Post your Top 3 games of All Time


also rate each other

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Other urls found in this thread:


based on what I actually put the most time into

F-Zero GX
Soulcalibur II
Bomberman Hero

Kid Icarus Uprising
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate
Kirby Air Ride

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boshi boshi no hero academia II
mushi tooshi no kubo
itchy ni no kuni III

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Dawn of War
Baldur's Gate

Bad Rats
X-COM: Enforcer
Dark Souls 2

Pikmin 2
Majora’s Mask

Hi /k/

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2

>Top games
Fuck that I'm gonna post my BOTTOM games.
Diablo 3

Resident Evil 4
Vice City/San Andreas/III (can't decide which one of these i like most)
Pokemon Gold/Silver

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Super Mario

Cave Story
Silent Hill 3
Super Smash Bros Melee

Fallout 1
Mount and Blade Warband
San Andreas
I think you all and everyone else who enters in this fucking thread after this post are wonderful people with good taste.

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Resident Evil 4
Silent Hill trilogy
Pokemon Emerald

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Doom 2.
Super Metroid.

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5
Silent Hill 2
Killer 7

Gonna be honest gamefeel > aesthetics > gameplay for me.

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Heroes III
Sonic 3&K
Ace Combat Zero

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gothic 1
gothic 2
gothic 3

stop speaking CHINESE and speak ENGLISH pelease

The Last Remnant
Project: Nomads

>Portal 2
>Witcher 3
I don't play a whole lot of video outside of multiplayer FPS.

Super Metroid
Link's Awakening

>gothic 3
Come on now. Gothic 3 is broken as all fuck. Use Risen or Elex, those are much better PB games.

Klub 17
Honey Select
Super deep throat

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Diablo 2
Warcraft 3 before custom games got overrun by DotA bots

Sengoku Rance
Anonymous Agony
Banned from Equestria

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i like gothic 3, it got uniqueness to it. the best part to me is that you can trigger camp wars between opposing factions. it has exploits i figured out myself. you can kill all npcs from king robhar to xerxes. its a fun game

PoP: Warrior Within
Ys 8: Lacrimosa of Dana
Smash Ultimate
Now shit on my taste

Metroid Prime
Crash N.Sane Trilogy

>Fzero GC

You. I like you.

Super Mario World/Yoshis Island/Donkey Kong Country 1 - my favourite nostalgia jump n runs
Arkham City because i'm a huge bamham fag
Half Life 2

considered putting Diablo 2 on the list but i hated playing 2 out of 5 acts so how can that game be my favourite of all time? thought about bioshock but i mostly just love the aesthethics of this game, don't think i could replay it again and again having the same fun all the time. deus ex was also a strong contender but i just can't deal with how outdated the shooting is.

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Doki Doki Literature Club
Five Nights At Freddys (the first one)

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Xenoblade Chronicles
Persona 3
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

I'm always torn between Terraria and Diablo 2 LOD for the third spot

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Lobotomy Corporation

San Andreas
Vice City

Kingpin Life of Crime
Soldier of Fortune 1

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Warzone 2100
Dark Cloud 2
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

League of Legends
San Andreas Multiplayer

Super Mario sunshine

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EverQuest (Pre-PoP)
Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2

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Neverwinter Nights

Suikoden 2
Diablo 2
Hitman Blood Money

Silent Hill 2
The Last of Us

Starcraft BW
Starcraft 2
[WoW, DS 1-3, Halo 1-3]

all of you have shit taste
og Dark Souls
og Deus Ex
og Thief

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>Resident Evil 4
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Ocarina of Time
Hi Sakurai!

Dark Souls
WoW vanilla. BC, wotlk

Planescape: Torment
Hollow Knight
TimeSplitters 2

honorable mentions to Oddysee, RDR2, Bloodborne

good enough
pretty good, BC a best
a ton of shit taste in here though

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knytt underground
dark souls


Dino Crisis 2
Age of Mythology
Gothic 1

Mass Effect
Age of Empires 2

Never played that one but like your other two.

good choices user

>Dawn of War
This has to be one of my favourite RTSs and would be fourth for me

mount & blade warband bannerlord when

>Tekken, in general

>inb4 "KH"

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Deus Ex
Ninja Gaiden Black
Guild Wars

The Witcher 3
Fallout New Vegas
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines

Witcher 3
Gothic 2
Prince of persia WW / Age of empires 2 ( hard to decide)

Tekken 7

Dark souls 2
Metroid Fusion
Heritage for the future

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Im guessing you're about.... 28?
You like fighters
IF that isn't comp melee,you're good
pretty basic dechu
basic + starcraft
the worst kind of zoomer

Chrono Trigger
Dark Souls
Hollow Knight

Fuck, I'm sorry A Link To the Past.

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Digital Devil Saga 1
Dragon's Dogma

Dont apologize, it wasn't that good, mostly nostalgia

Bioshock Infinite
[other game Yea Forums hates]

No, it's still the best Zelda in the series, structurally. The randomizer proves as much.

The randomizer is better when you do it WITH super metroid. Therefore, super metroid is the best zelda game.

>nobody is posting BOTW


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If I were to post an actual unironic list it would be
Ocarina of Time
Dark Souls

Yeah I know how this looks, but it's the truth. If there was a "no two games that are incredibly similar" rule I'd replace Dark Souls with RDR

The combination randomizer is too autistic even for me.

Mega Man X
Jet Set Radio

Zone of the Enders
Final fantasy XIV

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Breath of the wild
Street fighter third strike

Your taste is shit. Eigaka is a hack artist. Got famous off of furries then abandoned them, look up aikega on e6, its all his oldcontent

Get this guys, crazy and unique opinions coming through
Fallout NV
Hotline Miami

Hard to tell. I think something from 1991-2000 Square I guess would make it, then...Deus Ex/System Shock 2 or something. Then I don't know.

Persona 3
Devil survivor overclocked
Been meaning to play masquerade
Could never get into bloodborne
Which European country are you from?
Unironically reddit
>sengoku rance
Been meaning to try it out is it more than just “haha funny rape”?
Pretty based
Need to play deus ex got any starting tips?

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Duke Nukem 3D
Final Fantasy Tactics

Dota 2

i'm a simple user

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Resident Evil 4
Mass Effect 2
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise

>Got famous off of furries then abandoned them
it's not a bad thing. Fuck furries

Zelda OoT
Pokemon Silver (original)

Mount & Blade: Warband
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Knights of the Old Republic 2

this is the second or third time this has cropped up. Was it really that good? It was my first pokemon game and I liked it, but top 3 material?

devil may cry 2
dark souls 1
dark souls 2

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Drakan: The Ancient Gates
Gears of War
Alundra 2

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Dead Space
Ninja Gaiden Black

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I'm sure it's nostalgia. The remake is objectively better but playing the first version is still among the best experiences I've had with games.

Work Time Fun
Civ V
The Sims 3

>Ninja Gaiden Black
Pretty based taste. Still need to try out Dead Space.

Crystal or HGSS are better anyway.

Donkey Kong Country 2
Devil May Cry V

incredibly based
TWEWY is pretty kino
breath of the wild is cringe but that's good taste in fighting games

Majora's Mask
Fire Emblem Awakening

Ay thanks man, I see you got incredibly good taste as well. I will not apologize for botw though it was the first game i ever felt motivated to 100%

>he hasn't played Dead Space
Do it. It still holds up well to this day.

>bowsers inside story
Best game in its series shits all over the other ones is the 3ds port any good haven’t played it in years

Zelda I

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Dark Souls
Final Fantasy VII


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Diablo II

Megaman 4
Majora's Mask
Gothic 2

Hollow Knight
Silent Hill 1-3
Metroid Prime Trilogy

No, fuck you, I'm not choosing just one of the SH games out of the first three. They're all great and deserve to share the same spot.

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My nigga

all the m&l games are good, fuck you

the 3ds port is garbage, don't bother

Skies of Arcadia
Dragon's Dogma
Destiny 2

Persona 3 FES
Final Fantasy VIII
Devil May Cry 3

banjo kazooie
dark souls if I wasn't burnt out on it

Hizashi no naka no real
Lost Life

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>all of them are good
>partners in time
Yeah okay buddy

Suikoden 3
Demon's souls
Legend of Legaia

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Custom Robo
Timesplitters 2
LA Noire

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PiT has flaws but I like the story so much it makes up for it

Okay more power to ya

timesplitters 2 was great

8/10 (never played the otehr 2)

dwarf fortress
yes i have autism

Musumaker is miles better though

in no particular order
Super Mario 64
Age of Empires 2
Dark Souls

Fallout nv
Zelda majors mask

This was hard I love video games as a whole too many favorites lol.

Skies of Arcadia Legends
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

must be some weird nostalgia sweetspot
Gen 1 and 3 were both better

Supprized you chose destiny 2 over 1. Also dragons dogma such a wonderful game

Silent Hill 4: The Room
Deadly Premonition
Shenmue 1&2

Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

Xcom 2

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this has my second choices

Fallout 2
Crash Team Racing
Supreme Commander

Slow paced dark games I like it I like it! Lol

Forsaken tipped the scales, Taken King is still great but the Dreaming City is my favourite location.
Besides that I often think of them as one big game anyway.
Wish it was a true MMO platform that kept adding content instead of a game with a sequel.
Destiny 3 should just restart entirely with this format.

Good taste
The Room was my favorite Silent Hill game as well

the only good part of the room was the room. When you left to do the missions it was shit

For me, it's bone-chilling, slow burn, jumpscare free video game experiences.

I wish I had the dedication to really get into games like these
I tried DF and Aurora4x before but just gave up after an hour or two
You think openxcom will work for me if I played the new xcoms a lot?

Hollow Knight
Risk of Rain
Runner up: Super Metroid

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>you better mean Nitro Fueled
>idk what Supreme Commander is
>strategy games
>only recognize Shenmue
>Yakuza is better imo
>Age of Empires seems out of place here
decent tastes
good tastes
good tastes
decent tastes

mine are:
Jet Set Radio Future
Tekken 7
Hyper Light Drifter

Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno
All Niggers Must Die Unchained 2019

patrician taste my friend

Dungeon Keeper
Deus Ex

>Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno
the name is funny but the game is actually shit

Legend of Mana
Breath of the Wild
Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django

World of Warcraft(anything before Warlords of Draenor)
Luigi's Mansion
Resident Evil 2(1998)

>Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno
I bet you didn't even play it. It was a pretty weak nukige.

>Age of Empires seems out of place here
How so?
None of the 3 seem to follow any pattern that any other one could be out of place off

Phoenix Wright AA
GTA San Andreas
Saints Row 2

Dark Souls 1
Onimusha 2

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I enve you I can't get scared from video games so dark theam's as nice as they are dont really hit me emotionally.

Thank you.

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Cave Story

Devil May Cry 3 or 5, I flip-flop between the two a lot
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Team Fortress 2

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Doom 3
Mass Effect 2
Halo 2

Serious Sam TSE
Thief(both tdp & tma)

Solid choice of games
I never think about TF2 as one of my favorites but somehow it is one of the games I have the most playtime in


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Castlevania sotn

Honestly tf2 is still the best multiplayer game I've found where you can just hop in some random match, shoot shit and have fun. I miss having a game like that, it feels like most stuff now is super competitive with a competitive match format.

Fallout NV
Max Payne

Yeah same
I also miss having proper servers in new FPS games
Having a handful of favorites in TF2, CS1.6 or CS:S used to be great
Always great maps and gamemodes on those servers and eventually you started recognizing the regular players on those servers and they started greeting you as well
Zoomers will never know this comfyness

i think they are all faggots

Kid Icarus Uprising.
Inazuma Eleven 2.

Good tastes. It also puts into perspective TWEWY's popularity in this board.

Also because I don't feel like replying to more people.
>Having any mainline Pokemon in your top 3
Play more games please.

Max Payne
Grim Fandango
Shadow of the Colossus

im drunk
Just have my 3x3
Judge rate

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7/9 and includes two of my favorites as well
pretty good

Mount and Blade Warband
Medieval Total War 2
Fallout: New Vegas or maybe Morrowind.

I have more hours in NV than Morrowind but I enjoy the world of Morrowind more.

AoE 2
Sonic 3&K
Tekken 5

Fire Emblem:Awakening
Persona 3 FES
Kerbal Space Program

excellent taste friendo


Super Mario Galaxy

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Dungeon Keeper 2
Dragon Age 2
Baldurs Gate 2


Chrono Trigger
Yakuza 2
Good taste