What do you do when you reach a certain part in a game and you can't continue anymore cause it's too hard?

What do you do when you reach a certain part in a game and you can't continue anymore cause it's too hard?

Do you quit playing the game or look for cheats/tips?

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I git gud

who's this cute girl?

i eat burger. it give me strength

damn, she's pretty

After nearly 8 hours on the chocobo race for the Sun Sigil I just used a trainer

Name a single game where this can happen.

Fyi it is actually a gril.

Try again twice, if I'm not making any progress, check a walkthrough just to see if I there's some game mechanic I'm not aware of, or if I'm going the wrong way. If I was in the right direction, I close the guide and keep playing until I beat that part. Generally I don't need another walkthrough til endgame, for a NG+ and stuff

Kotor 2 when using the restored content mod and you get to the HK factory. I had to cheese my way through that shit because I didn't equip my HK with shit and it springs up out of fucking nowhere.

Post her penis

I throw my cat in frustration.


I look for tips, but if I keep losing because of poor game design, I'll quit the game and come back to it another time.

thats a man, baby

osu! - Apparition

fucking die you psycho piece of shit

Then show me the penis!

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She reminds me of one of my favorite actresses

Anyway I just google the part to see if anyone else usually has trouble with it, which they usually do, and then read in the replies what to do. Doesn't really feel like cheating, though I do try to spend a good amount of time trying to get through it by myself

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Look up a guide. If I'm doing bad it's because of a strategy I'm using, not due to physical limitations. If I can learn it, then I can beat it.

Not part of the official release. You can't expect cut content to be fully tested.

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>it's too hard?
no such thing


She's called Brigitte Grey.
2 seconds on google reverse image search, you lazy faggots.

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>ruins your enjoyment of the difficulty curve

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>look for cheats/tips?
This. Not gonna drop something I like just because I'm fucking dumb or unskilled

Must be shit modding a game and it getting too hard, want me to change ur diaper?

>He doesn't know

That happens so rarely to me that I don't have a standard protocol. Usually I crush every game I play.

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ew that photo is an immediate boner killer.

Let's be honest, new releases nowadays are casual as fk and even my grandma wouldn't struggle to beat them.

It's fucked up I don't know which incident you're talking about.

Don't care if it's a boy or a girl, the ass is great

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I punch my dog

Take a break, go to bed and pick it up the next day. Every single time I beat it first try after some rest. It doesn't happen very often but when it does it's 100% effective.

Mexican girl with legit autism

Has a videogame and anime TV show


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what are these cats doing in the pool ? don't cats hate water?

Don't know, I'll let you know if it ever happens to me.

literally everyone tells you to use the mod because the game is just fucking unfinished if you don't

aww diaper chan :(

It's a mystery

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>Weeb Girl

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Having to share Spanish with that accent.

Fuck me.

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I break out my emergency gamer crop-top and plug to give me the boost I need

I played the game Fez, and I was really enjoying it, but I was really frustrated cos I had no idea what certain hints/puzzles meant. I ended up googling all the answers, but I really wish I hadn't, becuase it was one of those games where you obtain later information you need to solve an earlier puzzle, and I think I could have done it if I just kept going.

>it's a girl

>What do you do when you reach a certain part in a game and you can't continue anymore cause it's too hard?
Not memeing you get fucking good. You look at your faults. Where you messed up. And how to improve from where you messed up. It's literally that simple but that's a very hard fact for people to admit.

trans people aren't a fucking joke, stop using us to bait hurr durr >girl posts

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>Spanish autism.

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>picture of tombstone

youre right, youre not a joke. youre an abomination.

the irony is that 80% of the trans people are hideous stop nitpicking the good looking ones bone structure is very important, they are not the majority.

He looked better as a guy. That's a massive shame.
I'm so tired of cute guys becoming trans for no real reason.

If it's the kind of hard where I just don't enjoy it, then I quit.
Sadly that's most games these days.

>Went from at best decent to leafy.
Lmao what a change. Definitely doesn't make me think of them as less of a faggot.

The autism just makes it hotter

>tfw no cute gf (male)

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(s)he's a big guy

I quit. I don't have the patience or drive to play shit like that anymore. I can barely find the motivation to play easy games. It feels like I just don't like video games anymore


>"My first date was with Hitler in a concentration camp. It was very romantic."
Humanity was a mistake. This amount of 'Im so random xDD' humor shouldve died by 2010

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>legit autism
legit attention hoeing, what are you, 12?

She has autism you dumb faggot.


That's the twink face caress and dick sucking webm, isn't it?

I wonder if it goes "nyaa" when i stick it in it's pooper



If the rest of the game is good I look for cheats for the sake of completing it.

That's what I thought

I keep trying.
This is good advice. Food and sleep work wonders.

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Cats are basically autistic
They have no real problems with bodies of water, but they're overly sensitive to getting wet by accident

are you a cat?

Not him but I've had many cats and can confirm that cats like swimming but can't stand wet grass.

I stomp on baby’s heads

boxxy wannabe

My cat loves water.

Mine too

jesus christ, why cant there be more cute gay guys in my area

We’ll luck for you that problem happens in the vanilla game at least three times.


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That's a whole lot of wet pussy

This happened to me in stalker. I actually beat the part (raiding the military base and stealing documents after going through streloks stash) but the brutality of it made me wait a few months before getting back into a game.

Stalker SoC, but its difficulty is partly due to the guns being ass at the start while the AI can snipe you from several hundred feet away.

This shit happens in the vanilla game with T34 and the bounty hunter chick even. Shit game, KOTOR 1 is still the best.

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that's a dude.

This made me hard and I'm not even gay.