintenance caloric intake, which is generally around 2200 or 2400 or something (depends on your activity level, age, weight, height, etc.). I eat a small caloric surplus (about 400, so 2600 total) to maintain because my metabolism is also stupid high and I go for runs 3 times a week.
It fluctuates though. If I seem to be gaining weight, I drop my caloric intake. If I seem to be losing weight, I up it. Maintaining mass that you like is best done by just carefully monitoring your weekly weight averages (aka weighing yourself every day right after waking up, then taking the avg of your daily weights) so you know whether or not you're currently maintaining your mass or slowly losing it (or getting fatter than you desire). It's a pain in the ass, ngl, and sometimes I lose a few pounds by accident when I get lazy about it.
My appetite didn't improve for a couple months, so there were some nights where I'd finish dinner and realize I still had to shove more shit into my mouth which sucked. But it started growing gradually past that point. Fat people adjust their stomachs to need less food, and we adjust our stomachs to want more of it. If you find it hard to force yourself to eat early on, you can always just make shakes with protein powder, oats, peanut butter, bananas, etc. There are a lot of "recipes" out there for shakes that'll literally deliver 1000 calories, which you can just throw back in the morning without feeling like you're overeating. You could also try mass gainers or something like GOMAD (drinking a gallon of milk per day) but that shit is not sustainable at all and builds bad habits.
this desu i loved sugary foods got beetus at 24 like a retard not even that fat 250 pounds at 6'2"
If you know how to manage yourself properly, there's nothing wrong with having the occasional doughnut or two and working off the excess calories later. His post implies he completely cuts sugary treats from his life which tells me he also cooks his food in a health beneficial way and those types of foods tend to taste pretty bad when compared to foods cooked with certain ingredients that makes them taste better, like salt. I can understand wanting to live for a long time but there's no sense in torturing yourself in the process.
Thank you a lot user!
And the last question, does it matter how often I eat or is it all about consuming that amount of calories per day?
something covered in chocolate with a filling
maybe creme cheese
Nice 2000 calorie meal with no nutritional value
You're welcome.
Now post your tummy.
I'll take a coffee, black, and a bagel.
thanks m8
That shit is water with a bit of beer flavor
The OPs meal is an entire days worth of calories with no nutrients which is a recipe for depression.
>PS4 controller
Yeah that's a yikes from me
He wasn't quoting the OP though
>someone posts a picture with an xbox controller
yikes xbox controller
>someone posts a picture with a DS4
yikes a DS4
why do you do this?
Anything is good with beer.
Beer is god
why do you have a 10 inch tv?
that's 24 actually, built for 1080p. I'll be upgrading soon to a 1080p 144hz monitor.
Nah, it doesn't really matter when you get your calories as long as you get em. Do whatever works for you; I personally like three big meals with two or three snacks inbetween, but some people with more free time are more fond of eating four meals 2-3 hours apart. That just comes down to personal preference, really, see what works best for your stomach, budget, and schedule.
And no prob, good luck tackling this shit. Weight gain is conceptually really simple, but it's not exactly easy at all when you have skellymode genetics (metabolism and height) to fight against.
Change the donuts for wings and zelda for doom, that will give a much needed testosterone boost.
>he eats for pleasure instead of utility
jeez, I agree after seeing that fucking monster mushroom on my display. Fuck
For me it's Double McRoyal
Actually they're just called "Dunkin'" now
Came to say this:
Sipping whiskey and chewing on some high quality beef jerky is the way to go. Tasty and more atmospheric / game relevant than donuts. Link is never gonna eat donuts on his journey, he will eat meat.
yikes. I can't take an adult man who eats for "taste" past the age of 20 seriously
and you just know the trash stuff they're always calling delicious in here is fried food drenched in oil, sauces, creams of all different kinds and the strongest most exaggerated sweets in the world because they're fucking ameridumbs who've been feeding on that for so long they can't taste normal non-heavy stuff anymore
the age to be soaking on M&M's, burgers and soda is past behind you
adult men still going to "dunk and donuts" and "taco bells" and "five guys" and whatever to get their "tasty tasties" alongside some equally poisonous beverage to spend their weekend "comfy" playing "vydia" all relaxed with their fat legs on the table all laid out in their chair as if they were still 16 year olds coming back from school and indulging in imprudent hedonism kicking all responsibilities away
yikes yikes yikes, sad to just think about it
can of sausage
What's wrong with that? I play vidya to forget about being an adult for even just a little while, I'm sure a lot of people here on this Yea Forumsideo gaming board feel the same way, be it playing vidya or just shitposting here, everyone feels the same way, they just wanted to take a break from all the bullshit dude
I hear you man. I also hate fun.
>eating near the PC
>touching KB+M or anything else with your greasy hands
I'm 6'2" and 150 pounds
You're fat as fuck.
fuck you
My ideal weight is supposed to be aound 200 pounds so I'm just 50 pounds overweight.
>tfw been sober for six days now
>Don't want to break my streak but I'm so bored without alcohol
>I can't experience happiness unless I'm destroying myself from within overdosing in pleasure
the very premise of hedonism (and nihilism). I find it funny how you just say it nonchalantly thinking that you are so right and i'm so wrong and probably just seek for "suffering" in life
>Used to eat like OP
>Now I have to take all this at 24 (for the rest of my life)
Stop abusing sugary food anons.
don't worry I'm actually an intrepid lumberjack with a stout and loving family just RPing as a retarded loser on Yea Forums for yuks
>zelda, donuts and beer?
one thing is to engage in a fun activity you like a lot. picking a game and playing it. another is to try and maximize pleasure as far away on the bar as you humanly can. smoking le weed until you can't even feel the thing anymore, dining on an entire feast of unhealthy products hand picked solely because of taste, turning your "vydia" and saying "fuck the world it's time to care about me", being arrogant to others if playing an online game cause why not, this is "my moment" and you all can "suck it" right, then yawning after playing it all day long and thinking about what drug to do next while mixing with alcohol when the night comes cause it's all about feeling pleasure man, not a second can be wasted in this friday-to-saturday. some porn after holy shit cumming feels so good we must be on this earth solely to touch our dicks and orgasm then back to some "laid out vydia" and what junk should I order next? it's all about comfy man, i'm sure there won't be consequences to what I'm doing to myself it's only once a weekend after all. when you least expect you're on /r9k/ trying to increase your hentai folder calling anyone who still sees hope for changing and improving a "resetera redditor normalfag" that should shut the fuck up about lolis and drugs that are now considered mainstream
>beer and donuts
Seems like a bad mix but I've never tried them together.
Nice I hope one of those is cyanide
I see pantoprazole (PPI)
this is actually the most based post i've ever read on this board
it's not even degen anons who are guilty of it, normalfags do this shit too. constantly on their phones, constantly treating their bodies like shit, constantly absorbing media. it's no wonder people in their 20s are miserable when they choose to escape from the harsh realities of adulthood rather than cope with them by just improving their lives.
drink water, eat well, go outside, limit exposure to electronics, pick up a productive hobby, stop fapping 3 times a day. dopamine generators like vidya or funny videos or jerking off or enjoying junk food are 100x more pleasurable when you don't indulge in them regularly. take care of yourselves bros.
thanks but they're just going to call us samefag. anything to cope with your life choices FAST and justify it quickly before you start doubting and making sense of a hard truth in your head
what? it's just vidya dude
>He says while browsing 4channel
Opinion discarded
What happened to you?
basted reply have a (you)
you can't fool me that's a dish on the Olive Garden Italian Classics menu
I miss pre-election Yea Forums when people like you didn't come here and think you actually belong. This is some bizarre fucking complex you have going on here. You're taking the idea of someone relaxing and having fun on the weekend and turning it into a whole over the top strawman caricature of a grotesque evil slob who also happens to be rude to you in online games (lol), but oh wait, even playing games in and of itself is hedonistic and wrong (also lol).
I don't know what kind of puritanical freakshow of a family you come from, but I sincerely feel sorry for you if you get this offended by someone treating themselves to fast food for dinner on a friday or, lord have mercy on their souls, actually playing VIDEO GAMES in their free time. On a VIDEO GAME board no less.
Get the fuck out of here you little bitch ass faggot.
hedonism vs moderate indulgence
>Beer from a can
Kill yourself
I wouldn't have doughnuts with beer, but coffee or tea would be good.
t. fatass
i've played vidya for my entire life and it's always been one of the core assets of my personality, skills, and knowledge so don't tell me i don't """belong""" on a board i've browsed since 2009 just because i learned how to be a functional adult while still hanging onto my vidya autism
if you can't practice moderation and you glamorize the concept of vegging out playing vidya, eating junk, and jerking off _every single weekend_, then you are not a functional adult, period
>everything needs to taste sweet, fatty, or salty
nothing more sad than thinking this was always your little club for failed faggots who never tried and that some people came later and "ruined" this perfect online uthopia you had in your head
This is an extremely R*ddit thread
I see you didn't address the fact you're concocting this weird fantasy in your mind where everyone who plays video games in their free time or treats themselves to a cheat meal after a long working week is some sort of hedonistic ogre. That's not actually reality. That's just people enjoying their free time. Which is completely normal. Unlike the way you enjoy your free time which is, apparently, by asserting your moral superiority over other posters on a fucking video game board because one of them bought a box of donuts and dared to post about it.
Pal, there is no way that anyone like you is living anything remotely close to a normal and happy life. There's no way you even have friends. Who the fuck would want to spend their time with someone like you?
It's not about failure or success. Yea Forums has always been diametrically opposed to stick in the mud, wet blanket faggots who take themselves and the internet far too seriously. Only since the /pol/ cancer has metastasised have you stuck up little zoomer cunts larping as christfag conservatives started to believe you belong here. You don't.
Go whine about the evils of hedonism and degeracy on the_donald all night long if you really want to. You're sure as fuck not going to be doing anything else this weekend.
just fast for a month
my guess is he got the diabeetus.
>which led to high blood pressure (180/110 for some reason)
no but I'm trying, cause giving in to a state of stagnation is more suffocating than feeling frustrated 4 out of 5 times
>I see you didn't address the fact you're concocting this weird fantasy in your mind where everyone who plays video games in their free time or treats themselves to a cheat meal after a long working week is some sort of hedonistic ogre.
if you did literally anything other than play vidya and browse the internet you might have decent enough reading comprehension that you'd notice the original poster was not implying that merely participating in the vidya is inherently bad, but letting hedonistic attitudes overwhelm every single weekend in your life (the only time your wage/salary-centric life gets to chill the fuck out and ACCOMPLISH something meaningful) is absolutely bad
>There's no way you even have friends. Who the fuck would want to spend their time with someone like you?
not even him but this is some serious cope. yeah, there's no way that a functional adult who actually cares about his health and lifestyle could ever have friends right? it's n-not like everyone else your age is capable of moderation and responsible decision making, r-right? e-everyone would definitely bully the meanie user who's telling you to get your act together and act like a grown man, s-surely...
Where's the beer?
>if you did literally anything other than play vidya and browse the internet
I do. You're inventing the idea that I (or anyone else who doesn't have a stick perpetually buried in their rectum) don't do anything else.
>there's no way that a functional adult who actually cares about his health and lifestyle could ever have friends right?
There's no way someone with an attitude like yours ever would have friends, no. You're trying to make this about moderation. But you're not being moderate. You're not allowing people the time to unwind and relax. Normal, healthy people don't have that kind of attitude towards fun. They actually enjoy themselves.
Now I have to wonder, what exactly are you accomplishing by jacking yourself over over how great you are for never actually having fun during your free time on fucking Yea Forums of all places?
Lol, you people are cringe as fuck. You desperately have to go back.
>all you do is play vidya and sit on your computer
>You're inventing the idea ... that [anyone else] don't do anything else
think very seriously about what website you're on. how can you possibly think this is a mere invention? are you sure you aren't the election tourist?
> But you're not being moderate. You're not allowing people the time to unwind and relax.
citation absolutely needed
inb4 you quote a post written by the other dude who i'm just agreeing with, and then probably take it out of context in a desperate attempt to prove a point
>You desperately have to go back.
language like this tells me you are exactly the type of person i am describing
are all american born as obese
If you want it to taste better, yeah
Let me rephrase that, it should have a hint of all those things but I'm not necessarily telling you to go overboard with it
fuck off kid
>n-no ur the election tourist!!
Sure thing buddy. That's why I'm the one here whining about the evils of degeneracy and hedonism for practically no reason other than OP wanting to drink some beer and play some video games on a friday night. Yep, I'm totally the outsider here.
But hey, you keep on being morally superior to everyone else. I'm sure you'll get a lot accomplished sitting here all night hitting f5 over and over again, waiting for your next chance to start prosletysing in the most obnoxious possible fashion. I'm going to smoke some weed, play some vidya, then go out, pick up some beer and drink with my friends. Enjoy you're night ;^)
I didn't know you have you take that many pills for that, I thought it was mostly about getting injections
>hurr durrr Yea Forums culture is being a fat, disgusting, sweaty blob who doesn't take care of his body nor responsibility for his awful life xD
newfag confirmed, get the fuck out degenerate. go post on r9k if you want a board that's specifically about being a complete loser. this is Yea Forums, the bidya board, and bidya aren't exclusive to being an overindulgent manchild
an iced coffee drink would make me happy
>1 pill for beetus
>1 pill to counter the beetus pill's side effects
>2 blood pressure pills
>1 cholesterol pill
>1 pill acts as a replacement for when I dont want to take the beetus pill (get shit sleep on it so skip it sometimes)
Btw wouldn't have any of these issues if I just didn't eat so much sugary shit so its all my fault.
sorry user :(
Okay let me try that one more time. Unless you're on a strict diet, intermediate quality cooked foods should have a decent use of seasonings, spices, oils and/or sweetners. If you don't use them, your cooking will likely taste very bland or gross to most people who try it, though you might not have to worry about that if you and their taste buds are pretty shit to begin with
>so much sugary shit
how much are we talking about here? 10 soda cans a day?
wagie here, how does it feel play vydia and eat awesome stuff at early saturday?
>this is the vidya board!
>now let me lecture you about how playing video games is degenerate
>but only when you do it of course
>it's okay when I do it because I'm able to moderate myself
>which is why I spent every waking moment on Yea Forums bickering with other posters over trivial shit
Wow, you're right. You have it all figured out user :^)
>>now let me lecture you about how playing video games is degenerate
quote me where i did this
go ahead, i know you have all day to do it
A cup of iced milk and 3 cream filled doughnuts
Hell's yeaaa
how many bottles of beer do i need to drink to get drunk
you really gonna eat six doughnuts all by yourself?
What's the difference between pic related and you? Other nintοddlers encouraging your choices. Die.
Like 2-3 over a lot of years starting at 13.
If you have to ask that, it's probably only gonna take a few.
a couple thousand cal
stop being annoying and just tell me
Enjoy that disgusting un-chewable rubber bit thats always in them.
Nothing against BOTW, but you're a faggot redditor if you think a good post here is taking a picture of your monitor with a game and posing food next to it. Go back to that pozzed cesspool you pathetic tool.
Do those kind of guys even drink beer?
its certainly better than template threads with stale meme pictures
They drink expensive craft beer. They'll usually spend all night nursing the same drink and never actually get drunk.
Depends on age, sex and how many you drink in a short period of time. If you're a younger man, you'll probably have to consume about 5 to 7 in less than an hour or two to even be considered remotely drunk, if you're a younger woman, it takes about 3 to 5. If you're like 50+, you'll likely get drunk faster from consuming less.
Back to the scouring hole from whence you came
ok, thanks, next time I'll make sure to use zelda's ass as OP, I don't wanna be left out in being an epic 4channer right Yea Forumsros? :)
based whiskey and jerky bro. I got some wagyu beef jerky from new braunfels smokehouse that I'm munching on and later I'll start sipping some clyde mays I got just cause of this post.
Exquisite taste fren do you like dry aged steak as well?
are you dumb?
Wow... just wow oh sweet summer child, who hurt you? It's almost as if toxic friendo's bigotry is problematic, are you losing all faith in humanity? Oh boy you're literally shaking rn. You do realize that maybe, just maybe YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE?
Sides in orbit fren
>has a small amount of free time due to spending it all being productive
>spends it on Yea Forums telling people to grow up instead of actually playing a videogame
I don't believe you.
I’m bored nigga you wanna race tonight? I’ll see you by Kendall
If you weren't so fucking retarded then you wouldn't even say this. You can season your food and make it taste good idiot.
see and
Have you taken your meds?
I usually hate taking my anti psychotic meds early in the evening because they make me really drowsy then I can't concentrate playing MP games and start saying and doing whacky shit before passing out and then wake up the next day hoping I didn't get banned again but it's okay and somehow made new friends that are real on the internet but I can no longer eat shit food and beer all night like OP because the drugs make me fat but it's okay because I no longer have insomnia.