>DMC5 producer writes on Twitter that he "Loves getting tweets about DMC but that he can't comment on the franchise right now."
>Say in DMC thread that "Can't comment" is like practically admitting you're under an NDA.
>Tweet has now been deleted.

I know you lurk Matt, hand over my boy already.

Attached: DMC5.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Capcom has also said that they're planning for DMC5 to have sold 3.5 million copies by the end of March 2020. Which is an additional 1 million from today.

Not impossible, but seems unlikely unless they have more content planned.

Is there any PS4 like controller with added map button for the ring finger. I'm running out of buttons for DMC games.

Nero in 5 need the Breaker arm to be in trigger to charge for break age. But then you need to plink the face button for knuckle.

Dante in 5 need to charge and hold DT button for quad S. But gun also need to be in trigger to hold for Faust ghost shooting and charge shots.

A back button would solve all these issues, but all controller with back button has Xbox layout. Clawing style switching with Xbox layout is impossible

Attached: 2018-02-23-image-3.gif (640x400, 217K)

Is the tweet he was responding to still up?

Enjoy your $40 double dip you retards

I will

>already a boogeyman and it hasn't even been announced yet

Vergil DLC soon
>Too many evidences pointing at it

Is just a metter of "when".

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Faget OP stop lying

If we don't get DLC this decade I at least hope that Vergil is added as a playable character in the coop mod.

Playable DMC5 Vergil was confirmed the second playable DMC4SE Vergil was confirmed.

I remember so many people saying "Why did they add more characters into DMC4SE instead of fixing the second half?" and the answer is: Because then they can reuse DMC4SE Vergil for DMC5. And what happened? DMC5 got announced, it had Vergil as the final boss, with DMC4SE animations reused and an unfinished playable version of him in the game's code. bada bing, bada boom.

Yeah, he plays exactly like DMC4SE Vergil with slight differences, and that's why it wouldn't be hard to make him a playable character. The thing it would take the longer is just creating new enviroment and enemies for him, if they plan to make a expansion for him.

>unfinished playable version of him in the game's code
He is not unfinished, he has just enough functions to work as a coop buddy for the final scene. Tahts a technical crutch.

>He is not unfinished, he has just enough functions to work as a coop buddy for the final scene.

Does that really change the point at all though? You think they would have actually bothered with that throwaway AI buddy sequence during the credits if there wasn't more planned? It seems like something that would require a lot of work for a pretty small segment if they didn't have more planned.

What co op mod?

Need more info pls. Will buy game if it’s worthwhile.

Is he playable in the final scene?

>say in a dmc thread
what thread? link me

You do not exactly know how crutches work, do you?
Adding the boss AI a character ID and changing some AI patterns is easier than making a character specifically for hidden one minute sequence. Not only that, but it is also extremely easy by itself. It is literally a cheap hype moment. Why not do it?
>throwaway AI buddy sequence during the credits if there wasn't more planned
Yes, they would. It is faster and easier.
He can't even go up the ledges or jump in a direction because the boss doesn't have that ability.

I just hope when they eventually add Vergil that he will get some actual balancing this time. DMC4:SE Vergil was way worse to play as than DMC3:SE Vergil who was strong but 4:SE takes it several notches up and makes it braindead. I want him to fit in like he was always there, not as an OP addition.

>I just hope when they eventually add Vergil that he will get some actual balancing this time. DMC4:SE Vergil was way worse to play as than DMC3:SE Vergil who was strong but 4:SE takes it several notches up and makes it braindead. I want him to fit in like he was always there, not as an OP addition.

If they add co-op there's a bigger chance they'll care about him not being OP.

I'm not a fan of multishit but if it forces the devs to balance Vergil better then bring it on.

6 SE/DLC >>> 6 >= 5(DLC) > 5 = 3SE >= 4SE > 1 > 3 > 4 > DmC:DE >>>> DmC >>>> wall >>> 2

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Dumb frogposter

Doesn't really matter, I forgot to screencap the Twitter post anyway. So there's no proof from me.

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Help, I'm enjoying it too much

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No. Not even with a second gamepad connected.
He is playable with a mod, but he is broken.

>too many evidence
>some shit with source my ass level
Don't you even start with muh updated bossfight
>Look mommy i posted this shit again
You are worse than those fucks who posted some instagram thot and believed she's gonna be Kyrie in 5

they're not going to make dlc for a game that sold this mediocorely which also had a low retention rate, most people played this game once or twice and moved on completely

Have you been matching up with randoms or playing with friends? If the latter, what mission/difficulty usually gets the most matches?

In either case, how well does it sync up and whatnot?

6 SE/DLC >>> 6 >= 5(DLC) > 5 = 3SE >= 4SE > 1 > 3 > 4 > DmC:DE >>>> DmC >>>> wall >>> 2

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>slasher game
>2,5 mil in 6 months
>best in the series
Must more (You) be shed?

Don't fucking reply to him you absolute retard. He's been making thread after thread saying that shit.

Based retard frog poster at it again

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just because it sold well for it's genre doesn't mean it sold well

they have no financial incentive to make dlc and it's clear most of the team wanted to move on to other projects

Randoms, completely random, mod page says it matches Human with DH and SoS with DMD, have to look for people myself, it can also match you with people without coop mod
Same as missions 7 and 13, combad synced really good, but movement outside of it might be laggy from time to time, if someone connects to you in mission 3 after the first fight, you're both forced to restart the mission if you want to play together

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doesnt matt frequent resetera?


I know. He is funny.
Naaah mate, it is one of their top-milkers at this point and you can't do anything about it except making everyone laugh at you. Go on. :)

>restart the mission if you want to play together
So that's why we couldn't advance past first fight in m4
I hope mod author implements character swap hack and fixes to singleplayer. Finally full game for every character

Just a correction for you in the future, that 2.5mil is only in 3 months from release (reported as of June 30th) and it's only accounting for physical sales as Capcom for some reason doesn't report digital sales.

If You get xb1 elite controller you can just use the back paddles to style switch and not need to claw. Why would you want to claw when you have extra buttons? Along with that, DMCV is a game where you move with the left stick and Xbox layout is more natural for that when you don’t need to worry about dpad for style switching.

He made like 2 posts there leading up to release and that's as far as his post history goes

if it was one of their top milkers then why havent they announced plans for dlc/expansions? why are you acting like you're speaking from a position of authority when you've got nothing to go on except a few patches to vergil's animations or w/e? you're like one of those people who earnestly thought valve was going to stealth release half life 3 without any advertising one day

oh shit he's gonna BTFO dmc fans so hard with constructive criticism and harsh reality, you might wanna stop having fun in these threads


i really dont care if dmc sold well, the fact is that capcom made an official statement saying that 5 "reinvigorated interest" in the franchise meaning we are getting more in the furute, hopefully sooner rather than later

>constructive criticism and harsh reality
Which one? DMC5 outselling DmC's lifetime sales in the first week or Capcom saying sales were so good it reinvigorated the brand?

There's also one possible problem in mission 17, if Dante joins you mid fight with Urizen, especially on DMD, he keeps his DT state and heals to full hp, if you join Dante mid fight he'll possibly finish the mission faster than you

>why are you acting like you're speaking from a position of authority when you've got nothing to go on except a few patches to vergil's animations or w/e?
I said nothing about that, sweetheart. :)
>if it was one of their top milkers then why havent they announced plans for dlc/expansions?
Why would they? They didn't announce iceborne for a year after monhunworld release, and to this day MHW is officially their biggest release.

Cope :3

Not that guy but I just wanna chime in and say that the "if it was one of their top milkers then why havent they announced plans for dlc/expansions?" doesn't really hold much weight when Monster Hunter World, Capcom's highest selling game ever, didn't get an expansion announced until a full year after its release.
There are other points you could argue as pointing towards them completely cutting dev, but this isn't one of them.

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Well, it says that m17 is kinda buggy with sync and shit
I wonder why author didn't include an option to play m7 as Dante though

>constructive criticism and harsh reality

Oh shit, is he gonna call me a DMCuck?

lol dicks may cum lol

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Howdy, my fellow humans.

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I doubt few people are going to buy the game just to buy some DLC.

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I've mapped the style button to a trigger, the gun is on a trigger, DT is on a trigger and the lock on on the 4th trigger.
I switch weapons/guns with Circle and Square. I suffer but you must suffer to be beautiful.

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read Its probably already passed 3 mil

Shit like this is why I think traditional controllers need back peddles all across the board. I have the same issue with Nero.

Also how does Faust ghost shooting work again? I haven't used the weapon much yet.

He probably didn't know where to put him since Nero and V start in 2 different locations

>and it's only accounting for physical sales as Capcom for some reason doesn't report digital sales.

This is bullshit though. Capcom reports both shipped and digital sales. Digital makes up like half of sales these days and there's absolutely no way Capcom aren't reporting them.


you mean like how they created enemies for Dante, Vergil, Trish and Lady in 4?

No, like how NT created a expansion for Vergin.

But they did like 2 new enemies

With the options they had, it was enough, now Capcom is in a better position then NT was when DmC was launched. And Capcom has enough material for new enemies.
I don't care for Trish and Lady, they can just replay through Nero's and Dante's campaing.

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>zombie/corrupted Saviour
>5th pic
Hi Balrog. Fuck those dumbasses who said that Urizen is a tweaked Balrog fight.

i hope this gets recorded

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>only just now managed to get BP as fucking V
>still can't beat it as nero, tired like 6 times
one of these days i'm going to use the super costume to beat it and i'm gonna regret it HARD

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The panel today will be either on dan's or jyb fb

I used super costume to beat it as V but only because he's such a boring fuck
Nero is ez, I beat it on my first try. Git gud??? Always max-act and abuse that level 3 charge shot

I was bored one day and thought up what Nero's sons would be. What do you think?

Caesar and Brutus
>tag team character
>Brutus is melee brawler while Caesar is ranged mage
>Brutus uses a culmination of Dante's fist weapons, with the rev mechanic from Nero's red queen
>Caesar uses V's book and uses a mix of summon swords and Griffon's ranged attacks
>DT is called tantrum, all moves become overcharged like Tomboy but harder to control
>Attitudes are taken from Nero; Brutus gets a young Nero's brashness and attitude, Caesar is more akin to current Nero who is far more reserved in his age.
>Colour scheme focuses on purple, Magenta for Brutus and violet for Caesar

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I just hope they do something new with Vergil. And I mean besides doppelganger, replacements for FE and Beo, and one or two more moves for Yamato. It would be such a let down to have him playable just to turn out to the same as 4SE and DmC.

Cool fan fic bro

i S ranked DMD and all that, it's just that levels 96 and 97 are just fucking hard
levels 1-94 or so are fucking piss easy by comparison, with only a few difficulty spikes like the level with like 10 purple axe guys and 3 furies

5th pic is literally Berial. The commentary below the page states that these drawings were made before they had a set design for enemy "themes" in the game, so Ikeno just tried drawing some old and new stuff

yeah it's pretty boring. I haven't replayed BP much after beating it as all the characters. I guess just use the practice mode to master those floors

If you're on PC, you could look into setting BP to DMD from floor 1 with Cheat Engine.
Some of the earlier floors are pretty tough when the enemies aren't gimped to Human/DH levels


>dmd from foor 1
>that floor with Cainas, Anteoras and Judeccas all in dmd state

we have known that something for DMC5 has been in making ever since few updates it came out. why would they be fixing Vergil moveset if he isn't intended to be playable and doesn't actually affect his boss behaviour?

I don't want another brawler. It's almost as overdone as Dante's greatswords, there's been one in every game and sometimes more.

You fuckin know it dude. I just want a red queen punch weapon at the end of the day

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>It would be such a let down to have him playable just to turn out to the same as 4SE and DmC
I hope he has some new improvements while having his base kit.

Should Vergil just have Yamato this time around?
Honestly I wouldn't be against it, I'd like it more than them giving us old Beowulf and Force Edge again

I just love love fist weapons, and it would make sense because brawler weapons are just under rebellion. How many people were locked to Rebellion and Beowolf in 3?

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>always use the same move to parry them over and over and slowly chip away at the fury'hp for 3 minutes

To me it depends on how much control they will allow over DG. If we're talking V summon level that's one thing, but if it works like it has in the other games then Vergil would feel really lacking only having Yamato.

Personally, I would like it if they gave him more gameplay mechanic to fufill the lack of weapons, but also making it feel good to use and fun too.
It would fit Vergil more if he only use Yamato as weapon but with more of his demonic power to back him up with this fault of weapons.

Vergil should use a summoned sword in place of Force Edge

>Should Vergil just have Yamato this time around?

If he does, he seriously needs new or expanded other gimmicks like an overhauled concentration system.

Nero only has red queen, but he also has a bunch of other shit that makes him interesting. One thing that DMC5 does incredibly well is make 3 characters that are completely distinct. If Vergil only has Yamato then he needs other shit to compensate.

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You will pay for your lack of imagination.

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I'd like if they did something unique for Vergil too, but I find it unlikely they would. It would be too much trouble for just an exansion when weapon-switching is already kind of a staple for the character.

>He doesn't know

So what give him a summoned force edge and pair of random gauntlets? I don't think so.
Careful not to play too many shitty games or else you'll demoralize yourself and think everything is shitty.

Is that fucking Mundus at the bottom? That's fucking sick

I wouldve loved some sort of Mundus segment nightmare during mission 14 instead of just a boss rush

Yeah, I think they should make Vergil gameplay to be like V's with the bumpers being related to his doppelganger, like either controlling his doppelganger by using the bumpers or changing the type of doppelganger.
And also reworking his motivation bar by having more mechanics relate to it, and with more in-line with his abilities.

>Because then they can reuse DMC4SE Vergil for DMC5.
Animations from 4 wouldn't readily translate into animations from 5 with the manlet proportions everyone has.

>weapon swapping shapeshifts into V/Urizen with full movesets. Urizen obviously shrunken but still Sin DT size

>the gamescom news is just about dmc coming to gamepass

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What about giving Vergil different types of DT? You would have one on each direction of the pad like Dante's styles and Nero's DT.

Up would be the normal DT, left would Doppelganger, right would be Quicksilver and down would Nelo Angelo DT, which changes your moveset.

I want a dedicated button to sheath my Katana because that's when it's at its most dangerous.

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The disappointment would be palpable

DMC is dead. The blank cheque Capcom gave Itsuno bankrupted part of the department when it only sold 2 million so now they have to cancel the future of the franchise.

DMC is dead and we killed it

>DmCfag still trying

If they don't at least give him Force Edge/Nelo Angelo's sword, or some other new features/weapons that make him as extensive as a "real" character, I don't even want to bother. DMC4 Vergil really wasn't worth the wait or the extra cost considering how completely imbalanced he ended up being, and the Concentration gimmick was way too "win more" to be interesting.

So human Vergil is some emo dork who loves poetry and Demon Vergil is a walking power vaccuum. What is human Dante and Demon Dante? Demon Dante would literally just be Goku, walking around hell looking for a stronger fight.

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>depressed boomer drinking himself to death and living off of pizza and sundaes

>>Jacques Pott
>contrast to Urizen's "I am power absolute", JP is "I am WOOHOO YEAH absolute"

>Human Dante
Compassionte life-lover who wants to brighten other people's lives.

>Demon Dante
Chaotic Nihilist.

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I was thinking the exact same thing for D but I'd give him more of a sad clown personality. Dante is a depressed eater, when he's not hunting demons he's just sad. I don't think Jacques would be a wahoo pizza lord, I think he would just be pure power.

I really wish Bayonetta and DMC would cross over. The two best action series to ever exist need some kind of official interaction.

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I do too but in game it would be hard. My dream would be a new DMC anime that's basically just always sunny. Bayo would be a cameo once and awhile when someone gets a little too close to taking Dante's virginity.

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Dante in Smash, friend.

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>If You get xb1 elite controller you can just use the back paddles to style switch and not need to claw
No you can't. You need 4 individual unique button for all 4 styles.

DMC 5 is Kirby for anime fans on prom knight.

>Also how does Faust ghost shooting work again?
You just summon a ghost that can shoot and stagger enemies independent of you. The neat thing about ghost shooting is that you can do other things, rather being locked into animation. Not as useful in combo videos, but pretty usefull against say a bunch of antenoras and judeccas.

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww what the fuck is wrong with their back

>Capcom has also said that they're planning for DMC5 to have sold 3.5 million copies by the end of March 2020. Which is an additional 1 million from today.
Capcom is fucking retarded when it comes to expectations

Scuf offers a PS4 layout with paddle buttons at the back, but it's over 180 bucks lmao

Attached: download.jpg (1024x576, 55K)

>why would you want to claw
im used to it but i would like to try one of those ps4 controllers with the paddles but 150 bucks is too much.

>Dante gets summon swords
>Vergil gets styles
screencap this

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KH3 already sold 5 million copies LMAO DMCfags btfo

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i'm listening

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>If Vergil only has Yamato then he needs other shit to compensate.
Make use of his Urizen powers, perhaps? They can function as Nero's devil breakers.


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Which character? I can reveal only 1 secret



Nobody ever listens to me.

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>gilver style
>v style
>urizen style

Is there a mod with short hair for Nero DT?

As long as his trick ability works like DMC3SE instead of 4SE then we're good.

DT activation and Hard Time stuns them and you can easily Buster them
Pay them 100 orbs to fuck off

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What styles could he even get?

DMC5 Vergil should have expanded concentration and summoned swords mechanics.

Concentration should be harder to build but also way more meaningful. Sin Devil Trigger isn't a seperate DT bar, it's instead available at full concentration along with Judgement Cut End. Making Vergil's SDT slightly weaker but easier to acquire as a trade-off.

The Force Edge moveset should be turned into a Summoned Sword attack. Much like DSD you spent DT to acquire it. But instead of changing the attacks of other moves like DSD, it unlocks the Force Edge moveset, which is now only temporary but it's instead way more powerful.

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what's with these goofs

I think they passed 3.5 already.

nothing new

What was the deal with all the nudity? Both Lady and Trish were naked.

Only 2.5 million

Yeah like 1.5 months ago those were the numbers, and supposedly that doesn't include digital.

>eastern style (yamato)
>western style (force edge)
>brawler (using his fists)
thats basically his old moveset. its stupid but it would keep yamato only

My nipples are very sensitive and I hate having them touched

Why not?

Doppelganger will be his SDT.

V was naked too

and this

Post Lady's arse

>all the nudity
The most important characters didn't get naked what the hell capcom?

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I was naked as well.

That's weapons, not styles.

Does Lady have small or large breasts?

Those cup burns. He does what he wants, i don't want to chuckle at it because i respect this man's work.

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Legitmately think Langdon might have taken some serious blows to the head that left him a bit nuts.

It's sadly not uncommon with stuntmen and professional fighters.

no no. he uses yamato in either his normal style, like force edge or sheathing the weapon and using his fists.

Yeah but that only affects how he attacks with the sword.

First game where I've switched to japanese voices, goddamn the white trash hoe sounded annoying in english.

Attached: dmc-hat.jpg (1025x415, 146K)

>white trash hoe sounded annoying in English.
I thought she sounded sexy as fuck. I'm from EU and never hear girls like that. What part of America has that exact accent?

I dunno, Black Friday and Christmas sales could easily bump that. It'll probably get nominated for a number of awards during GOTY season as well which should bring in some more interest.

I tried Jap voices but goddamn Nero is so much worse
Switched back to English after one mission


This game has Japanese voices? Why?

Capcom has supported lots of dubs for their games in recent years. DMC4SE got a japanese dub as well.

>Dark Slayer - Roughly the same as before, flashstep focused dodging and movement
>Samurai - Swordmaster type, adds extra moves to all his melee weapons
>Caster - Adds extra moves and formations with Summon Swords
>Iai Master - RG expy, but with a larger focus on swift counterattacks to remain aggressive. Default move *teleports behind you* and launches an attack immediately when executed. Lacks the sheer raw damage of RG but doesn't require charging a meter
>Doppleganger is tied to DT, and has two modes. First mode does everything you're doing, essentially doubling your firepower.
>Second mode does "complimentary attacks" on certain moves. If you uppercut an enemy, the DG slams it back down to help you continue a ground string. If you Rapid Slash, it does one from the opposite side.
>SDT mechanic functions the same as Dante, channel DT into a special meter. SDT lets you do the airplane move.
>Concentration overhauled to be less broken.
As for weapons, he definitely needs a new set to replace Force Edge and Beowulf. I'm not sure if he needs a ranged option besides summon swords, but if Dante can steal that then you can probably give Vergil a bow or something.

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They were all inside monsters.

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Is Lady's bum large?

South, which is from Texas all the way to north Carolina.

It's a really fake, nasally version of a southern/country accent. I think it's kind of charming, but people from the south try to cover up the accent because it's a stereotype.

Dante never rejected his human side so I imagine a pure human Dante would be very similar, just without the ability to kill demons. Demon Dante would probably be a fight autist like Urizen, but more of a wanderer than an overlord.

Scuf Vantage and Scuf Infinity

Human Dante would be a milf with huge tatas.

The force edge moveset is gimmicky. The only reason it's separate from yamato is because that's the way the bossfights in 3 were structured. It splits the sword moveset for no reason. Imagine if Nero had to switch swords to do a split and an aerial rave.
He has no lore reason to have it too now either. I think Capcon understands this and they are trying to make movesets more intuitive without clinging to past games if DSD is anything to go by. Vergil does helm splitters with the yamato in his fight in 5 so I'm hopeful.

Its sexy as fuck though. Why would they cover it up?

But V is the monster

I mean maybe the actress faked it, but she did fine, im from Louisiana and thats just a really thick accent, i have family members who talk about like that.

Because a good chunk of the US regards the South as being uneducated or some shit, and people get self-conscious about it. My mom used to do real estate in New England; she said her most embarrassing moment was accidentally saying "ya'll" to a client.
t. Southerner.

Human side would made up of greasy pizza and strawberry sundaes

capcom vs mortal kombat confirmed

Attached: EBoMsAGWkAELmh5.jpg (2048x1536, 424K)


>mango next week and then maybe more dmc news on monday

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I wouldn't even fucking mind if DD2 had the swords and outfits from DMC.

I love that though. Its hot as fuck. Are Southerners receptive to EU visitors?

>The force edge moveset is gimmicky. The only reason it's separate from yamato is because that's the way the bossfights in 3 were structured.

That's why I think DMC4SE Force Edge should be turned into a sort of "Super Yamato" that eats a bit of DT. With Vergil using a summoned Sword along with Yamato to fight.

Like you said, mechanically it's too similar to Yamato. They both serve similar functions, so I say turn the Force Edge moveset into a DT-dependant move.

To this day it still irks me that FE comes with Yamato but Beo doesn't, even though Vergil 2 does have Yamato on him.

Furies aren't even that hard, it's really easy to parry them

>gets outsold by sekiro by almost a million copies


What's there to do with FE though? Vergil has helmbreaker now and maybe a stinger. Its combos are nothing special and could be replaced by a more unique weapon like A&R. The one thing you really need from FE is roundtrip.

I don't have the link to the thread but I was the one who originally posted the tweet. It's actually still up.

so it was fake news all along

>game riding the success of Souls vs game from a series that has been dead for 10 years
Pretty good all things considering.

>combo bad
>parryfest good

>Rebootfag still seething

Let's hope based Dan gets his waifu to record it again.

Cerberus and Beowulf + Shirtless costume for Max Bruce Lee Effect

That and Royal Guard.

>What's there to do with FE though? Vergil has helmbreaker now and maybe a stinger.

Yeah, which is why I think the moveset should just be a power-up since it's too similar to Yamato, but the animations are still cool and worth using. I think if you just make it a temporary Summoned Sword power-up attack that gives Vergil some new moves with Yamato like Air Stringer and Round Trip it would be a good way to use the moves. Basically just Yamato+ that eats some DT to activate.

>normie game riding the coattails of an existing normie franchise
>outselling a niche game in a niche genre

Wow, so shocking.

Why would you even try and compare the two games? Also only 5 million? With every Disney and Pixar character under the sun in it? That's pretty terrible. At least DMCV sold so much purely based on making good games rather than Disney marketing

Do you not like Lady's ass?

So why can't he just use it on a face button?

I like her lips

It's going to be weird playing as Vergil without Force Edge and Beowulf.

I hope V's cane acts as a substitute for FE and we get some kind of Nightmare gauntlets to replace Beowulf.

I still think Doppelganger isn't really fitting for Vergil in the least though.

Let's do some math for the idiots saying the game didn't do well financially.

2.5 million copies at $59.99 a piece, (not factoring in the Deluxe buyers at $69.99 which was actually selling out in stores and on Amazon pre-release btw):

2.5mil x $59.99 = 149,975,000
XBox paid for the advertising.
Budget was said to be low probably around $15mil = 134,975,000
Or we can factor in an user in a past threads ridiculous budget estimate of 40mil = 109,975,000

Either way it made millions for capcom.

Let's also not forget that that 2.5 million is only counting physical copies. Digitals are hard to track so we don't even know how it did digitally. We do however know that last month it was in the top 10 digital sales on PS4.

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>2.5 million copies
It's 3 by now

It sold 390k in 3 months(June), highly doubt it's already at 3 million.

Cheat engine stuff has been ported to TU4 -
You can play coop with turbo and shit
Flock off

>Digitals are hard to track

This is why I wish they would just release the profit and not how many copies it sold. Movies don't count the number of tickets sold because that shit would be too hard to track.

Why the fuck is Nico so sexy? I don't normally care about hot girls in games but I got an erection every time I used her shop

wasn't a lot of the dev time in dmc5 about the engine? I think now that they have things figured out they can probably do way more with the next game or expansion, which is exiting

She does eye-fuck you a bit while your shopping.

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Top tier belly
She is total cutie with Ex-Color

There's a panel starting soon dunno if it'll be livestreamed though

I would be satisfied if the announcement was just that they're green-lighting DMC6 with no other info on it.

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>that hair
>tfw you won't have pet mechanic that can make dildos

It's pretty likely that none of their games are as expensive as people think they are. Capcom confirmed that RE7 was already in the black when it had only sold 2.5 million copies, despite the fact that it missed the sales forcast by 1.5 million. So even the flagship RE Engine title developed by 2 internal teams over like 4 years at least broke even with fewer sales than this

Shouldn't the cut retail takes also be factored in?
If we're just going by physical copies at least.

Southerners are a generally friendly bunch, the North contrasting are a bunch of pretentious elitists. There's a reason the slogan "southern hospitality" is a thing

so DMC5 SE will be confirmed on gamescom or TGS, right?

>announcing a special edition 6 months in

Attached: 1538497041601.png (327x390, 291K)

facebook com/OfficialDanSouthworth/videos/482898972495241/

Arguing details like this is pointless when Capcom themselves have said that DMC5 is a success and a brand revival for the franchise.

It's impossible for us to determine how successful DMC5 actually was for Capcom. How much did DMC5 cost to make? How much of that cost was from developing the RE engine? How much money did they make on microtransactions? How much money did they make on merch? How much would a DMC6 cost with the RE engine now? Only Capcom knows these details, but they have said they are happy with DMC5 and a planning further support of the franchise.

We can only take their word on DMC5 being a success, seeing as how they're a public company it's in their best interest to not lie.

dmc5 panel being streamed on dan's facebook

What if I want a southern gf to bring back to EU?

>they wrote their own dialogue
they did a pretty good job

Okay so that's normally about 25%. They take about 37,493,750 from the 149,975,000.

That still leaves 112,481,250
Minus a 15mill budget = 97,481250
Minus 40mil = 72,481,250

>those fat girl voices in the audience

DMC5 Special Edition is coming to PS5. This has been known all summer.

all dem fujos

>so DMC5 SE will be confirmed on gamescom or TGS, right?

DMC5SE is most likely a next-gen title because current gen can't handle proper co-op, LDK and turbo.

Reuben on the portals speech again lel


>Jacques Pott

based reuben intentionally annoying Dan with his power spot speech again

pls don't destroy my hopes

Vergil is going to talk like a valley girl in 6

>Jacques Pott
I actually laughed irl desu m8

Welcome to bayonetta anatomy newfriend

>dan casually mentioning dmc6
every time

So basically like Nero's DT only attacks? I can see that for FE combo B end already, since it was basically jetstream already.

Damn, they were really involved with the characterization and writing.

They just gave up trying to stop him

Capcops are on their way

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Huh, where?

Speaking as an American,
No, it's fucking not.

the panel going on right now

>Souls is normie now

Dan's fb

To EU it is sexy

You can take our southern chicks. We don't really want em you'll find out why when you get your hands on one.

As a spic I can confirm it's pretty hot.

It not pretension when you actually ARE better.
Have a blessed daiyy

>Dan chooses Nico as best girl

Like the user says,

JYB was Lady mocap
holy kek

new ship

It's been a normie franchise for a while now. Cause it's a "hard game for hardcore gamers."

New pachinko game?


all these Vfujos

>reuben took this down

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vergilx nico confirmed

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Hearing Dan's wife giggle at his jokes behind the camera is so wholesome.

>reuben loves the boomer dante meme
fucking based

hearing the whole cast trying to decipher the autist's question is hilarious.

Dan's inner demon is bajirru

>human beast

Doesn't Dante canonically have Force Edge fused with sparda? Wouldn't make much sense to have Force Edge removed. Maybe beowulf.

Chilling in a DMC Thread and watching a DMC panel livestream. This is peak comfy.

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>had to turn the phones off cause they're showing something exclusive


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What is it?!?!?!

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I think it was some behind the scene stuff from DMC 5 featuring Dan doing a dance for the CG director Yuji. there are snippets of it online but technically theyre not supposed to show it publicly

Giv me my FUCKING waifu DLC!

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I want playable Vergil as much as anyone else but I honestly doubt we'll see SE anytime soon.
Also, this thread needs more motivation

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It's amazing how funny reuben and dan are together, no wonder their characters work so well. I wish we'd get behind the scenes commentary for the dmc games, its fun to listen to them.

Ah we saw a little of that in the previous panel.

Human side would be Leon

I keep telling you fags were going to get playable vergil before a special edition.

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>can't watch it right now
Can you guys help a nigga out and explain what's going on

A&R and Bayo for me, I love those goofy swords

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>that tranny in the beginning of the video

They're showing an exclusive clip. Capcom only gave permission to show it at AFO.

>Kamiya San I forget, how many heads are people again?
>Like eleven right? Or was it thirteen?
>I'm gonna trust my gut and say 15

Do I have to have facebook to watch this? I will not register.

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i was watching without being logged in
but im pretty sure its over now

It wouldn't let me watch unless I logged in.

It's not over. They had to turn it off for some exclusive material. It's supposed to comeback.

Controversial opinion Dante shouldn't be a main character in 6, his story and character are done. Still have him playable of course but male Nero the new lead

Attached: 1.png (500x500, 279K)

facebook com/OfficialDanSouthworth/videos/482898972495241/

try this link

>male Nero

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im pretty sure the panel was an hour long so it has to be over

Same problem.

>male Nero
I-it's not like there's a female Nero, r-right?
I honestly wouldn't mind if there was

Why do all the guys have bulges except Vergil?

That's roughly what they set up for. But honestly, DMC6 can be whatever they want. 5 tied up just about every loose end, so they can reuse or introduce characters as they like.
This may be because Itsuno's leaving the series free for a new director to take the reigns.

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I'm downloading the vid from fb and ill post the link after

Barry, we know it's you.

Vergil's dick got corrupted so he had to chop it off

See and imo, we'll get DMC x Bayonetta eventually. It's just a matter of time.

Yes I fucked up, but what do you think of my idea?
Itsuno-San is leaving? That's a shame, I always saw Nero as his boy. It was very obvious he wanted him to he the lead since 4.

Nero's story is also done. So get rid of him too dumbfuck.

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Thanks, user.

Dante's beard story is done, shave it off.

I think they'll focus on more Nero and Vergil's characters now and Dante would still be in the background. They might introduce Mundus since they've been namedropping him a lot. Or they might just use that story line in the anime.

>Nero's story is also done

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Agreed. The next game should be about Trish.

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>Nero's story is done
>even though Dante and Vergil leave the human world for him to protect
yeah sure whatever you say devilboomer lol he's got one game left

DMC4 and 5 Dante are trash tier designs.


Itsuno isn't working on future titles bitch

>no one modded eva's kimono dress yet for trish

why are there cutfags even in dmc threads?

>tfw no big titty shapeshifting blond demon bimbo
It's not fair.

That's like saying Dante's story was done at 3. Nero is still young, he's got a lot of adventures ahead of him. Besides, we get a better chance of a Van based character if Nico stays on the roster.
Honestly? I'm done with Vergil too. Not saying I don't want him in the story. I need my stoic boi and my wahoo pizza lord in every game but I don't want them in the main frame. And the anime is already Canon, I doubt they'd bring it back in the game.

>leave the human world for him to protect
>forgets the menu screen

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

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It's time to let it go, old man

I meant the new netflix anime with Adi. There's a good chance they'll be adapting the manga and continuing from where 5 left off

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is that shit not caned

>2.5 million
>"only" 2.5 million
Who started this stupid fucking meme?

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No, Dante and Vergil having bromance moments is mandatory in 6.

Honestly forgot that existed. I'm still a firm believer that the best adaptation for DMC is just always sunny. Outside of the Demon killing everybody is just a giant goober.

Why would it be, Castlevania Netflix was insanely popular with both fans and normies.

No why would it be

Does Dante like olives on his pizza?

I did, so that there would be more DMC threads.

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>the menu screen
Foolishness, user. Foolishness!!!

You rerailed it from pseudo-ironic yaoi posting to discussing the actual series so you're alright in my book.

All the good DMC's have both Dante and Vergil in them so this isn't far from the truth.

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My ideal Vergil added weapons are tonfas for the brawler style and chakrams for ranged.

Tonfas fit him because they are for extremely methodical yet swift blows that are distinct to the punchan' Dante gets up to normally and Chakrams are slow but precise discus style projectiles that can also be used for rapid slashes up close. I bet both could look stylish as fuck.

Also the fact they're Chinese/Indian keeps up an Asian theme for his weapons.


Dante's story was never done. Kaimya would've made a sequel that continued after 1. You guys are just parroting what the devs say, the devs who planned no part in Dante's creation.

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>his story and character are done.
>Was literally going to get a another game where he and Trish would be playable.

It's funny how DMCfags think DMC1 was the end, it's not hard to continue the story with a solo protagonist. Look at Bayonetta.

its converting now it'll be ready in 30 min

>no trust me the guy who hasn't worked on the series in over 80% of its life whose had 50% of the one game he did make get retconned totally has a more authoritative opinion on the main character's arc and it would totally be the same as mine

you all have shit taste.
Patty Lowell should be the main character in the next game.

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Unironically this

>Itsuno-San is leaving?
Not confirmed, but he said himself he's planning on directing Dragon's Dogma 2 next, and since Capcom's talking about how well DMC5 did, I'm sure they won't wait long before starting on DMC6. This means we're probably going to see a new director; if Itsuno's there it'll be in more of a passive/supervisory role while he focuses on DD.
Someone a while back said there's a few good picks for his successor with DMC, including one guy he's basically been grooming, but I can't remember their names for the life of me.

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Literally fuck off to /vg/ already.

Put your money where your mouth is user, what's her move set and play style?

Pretty much. A DMC action-comedy sounds hard to mess up; just get the original VAs, a decent animation team for the fights, and don't go full retard with the writing.

So close so close but your a got a lot of heart kid you really do but your a little bite lacking in the GET department HAHAHAHAHAHA hey no offence

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>people thinking Capcom is gonna drop characters because "their story is done"
Are you niggers forgetting this is a video game? V's gameplay was decided before they even started writing the story. Dante, Nero etc are only going to get ridden off if whoever directs DMC6 thinks their gameplay is not worth expanding anymore.

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I want Nero to be the lead of DMC6 with a new character that has their own slew of styles to be the alternate option. Just something totally fresh that puts a new spin on the system in ways Dante can't because people have engrained expectations for what he roughly has to be like.

And I want it to get an expac focused on Dante and Vergil in Hell as they rip and tear their way through it, encounter a revived Mundus, kill him, and finally just go back to Earth and shift the rivalry-autism to a more benign version where they still bicker but mostly one up eachother by fighting other demons and trying to outstyle the other.

She realizes she can spend more time with Dante by becoming a demon hunter, so she uses her family's sorcery/alchemical powers to contract with a demon. In the process she accidentally resurrects Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare, and inherits V's playstyle.

>14 months of daily DMC threads
>only moved to /vg/ THRICE

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She's not a little girl anymore so all her appeal is gone.

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I'm still salty that Mundus is still alive. I ope DMC6 is Dante and Vergil kicking his ass.


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This but also give me Lady/Trish as a weird duo character where you swap between them to fight and whoever you don't control is ran by AI you can give rough orders to setup combos.

Sort of like making the one you're not actively on control like V's pets but with multiple actions (e.g. Trish has a launcher, melee combo string, ranged lightning, and stinger tied to the d-pad so you can issue orders through it while using the face buttons)

>Implying she can't be one of those "looks 10 but is totally an adult" legal lolis
Don't tell me you can't hear the Sparda bros bringing the bantz over her size.


Has there been any news of his existence after 1?

It's also worth noting that Nero cannot carry this series alone. Nobody bought DMC5 because Nero was in it, they bought for Dante and/or Vergil. Capcom knows this, they wont let Itsuno drop the cash cows of the series. After the failure of DmC, they wont take any chances of ditching Dante.

It's obvious DMC6 would take place in hell and the logical conclusion is a final revenge mission on Mundus' ass. The marketing writes itself.
>DMC 666

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nah that should be dlc dmc6 should be about Sparta and Eva

yes. Malphas and Tras- I mean Trish mentioning me in DMC 5.

Anyone here playing with keyboard? I just started and for some reason I thought about switching to keyboard for easier style switching.
I just hate doing claw grips but pressing the wrong style on my thick xbox pad.

>still salty
Vergil is that you

not making the last game be dmc7 like the 7 deadly sins

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Okay Yea Forums, Capcom has decided DMC needs to drop the mission based approach to level design. What would you have take its place?
I'd go for a Castlevania style map

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>Are you niggers forgetting this is a video game? V's gameplay was decided before they even started writing the story. Dante, Nero etc are only going to get ridden off if whoever directs DMC6 thinks their gameplay is not worth expanding anymore.

They're going to have to start dropping characters either way. DMC5 having three playable characters was apparently a massive challenge for the team, and a lot of people didn't even like V anyway.

DMC6 is probably going to go back to 1-2 playable characters. Adding more playable characters with every game isn't viable direction to go in. They're not going to make a 5 character DMC with like 50 missions or something.

If they don't market dmc 666 that way I'm gonna be upset.

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Oh shit, I didn't catch the hints in multiple playthroughs. I really hope it's true.



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>DMC1 Pride
>DMC2 Sloth
>DMC3 Wrath
>DMC4 Envy
>DMC5 Lust
>special editions Greed

Zelda style open world

Nah you gotta lean into the rediculousness. Have an entire B plot around Dante learning how to skateboard.
You know what, that's not a bad idea. It would bring back that playstyle without bowing to fans who want V back. Plus she'd make a great Ojou character.
I feel the same way, that's why I want the new character to be Nero's kids.

>"Vergil will come in april with the BP palace update"
>"he's being announced at E3, people are talking about it so it's true"
>"GAMESCOM, he's comming i swear!"

Give it up, he isnt cumming until DMC5:SE on the PS5, even smashfags arent this delusional

So? Why do you think we care?

what did they announce

MGSV style mix of open world and missions. You can explore and fight demons in an open environment, and go to certain areas to complete special objectives and take on demon strongholds. Gameplay is mixed up so Dante and crew have better navigation and platforming options while they explore.
You can still replay chapters/segments so you can enjoy bosses and certain fights whenever you want.
Also you get a cool motorcycle to ride around on.

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>I'd go for a Castlevania style map
I can almost fucking 100% guarantee that the next DMC is going to be exactly this. Especially since both God of War 2018 and Sekiro outsold DMC5. It's gonna be a interconnected map with a completely overhauled ranking system.

Screencap this post and I'll see you all in 2021.

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We just want to keep the hype train going, leave us alone.

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People really need to learn to accept singleplayer story dlc sells poorly and expansion sized content packs will forever be a rarity going firward excelt for games where the majority of the market replays them repeatedly (e.g. PC Strategy games) or they sell so well even a fraction of the audience buying them will make money (e.g. Sony's Spider-Man)

DMC5 is neither. No story dlc is coming, and a new character takes a huge amount of work to the point that releasing it makes little finsncial sense for the sales total it's hit.

Vergil isn't coming to 5. I doubt we'll even get an SE, the age of title updates like that for AAA titles is almost over and the PS5/Xbox 2 will both be backwards compatible.

Just pray for DMC6.

>open world
when will this fucking meme die?
open world games are so boring and shit, its gotten to the point where mission based linear games are actually refreshing to see now

If PS5/Xbox Scarlet are backwards compatible, Capcom can just release it for PS4/XB1 and call it a day.

>Say in DMC thread that "Can't comment" is like practically admitting you're under an NDA.
Not really. It could also mean that your bosses have ordered you not to talk about it as its not a priority and they don't want you to pull focus from other things.

I love Spiderman but your opinion is shit

Hasn't been daily I think. Or at least no longer daily reaching bump limit.

Really depends on how bold the new director feels. A lot of DMC5's praise was for how unashamedly oldschool it could be, modernizing the mission structure would be a big deal.

I could see them going for that sort of map and then segmenting it for missions like 1/3 did for the manor/tower however.

I prefer mission based for action games, but if I can't have that I'd at least like an excuse to go really fast on a motorcycle while I shoot demons.

My opinion doesn't matter, all that matters is the meme opinion.

Theres a difference between hype and delusion, blindly believing major content will magically be announced despite the people behind the game cobstantly saying THE GAME IS FINISHED is just setting yourself up for nothing but dussapointment.

Be hyped for something that actually has a chance to exist, like DMC6

>Imagine if Vergil actually looked like this in cutscenes

Do you think next Gen the model scans will look better? I hope they use Maxim again cause he's really handsome.

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We were daily from reveal until release. Since then we've slowed down a bit but DMC threads still pop up fairly regularly. It's nice.

The lack of a season pass is what really kills the dream desu

They got hugely popular because it was a way to sell the dlc during the zeitgeist of the game when people are most willing to spend extra on it for better editions and extra content. They also keep people locked into the releases which increases discussion and attention to it.

Releasing the dlc later on its own is basically throwing away money and free marketing. If capcom had any intention of doing Vergil before an SE it would have had a season pass for 5 with some skins and music tacked on to buff it up, but all that shit was day 1 instead.

Dante saying brother to Vergil makes my soul feel kimochi. Please post the twins doing stupid shit.

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What does it matter? How is it any different then us hoping every year that they would announce DMC5? Besides Capcom lied about there being no plans for DMC5 too.

They also said they want to push for 3 million units by 2020.

Post the katana one

>despite the people behind the game cobstantly saying THE GAME IS FINISHED
And despite the people behind the game being weird on purpose about details that don't matter leading up to the game's release (most commonly-cited one being V and Nico's tattoos being theorized as related by Matt to fans when they weren't), and despite Dan Southworth being a leaking sieve of information because he loves the games so much and he hedges a lot of bets on something related to Vergil coming, and despite it being very well-known that Vergil is in a playable but incomplete state and has been since the game launched (on top of Divergence and matchmaking code for Bloody Palace existing, and matchmaking code recently being used in a trainer to allow online co-op for more missions than the ones available in the base game), and the game checking for any existing DLC on boot

There's plenty of information that points to DMC5 getting a continuation of some form. Nobody really cares if it's not grand or sweeping full expansions, but something's coming and it would cost less on Capcom's part and be just as satisfying for it to be a DMC5 addition.

I'm thinking that's what the Vergil DLC would ideally be. I can't really see them making a full game out of that without it feeling really stretched out.

>People really need to learn to accept singleplayer story dlc sells poorly and expansion sized content packs will forever be a rarity going firward excelt for games where the majority of the market replays them repeatedly (e.g. PC Strategy games) or they sell so well even a fraction of the audience buying them will make money (e.g. Sony's Spider-Man)

There's a solid chance that the DMC5 DLC with Dante/Vergil/Trish/Lady was originally planned but instead turned into a full-blown game ala Breath of the Wild 2 exactly because of this.

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>Kh fan
>Calling anyone else a fag
You get a (you) because that was a good laugh

Are there anymore of those? They always give me a chuckle because they fit so well

Just those two, as far as I know. Hopefully drawfags make more.

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I am deadset on Dante being asexual. Not even trying to bait, I don't think Dante is a sexual guy. I think he's had sex a handful of times, some with random girls, once with a drunken Lady, but it really doesn't get his motor running.

It wouldn't surprise me, the old DMC1 books and DMC1-DMC3 era mangas took a somewhat similar stance that he wasn't actually asexual but he was too fucked in the head to pursue or desire anything more than a one-night stand. Even the relationship with Lady and DMC5 poopooing the idea of a romance with her is in line with that, they're both too fucked in the head to want anything more than a shoulder to cry on once in a while.

I think Dante has a mommy complex that he hasn't come to terms with but other than that he'd rather eat pizza. Lady I think is more comfortable with her sexuality but her dates never call her back. So she'll drink with and complain to an apathetic Trish. Here's a question, do you think Nico is gay?

>the rebootfag is falseflagging again
>he made another thread
He's really butthurt about 5 selling way better than Donte may cry huh

if it ain't his mommy it ain't good enough for him

>on top of Divergence and matchmaking code for Bloody Palace existing,
Yeah and they had unused rank Edgelord. Stop spreading this bullshit

>implying he looks bad

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Why does every game fanbase try to push some soulless producer/director/art guy as some quirky and WACKY XD personality? Reggie was pushing it, but some literally who producer? Nobody gives a shit.

Get out of here, nintendobaby.

>Here's a question, do you think Nico is gay?
They pretty well confirm it in supplementary material but she ribs Nero often enough about possibly being interested in her I think she comes across as bi

>expects to sell 3.5 million by next fiscial year
>thinks they wont sell vergil to boost those numbers

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Mcfucking kill yerself


>do you think Nico is gay?
Probably bi, shes was wetting herself and stuttering when near Dante

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Imagine her stutfering during sex

I think that's more her just fucking with him to get under his skin, I think she's gay but she thinks it's nobody's business but her own. They make a great team though, I hope she stays And becomes a playable character with a Devil Breaker exo-suitOr Van Combat
I chalk that up to idolism. Imagine the stories Nell used to tell her about Dante. You'd stutter and wet yourself too if you met your childhood hero too.

Fix your game Capcom.

Bruh,i'm not even a Vergilfag and think he looks amazing

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someone took a screenshot but I forgot to save it

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Replaying dmc 3 right now and holy shit do missions 14-16 suck Mundus red balls.

You can still crack open the EXE with a hex-editor to have a look at the line of code referring to matchmaking and confirming Vergil takes a character-slot. The offsets have changed since launch due to updates but it's still there. I haven't found anything about Divergence but I recall it being stored elsewhere as text-only, stored with the other announcements for unlocking modes.

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It's just that his hair makes his face look fat as fuck sometimes. I think it needed to come down at the front a bit to make it hide a bit of his forehead.

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Not helping is that it doesn't look like he just swept it back, it looks like he deliberately styled it that way. Dante's mimic of Vergil's swept-back hair in 5 looks a lot better.

get ready for the gamescom announcement

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How do you get ready to get nothing?

Please someone drawfag this

nothing is still something user

thats... not how it works buddy, the dlc might entice new fans to try out the series, convince people who were on the bench and it puts DMCs name back out in the recent public eye.

Nothing is precisely not something dumbass.

Hey really random question but I doubt Yea Forums would give me a reasonable answer. I've got a hankering for Korean cinema, just finished Oldboy and I'm looking for more, any suggestions?

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the man from nowhere is pretty good

The only I know is Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, by the same director. Also Train to Busan, if you like zombie movies.

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I just find it so interesting how Europeans are enamoured with the southern accent, when we in the US don't really bat an eye to it.

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I'm an amerifat and I love dudes with southern accents.

Thanks! That gave me some ideas, fuck I love DMC threads
It's truly fascinating to me that you'd find that attractive but it's not surprising considering it's completely foreign to you. Sort of like me liking the French language. What do you think of Brooklyn accents?

IT. HAS. BEGUNuhhhh.

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Dan writing Griffons lines make a lot of sense lel

Nero's been the lead since 4, though.

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People were fucking ecstatic when they saw Nero was back, though. People bought it for everybody involved.

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I don't believe that. I think if you're a fan of DMC you love or appreciate most of it. This is a fucking garbage example but it's like when Danny joined the grumps. Everyone hated him in the beginning but once they gave him a chance he became just as if not more loved than the other two.
Yes but I mean straight up lead, no Dante saving the day.

What, you can't have a lead with multiple playable characters? Dante's still entirely welcome. What I want, is Vergil playable from the start as a deuteragonist.

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Of course I want Dante to still be the series, what I'm saying is I want him to take a back seat. I want it to be Nero's story, not Nero and Dante's story. I still absolutely want them playable in bloody palace.

I just feel like Dante is complete; he has closure, he's had his adventures. Where else do you go with his game play style too? Another weapon yeah but how do you go even further than SDT?

why cant dante stay and just play the same role he has been playing since 4, being a support for nero. DMC isnt DMC without dante's playstyle or his character

I'm not saying he can't be. I just don't want 'dante missions' I would rather two brand new characters with Dante being another run through. Like how Vergil was in 4 but without an SE

its not just his playstle thats invaluable to the seires, its his character. It would be an absolute disservice if he was but to just being an unlokcable second playthrough with no story significance. If they want to get rid of dante they need to give him a proper sendoff aka either make him the main character of dmc6 for one last final hurrah or kill him off in a respectable way

If you love Vergil so much why don't you marry him instead of waiting for DLC?

Is Owen's instagram still private?

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The Wailing is horrorkino,
Memories of murder is a very good crime film.

Not korean but Audition and Noroi are good films to follow through if you watch the Wailing.


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Seconding The Wailing, it's long but man is it good. Will definitely have to check out the other recommendations in the thread.

He's already my husbando

What are you looking for? Horror, action, drama, some more of old boy? You know Old Boy is part of a trilogy, right? Old Boy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. The other two are not as action packed or impactful but they are the other two of the trilogy.

You're right, it would be a very unpopular decision. But in the same way that I can have a Yakuza game without Kiryu, I can have a Devil May Cry without Dante. The end of 5 could absolutely be considered a sendoff, he literally hands off earth to Nero to go fight forever with his brother. I'd never straight up want him to be gone forever, but I think a Nero and crew road trip story would be awesome.

Some more oldboy mostly. I just downloaded Lady Vengance so i think I'll throw that on after the Raid
I'll keep that in mind, I like horror but not right now. What kind of horror is it? Psychological or thriller?

Its both, and as with The Wailing, very slow.

I haven't watched Admiral: Roaring Currents and The Handmaiden but I heard good things about them.

Be wrong right now.

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>start another Platinum action game
>feels just the same as the others
Argh, I hate this.

Based and redorbed.

Told you bro. They can't even take it seriously, they want they want with no regard to anything else and certainly no regard to what the director wants. They'll turn on DMC6 if it doesn't have Dante but i don't blame them, they just love Dante to unhealthy levels (for the franchise).

The director is very active and while you won't' find the same themes elsewhere his other movies are still pretty good.
Try Thirst.


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But that says TGS...

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This sounds incredibly gay, so it fits this abomination of a game.

>abomination of a game
Still here Barry?

And a reminder.

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I never played DMC before but I wanna play it for this guy, he looks so sexy and his name is cool. is he a playable character?

Nah, not him. I like DMC5 actually, but it's overrated and DMC1 is still the best one.

Oh fuck I never thought of integrating V's moves as a new style

What else would they do?

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I dunno, I always thought V would be V and Vergil would be Vergil. Really it's silly of me not to think of it that way.

Why hasn't leaker-kun come back, he had spoilers twice before the game came out.

Oh yeah, well I disagree, but I respect your opinion and still think DMC1 is good, fantastic when you consider its age. I'd like to see Kamiya's take if he were allowed to remake it.

easiest way to spot a fake

good job user

Is that nexus link the only coop related shit so far or is there more stuff with other missions or something?

He got laughed off both times, though. For all you know he's dropped leaks in this thread and we never realized it.

Don't worry about it, user.

Why? If there's a weapon to give to Trish it's Alastor.

Remember when the leak happened and we saw Nero with a robot arm?

Meanwhile KH3 was a massive disappointment for both casual and hardcore fans to the point where no one even remembered it only a couple weeks later. While DMC5 not only lived up to a decade of hype from the most hardcore fans, but it EXCEEDED everyone's expectations.
Hell I bought that game on release day and am still regularly replaying it. It's the most fun I've had with a game in years

Well, only half right. He remembered everything. Plenty of people guessed that Yamato would come into the picture because there wasn't any other reason for Vergil to steal it from Nero otherwise. I remember one of my own posts saying that he would stab himself with it to cleave apart human and demon because slicing things apart conceptually seemed to be a power Yamato had. Even more so after the leak showing him cut open a portal.

are you the mysterious leaker

>human Dante
Mugen from Samurai Champloo

>Implying I haven't already


fuck DMC 5 DLCs and DMC6
DMC 3 Remake WHEN?!

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Actual leaker here, of both that post and the ESRB leak that came out like a day prior to the DMC5 Announcement. If I had info beyond what I'd known, I would've dropped all of it, trust me.

If it really is you, congrats on getting away with it. But if you haven't heard anything at this point and we are due for something, then it either means you had someone close to the project tell you, or you are no longer apart of the project yourself. Hopefully we aren't getting bullshitted. I really want to see DMC5 get something else. It was fun, even if I burnt out trying to S rank all DMD.

The last bump belongs to Vergil.

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To keep it short, I knew a guy who had a job in game testing, and he sent me the screen of the DMC5 ESRB posting. He found out like a day after the game was revealed, so we cut ties and I took down my post on the DMC subreddit (I posted it there cause the sub was still pretty small at the time) in hopes that the Capcom ninjas don't kill us. He was actually pretty amused by the fact nobody believed parts of it, especially Nero having a robo arm.

>probably the same guy
>no one believed him again

Yeah, it's understandable why you wouldn't know anything more, even if you didn't cut ties, he probably wouldn't be testing whatever down the line. So when the fuck is the Capcom presentation anyway? I heard monday, I think?

you can play the twink half in 5

Better charm her I guess, but good luck beating the south. She'll probably get homesick.