Game gets a remake

>game gets a remake
>its actually bretty good

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Other urls found in this thread:!yE8QFASY!LJWYXOoUzjNhdzPH7p3gSg

>pic unrelated

Final Fantasy X HD!

I liked Crash Nsane Trilogy. Sue me.

That’s a remaster not a remake

>game gets a remake
>tranny plotline
Yeah that's gonna be a hard no from me.

ctr nf

>But user, it's SUPER progressive. Oh I get it, you must be a white supremacist.

Why must fucking soi lefty fucks be like this?

I mean why else would you be against transgenders?

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Rocko isn't fucking funny. I bought the complete series DVD set a couple years ago, and while the first season was pretty funny the entire series was a fucking drag outside of fan favorites like Wacky Deli.

>Thinking trannyshit is new and progressive for Rocko
>When the original series had a plotline dedicated to a woman defying her parents and running away with the turtle (who was a complete bitch and 90s version of a basedboy)
>When Camp Lazlo had a plotline dedicated to how the tough guy liked to play with dolls

Fucking zoomers

>game tells you cutting off your dick is perfectly normal

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To be fair it was pretty good until the tranny came up. The whole thing just ran out of steam and sucked after that

I am sure is just a reference to how reed frogs can indeed change gender, remember Jurassic park?


Is a reed frog, user.

Everything in the Special IS a parody of Modern Times and the Change within 20 years
I consider transgender s Part of the parody/joke

It wasn’t taken as a joke.

Is ralph still an animator? Because if so this is even more hilarious that it should be

>Remake get's SJW'd
>it's still pretty good

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>Invader Zim will be the next flop along with rocko and Ren & Stimpy.

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>its actually bretty good

>turning the frog into a tranny

SUre op

Reed frogs can literally change genders though

>statistics without context
wow it's fucking nothing

>statistics aren't real when they hurt my fragile feefees :C



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They're meaningless without understanding why they exist or how they compare to similar statistics. Are you just a fucking retard that failed stats class?

>ren and stimpy
Nick and Netflix won’t touch the kiddy diddler’s show now that he got exposed.

Resident Evil 2002!r

>RE2 remake
>Metroid Zero Misssion
>Ocarina of Time 3D
>Fire Red/Leaf Green
>Heart Gold/Soul Silver
Did I miss any?

>no no no don't point out how we trannies are far more likely to fail in life and kill ourselves, stop it facts are transphobic

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Adult Party Show already happened.

That's my 7 now fuccboi

I really don't care if trannies are a bunch of depressed highschool dropouts. That doesn't affect me none. Give me a better reason why someone would be against transgenders.

You seem to have forgotten they had a “reboot” 15 years ago

But i dont blame you

Literally nobody cares you obsessed, brainless bitch. Think for yourself for once and stop disappointing your family.

That answers my question at least

Ys: the Oath in Felghana and Mega Man Powered Up belong on the list


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>Mega Man Powered Up
That art style was hideous

tranny meltdown, going to 40% soon I see :)

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>can't complain about shoehorned identity politics in media without everyone just calling you a bigot

it's kinda impressive that this still works despite how blatant it is. I'm not even the kind of person that loses their shit and has an autistic shitfit any time a gay character shows up in a show or game or whatever but it's just that 99% of the time lately it's clearly either a marketing stunt or an attempt to garner good PR. I don't think people understand that while there will always be a subset that just gets upset at the existence of these characters in general, most would be a lot more willing to go along with it if it felt like they were added naturally for the sake of a story or because the writer had an actual plan and not out of some attempt to reach a quota.

Adult Party Cartoon

Because it's medically stupid to let people take a bunch of random hormones and cut their genitals off?

I'm not against the mindset - because in 30 or 40 years trannies will be like "Wow what the fuck did we do"

But they can't fix their bodies when they fuck it up due to mental illness

Oh no. A situation that only inconveniences "her" life. I get I hate all trannies now?

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>I'd have to use a toilet
so use a toilet? Not ideal but isn't it better than your identity breaking down over this sorta thing?

wtf, mentally ill people only harming themselves. This is a big deal to me somehow.

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To each their own, but I loved how the engine felt and thought the stage builder was wonderful. Have a good day user!

>groom children
>want it to be illegal for people to not oblige your mental illness and delusions
>shoehorn your fetish in all media

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It's a medical exploitation of the mentally ill based on pseudoscience, encouraged by a cult mentality and self-righteous people looking for a new progressive high-ground to claim.

This is what I wanted to hear. Not the dull 40% meme garbage. Now THESE are reasons to be against trannies.

I appreciated the features but I couldn't get past how it looked

I understand. I'm glad you at least gave it a shot though

Just like CTR.... Oh wait....

Well i guess Mr Bighead was right all along

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They've actually done it...
They turned the freaking frogs gay. My god

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may i inquire about the game so i can put it in my ignore list?

Shit this is some 4D chess

>people caring about the bighead's kid
>a kid who was a total faggot loser in the original
Either zoomers or autists who missed the entire point of the character in the original series.

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I get why people are always parading around these child drag queens. They're pedophiles or at the very least so mentally damaged they don't see the issue with taking child pageants (already a fucked up practice) and putting it in a gay bar. What I don't get is why people act like they are in the right when someone criticizes them.

>Reed frogs can literally change genders though
No creature on God’s green earth can “change genders”
Its immoral and ungodly and it will never happen in the REAL world no matter how much soi you drink

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dont remind me bro... Bought it on release and had a fucking blast. When the first grand prix came out i smelled something extra fishy but ignored it thinking it was only a way for them to keep me playing and nothing more. I dont even care for any extra cars and characters cos i got big norn on ufo but it still fucking hurts.

They simply want to dodge guilt and blame.


Kek i read this in his voice

He was a succesful cartoonist, to the point he couldn't even sabotage himself.

My first and only exposure to it was playing it on my friends PSP that he had in his room a few years back. Hadn't even heard of it until I started playing it and realised it was a remake of MM1. I thought having the different difficulties and extra features were neat, but again I didn't like the cutesy art style. I think they should've tried to lean into something that was indicative of the 80's. Not necessarily recreating NES visuals, but maybe use some of the more dorky looking character designs to invoke that 80's feeling.

>Either zoomers or autists who missed the entire point of the character in the original series.

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>creator is dead
>immediately announce kid spingbeb show that creator was very against
>wonder why people are mad at you
It's gonna be shit, so is the babby sponge show.

because if my son had wanted to become mtf. I'd never forgive forgive myself if he went through with it. But because of modern left politics anything that goes slightly against their ideas is like walking in a minefield in a nuke warehouse

Yes, that's why it's funny. He fails so hard he fails at failing. It's EFG in animated cartoon form.

pretty sure he was still alive during the early production stages of this
even then I don't understand why his death would affect the quality of it

Real? They made Ralph trans? It's one thing if it was inclusive before, but this is some clear pandering.

Hopefully the worst thing we can expect from the animaniacs is an obnoxious amount of trump jokes.

Why is it bad if they make fun of trump? Everyone does it.


Mines wouldn't cause nuclear missiles to detonate. You need a forced fission reaction to detonate one. The worst you would get from destroying nuclear warheads is localized radiation from the materials spreading out. Nukes are way safer to handle than conventional bombs.

>trannies ruined Rocko
RIP Rocko. Long live Rollo.

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because when people make trump jokes they only have like two punchlines. and even that wouldn't be so bad if they used them sparingly instead of using each about five times a night.
at least with bush jokes back in the day there was always a fresh take on it

Trump jokes only resort to Orange Man Bar 98% of the time, they don't have flexibility like Obama, Bill and Dubya jokes.

That's just the thing, EVERYONE does it. The first year and a bit of change? Yeah, it was humorous. Over halfway through his stay? It's just getting old and unoriginal, like a tired meme. Come up with something original already, he's the lowest of low hanging fruit.

I'm still crying about the announcement

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Hi Vinnie

>groom children

I hate it. I hate how they went right for the kids.

They're starting to sell fag books on the scholastic catalog for book fairs.

Hi e-celeb watching faggot

Wait, Animaniacs is also returning?

C'mon man, it's too early for that amount of soi. Tone it down, Mr. Trans

It's still great, the GPs are fun to keep me coming back to play but the microtransactions leaves a sour taste in my mouth and I was lucky enough to buy all the shop characters and I don't realy care a big deal about skins or shit, it's still really cuntish

I took it as half the joke being that the character is a failure at being a man, given the original show. Overall it was surprisingly watchable despite the message being at odds with how mean-spirited the original show often could be. It was a long episode about the Bighead son and those were never tremendously good episodes anyways.

Angry beavers Return when?

Yeah dude, they announced it last year. They're gonna be on netflix in 2020, Spielberg is onboard.

Oh shit. Called out like the eceleb obsessed fag you are.

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e celebs are based though. you're a literal old boomer crying about new media. no one watches TV anymore gramps, it's about youtube now

>Get told for years Vinnie was /OurGuy/
>Now he's considered e-celeb shit
Well which is it you fucking mongoloid? How am I supposed to align with Yea Forums when y'all keep flip flopping?

>Wow having basic human decency is a onions way of thinking

No it wasn't. It was all boomer core humor and culture shock regarding new things from the 2000s+. Which is stupid, because the 90s had the beginnings of a lot of these trends. Pagers, AOL, remote control toys. I'm pretty sure the fucking singer of the fucking themesong qualifies for LGBTQ. Rocko was such a dumb character to run this premise with. He's not from the fucking 60s.

>oh no, a tranny!

Literally a side plot from the actual plot, which was Rocko and his insistance on living the past. Notice how he was the only one who could not acclimate in the 21st century while Heffer and Filburt had no trouble jumping right in? The ultimate message was that change is inevitable and you can either accept it or deny it all you want and keep wishing for things to be the way they used to be, not that "change=good!" like some people are strawmanning.

Also, why the fuck does filburt have a son that looks like Heffer? I don't remember any of that.

"e-celeb" is usually code for "i don't like this content-creator/streamer/youtube account, but i don't have any actual reason for wanting Yea Forums to not talk about it"

He was just mega-shilled by his fanbase, after her broke big. I still remember the spam threads.
Here's a protip: No one who babysits children on stream for a living is our guy.


So who is gonna be the faggot/trans?

It was fine.
I don't know why they bothered, though, they could have just made a spiritual sequel or a follow up. The original is still decent.
Plus there was the whole matter of fucking up the shit opera song and changing the multiplayer to be a generic class-based objective shooter ala TF2. I quite liked some of the maps.

Dunno. This is just a Yea Forums thread so who knows why I'm replying.

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Was the series finale animation ever actually finished before Nick pulled the plug or is the audio all that's left?

the wind of changes begs them to change accept change no matter what
even rocko thought it was a stupid idea and didnt liked the cartoon remake

The entire episode was a retread of Ed and Ralph’s falling our episode. The fan service was great but the plot itself was just that episode extended by 10 minutes.

Yeah one of the babies looked like Heffer, none of the characters seemed to know why but the implications are hilarious.

These people need to pay for advertising, instead of their sycophant followers shilling for free.

>this entire fucking thread
How did we let this happen why they did overcome many mediums of entertainment to stain it with HIV+ cum any time they feel like it just because since the dawn of mankind their degenerate bullshit was never tolerated do they know this cause the opposite thing of what they want and makes people want to start ww3 or day of the rope asap

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It was shit. And that’s without mentioning the tranny garbage. Wasn’t like the show at all.

Well, IT was the nostalgia bait i expected + Muh wacky 2010s

Damn, It'd be nice if it actually had animation to go with it

If anything they'd probably have a celebrity on that's trans, like Jener. They did a crapload of cameos and it's the easiest way to be "inclusive".

youre examples are lame and terrible
you sound like a little bitch. Why would you by a series you dont even like?


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And no one gave a shit about what he had to say, at the end both Ed and Rocko came to their own conclusions. The wind didn't even got a chance to lecture them about his ebook.

They need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys, becuse these babby cant fright back? It was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids, they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest. my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots

>It was shit. And that’s without mentioning the tranny garbage.
This. It's literally an entire TV special of 'crummy pail of water'.

>Because it's medically stupid to let people take a bunch of random hormones and cut their genitals off?
If I'm not a doctor, why do I care about it from a medical perspective?

Where are we supposed to discuss e-celebs on Yea Forums?

I don't have a problem with intersex people who have problems with their gender. They have a biological reason for their feelings. A doctor can look at their genes and say, yup, they're intersex.
Transexuals that aren't intersex do not have any biological/physical reason for what they think or feel. If something is not biological and physical, it is by definition a mental illness.

I do not enable the mentally ill and their delusions. Pic related.

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The guy never wanted a spin-off

>My vagina is going to fucking collapse
That sounds incredibly horrifying

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I don't necessarily like or dislike many e-celebs. My personal opinion of them factors very little into this.

You're not. Take it to Yea Forums or /trash/, if you really insist. Other than that, it doesn't belong on the site. I don't care where you take it. Just take it out of here.

Because this is Yea Forums. Your average Yea Forums poster will buy something they know they don't like, say that Yea Forums told them to buy it and they still don't like it and ask why. Then they get a thread with 400 replies of shitposting and tons of (You)s and masturbate.

Btw. how shit is Young Justice?

I only recently realized they made more seasons but then I saw them including fags and I lost interest again.


cringe tranny post


Yeah, basically.
Same reason shops have a "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy. Your presence is unsanitary.

>Leading cause of death for men under 40 is suicide
>But because that statistic also applies to a minority we'll use it as our only weapon
Trannies still make me feel uncomfortable and I refuse to interact with someone who's a sperg on that level, but ignoring the facts entirely is equally stupid. Everyone's killing themselves, not just the mutants.

It's hard being a dude in your late 20s early 30s because we were raised our whole life to laugh at trannies and now we're supposed to think they're beautiful and brave.
Remember in monty python when they'd put on a dress and that was the whole joke?
Men in dresses are literally a joke.

Its ok and they turned gay the nigger aqualad so nothing of value was lost


>hey let's remake this old caricature that nobody remembers because liking unknown things is popular!
fuck this shit

If you cite a doctor it's an "I win" button donchaknow. Even though a psychiatrist is also a medical opinion and can tell you even though they're fucked in the head it's real to them

conker sucks. remake or n64

>Trannies are more likely to commit suicide
>Incels are more likely to commit mass shootings

When I watched Rocko, Heffer, and Philbert stand there and then just go "Cool" it was like a dagger in my heart.

40 fucking percent, dilate

It was lackluster as fuck.
A vast majority of the special was just "remember gag we did 20+ years ago?" with as many characters as they could possibly shoehorn in the screentime. The other part consisting of outdated "distant future" 2010's maymays like iPhones, Starbucks, JUNK FOOD BAD >:( and other stale shit.
The whole tranny shit is just a why considering Ralph never even had any implications of being trans yet the son from the wolf family did in a handwaved moment when he crossdressed as a cheerleader.

Overall, it was just meh. A decentish special, but not necessary to try to revive the series.

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The absolute state of trannies and tranny apologists

>75% of all suicides are by men
>No doesn't count buzzwords haha

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The absolute fucking state of spicy memelords who'll forget what a tranny even is in a year or two when its replacement maymay comes along

The George Bush is dumb memes stopped after the first couple years. Bush did 911 is even getting stale and that joke was actually funny.

*tips fedora*
Facts and logic pilled

men usually use more successful methods, apparently women "attempt" it more

What did you want them to do? the whole thing was to convince >her to make more cartoons.

I mean the statistics I know offhand are just the UK anyways so I can't exactly comment on the US. I suppose when you don't have to pay to see more types of doctor here, they'll manage to convince you not to lop your dick off.

>I consider transgender s Part of the parody/joke
But there was no joke. Even the episode that dealt with closeted gays treated the subject humorously. This just felt forced.

in fairness, men actually attempt suicide at generally lower rates than women/gays/trans/whatever, we just shoose more lethal methods like a gun shot to the head instead of attempting on OD or slitting your wrists which have much much higher failure rates

Why do they want to ruin everything?

Ducktales reboot was also absolute shit.

Way to show off your Twitter skills, faggot

hmmm...can you tell me what the suicide rate for men is, tranny?

what fun is there in being a complete faggot on the internet on purpose

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Eh, whatever. The only tranny I know personally is a fucking crime.
>Decently attractive girl, easily 6/7 out of 10
>Cosplayer, actually pretty chill during HS years despite being in that crowd
>Sexually abused or whatever by family members when she was 12
>Now is chugging hormones and a proud asexual in an attempt to reclaim her identity.
84 a week.

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I just watched a few clips of the original series and the special lacks a lot of the dark/edgy and mean spirited humor that made the show so funny. Rocko spends most episodes being tormented, despite his good nature. He has to deal with a cruel world that doesn’t hold back.

In the special he’s abused a little. It’s mostly unintentional and later on he has fans that dress as him. Not like the show at all.

>god i fucking hate trannies
>40% tranny rates
>those fucking trannies should dilate lmao
>trannies? trannies
>only trannies disagree with me

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>pretty sure he was still alive during the early production stages of this
He was around when the network was having discussions about doing a spinoff, but he was also one of the main reasons why it never went into immediate production since he hated the idea. Then as soon as he dies the network pushes the spinoff into its pre-production stages. It was a scummy move and even people who worked on the main show called Nick out on it.

>"Fuck reboots!"
>"Fuck change!"
>"And most important of all, fuck _____!"
holy shit Rocko

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have another drink user

this entire subplot was very unnecessary. it brought nothing to the plot

I know right? If the trannies would just go away none of this would be an issue.

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>you like to animate?
>you must be a tranny, sweaty. sorry i don't make the rules

>men are better at everything including suicide
women are so stupid they can't even off themselves correctly lmao

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With the suicide rates everybody likes to post about the problem should have been taken care of decades ago. Oddly though posting a smiling frog on the internet isn't doing anything

T. Tranny

If you've gotta get the job done, leave it to a man.

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thought-provoking post

>tfw literally to enlightened by your own intellect

if not liking being a retard on purpose is wrong then hey i don't want to be right

>change is good and clinging to the past is bad
>coming from a revival of a 20+ year old cartoon no one asked for

Nuthin personel

Because you can’t go an hour without hearing about Trump. The world revolves around him right now and if I’m going to watch a cartoon it’s for escapism.
People joked about Obama?

>rocko hated change
>totally ok with ralph being a tranny
hello? consistency?


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>ralph became the tranny
>not heffer's brother who was a cheerleader

Trannies fucking disgust me

>let me be clear
>my fellow [group]s
>drone strikes

I was talking to my brother like a month ago, he was pissed because Netflix just announced it was going to distribute this. I told him that the special must really suck, because it was announced like 3 years ago and couldn't find a distributor until recently.
Fast forward today and well, everything is explained.

That kid being a complete faggot wasn't anything new.

>Ralph was meant to be a self-insert for the series creator
>Ralph is trans
What DID they mean by this?

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epicccc *dabs*

>any online discussion about rocko's modern life will now inevitably devolve into "DAE trannies"
it's all so tiresome

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>coming from a revival of a 20+ year old cartoon no one asked for
Nickleodeon asked for it originally because barely anyone except pedos watch their channel anymore, so they wanted to try their hand at heavily playing the the nostalgia card (hence the Hey Arnold and Zim movies they also greenlit). Then Rocko's creator essentially used the special as a way to say "this nostalgia-obsessed shit is stupid, get over it".

no it wasn't
all the jokes up until then were jokes already tired 10 years ago
and after that the whole plot just revolves around tranny politics

responding to this before the tidal-wave of "dilate tranny" responses floods in

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This. What the fuck.

>Then Rocko's creator essentially used the special as a way to say "this nostalgia-obsessed shit is stupid, get over it".
So, he deliberately made it boring?

camp lazlo was better.

No better way, the only reason people are talking about this is because they're waving their flags about trannies, either because they're mad about them or because they're for them.

Honestly, the special was just fine, there was just one thing bothering me that I didn’t notice until someone pointed it out:
>rocko and the gang have been in space for 20 years
>when they land, they act so suprised over the new stuff around them
>yet when they meet a tranny for the first time, something that was basically nonexistent in the 90s, they don’t act suprised or even confused, they just give a hamfisted “oh wow that’s cool” response

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it was from the episode when heffer was sitting on the eggs like birds do. if I remember correctly, filbert kept falling off the eggs but heffer's huge ass was just fine. then when they all hatched, the last one looked like heffer for whatever reason

Exactly, nobody cares about this special without trannies.

>it was announced like 3 years ago and couldn't find a distributor until recently
Really Nick just sat on it for a while because the president that greenlit these revival projects left soon afterwards and their replacement had no interest in said projects until they realized they could just sell them off to a streaming service for easy cash. Similar shit happened to that Zim movie that Netflix is airing.

>watched few clips
Then fuck off zoomer

It's funny how easily Yea Forums kills any discussion of ANYTHING.
You can not go into a single thread without seeing cope/seethe/dilate/tranny.
And yet somehow jizzbrain got filtered before ANY of these AND IN LESS THAN A FUCKING DAY.

this is why it felt forced. everytime they turn someone gay, trans or black is always forced because you are not allowed to question it, just accept it

the "oh wow thats cool" response killed it for me, everything after that was actually well done for the most part
not even heffer made a stupid comment or something, it felt so hamfisted

also, the fact that rocko just acepts whatever people tell him to belive at the end kinda disturbs me

>faggot ass needs wanna talk about dick chopping mentally ill queers
Go back and dilte

>Tranny threads
And you retards who come in here to complain about this shit or tell us about how you "don't care" instead of just shift clicking the thread are the dumbest of them all.

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Gee, what's more fucking likely to surprise you? Advancements in technology, or some retard going, "Hey I used to a boy, now I'm a girl" That's something you shrug off and give zero shits about when there's stuff like new cars, new transportation, new shit in general.

m8, they acted surprised but jumped right in the whole 21st century shenanigans and took it all in (except for Rocko), they were perfectly fine drinking shit that mutated them. Plus they wanted Ralph to make more cartoons, what did you want them to say?

>So, he deliberately made it boring?
No, that was probably just a side effect of him not having much interest in doing another Rocko-related thing in the first place.

that only prooves that mods are based and this isnt your place, tranny
kill yourself already

how did ratchet and clank, and spyro end up ?

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Where is the video games?

what about these

Yakuza kiwami

i threw them away rocko

Spam one or all of those across Yea Forums and you'll see how fast the mod response is. I mean legitimately spam, le epic spoogebrain got filtered because it was received very poorly on Yea Forums and the guy trying to push it got mad nobody there picked it up and botted it.


The majority of the people that post on this board do not play video games, user.

>54 times

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How else would you know how intelligent and nuanced they are?

>not reporting everyone in them as underage

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>remake removes key plot or gameplay element for SJW points
>game now makes literally zero sense.

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Congratulations, you repeated me.

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"god you're annoying, go away" doesn't really pretend to be an intellectual statement

I'm not talking about the spin-off I'm talking about the remake
what does any of this have to do with the remake

t. Look how intelligent and nuanced I am

"u mad?" was old a decade ago...

Ratchet and Clank sucked, Spyro is fine. I'm bias because Crash and spyro never NEEDED remakes, they're fine as they are for the PS1. Colorful graphics, stable framerate, etc.

what, transvestites existed. just not to the degree of todfay

Yeah Rocko

Wasn't it Hulu's exclusive?

Shut up, we're talking about the spinoff now.

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>has a fucked up childhood and hates his life
>becomes a mutilated freak
checks out

Come on, user. Didn't you like Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Dilation Coast?

nigger I brought up the remake in the first place so shut your ass up

I can pretend this doesn't exist, have to rewatch some old rock

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this is now a rockos modern life thread

thank mon
>Ratchet and Clank sucked
can you expand pls

haven't seen that word in a while

Maybe, just maybe, you should go to Yea Forums if you want to talk about CARTOONS

I had to look this up because I assumed it was 100% fake but nope
>im not ralph anymore
>im rachel

Why are people pushing this shit into cartoons? Whats next? Is rocko going to dab and play fortnite soon?

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>implying EbUl TrAnNiEs is video games

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Imagine getting this fucking mad over cartoons.

>implying hating trannies isn’t video games

Now where should I go if I want to talk about trannies? Trannies certainly aren't video games.

Check out those replies

Probably because this is the only thread that doesn’t start with a provocative picture of the Bighead being tranny trying to start a shit flinging thread.
All other threads of Rocko spammed across the site always had to do with something of turning that frog gay

>Frogposters are trannies

Trannies are always welcome

The legitimate answer is /pol/ since the board is "Politically Incorrect", but oddly posters from there have a habit of mentally appending "& Politically Incorrect" to every board's subject

Yea Forums , trannies are welcomed there

Then maybe half of this board and over 75% of replies on the entire board need to go to Yea Forums, yeah?

Name 5 games.

Sure, but let's not pretend the people actually talking about the cartoon number more than four or five in this thread.

Have fun on your new board!

All this has made me realize is that Mr. Bighead is Green Lex Luthor

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Perhpas, but its not like people are talking about cartoons on Yea Forums anyways, its just waifu posting and shitposting just like here

>it's clearly either a marketing stunt or an attempt to garner good PR
And this is your problem right here, its always a "marketing stunt" or "forced propaganda" fr you fucking morons

Fuck off to Yea Forums already you obsessed Tranny retard.

the way tranny gets hurled around here i don't think he's the one obsessed

The only possible thing I can reply to this post is "bruh"

IN 2019

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Gumball I think

Transsexuals didn't suddenly start existing after the 90s

>5-10% of trans youth are LGBT
what did they mean by this?

cope and seethe dilating tranny

*ahem hem hem hem*
*tap tap tap*
Is this thing on?

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it means epic memesters don't actually look at the infographics they use

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Rocko's modern life was never good.

>Mentally ill child molesters didn't suddenly start existing after the 90s
They only started to gain acceptance and the ability to indoctrinate children more easily


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Fuck you, Maria


>my vagina is going to fucking collapse

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yeah you would wouldn't you gayboy


Yeah you sure showed them with that wojak.

I doubt I even agree with them on this issue, you're just a predictable retard who can't make an argument.

I could probably take the message about accepting change more seriously if they bothered to change Ralph’s voice. Don’t most trannies put a falsetto on anyways?

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I don't remember, but Gumball has its gay moments though. Yea Forums doesn't hate gays and blacks as much as trannies and women right now, but probably still a reason for many to not watch because of their biases

>if you do this/like certain thing YOU'RE A PEDO!
but you've been doing (pic related) how is that not the same
I honestly don't get it anymore, it mentally hurts seeing this shit

>blue pedo spiral in a kids show


And ching chong nip nong to you young lady

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>losing money hand over fist
>lets bring an old cartoon out of cold storage and use it to propagate our identity politics that'll bring back the good times

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>Gumball has its gay moments
If you're talking about the hot dog guy, it's obviously supposed to be comedic

are tv shows and hollywood really out of ideas
i just keep seeing them remake old shit,

Correct. No outright gay shit in gumball. There are some blumpf jokes though so pick your poison.

the VA for gumball reads gumbal gay fics if you pay him

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Not only are they out of ideas, they're also riding that nostalgia gravy train alllllllllll the way until it someday stops, which may actually be never as new generations will get nostalgic about the remakes and they can be remade again.

CTR:NF is the first remake in a long time that's actually good

HOLY FUCK I remember watching this episode, never thought of this scene out of context

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it means percent of homo youth vs normal youth you fucking retard

>if you pay
good, taking advantage of retards is a good idea

>he actually thinks the studio isn't going to fuck over the remake just like they went against his wishes and started the spinoff
It's going to be an autopsied corpse stitched back together.

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It mean boys are dressing up like girls, are still attracted to girls, so they call themselves lesbians. Turns out they actually have a mental illness and a fetish.

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Not wanting to see them should be enough of a reason.

>come back for one more show
>make it about trannies
Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking?

Thank God based Zim will be good.

Why is mtf surgery more expensive than ftm if it's about removing something while the other is about adding something.

Is there just some sort of contractual obligation that cartoons have to do it nowadays? I'd refuse that and do what I want if I made a show.

Demand, obviously

I mean can you blame them for changing him in the show? a lot of kids these days are more open to gay and trans stuff than any other generation before, it started with millennials and worked it's way down. im happy genz is supportive and cares about people rights and feelings,

Well it's Netflix. They've been pandering to the woke crowd for a while.

>Is there just some sort of contractual obligation that cartoons have to do it nowadays

It's a trend thing. If one cartoon does it, others are gonna follow and be met with varying amounts of success, depending on how it's handled.

>The silhouettes

Attached: 3524624.png (258x286, 128K)

Imagine unironically believing shit like this.
Lay off the kool-aid.

ftm: stitch on a frankendick
mtf: do invasive surgery that requires keeping large amounts of the penis intact and in certain places to invert and realign to make a frankenwound

the fuck are you even on about?

Why is it always either trannies, or lesbians?

The only recent gay couple I've gotten is Wing and Wong and they're not a very good example.

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>two pigs
fits them right

That's not why they're a bad example.
Pigs are cute.

i just find it fitting considering how gays are usually disgusting degenerates

I thought the stereotype was that they're clean and neat.
Make up your minds.

no, this is what they want people to believe but the pride parade has been proving it wrong

>trannies don't get that the show is laughing at them
self-awareness.exe has not been found.

I don't go to those.

>spread disease and act out repulsive fetish shit
Faggots being clean is just like media memes

I wish, user. No, the special's being completely unironic. It's actual gay psyops.

because gays are male and they aren't accepted like they used to be, gay males are soooo mid 2000's

Cleaner than you are neckbeard.

Majoras mask

>It's actual gay psyops.
this can't be real, i mean, the character had a shitty childhood and wished he could fucking kill himself, if that's not the perfect representation of a tranny then how are they pushing it as something "good"?

Because the creator is a fucking idiot who got btfo by his own 10 year old daughter.

The absolute state of dirty faggots

I’ve seen the whole series. I just watched a few clips off YouTube today.

It's just the truth.

about faggots being dirty? you're not wrong on that

This entire board needs fucking purging, it never used to be this garbage.

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>it’s t-the t-t-troof

What, because someone wore weird clothing at a parade?


Okay bible fucker.

Hey you know it wasn't like this before those freaks started appearing everywhere and helped censor games? Really makes ya think.

>ignores faggots having unprotected ass sex in alleys
>ignores faggots shitting and pissing on each other
>ignores faggots encouraging to bring children to indoctrinate to the degeneracy


>being an unironic faggot zoomer
Shoot your self

>b-b-but straight people do that, t-too!

What the fuck happened to this thread, man

I don't recall doing any of those things, and your existence is worse.

And more often, too.

Oh I don't like trannies my friend, but seeing these braindead one word responces spammed day in day out is getting tiresome

Rocko only cares about fat heads, heffer is too dumb to process it, and filburt is probably secretly into that sorta thing.

>m-muh christian boogeyman
Would be based tho

>Proceeds to take a machine gun and kill a bunch of mudslimes
Oh my god I can't believe he did it.

You're all the same, normalfag religious fuckheads who cry about degeneracy.


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Imagine being THIS butthurt that people liked wacky deli

Halo 2 Anniversary & Gears of War: Ultimate Edition

Because it was 15 bucks and I hadn't seen the show since I was a kid, and it aged like shit.

>have experienced depression
Isn't depression a common thing?
I'd imagine everyone has experienced depression, at least once, throughout their life.

day of the rope can't come soon enough

>admitting faggotry isn’t normal

Remakes are low effort, easy money cash grabs.
People want remakes of old games but refuse to acknowledge the only reason those great games were able to be made in the first place is because they were sold physical only. Gaming continues to get worse, but it degenerated from games being sold physical only. Video games would have never been good if they were never sold physical only.

Yeah, but there's nothing wrong with liking best gender.

You aside I mean, you're a shit example.

Attempted brainwashing. if you want to change the populace's minds you insert shit into their media.

They fucked up the mp so bad it gave me diarrhea. The N64 version is superior in every regard

>segment making fun of soulless cash grab digital animation cartoons
>johny test whip sfx

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Based ESL

Besides the mental illness
and child abuse
and drug abuse
and spreading stds

is the Arnold reboot going to be this bad?

Arnold already had a straight to TV movie, it wasn't that great

dont we literlaly have /lgbt?

>because deep down you don't believe trans people are an ok thing

deep down? deep as a fucking puudle, but you can't say that.

All unhappy and depressed characters/people are actually trans

>bringing back cut content
>not some shitty retexturing, but a true remake that tries to adhere to the original game's style

Any dev that restores cut content for a remake is fucking bro-tier. I've got full faith in THQNordic at least until we finally see gameplay footage.

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Depression is for schizophrenic school shooters

even you?

Actual Psychology student here. Depression is wrongly self diagnosed by a lot of people who either don't know what it is (it's not just feeling sad) or take the DSM5 (book of mental disorder symptoms) too literally. Assuming that this research was done without checking the medical background of the people involved (read: they just relied on their personal feedback) it should be taken with a truckload of salt.

Depression isnt a real thing

then what is it when you feel down?

>before the reveal, rocko was too afraid, shocked and confused from all the changes
>handle ralph transitioning fine
that's not how it works, people don't accept a sudden change from someone they know like it was a new haircut. i find this problematic because it makes trans people believe that everyone will accept their transitioning like its no big deal when in reality people will have a hard time at first to get used to your new identity and depending on how you respond, these people will try their best or simply avoid you. this is why people don't like to deal with trans because you have radical ones like "IT'S MA'AM" guy reacting violently against people who aren't used to see whackos like him.

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being a woman

So you're just always happy no matter what? That almost sounds painful in the long run, as weird as that sounds.


No I’ve made it pretty clear it’s not ok

Those are more your type of things.

Okay... as much as I hate tranny bullshit, using Ralph Bighead was a pretty good idea. If I remember, he was fucking furious 24/7. And this is the trend I see with m2f transitions. So kudos there for not being COMPLETELY shoehorned. I haven't seen the special yet, but if it ends with Ralph committing suicide in a (Years Later) cut, it'll be a 10/10 for me.

>Depression is wrongly self diagnosed by a lot of people
Yeah, I thought so.
A lot of people actually want to be "depressed."

>straight people do it too
>ignores that they are who support and push faggot acceptance

And why the fuck does it matter if Rocko&co were OK with Ralph being a trans? they have no alliance with him personally outside of being fans of his work. If anything it would have been weird and out of place if Ed was OK with it at first.

so for non trump voters, how was the new Rocko?

Too? It's mostly you. Child abuse for a sexuality that doesn't have kids? Where did drug abuse come from? And being gay isn't a mental illness because it's an advantage to like the superior gender. And nobody cares about aids anymore.

>thinks everyone is from America


I believe depression is 50/50.
50% subconscious (feelings/automatic,) 50% conscious (reaction to the subconscious.)

But why would someone willingly enforce/encourage depression?
Because it offers immediate pleasure.

>All unhappy and depressed characters/people are actually trans

But that would make everybody on Yea Forums a tranny

> they have no alliance with him personally outside of being fans of his work
that's my point, why were they cheering him on? rocko you;d have responded with "ralph, rachel, whatever we need you to work on a new cartoon" but no because then they would diminish ralph transitioning which is the highlight of the special

>going full cope

Why the fuck are you screeching at me for loving men anyway? Are you some kind of tranny feminist?

For 1 story of gay child abuse you could find, I could find 100 of straight child abuse. Actually 100 is probably being generous.

>I'm rachel now
>ok cool


>this episode again
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

Keep in mind that there are people who are rightfully diagnosed, it's just that most therapists prefer to not do it because it can affect the recovery process. For some people, being diagnosed with shit like depression, ADHD or autism makes them use the diagnosis as an excuse to not make any effort.

Unfortunately it is common for people to treat mental health like a 8 or 80 kinda of deal where you are either crazy or not.

They still begged and bugged him to work on the show tho, their goals never changed, they just looked at him and congratulated him for the transition. Nothing more, nothing less. I found it hilarious given that Rocko could not care less about his favorite creator transitioning to a woman, but adding a new character to the fatheads? too fucking far.

In the end it was a tiny subplot, was it neccesary? I don't know, that's up to you. I personally found it harmless, and in line with theme of change is inevitable.

Alright, well good lucking finding 1400 gay cases.

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>what is per capita



1 case for 280,000,000 gay people isn't really a lot of per capita. I keep saying the same 3 gay child abuse stories over and over. I could find endless examples of straight parents doing worse.


It was really, really meta. From all the references and callbacks to previous Rocko episodes, to it being a revival special of an old show about a revival special of an old show, to the digs at cheap, soulless cash-ins on IPs made by hacks. Sort of made it hard to enjoy as a work unto itself.

>1 case for 280,000,000
>making statistics up

Done. Enjoy your delusions, like your people enjoy doing frequently.

That was being generous.

crying bad or crying good?

SD3 was my fav SNES game, played the shit out of it on emulators. The remake didn't look that bad?

The actually retarded is counting every male pedo that's not interested in adults at all as gay

That goes against their narrative, though.
Gay couples (man to man) have the least cases of domestic abuse with lesbians being the highest.
Maybe man and women is the healthy balance. Wouldn't want to get too happy.

>this is what faggots actually want you to believe
Well memed faggo

Where are your stats?

That's because women are crazy and unstable.

The whole thing felt like an uninspired fan production.
>Remember that character?
>Remember that episode?
>Remember that scene?

>Where are your stats?

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So anyone got a link to where I can watch this that isn't Netshit?

But it is.

Being a gay would probably increase quality of life if it wasn't for all the AIDS, seriously.

How new are you to not recognize that quote?

The only good thing about the current year is that SA memes are finally dead.

It's time to quit being a fucking tranny and start rebuilding western culture with us user

It's not really all that much of an issue anymore, there's prevention drugs now to greatly reduce the chances of getting it in the first place and it's more manageable if you do get it. Only Africa can't handle it.
Life would be 11/10 if it didn't exist though.

>air france
based riot froggies

western culture is a culture of hedonism, fuck that

How much less garbage do you think they could have made the plot if they'd gone for a "Rocko is gay" plot instead of tranny shit?

Attached: there's no dick in this image.jpg (609x763, 50K)

>rebuilding western culture
Can't fix what's perfect, tranny fuck.

Everything's done for pleasure.

No, but moms forcing their kids to undergo sexual reassignment surgery and medication did.

It’s not inherently bad to make fun of Trump. The problem is that they’ve been telling the exact same jokes for years now with no variation. Even if they were funny to begin with, they stopped being funny after the 200th time they were told.

lookin' for something?

It would've still been garbage if they were too scared to make fun of it.
i would absolutely marry rocko, though

That's their children's problem.
There's nothing that can be done.

The tranny thing had me and my brother laughing our asses off since they still have the same super deep voice and there are still some good jokes after it, stop being a reactionist fag
I would say a bigger problem overall would be the pacing, the whole thing felt like it went on just a little to long and could have been tightened up

>The problem is that they’ve been telling the exact same jokes for years now with no variation.
They managed two ruin at least two seasons of south park with that.

Shhhh /pol/ doesn't care about actual flaws, they only give a shit if something is remotely progressive.

>I found it hilarious given that Rocko could not care less about his favorite creator transitioning to a woman, but adding a new character to the fatheads? too fucking far.
It's kind of meta isn't it, the whole accepting change and dealing with something you want back having differences from before

South Park's been ruined for years now.

>retarded faggot since the beggining
>now is full faggot
>Yea Forums gets mad
why? didn't you ever watch the cartoon?

It's everyone's problem when some governments want to suspend your family from public school, or even take your kids away from you because you don't want them participating in tranny "story time" by men that sexually exploit children.

Is this a pancakes reference?


Stop being passive aggressive you faggot

Where can I watch this that isn't (((netflix)))?

You're probably right about that. A shame, really. The old episodes are still entertaining.

>Hear about the special
>Then hear about all the PC culture shit it will have
>Watch it
>Tranny character shows up and everyone finds it really cool
>Figure that was going to be the end of it
>Nice condemnations of current-day cartoons i.e cheaply made with computers
>Even more subtle gags about things being off-model
>However the meta-plot of getting Rocko's favorite show rebooted turns into Mr.Bighead dissatisfaction with his son being a degenerate tranny
It is a little hard to complain about considering the show is still called Rocko's Modern Life.
Doesn't get more modern than up-your-own-ass political messages and encouragement of sexual deviant lifestyles.

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>reboot has a tranny about it

I interpreted it as a reference to the movie itself. People begging for 90's cartoon shows to be back, but the moment something is different from the way the used to remember it they complain about it.

Not all change is good, I know that. But I've been learning to accept that things will change and you can either live with it, or dwell in the past and get stuck in your own ways.

Attached: ocellaris-clownfish.jpg (600x600, 41K)

Shes not gay.

>reference to the movie itself
Well that, that's what a meta commentary is


Yeah, why are YOU talking about them in a TV show? Follow your own advice and "accept" trannies, do it by not bringing it up.


real talk wheres the ideal place to watch this new rocko shit because i need my fill

Or control/security.
Sounds dumb but this maybe more so for those who 'attack themselves'. You take the characteristics of you that you don't like and personify that. Then when you call yourself a stupid shit you feel like your attacking the 'other' you.

Is there anything flimsier than the "You don't likw it so you must just be insecure that you ARE it" defense?

reminder that cutting your own genitals won't make you of the opposite sex

Sounds willingly stupid/ignorant or somehow emotionless. I'm imagining the delusion that was the nuclear era family in a stand still. All smiling with the impending doom of a nuke dropping

Someone edit tuxedo pepe into this

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>all these fucking kids who are too young to remember how edgy and boundary pushing Rocko was in the past
Why are you surprised?

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>white people

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To all the anons saying that character was irrelevant in the original series, while that is true, this is the only OC from RML we've got since I was a kid and the premise is a trans character? fuck this shit.

kino inbound
no tranny propaganda either

Attached: florpus.jpg (1334x750, 69K)

Makes sense.
Some people are scared of happiness just in case they lose it.

>no tranny propaganda either
>being this naive

I'm going to laugh if it does.

They didn't show Ralph in the ads either. Just wait until Dib comes out as a tranny too.

please respond

It'll be debatable if it'll be kino, given how some of the humor back then being exaggerated now.

>tfw we'll never get the scrapped episode where dib wears the PAK

Netflix, idiot

>paying for a shitty subscription service
no thanks

The thing is now he is being praised for being a faggot, its not a joke we are supposed to laugh at.


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I thought everything leading up to them actually finding Ralph was really quite wonderful.

Stop her!

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he super gay


Rocko confirmed based

I'd be mad too if my old hometown got filled with niggers while I was in space

despite all this talk about transgenderism, lemme propose a question to you.
What if you had a machine that could instantly swap your gender? and i'm not talking like tranny style where it's still clearly a man trying to be a woman, i mean alter your fucking dna, so that basically, you turn into a woman, on the fucking spot, 100%, and there's none of that mutilation involved. And you could swap back. and forth. all to oblige to your sexual whims. would you take that machine?

>they turned the frogs gay

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I think most people would take that machine just for the curiosity. It's basically entirely unrelated because the sticking point of transgenderism IS the impossibility of it, and trying to lessen that with an impossible scenario is farcical.

im not trying to make a point with that or anything, i'm just wondering how many people here would actually take it, even if just for the sexual deviancy.

men attempt less, it's just that men aren't pussies and actually commit to it instead of wanting attention

The only thing I really remember about Rocko is "Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby"

You can watch Mao Mao for free.

But yeah, I too would like to know where to not pay for Rocko.

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Watch the special.
It wasn't only pandering it served as a side plot to 'accept change'.
I fucking hate trannies mind you, but at least this wasn't shoehorned in. I am sad Ralph got this treatment, he was fucking badass when I was a kid as I wanted to make cartoons but now it's just whatever.

Attached: 19017923.png (762x219, 353K)!yE8QFASY!LJWYXOoUzjNhdzPH7p3gSg works too.
Yea Forums isn't good enough for this show though.

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Say the line, my based fren

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dumb question why would you never take the machine even if you don't want to use it you can charge others to

We should've listened to Alex Jones a bit more.
Not only was he right about there being a secret pedo ring umongst the elite, but now frogs are literally gay.

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i think i remember that they played a game called spank the monkey in the show.

I have an interview as a game tester monday for Lionbridge. What am I in for?

That they did.

Attached: spankthemonkey.jpg (320x240, 25K)

You really think a good percentage of modern Yea Forums were kids in the 90's? Most of Yea Forums are underage retards who watches garbage like pewdiepie.

That's the point.
At least with GWB you had at least some critique and clever jokes but the Trump bashing is often if not always unfunny.
It's more fun to see what he's doing. It's like Trump is beating everyone else at everything, he himself makes me laugh more than people who are paid to come up with something

don't forget Chokey Chicken

transgender people unironically want people to believe they are the sex they are. A FtM saying "I'm a man too" literally would make me want to rip it's head off

You say that now

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Wouldn't have made sense. He had a huge stiffy for Melba, or whatever her name was, in the show.

>haha it's totally normal for faggot and tranny shit to be marketed towards children haha

Attached: why.jpg (702x953, 120K)

Child abuse and exploitation.

I think the issue is that they chose Ralph.
I dunno

>Rocko reboot
>marketed to kids
You're all kinds of stupid.

And now one celebrated the fact that Ren and Stimpy had gay sex and Stimpy got ''pregnant''. That was up for Netflix ''standards''(Agenda).

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Guys! I found the tranny!

is adult party funny at all?

Are people just assblasted over the Rachel shit just because it’s tranny shit? As far as tranny shit goes, it probably handled the topic the most tastefully in comparison to half the “progressive” shit I’ve seen. Didn’t really bother me at all, though that might just be me having thick skin compared to you babies.

Unlike Rocko's modern life, the gratuitous gay sex was ACTUALLY a joke, and not a psy-op intended to convince your kids to do it.

manchild detected

>everyone that disagrees with me is a tranny
>inb4 t. tranny

How much do you like gross-out humor? Because that will very much so effect your enjoyment of it. If you can, it has some of the best (and worst) episodes of the series.

It was worse than shoehorned in, they overtuned and brought in tranny consultants to make it as unrealistic and pandering as possible, negating any potential 'lessons' or narrative in this subplot.

They literally took 45 minutes just to spout 'trans rights' like a disconnected corporation would.

The B52s right? Yeah they're fucking gay, i can admit that. Like members die from aids gay

I fucking hate the Trannies defending this shit. "BUT THEY HAD AN EPISODE WHERE CHARACTERS LEARNED TO BE NICE TO CLOWNS!". It's NOT the same thing faggot.

Are you saying trannies aren't clowns?

>it's another '/pol/ throws a shitfit over a character who isn't a straight white guy and being unable to accept social change and progression' thread
We're winning and there's nothing you can do to stop us.

Attached: 1346807916265.jpg (811x680, 97K)

It is called Rocko's Modern Life not Rocko's 90s Life

You are winning alright. The world is becoming massively polluted and overpopulated, lives are becoming emptier, the economy is completely warped by corrupt social programs, and every cultural standard of behavior that could have prevented this has been broken down. Hoo-ray, enjoy your box

I wanna fuck Rocko.

And Heffer too.

Attached: vQaNioqbRk.webm (960x540, 615K)

It's called the "New Testament" not "New Testament circa 1 AC"

Well, it is the end of the thread, I'm not surprised this showed up

>the rich fucked the world apart for their own financial gain, but people with dicks going by "she" is what's ruining everything

Attached: have.jpg (912x477, 108K)

I can't wait for Monty Python to be seen as hated by modern people because they can't take shit at face value for what it is.

It's called "Yea Forums - video games" not "Yea Forums - comics and cartoons"

Rocko already did this joke

Attached: 1561136817411.png (632x675, 590K)

>this has better animation than the actual reboot

Attached: WutWordGirl.gif (480x360, 1.94M)

All of hammytoy's animations are like that.