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Other urls found in this thread:


Remember what i told you yesterday?

no fucking shit retard

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don't forget to thank your Air Driver for flattening the city

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Lets talk about it tomorrow.

Attached: Wahhh.webm (888x500, 2.87M)


Why does saying "ack" make the characters say whoa voiced?
>met a player named crash spamming that shit


Attached: 1562611922865.jpg (1135x748, 599K)

>air diver

Attached: 1564654391804.png (1858x1378, 2.96M)

>be advanced alien race that can travel the cosmos
>lose your entire armada to a band of 20 humans worth of small arms fire

hostin buyfag server
I am new so doing hardmode.
Room: Bugs did 9/11
PW: Rage

The 10 other motherships and every single ayy fucked off after pepsiman died. They'll probably return in EDF 6 or something.

The ending made it seem more like they were enslaved by kamisama, so they wouldn't really have a reason to return like that.

>tfw you will never play EDF with Yea Forums
feels bad man. Do I make bad room names or something?

>We did it!
fucking jej


For your information, it is "Bugs Did 9/11".
capitalization is important user.

weapons limit?

Attached: 1565374237833.png (572x659, 479K)

Why is cheap bullshit like hitscan aimbot lasers that stunlock you allowed in this game?

well Ranger got his little stunlock laser in the dlc mission pack2

>edf6 happens
>frogs and ayys are now allies
>you unite with them to push back the new invaders

Attached: feels.png (659x609, 66K)

Literally how the fuck are you supposed to survive the last ring of the mothership on Hardest?

Yea Forumsdf
mission 16 (the one where the terrorists are in the city)
Nice! spam STRONGLY encouraged

Attached: edfjustright.jpg (547x605, 118K)

bring more armor


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Still up?

Attached: c30.webm (650x364, 2.99M)

Get burned by the fires of hell and DIE!

Yea Forumsdf
starting with mission 1

You know from what we learn about the primers, it sounded like they were extreme environmentalists.

Some of the voice lines don't match the text. WD's "Bummer." says "I'm sorry," but her "Phooey" says "What a bummer."

Damn, don't have hardest unlocked

>I am this so called god
She's fucking nuts, I love it

>impossible, the aliens wiped out this entire city!
uh yeah... the aliens

Attached: 1544936475562.png (599x658, 270K)

>one guy is afk
>decide to try something
>web m related happens
E D F!

Attached: become one with the airstrike.webm (500x280, 2.92M)

you can still join


>something stupid happens
>spam EDF!
I love how this doesn't even require a community culture to happen, even people entering in a vacuum do it.

>even people entering in a vacuum do it.
Only people on Yea Forums or if you get really lucky with pubs in my experience.

Worst and most annoying enemy in your opinion?

t. air raider

Most of them probably have no idea how to even do voice lines

Hosting lobbies is kind of a crapshoot, sometimes you get full up in minutes, other times nobody ever joins

Red drones
>too much hp
>too fast

Tadpoles. Who the fuck makes enemies who launch projectiles with zero attack animation?


Won't let me join for some reason, even though it says I can join an online session

Is anyone else having problems with the second to last mission with the mothership fight? I mean where are all of those flying frogs coming from? I am redoing the entire game to build up my armor.


If the fire was a bit slower i wouldn't mind them, or if they didnt do splash damage. Other than that it's pretty clear when they're going to spit fire at you.

>ranger puts C70 on a WD
>WD says that she'll say EDF when the ranger should trigger the C70
>the other 2 players immediately start spamming EDF
fucking love this game

just try again Sarge will get us to a save place

Worst is when they pick you up like the ants do. Also I think the mothership in the second to last mission keeps spawning them.

I don’t even think the dragon enemies they replaced were this difficult to deal with.

Solo or online? I think that's the toughest mission in the game on solo

No joy :(

Solo, and I am playing as an air raider so it is probably harder.

Shouldn't it be spritefall mode B or whatever the fast zap is, instead?

Fuck it, play it on easy. That level is straight up not interesting when played like that, and especially not with that class.

Just about everyone on PS4 does it.

The fucking Tadpoles are what is making it difficult for me, is the mothership spawning them or something because it feels like there is no end to them.

The mothership spawns them, but I think they stop spawning after a while. The type 1 and 2 drones don't stop though.

>C70 doesn't even work on teleportation ships

Attached: get to the choppa.webm (600x336, 2.97M)

>le wacky ant game xD
>buying the same shit over and over again
I guess weebs really are braindead.

How hard will the final boss be seeing how I will be fighting him the next mission.

Even random pubs do it especially after taking down a big target or clearing a stage without anyone getting downed.

Make use of the NPC allies. Go with a limpet sniper, defense post, and maybe a turret of some kind? Use either a Nix or a railgun for your vehicle.

Do you hate fun? It certainly seems that way.

Ranger took them. Does the blacker with AP rounds work instead?


The core needs to be open. I think the only thing that can damage it closed is the Ranger's flame throwers.

>c70 on a WD can't kill a dropship
What a shame.

Attached: 2019-08-09 21-06-16.webm (696x392, 2.92M)

>fencer quick recovery
Is this mentioned in the manual or loading screen tips? It seems really useful to know about.

Ah. I forgot. Tanks arc too much. I guess stick with a Nix unless you want to be dumb and take a Barga.

Inshallah brother, it's the thought that counts.

You can't attack dropships from the top. The golden armor won't let you.

Ah so I will be at least be able to play on normal, though from what I have seen he spawns the heavily armored aliens.

It’s funny how the strongest blacker I have right now is strong then the titan I have right now.

I can't remember. It's a hold over from 4.1, so vets already know about it.

You can see the WD inside the open hatch though

Looks to me like she's on top of the ship. Notice how she never falls back down.

He spawns a bunch of ayys once every phase. That's your sources of healing items unless you have a ranger with a reverse shooter or AR's healing stuff.

You can literally see her falling down though, the closing hatch even knocks her away

He only spawns heavies on the last phase.

I'm clearly retarded or something but I cannot figure out how to consistently quick recover? Do you have to time it exactly when you hit the ground?

Attached: edf5 meme2.jpg (1363x1524, 835K)

She does fall down, but she gets caught by the doors closing. There's a little spot inside the hatch where you can sit. You can see the little black dot that is her before it detonates.

Okay. I can see it if I full screen. IDK then.

Attached: whatever.jpg (554x439, 63K)

still in search of our save place

That's a shame, in 4.1 you could use C70's and a power assist gun to instantly nuke the quadruped fortress and finish the mission in like 20 seconds.

how's the PC version? Will probably buy a copy for myself and a poorfag friend at some point when I have more time.

Attached: EDF EDF EDF.jpg (640x955, 114K)

I read about this is a scifi novel. In the story, a bunch of rats got into a spaceship, and they ended up eating all the food.

60 FPS cap and no widescreen if that's a big deal for you. If not, it's a fine port.

There is a brief delay before you can do it. If you try the moment you hit the dirt it doesn't work. Furthermore you only get one shot, so if you're spamming keys or you mistime it, it consumes the chance to perform the quick recover.

>no widescreen
You mean superwide? 16:9 works just fine.

Engine isn't perfectly optimized, but it's good enough if you have a mid-range build. You'll drop to like 40-50 on maybe 1 in 15 missions.

>a copy for myself and a poorfag friend
Check out Mr. Big Bucks here. I don't think you'll regret the investment, it's pretty fun.

Yeah, I meant superwide.

EDF is supposed to chug when things get heavy.

You can save the titan?

I never actually tried that out and I really should. I was talking about the mission where you shoot one down yourself for the first time.

When carrying my sorry ass through DLC2 Mission 11, someone suggested I use Buster Shot against big targets.
I'm a believer now, anything which can literally stunlock an Arcelus is godly. Like holy shit, I literally blew it out of the rolling attack.

I never seen a titan a actually die to be honest, well unless it’s the ones I call in.

My game won't remember my save file from last night even though its the only one in my save directory. Anyone ever dealt with this before?

iirc you can edit in superwide

Just be glad they're kept to a minimum in 5. 4.1 had flying vehicles with hitscan lasers in nearly every mission after they were revealed, AND they always were deployed in huge swarms, AND the DLC missions had RED ones.

Boy I sure love being sniped through a wall and then get reeled in only to get stuck on a debris with no escape and out of sight of the fucking spider itself.
Thank fuck they almost never appear

I miss 4.1's humor

Getting caught makes you immune to knockdown though.

Buster shot is amazing against mother monsters and the like as it's likely that all 100 pellets will hit.

no need for me to worry about knockdown since I'm a fencerchad and I can just hyperarmor through it with a hammer

I notice that the titan is the one vehicle that didn’t have any changes to its model or textures.

>misses the shot

Attached: 1561317217086s.jpg (249x249, 9K)

Keep the NPCs alive as best you can, and focus on destroying ALL the nonessential cannons, especially in the final phase.

>missed a shot by an extreme amount
>claim that the robot is immune so people don’t judge you on your poor aim.

Even my save backups aren't working. I guess its time to restart? ;-;

Oh yeah, that too I guess. I'll keep that in mind.
Like damn, the DLC really gives the Ranger some good guns.
Like I know everyone sperges out over the Blazer, but the Slade is great too. Penetrates and fast reload, good for general purpose use.

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Still haven't passed mission 39 if anybody remembers my posts from a few weeks ago. I finally almost beat it today but the host quit mid mission

host and i'll help
What difficulty?

I prefer the Slade. The Blazer's reload is way too long for me. Besides, only Sarge can wield the Blazer.

Almost there bros.

Attached: 023740-23784.jpg (1920x1080, 960K)

>Dash cancelling with the fencer

Gameplay in the new one is better in some ways but I still feel like 4.1 is overall the better game.

Why the Arm Hounds dropping Hardest and Inferno are so great?

They fire fast so you spend less time being a sitting duck.

Alternatively, high level grape / blacker gameplay.

No lock time
No reload time
More than 10 targets but not 10km lock range
Fast firing
Fine damage and blast
But most importantly they have DASH and they can fire while dashing
Only downside is they need some space on the side when firing and they get easily caught in obstacles

Yea Forumsdf
lvl 91


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>rapid hound

Attached: 1542811113629.jpg (720x720, 52K)

The dub had better quality imo but they decided to do it inhouse this time (as far as I know).
4.1 dub was made by fans of the series and it shows.


FUCK tadpoles beyond Hard mode
and FUCK heavy artillery frogs destroying all my cover buildings.

what a trooper

They're the same folks who have been doing the dub va since 2 unless the dub on the Vita version is new
They've been with the series for a while

I still have to finish hardest
I plan to farm DLCs before jumping Inferno fencer playthrough
But i want them

Attached: 1564048111479.jpg (773x1024, 55K)

I miss the Whale gunship. The new gunship VA isn't as good.

4.1 was done by XSeed unless I'm wrong.

>get stuck under an erginus corpse in a mech that has near full health
>the last archelus and last erginus double team me and kill from full mech health (nix EZ) and oneshot me to death before i could even call another
fucking dinosaurs, literally the only enemy you can't push around.

>join a Yea Forums lobby as a WD main
>get ERP requests after the session
haha what the fuck


Vita remake is new, 2 didn't have an english dub.

Attached: ar.jpg (667x441, 348K)

lobby where

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You're good!

Thanks for games

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pirate lobby where

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What loadouts do Fencer's use for higher difficulties on levels with tons of air units. So far my strategy has been to die like a bitch. Nothing seems to work.

Attached: air-raider-panics.webm (854x480, 2.77M)

Attached: bEEEEM.jpg (1280x1707, 347K)

jackhammer+dexter has just enough range for aerial units. otherwise high altitude and dispersal

high altitude always gets me freakin killed

do a neutral boost jump before firing em

Double Heavy Mortars
Dexter Shotgun
Best blasthole I have
Add Booster/Dashes
Has been my loadout for a while now, pretty solid all around kit. I can hit air units reliably with the mortars

no user thank you for being there

Git gud at NC snipe
Uae Arm Hounds or HAIL too in the other hand
Galleon are fine too

>Whoever kills the most buys dinner, understood?
>Can't meet those expectations.

>i'll get the best things on the menu

If your FPS is above 30 you're playing wrong

>I had a dream last night where i got promoted
>What a nightmare

I both love and hate tadpole missions, they're only fun when you have a functional team

Attached: paranormal activity.webm (750x420, 2.96M)

>try to use a war barga instead
>can't survive long enough to kill 2 erginus and actually summon+get in the fucking thing because all 3 erginus target me, and more spawn before 2 die

Attached: sprifall mode b.webm (650x364, 2.96M)

I'm not good at fencer, but I've been liking twin spear for fliers. It's not the fastest way to kill things, but if you're constantly moving you take less damage.

Has EDF changed how you see real life bugs?

Attached: RSxR4bn.webm (500x280, 2.87M)


>that one video where some retards stands in the middle of giant hornets and the end up biting through the suit and kill him

I was expecting that to happen here actually.

Copters are actually fucking good.
It's pretty easy to control once you get that they're basically hovering fencer armed with heavy weapons.


I didn't knew you could use the shooting mode like this.

Why do NPCs sometimes get lines that players don't have access too for some reason.
For example the WD "I've been shot"
I've heard NPC wing divers say it but for some dumb reason it's not voiced for players.

I think their mandible might not be large enough

Attached: not the birds.png (724x290, 142K)

Yeah, I've been liking Fire Nereid, it's like they suddenly activated the "playable controls" toggle

is there an easy way to farm the dlc 1 gear

2 has an english dub on the vita.

They're the best for drone missions since drones give more points than most other enemies

Yes that's what I said.

Oh ok. Not even for the euro version? Did they just remove the voice?

Yeah, that kind of suck but dogfighting ants queens and godzilla is fun

>pillbugs attempt to roll into a skyscraper
>launch into the sky at mach fucking 10, almost disappearing beyond the render distance and slamming into everyone like some kind of discount ballistic missiles

Attached: 1451980502842.jpg (340x372, 69K)

>Did they just remove the voice?
Yep. It was pretty awkward beating a mission and waiting nearly a minute in silence before "MISSION CLEAR" showed up.

Spindriver. 200 meter range is farther than you think

Weird choice.

I was impressed by how much EDF 1 and 2 already had though. I don't know what 3 improved, but EDF have been weirdly consistant with improvements so far.

these games look cool
how do i into edf?

Why didn't he just call in an air raid?

EDF5 is a good jumping in point
play online/hard
Learn how to play something other than ranger by the time you hit mission 30, because he's kind of underpowered

will i not miss anything story-wise if i start from there?

Play EDF 5 for the best game in the serie.
4 is somewhat equivalent.
Play EDF 1 out of curiosity, it's easy to emulate.
2 is legit good.
Haven't played 3 yet.
Insect armageddon and iron rain are the weird, crappy spinoff

Nope, 5 is a complete canon reset. It's really simple, you're a civilian and aliens are attacking.

It's a reboot. The story only become good from 3 onward anyway
EDF 1: Aliens invade
EDF 2: Aliens are back with a bigger army
EDF 3: Aliens invade
EDF 4: Aliens are back with a bigger army
EDF 5: Aliens invade

locate live bug
shoot bug

maybe i'll get 5 in december then
i'm not really that much into online though, i only play team fortress 2 so i hope playing alone would still be fine

Why does stuff online with one player have 4 player stats

make friends user
just be yourself

It's easy user, play 400 hours to unlock the ability to remove weapon level limit, then clear inferno and then and only then invite your friend to play on hard with high-damage weapons to counter-act their high hp pool!

It's still fun playing solo. But the coop is great too.

>make friends user
what if i have one but he doesn't want to play anything other than meme tier games like gta v and farming sim 2019
too bad i probably won't experience it

>play with 2 players online
>enemies have 2x health
It's balanced user

>too bad i probably won't experience it

i wrote why in the same post
i'd rather just play alone than not at all, i hope it'll go pretty cheap when the winter sale comes around

>Wing Diver decides it's a good idea to shoot a plasma cannon directly at my face
thank you wd you are my greatest ally

Playing with random is fine too, do you expect everyone in the EDF to know each other?

if it's the earth defense force i'd expect everyone to share some sort of bond with each other as human beings, will i feel that with randos?


What do I do to survive tadpole missions as a Ranger on hardest/inferno. Shotguns? Snipers? The missiles I have don't do enough damage to really bring.

Everyone is in it for the pride of the edf


What a buff that would be.

fuck yeah

There's a really annoying bug where the game sometimes decides that you must have let your mouse button go for a single frame for some stupid reason.
The same applies to Ranger sprint and missile lock-ons.


wide acid gun

Attached: gqqO4yJ.jpg (564x707, 193K)

>search for a specific mission
>2 lobbies, both well in progress
>no other lobby near prior missions
Why does this keep happening?


Attached: bug attack.webm (1000x562, 2.98M)

Make your own and wait, that usually works.
Or try joining an in-progress one if it isn't too far along, the host might retreat to let you play if he isn't a jackass.



Attached: 1556071464608.gif (357x238, 2.2M)

When your allies inevitably die you just run from building to building reloading your napalm

Attached: volcanic napalm.webm (650x364, 2.93M)

I can't agree.


Where the fuck is red godzilla?

dear god
>flying greens
>flying HECTORS

You forgot the worst one
>flying SPIDERS

>I mean where are all of those flying frogs coming from?
The white segments in the mother ship ring thingy spawn them. Try to destroy them asap.

Attached: c70 revive.webm (696x392, 2.9M)

At least they didn't lose to two scientists, a retired colonel, and a traitor.

Attached: Apophis2.jpg (400x225, 39K)

For all we know it might have just been one guy controlling an armada of RC invasion forces while hiding in his ship.
As soon as he died the attacks stopped.

For all we know that one guy might have been a kid stomping an anthill for fun, realizing too late that those ants have deadly poison. And in edf6 his parents come back to napalm the whole area.

>nameless one was just a protoss player who lost because he couldn't micro


Attached: Shin_godzilla_pbr_render_by_mechanicorga-davywf9.png (911x876, 703K)

>that video of a guy dancing next to a nest of giant hornets until they chewed their way through his bees suit and killed him
It happens.

>Why would 2 giant monsters be in the same place at the same time??
Best Godzilla review I've seen.

I haven't played in a while, are the DLCs worth getting for 5? How much are they on PS4?

Only the mission packs.

What else is there? I'm not gonna buy the singular blow-up doll gun or Hatsune Miku tanks, I'm only interested in bigger fish. Mission packs have new weapons, right?

Yes, but only on Inferno.

>first shieldbearer mission
>intel said only people on the outside get hit
>inside shield
>cant shoot at Ayyylmao on other side
>he still shoots me from the outside
Lying cunt

Well shit. Are the missions impossible like they were in 4.1?

Yeah they're pretty bullshit hard.


I'm going to sleep.


Attached: 1562928672332.png (388x511, 188K)

In EDF5 PC, can you play local multiplayer across two monitors like you can for 4.1?

where the lobbies @ edf bros

Araneas, they just trigger me because I always have to stop what I'm doing to get rid of them ASAP, and it doesn't help they have boatloads of HP.

>WD "EDF" has 3 variants and they're all different actresses

Pretty hard but it only starts to get really hard in the last 30% or so of the campaign, with a few really difficult levels sprinkled throughout.

im gonna hop on edf now

That mission 111 was somethin special.

I'll be back to play hardest in ~2 hours

Attached: 1396337036590.gif (198x129, 247K)

can i play online missions solo and still have it count for completion %?

Yes, but you'll have to deal with 4player stats.


What? How many new missions are in the packs?

EDF isn't literally 20 guys, my dude.

Storm team is.


Yep, was pretty gud.

what does "roof cheesing" with the WD entail? someone suggested it to me yesterday but im not sure how to do it

Storm is the only relevant squad. Others are cannonfodder with bad tank-aim and in worst case suicide assistants.

oh yea I know the motto, goes something like impregnating our own mothers right?

You spend most of your time trying to climb up on some tower and then an NPC rockets it, you fall down and die.

Stop turning me on

>literally has 0 momentum
>"the game says that its hitbox is still there so here's your free 200 damage have a nice day"

Against what enemy? Using low buildings and roofs is a good tactic against ayys but I wouldn't really call it cheese

anyone got a wallpaper of the ps4 deluxe edition theme?

Is there any way to transfer it on a usb key or something?

It's my turn to rescue Storm 4.

against ayys yea, specifically mission 2 of the second dlc pack.
i've figured out a pretty safe/slow way to do it but i'm not sure if its the proper way

Honestly it's easier to fly high against lasers, that mission has virtually no buildings, and if you're high up it's easier to dodge. The trick is to fly up and then attack when they stop shooting, since they have about a 4-5 second window where they can't fire.

Attached: laser safe range.webm (696x392, 2.91M)

join for fun

>trying to beat mission 40 on online mode solo
>as an air raider

I'm gettin so fuckin mad at this shit holy fuck. Somebody please give me the secrets of beating this horse shit.

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Virgin Wing Diver vs Chad Sky Dancer

Attached: lazers.webm (1000x562, 2.75M)

hold the fuck up, you could do local multiplayer across 2 monitors in 4.1?

Don't play online solo.

Those are mere wasps. Hornets I have had the displeasure of tangling with and they're about the size of your little finger and have stingers over half a centimeter long.

Attached: WD tutorial.jpg (501x155, 25K)


I'm trying to get them all finished up though and I heard offline mode doesn't count for the little medals.

They don't but if you play online solo, it's as if you're playing with 3 other people and the enemy HP is scaled up high.

Yep. 2.7x multiplier for doing solo online, or with 4 people. Even 2 or 3-man parties are lower HP than solo.

So basically I'm fucked and need people to carry me through this abomination huh.

oh nice thats pretty much what i had figured out myself

you can play offline and not suffer weapon limits, but in exchange you're still locked the hard as your highest for your first playthrough, which is only truly viable and plausible if you're willing to spend a lot of time retrying missions and playing as air raider for the most part.

Just have one other guy join your game

Where my DLC2 lobbies at??

Or just sit on a roof....

Well I've already beaten everything online with some people, aside from a few missions here and there. My friends kinda dropped the game fast it seems, so I have no hope really of getting this done. Would I have to start from mission 1 again on offline, but no limits?

Online solo inferno.
Is it possible?

Attached: 1511579382583.png (1000x590, 213K)

Why not play with us~

oh, you're trying to do online full/70% clear to unlock limits? then yea, offline is separate for that and wont count an iota for it. I still need to do it myself online, as I haven't touched it yet.

I'm trying to work on it yeah. Starting to wonder if I should skip this one for now and come back to it later. Maybe I can convince one of my friends to help.

Of course? There is some japanese dude who does that shit on youtube with armor set to low ass amounts to boot.

What class does he play?

Fencer and others too sometimes? I tried looking for the videos but I cant find since I know 0 japanese to search for this shit, it was linked here before some weeks ago. Guy just does mission runs in a empty online room.

KevinEDF has a similar challenge run and he uses every class, it seems.


>you NEED 394034930 Armor to even try Inferno bro

Well it sure helps if you're me.

where do I get this one
one I have is really low level


he's doing that in offline though, not online

Always remember that you can't spell EDF without DEF

I'm too busy preparing to go to sleep to play, I only got 4 hours sleep yesterday.

soon, give me like 30 minutes to start the next print job and finish my bourbon

has anyone managed to put turrets on speedstars yet?

dude if you can attach decoys on that shit that would be ridiculous

DLC1 lobby going up, let's get some bugs!

Buychads, lootbros, simple instructions, level appropriate armor only
Mission 1 inferno

i bet you could with the right timing

Attached: ranger AR mentality.png (877x406, 28K)

Yea Forumsdf
lvl 1


Attached: 1400637467903.gif (500x360, 1.02M)

stopped reading there

Goddamnit, got disconnected from Steam for a fucking second so it dropped the game. That's my one cpmplaint with this game.

Lobby back up, 2/4

Attached: wut.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

You trying to act like a reddit nigger or is your game actually fucking up?

Does DLC 1 weapons drop on DLC 2 missions? I noticed that I got none of the DLC 1 drops yet.


So you need to play DLC 1 missions to get the DLC1 weapons?

isn't this the same question just reworded?

I'm just trying to make sure.

Red drones or Fuck those spider niggers hitting you through walls

yes they only drop from the dlc they are from
you can also look at the table on this site, it's in japanese but the table is self explanatory
this way you can see get an idea of which missions can drop which weapons, because they have a set drop range
for example if you do mission 2 you won't find a blazer because it is level 108 and that mission drops 82-107.

Agree, admittedly my Blazer is at 11 secs reload time now.
I think its best to bring both, considering the Blazer has no damage falloff, use the Blazer to start the fight on high priority targets, then at close range switch to slade with its fast reloads.

What's the best mission to farm dlc1 weapons offline? For dlc2 it seems to be mission 8 with fencer + 2 twin blast spear setup.

What makes you think silver dude was the final boss? He's probably just joe schmuck, driver of the big space cart of the scout platoon.

The actual armada is still 2 years away

Is there mod support for this?

If not, will there ever be?

The possibilities would be endless

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This guy never released the tools used to make this video so we're sitting ducks with no mods.

A dick thing to do but Sandlot are retarded as well.

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We fight for our land, family, and friends. Unfortunately, we are losing everything we hold dear. We have all been wounded, and we are losing our courage to fight. What are we suffering for?
I just need to place my hand upon my chest and feel that hot and vibrant beat to know the answer! Everyone else is dead, and WE are alive! WE, THE LIVING, HAVE TO FIGHT! WE WILL FIGHT IN THE NAME OF OUR PLANET!!!!! AND STICK IT TO THEM!!!!!!!

Why do PCheaters think cheating and modding are the same thing

>for example if you do mission 2 you won't find a blazer because it is level 108 and that mission drops 82-107.
Hah! I knew it. The other site told me that mission 2 has lvl 108 drops.

>decide to try out Air Raider
>die instantly if there's no one to babysit me and more than 3 monsters look at me
Summoning huge explosions is fun, but holy shit do you have almost no self defense.

Underground 1 is supposed to be pretty good but I can't get the hang of it yet. Then again my highest armor is like 3500 on ranger so I'm probably getting ahead of myself.
Reclaim Base 236 can be good if you can do it. Just leave one or more transport ships alive and they will crap out red bees for you.

>what are limpets
>what are autocannons?
>what are turrets

guys........ what if all the motherships had eggs in, not just 11.......................

You can use a hex editor to manually change the rendering resolution to two monitors wide.

Other than splitting the menus (they always appear in the "center"), it works flawlessly.

>Self defense
It's called nuking everything one inch in front of you to 3 states over to hell

Limpets and turrets do pathetic amounts of damage. Maybe ok in offline mode, but almost worthless in multiplayer.
Autocannons are great, but they're not holding up against big swarms of enemies.

Why does that matter when you can mod games by using cheat engine to do basic model swapping and at the same time you can cheat by modifying files of a game?

I wish you could actually do half of this shit.

You're right, arguing and debating are the same thing because they both use words

I miss hectors desu. That soulless, unrelenting march was a different kind of intimidating than facing down a squad of ayys.

I sure as shit wouldn't try to play through the game with less than a thousand on inferno as I enjoy being able to not die immediately for a single mistake and play with eyes on the back of my head.

absolute retarded argument
people can and very often will associate and interchange cheating with modding because of what often modding might entail because there is no universal fucking line for when a modification goes into cheating territory
just look at the mod for 4.1, its a rebalance mod and most of it are massive buffs, purists will insist you are cheating but that is obviously not the intent here is it?

>guy shows up with the DLC decoys
>all through the tunnel mission with have an anime girl singing with music along for the ride

These things are fucking hilarious. Too bad they cost money.

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Hectors > Humans/Ayys

Any of you juden still have a lobby up?

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>you can play as them

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Underground 1 works best in a team, its basically hiding in a cave, top left looking from spawn and camping it.
Only spawns from that cave is normal spiders and ants, 1 each.
Easy as fuck especially if you have that Bunker or w/e force field thing which blocks all damage.

So do frogs and such just not exist in this universe

Nope, Just tiny humans.

AZ gun and the flamethrower turrets stunlock everything that gets too c lose to me whle my lapis or 105mm are on CD, which are off CD pretty quickly. also just go helicopter for swarm missions lmao

obviously the more armor the better and being able to survive one mistake is nice but I was just making fun at the faggots that insist that their farming or even cheating for 10K armor was necessary as the absolute minimum to survive late game inferno missions

I cant load up the game now to check but was the DLC 1 desert base mission a unique map or somewhere off distant than a usual area in a normal map?

They're often thrown in for free on preorders if my memory serves right.

back from wagecucking. throwing the server up again now.

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wait until someone sticks on to your backside and you can't see

They are preorder bonuses yeah. Wish they just released a definitive edition on PC and throw all those in.

I guess wasps/ants don't too.

Does that mean we're the ravagers?

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>nerfed because sandlot dont like niche meme shenanigans with them
you used to be able to launch them across the map, setting them under motherships and other weird places that enemies had a hard time getting to fuck with their ai, now thats gone

edf 6
>10 years after 5
>EDF's strong centralized power structure have created a solid state in Asia and the Americas, using raids to justify an Heinlein meritocracy with every individual having some form of military training
>Europe is still in control of Bandits, a conglomeration of various smaller states that refused to rejoin EDF for various reasons (from thinking they just didn't do enough to discovering plan omega to thinking they caused the invasion) and live not through firepower and research but Fist of the North Star self training
>Africa was entirely lost in the first 2 months of the invasion and was never retaken. It is populated now by the frogs who were missed in the withdrawal who ranch the monsters, happy just to be free of the AYYs seeking Eden
>Are you a bad enough dude to unite the nations and push back The Nameless One's clones? and fight in the RTS spinoff

>what are vehicles?

Immobile forts made out of damp toilet paper.

What do aliens thinks when they lose a leg, their armor is broken and have basically no chace of running away?
Do they fear the impending death?

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>ayys "invasion" was actually just them trying to save the planet from us after they told us to not have any crazy parties or anything while they are gone and peaced out several thousand years ago

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dont pick meme vehicles
use red nyx 95% of the time, call it and do your air raiding shit while next to d oit, if its look like you are about to get surrounded get in it and start bunny hoping back with using a bit of the thrusters
>suddenly everything is in front of you again
>this is phobos

Good vehicles are either Barga or very mobile

Every user has to try this at least once in their lives
>reverser bomber (not the non bomb vers)
>grabbed by ant / tadpole
>use reverser
Trust me

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goddamn spiders are fucking retarded.
>a small yellow spider spit out like 30 strings per attack in hardest
>can instantly kill any vehicle
>if they miss you they can jump and move all the strings to your face
>giant spiders can do all of the above but they will cover your entire screen with their jizz from 300m away

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Yea Forumsdf
doing some hardest, might skip a few missions

Have you run into silver spiders yet?

>spider than can tank 999999999999 damage that refuse to die

they are funny to punt around, same for when you ragdoll king spiders

>hit purple tadpole with rocket
>goes spinning off into the stratosphere

Anyone has that we where ranger methodically dismembers and kills ayy with shotgun?

I've seen their faces, gasping for air as I stand on their chest with a charged Vulcan Hammer.
They know fear.

Am I reading it wrong or does the Buster Shot deal around 30k damage per shot on big targets?

I almost feel sorry for them when I come zooming in at them from the side and they turn their head to look at me with an "Oh no" kind of look.

>tfw you deal so much damage that enemies refuse to attack you

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Attached: Spider begone.webm (960x540, 1.6M)

When are the centipedes coming back? I want to hear my PC CHUG.

god, i miss centipedes. its a neat enemy design

Mission 45 hardest or any mission on inferno + DLC
Buychads, lootbros, simple instructions only
NO LIMITS, 70% completion

>Centipedes return in EDF 6
>Normal one act like the ones in previous games
>New Red variant that is 3 times faster and tries to melee shock you to death

Think the red centipede from Rain World.

God, thinking about EDF 6 is making me lose my desire to play EDF 5.

Attached: centipede.webm (1000x562, 2.96M)

Deroys and centipedes on the same map

in a night mission
with fog

but deroys and centipedes are funtionally the same thing.

With Araneas in each corner.

My vehicle, my minigun or Spiritefall
Which would you like first?

With a new human like alien that is a berserker that screams before trying to kill you with melee weapons. Also has bigger detection range

At the end of 5 it basically is

So when is Earth Offense Force?


>earth offense force
>sick ass space travel sequences where you fight aliens on the way to fuck their planet
>different ships depending on the class
>land on alien planet
>goal is to destroy aliens and wreck as much of the environment as possible, release giant insects on their planet

its full its not fair bros

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How about
>Just dropped on alien planet
>Start killing
>Never stop

isn't that just DOOM?

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Doomguy has the comfort of his enemies being manageable size. Almost all of them within rip and tear distance. Storm 1 doesn't have such comfortable fighting conditions.

Storm 1 > Doomguy

Shit costume is shit

Sorry brosef

>le wacky ant game xD
>buying the same shit over and over again
I guess weebs really are braindead.

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He isn't replying. But because the game does a vertical split you can edit the game to load at 32x9 ratio and it will have one full screen to the left and right. The issue is pretty obvious, everything outside a mission is split and hard to navigate.

No wing diver wears that costume. What retard made that?

a civilian wears that

Fellow Fencer niggas, how do you efficiently deal with the armored aliens? They're a complete fucking pain in the ass no matter what sort of set up I approach them with so far.

>Hand cannon and Galliec series still can't cleanly take off their helmets and simply alerts them
>get worn down too quickly using highly mobile builds
>get fucked hard if trying to use spears because they 1080 noscope immediately

Feels inadequate when I got carried hard as fuck by a Wing Diver using whatever high precision alpha guns they have.

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Silence gamer

take their legs out with autoshotgun + jackhammer then get up in their balls so other ayys near by cant shoot you

>ayy lmaos start spreading rumors about an Earth based parasite that breaks your legs before pulverizing your dick

Attached: the_violence_has_escalated.png (1190x1194, 1.33M)

1 slot opened up for

>tfw out of pocket money

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Just NC their center of mass so you both stunlock and kill them

>Wait 5-10 minutes for them to finish mission
>Wait 5-15 minutes for them to finish
>Join lobby
>None of them are in mission
>Join lobby
>None of them are in mission
>Host has changed
I just want to shoot some fucking bugs. Goddamnit.

Attached: image.jpg (351x366, 32K)

Each EMC costs one hundred MILLION dollars to build, and they're useless?!

>just got an amazing rifle that fucking shreds bugs
I feel so powerful.

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At least they led to the development of the Blazer.

Room finished, time for sleeping. Will be back up tomorrow.

is there someone that will help me get to 70% ?

Whats so important about getting to 70% I keep seeing this magical number

lobby is up
Yea Forumsdf
mission 1

if you have 70% limits are off


Arguably the strongest wing diver of all

Anybody have that audaciously thick wing diver art from the box art? I can't find it on any boorus or wikis.

Have some OC I whipped up.

Attached: EDF EDF EDF.jpg (1006x2258, 800K)

This. Use the rapidfire cannons. They can fire 1.5 rounds a second and when upgraded have long range and high accuracy. Dual wield those fuckers with the recoil reducing addon, and you can take down frogs and ayys with ease from long range. Even works good on bug swarms because the shots pierce and can pass through several targets.





you same some clever things!


>armored aliens
if possible always nail them from a distance with whatever dual cannon combo you have (galleon, FHD, NC but you need recoil reduction). At a distance they won't be able to do shit to you so you can safely snipe em till they're dead.
at close range jackhammer+dexter/dispersal is your best bet.
blasthole may have big dick damage but the breaks between the attacks are long enough to allow ayys to counterattack and if you miss once, you're fucked and only the second hit is actually worth a shit.

Is there ever a reason to take a normal ambulance over the anime ambulance?

The late game ones heal much faster, and have more health?

>phalanx zat is really good
>don't like how phalanx handle in general

>dream about EDF
>it's a slow-burn resource management campaign
>mostly civilians manning abandoned military outposts and aircrafts
>encountering an actual EDF member is like seeing a superhero
>watching your city get slowly pulverized into dust even as we win battles

pass: rage
mission 34

Noobs get in here

mission 22

Name a more iconic duo

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>that one mission where supporter-chan says a bunch of cities were under attack
>when you finish she says this was the only city that was protected, the rest were destroyed
>conveniently ignoring that I levelled the entire city as air raider so there's nothing left

Sure if you're a smoothbrain who just grinds instead of playing the game normally. MMOs have rotted away your brain, sweet summer child.


Attached: EDF.webm (1300x720, 2.86M)

Well yeah

but why not have more stupid shit to wreck tall humans with

>3000 armor
I'm envious


Attached: 6889234.jpg (720x720, 880K)

You serious? Have you just beaten hard for the first time?

essentially. my armor levels are 1465, 980, 1579, and 2276 respectively.

That was the armor limit.

Okay, but what difficulty and level are you playing at?

finished mostly hard offline, haven't touched online yet.

Why projecting so hard?

Alright, that's not bad then. You'll get there in time. You're actually doing better than a lot of scrubs who join inferno or 60+ hardest missions with that much health.

>posts a parking garage amd pillbug image
>clearly referring to the first mission you fight them that can be cheesed and farmed by hiding in the garage
>hurrr what's more iconic than grinding and farming alone in a fun multiplayer game where you don't need to farm
I'm gonna assume this was bait from the start, grats you got your (you)s

What the actual fuck?
Did he do all that just to make a meme video?

Imagine getting this mad that someone else plays the game "wrong"

>haven't touched online
why. go play online right fucking now

Why projecting so hard?

>trying to use the Pulse Machineguns for the first time

New species discovered

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does anyone else have problems with low fps in edf 5 unless you turn off fullscreen

I'm going to go grind bugs to make you mad. I don't even need items, it's just for fun.

I'd rather not join hardest or especially inferno until I had at least 2-3x that amount, since I know how bullshit some missions can be later on.

>look online
>no hard lobbies starting from 1
I'm under an impression that jumping in at a random point will result in my not actually getting clear % as I wont have unlocked the mission in the first place.

Where do I grind for armor? All these lobbies are filled with only the beefiest of boys

>I'm under an impression that jumping in at a random point will result in my not actually getting clear % as I wont have unlocked the mission in the first place.
Nope, you'll get % from anything

I am starting mission 100 and my armor is only 800.

Victory is not determined by whats left standing.
Victory is determined by who is left standing.

The irony is there is other missions that are more fun to grind.
The other part is they are all in DLC.

Rolling boys and beach missions are fine.

>I'd rather not join hardest or especially inferno until I had at least 2-3x that amount
no need for it. hardest can be easily done after hard and 2.5k-3k is more than enough for inferno at the start if you play carefully and have competent teammates.
>no hard lobbies starting from 1
just host one yourself.
>will result in my not actually getting clear % as I wont have unlocked the mission in the first place
nah you still get the completion % of later missions even if you didn't complete previous ones.

Wing Diver?

Air Raider.

>you have to be grinding for enjoying cheesing rollers with a flamethrower and a building
It's just fun to get in a building and bullying them as they try so hard to stampede you

>get a couple of decent multichargers, start taking Fencer seriously for the first time
>tfw dash jumping right into frog faces and Vulcan Hammering them into pulp

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the Trainer and a good map. You're not going to get any awesome weapons anyway so you're just cutting down the HP grind to a few missions instead of hours.


what else do you use?

real shame that vulcan hammers are fucking shit against armored frogs and ayys for some weird reason

Any alive buyfag lobby?

i think should still be alive

nope it's dead

Well if anyone wanna i would use some company for get some medals on my Fencer
Room: vEDF
Pass: vdf
Starting Mission 50 and going up for a start

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Very quick question: How are you supposed to get pirated game to run multiplayer?
When I connect to multi on a pirated version (CODEX), it shows no rooms what so ever. Anyone has any idea what the hell am I doing wrong?

nope its full sorry user

It's not full anymore.

You got memed into pirating

I have a legit copy too, but I want to play with someone who can't buy it right now. Seriously, any help?

Still up, get in

you need to apply steamworks fix
After you apply this patch, you will lose your codex save. However, the new save that you make will be compatible with the legit copy, and if you already have a legit save, the steamworks copy will use it and update it.

Thanks! I'll give it a try.

Seems to have worked, thanks.