Turok Switch

>original N64 release had fun splitscreen multiplayer
>remaster comes and enhances it with online
>completely scrubbed from Switch release with no explanation
>charge same price as other ports
Why is this allowed? Why is nobody talking about this?

Attached: 211948-turok-2-seeds-of-evil-nintendo-64-front-cover.jpg (800x560, 112K)

I'm playing it and I don't really give a shit about the multiplayer but maybe they can add it in with a patch.

It's stupid they removed it at all. This reminds me of that Doom bullshit weeks ago

Would they ever release Turok Rage Wars and Turok 3 for Switch?

I'd imagine they'll probably keep going


We played the heck outta that whenever we got sick of Goldeneye or Perfect Dark multi. Not on their level sure, but still fun for kids.

How? For including a DRM switch they disabled that same day? That game has full multiplayer you fucking retard

I've never played it but I would give it a shot if they release it for Switch with online multiplayer.

Is there any story mode/single player campaign?

Forgot how fucking satisfying the shotgun was in this, blasting off heads and arms (and torsos with the explosive shells) is pure pleasure. Also no spread.
Fuck the compies though

Fuck off, nigger. The fact that they tried to get away with that before lying and pretending it was a glitch is unforgivable. The ports of the first two games are also technically bad. The person you're replying to is wrong, but only in that Turok 2 didn't do anything as bad as those shit Doom ports.

Not sure Nightdive would do 3, it's a pretty busted game. But they've also remastered some weird busted games so who knows

From Wikipedia:

"Single-Player Trials Mode - In the Single-Player Campaign, the player must go through a number of death matches through the various game mode types and must face all four game bosses as well. Each character in the game must be played to the end of their campaign at least once to unlock other characters and rewards, including Talismans and an increase in maximum health."

Then there's a two-player trials mode that's co-op for some specific rewards, but yeah it's mainly focused on the multiplayer. No real campaigns like the other Turok titles.

The switch can't handle the game's MP. Too CPU limited due to how the renderer works.

Because it's a botched ancient fps port dumbshit, didn't say it was exactly the same did I?

Selling unfinished games is the trend now, get used to it or stop buying games at launch.

Serves you right for buying that overpriced tablet.

>switch can't handle a dolled-up N64 games multiplayer
Nice meme

I'm buying Turok 2, because it's on sale anyway. The Doom ports aren't unfinished, just bad.

The devs did the best they could and frankly don't owe you multiplayer nor an explanation or anything. Stop being so entitled.

Fuck off Bethesdashill.
Aspect ratio is still broken, and audio still plays at 2/3 speed. Shit unity port is shit.

How much is it in Eurodosh?

17 American dollars

It's an API problem to some extent. The recreation of Turok's engine behaves like the original and makes a shitload of draw calls to render the modular scene geometry. Turok's engine can't do occlusion culling, which causes even more strain.

The Xbox One could barely run the MP without the framerate buckling. The Switch didn't stand a chance of implementing splitscreen. Online MP miiight get patched in later.

>The Xbox One could barely run the MP without the framerate buckling

Saying this with no proof, yet you expect me to believe that?

I said Euros, illiterate American swine.

Didn't realize Kotaku writers browsed Yea Forums

do you think nightdive opened up a text file, added "1920x1080", then deleted splitscreen-multiplayer.exe? they simple chose not to remake the multiplayer. they didn't "scrub" it from the game.

Okay thnx

No point playing this version when you can play online co-op on PC.

Attached: shotgun.webm (1280x720, 2.3M)

Attached: Tek Bow.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

What proof are you asking for? I'm telling you how the game works. Turok places heavy strain on the CPU due to a high number of draw calls. Splitscreen multiplies this. It's an architectural quirk due to Turok being written for a console where draw calls weren't a concern.

Attached: plasma rifle.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)


Attached: War Blade.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Attached: razorwind.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

>the Razorwind is only available in the final level

Attached: 1436753602623.gif (267x199, 896K)

>It's an architectural quirk due to Turok being written for a console where draw calls weren't a concern.
If it's not too much trouble could you explain this or point to something that talks about this? Not the guy you replied to, but it sounds interesting.


Both games are 15% off right now. Are they worth it at that price?


translate it yourself, lazy baguette

Id say yes but the no multiplayer leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Turok 1 should be fine at least

>Why is this allowed? Why is nobody talking about this?
nigga you don't have to buy or play anything

Is this a Quake clone? If so I may play it.

Don't criticize industry practices because you're not forced to buy them? What kind of idiot shill logic is that?